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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Rewriting header panel's newnym section

commit ac7923e31f52d3cf51b538ddf799162d67c04ecc
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Jul 13 16:31:23 2014 -0700

    Rewriting header panel's newnym section
 arm/header_panel.py |   29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arm/header_panel.py b/arm/header_panel.py
index 435a78d..841100f 100644
--- a/arm/header_panel.py
+++ b/arm/header_panel.py
@@ -177,19 +177,8 @@ class HeaderPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
         self._draw_fingerprint_and_fd_usage(0, 3, left_width, vals)
         self._draw_flags(0, 4, left_width, vals)
-    else:
-      # (Client only) Undisplayed / Line 2 Right (new identity option)
-      if is_wide and vals.is_connected:
-        newnym_wait = tor_controller().get_newnym_wait()
-        msg = "press 'n' for a new identity"
-        if newnym_wait > 0:
-          plural_label = 's' if newnym_wait > 1 else ''
-          msg = 'building circuits, available again in %i second%s' % (newnym_wait, plural_label)
-        self.addstr(1, left_width, msg)
+    elif is_wide and vals.is_connected:
+      self._draw_newnym_option(left_width, 1, right_width, vals)
   def _draw_platform_section(self, x, y, width, vals):
@@ -357,6 +346,20 @@ class HeaderPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
       if i < len(rules) - 1:
         x = self.addstr(y, x, ', ')
+  def _draw_newnym_option(self, x, y, width, vals):
+    """
+    Provide a notice for requiesting a new identity, and time until it's next
+    available if in the process of building circuits.
+    """
+    newnym_wait = tor_controller().get_newnym_wait()
+    if newnym_wait == 0:
+      self.addstr(y, x, "press 'n' for a new identity")
+    else:
+      plural = 's' if newnym_wait > 1 else ''
+      self.addstr(y, x, 'building circuits, available again in %i second%s' % (newnym_wait, plural))
   def run(self):
     Keeps stats updated, checking for new information at a set rate.

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