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[tor-commits] [translation/tor-messenger-ircproperties] Update translations for tor-messenger-ircproperties

commit cafd78c87d514688b7a00879610c6208a16417c6
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 20 14:48:02 2016 +0000

    Update translations for tor-messenger-ircproperties
 ja/irc.properties | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ja/irc.properties b/ja/irc.properties
index 70598dd..7db2ea3 100644
--- a/ja/irc.properties
+++ b/ja/irc.properties
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ command.list=%S: ã??ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¼ã?¯ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã??ã??é?¨å±?ã?®ä¸?覧ã??表示ã??
 command.memoserv=%S &lt;ã?³ã??ã?³ã??&gt;: MemoServ ã?«ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
 command.modeUser=%S (+|-)&lt;æ?°ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¼ã??&gt; [&lt;ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? &gt;]: ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?¼ã?®ã?¢ã?¼ã??ã??ã?ªã?³ã?¾ã??ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
 command.modeChannel=%S &lt;ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«&gt;[ (+|-)&lt;æ?°ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¼ã??&gt; [&lt;ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã?¼&gt;][,&lt;ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã?¼&gt;]*]: ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?¢ã?¼ã??ã??å??å¾?ã?¾ã??ã?¯è¨­å®?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
-command.msg=%S <ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? > <ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸>: ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?«ã??ã?©ã?¤ã??ã?¼ã?? ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?«ã?§ã?¯ã?ªã??ï¼?
+command.msg=%S &lt;ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? &gt; &lt;ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸&gt;: ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?«ã??ã?©ã?¤ã??ã?¼ã?? ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?«ã?§ã?¯ã?ªã??ï¼?
 command.nick=%S &lt;æ?°ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? &gt;ï¼?è?ªå??ã?®ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? ã??å¤?æ?´ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
-command.nickserv=%S <ã?³ã??ã?³ã??>: NickServ ã?«ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
-command.notice=%S &lt;target&gt; &lt;message&gt;: Send a notice to a user or channel.
-command.op=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Grant channel operator status to someone. You must be a channel operator to do this.
-command.operserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to OperServ.
+command.nickserv=%S &lt;ã?³ã??ã?³ã??&gt;: NickServ ã?«ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
+command.notice=%S &lt;ã?¿ã?¼ã?²ã??ã??&gt; &lt;ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸&gt;ï¼?ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã??ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?«é??ç?¥ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
+command.op=%S &lt;ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? 1&gt;[,&lt;ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¼ã? 2&gt;]*: 対象ã?®äººç?©ã?«ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?ªã??ã?¬ã?¼ã?¿ã?¼æ¨©é??ã??ä»?ä¸?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?ªã??ã?¬ã?¼ã?¿ã?¼ã?§ã??ã??å¿?è¦?ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
+command.operserv=%S &lt;ã?³ã??ã?³ã??&gt;: OperServ ã?«ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??ã??
 command.part=%S [message]: Leave the current channel with an optional message.
 command.ping=%S [&lt;nick&gt;]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) has.
 command.quit=%S &lt;message&gt;: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message.
@@ -80,22 +80,22 @@ command.whois2=%S [&lt;nick&gt;]: Get information on a user.
 #    These are shown as system messages in the conversation.
 #    %1$S is the nick and %2$S is the nick and host of the user who joined.
 message.join=%1$S [%2$S] entered the room.
-message.rejoined=You have rejoined the room.
 #    %1$S is the nick of who kicked you.
 #    %2$S is message.kicked.reason, if a kick message was given.
-message.kicked.you=You have been kicked by %1$S%2$S.
+message.kicked.you=ã??ã?ªã??ã?¯ %1$S%2$S ã?«è¿½ã??å?ºã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??
 #    %1$S is the nick that is kicked, %2$S the nick of the person who kicked
 #    %1$S. %3$S is message.kicked.reason, if a kick message was given.
-message.kicked=%1$S has been kicked by %2$S%3$S.
+message.kicked=%1$S ã?¯ %2$S%3$S ã?«è¿½ã??å?ºã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??
 #    %S is the kick message
 message.kicked.reason=: %S
 #    %1$S is the new mode, %2$S is the nickname of the user whose mode
 #    was changed, and %3$S is who set the mode.
-message.usermode=Mode %1$S for %2$S set by %3$S.
+message.usermode=%2$S ã?®ã?¢ã?¼ã?? %1$S ã?¯ %3$S ã??設å®?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??
 #    %1$S is the new channel mode and %2$S is who set the mode.
-message.channelmode=Channel mode %1$S set by %2$S.
+message.channelmode=ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?«ã?®ã?¢ã?¼ã?? %1$S ã?¯ %2$S ã??設å®?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??
 #    %S is the user's mode.
-message.yourmode=Your mode is %S.
+message.yourmode=ã??ã?ªã??ã?®ã?¢ã?¼ã??ã?¯ %S ã?§ã??ã??
 #    Could not change the nickname. %S is the user's nick.
 message.nick.fail=Could not use the desired nickname. Your nick remains %S.
 #    The parameter is the message.parted.reason, if a part message is given.
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ error.unavailable=%S is temporarily unavailable.
 #    %S is the channel name.
 error.channelBanned=You have been banned from %S.
 error.cannotSendToChannel=You cannot send messages to %S.
-error.channelFull=The channel %S is full.
+error.channelFull=ã??ã?£ã?³ã??ã?« %S ã?¯ã??ã?£ã?±ã??ã?§ã??ã??
 error.inviteOnly=You must be invited to join %S.
 error.nonUniqueTarget=%S is not a unique user@host or shortname or you have tried to join too many channels at once.
 error.notChannelOp=You are not a channel operator on %S.
@@ -171,31 +171,31 @@ error.wrongKey=Cannot join %S, invalid channel password.
 error.sendMessageFailed=An error occurred while sending your last message. Please try again once the connection has been reestablished.
 #    %1$S is the channel the user tried to join, %2$S is the channel
 #    he was forwarded to.
-error.channelForward=You may not join %1$S, and were automatically redirected to %2$S.
+error.channelForward=ã??ã?ªã??ã?¯ %1$S ã?«å??å? ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã?¯ã?§ã??ã??ã??è?ªå??ç??ã?« %2$S ã?«ã?ªã??ã?¤ã?¬ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??
 #    %S is the mode that the user tried to set but was not recognized
 #    by the server as a valid mode.
-error.unknownMode='%S' is not a valid user mode on this server.
+error.unknownMode='%S' ã?¯ã??ã?®ã?µã?¼ã??ã?¼ä¸?ã?§æ??å?¹ã?ªã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?¼ã?¢ã?¼ã??ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*):
 #    These are the descriptions given in a tooltip with information received
 #    from a whois response.
 #    The human readable ("realname") description of the user.
-tooltip.server=Connected to
 #    The username and hostname that the user connects from (usually based on the
 #    reverse DNS of the user's IP, but often mangled by the server to
 #    protect users).
-tooltip.connectedFrom=Connected from
-tooltip.registeredAs=Registered as
-tooltip.secure=Using a secure connection
 # The away message of the user
-tooltip.ircOp=IRC Operator
-tooltip.lastActivity=Last activity
 # %S is the timespan elapsed since the last activity.
-tooltip.timespan=%S ago
+tooltip.timespan=%S å??
 tooltip.channels=Currently on
 #    %1$S is the server name, %2$S is some generic server information (usually a

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