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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit 4a61518113e865b284fad2e763b62c641939ebc7
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 13:15:18 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml |   14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml b/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml
index d53cfff..247923b 100644
--- a/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/he/short-user-manual_he_noimg.xhtml
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
       <li>×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?×?×?צ×? <em>×?×?ש×?ר</em>. Vidalia ×?×?×? ×?×? Tor ×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?עת ×?עש×?ת ש×?×?×?ש ×?פר×?קס×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?שת ×?ת ש×?ר×?ת ×?רשת Tor.</li>
     <h2 id="frequently-asked-questions">ש×?×?×?ת ×?תש×?×?×?ת ש×?×?×?×?ת</h2>
-    <p>This section will answer some of the most common questions. If your question is not mentioned here, please send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>
+    <p>ק×?×¢ ×?×? ×?×¢× ×? ×¢×? ×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?×?×?ת ×?נפ×?צ×?ת ×?×?×?תר. ×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?ת×? ×?×?× ×? ×?×?פ×?×¢×? ×?×?×?, ×?× ×? ש×?×? ×?×?×?×´×? ×?×? help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>
     <h3 id="unable-to-extract-the-archive">×?×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×?ר×?×?×?×?</h3>
     <p>×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ת×? ×¢×?ש×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?ער×?ת ×?×?פע×?×? Windows ×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?עת ×?×? ×?×?× ×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×?ת ×?×?ר×?×?×?×?, ×?×?ר×? ×?×?תק×? ×?ת <a href="http://www.7-zip.org/";>7-Zip</a>.</p>
     <p>×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?ת 7-Zip, נס×? ×?שנ×?ת ×?ת ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?×? .z ×?×? .zip ×?×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?ש×?×? winzip ×?×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?ר×?×?×?×?. ×?ר×? ש×?× ×?×? ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥, ×?×?ר×? ×?×?ער×?ת Windows ×?×?צ×?×? ס×?×?×?×?ת ק×?×?×¥:</p>
@@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p><strong>You are already running Vidalia and Tor</strong>: For example, this situation can happen if you installed the Vidalia bundle and now you're trying to run the Tor Browser Bundle. In that case, you will need to close the old Vidalia and Tor before you can run this one.</p>
     <p><strong>Vidalia crashed, but left Tor running</strong>: If the dialog that prompts you for a control password has a Reset button, you can click the button and Vidalia will restart Tor with a new random control password. If you do not see a Reset button, or if Vidalia is unable to restart Tor for you; go into your process or task manager, and terminate the Tor process. Then use Vidalia to restart Tor.</p>
     <p>For more information, see the <a href="https://torproject.org/docs/faq.html#VidaliaPassword";>FAQ</a> on the Tor Project website.</p>
-    <h3 id="flash-does-not-work">Flash does not work</h3>
-    <p>For security reasons, Flash, Java, and other plugins are currently disabled for Tor. Plugins operate independently from Firefox and can perform activity on your computer that ruins your anonymity.</p>
-    <p>Most YouTube videos work with HTML5, and it is possible to view these videos over Tor. You need to join the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/html5";>HTML5 trial</a> on the YouTube website before you can use the HTML5 player.</p>
+    <h3 id="flash-does-not-work">Flash ×?×? פ×?×¢×?</h3>
+    <p>×?×?×¢×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?×?×?, Flash, Java, ×?ת×?ספ×?ת ×?×?ר×?ת ×?× ×?×?ר×?×?ת × ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×? Tor. ת×?ספ×?ת ×?×?פע×?×?ת ×?×?×?פ×? עצ×?×?×? ×?×? Firefox ×?×?ס×?×?×?×?ת ×?× ×?×? פע×?×?×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?ר ×?שר פ×?×?×¢ ×?פר×?×?×?ת ש×?×?.</p>
+    <p>סר×?×?× ×? YouTube ×?ר×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×? HTML5, ×?×?×? ×?פשרר×? ×?צפ×?ת ×?סר×?×?× ×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×? ×?×? Tor. ×¢×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?רף ×?×? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/html5";>× ×?ס×?×? HTML5</a> ×?×?תר ×?רשת YouTube ×?×?ר×? תע×?×?×? ×?רש×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?שת×?ש ×?× ×?×? HTML5.</p>
     <p>Note that the browser will not remember that you joined the trial once you close it, so you will need to re-join the trial the next time you run the Tor Browser Bundle.</p>
-    <p>Please see the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/torbutton/torbutton-faq.html#noflash";>Torbutton FAQ</a> for more information.</p>
+    <p>×?× ×? ר×?×? ×?ת <a href="https://www.torproject.org/torbutton/torbutton-faq.html#noflash";>Torbutton ש×?״ת</a> ×?×?×?×?×¢ × ×?סף.</p>
     <h3 id="i-want-to-use-another-browser">×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?ר</h3>
-    <p>For security reasons, we recommend that you only browse the web through Tor using the Tor Browser Bundle. It is technically possible to use Tor with other browsers, but by doing so you open yourself up to potential attacks.</p>
+    <p>×?×?×¢×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?×?×?, we recommend that you only browse the web through Tor using the Tor Browser Bundle. It is technically possible to use Tor with other browsers, but by doing so you open yourself up to potential attacks.</p>
     <h3 id="why-tor-is-slow">×?×?×?×¢ Tor ×?×?×?×?</h3>
-    <p>Tor can sometimes be a bit slower than your normal Internet connection. After all, your traffic is sent through many different countries, sometimes across oceans around the world!</p>
+    <p>Tor עש×?×? ×?עת ×?עת ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?×?תר ×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×? ×?ר×?×?×? ש×?×?. ×?×?ר×? ×?×?×?, ×?תע×?×?ר×? ש×?×? נש×?×?ת ×?×¢×?ר ×?×?×?×?× ×?ת ר×?×?ת, ×?עת×?×? ×¢×? פנ×? ×?×?ק×?×?× ×?ס×?×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×?!</p>

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