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[tor-commits] [nyx/master] Drop python command support

commit b55c9176e49fabc701ec81c97de121e06575c4e0
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Jul 29 09:46:09 2016 -0700

    Drop python command support
    Hopefully it's temporary, we'll see. What we have here isn't a useful starting
    place. It uses Mock and stdout/stderr making it DOA. That aside, it doesn't
    work very well. Multi-line commands like the following break...
      for i in range(5):
        print i
 nyx/panel/interpreter.py | 49 +++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nyx/panel/interpreter.py b/nyx/panel/interpreter.py
index 915210b..cf0f261 100644
--- a/nyx/panel/interpreter.py
+++ b/nyx/panel/interpreter.py
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ Panel providing raw control port access with syntax hilighting, usage
 information, tab completion, and other usability features.
-import code
 import curses
 import nyx.controller
 import nyx.curses
-import sys
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from mock import patch
 from nyx.curses import GREEN, MAGENTA, CYAN, BOLD, HIGHLIGHT
 from nyx import tor_controller, panel
@@ -19,7 +15,7 @@ import stem.interpreter.autocomplete
 import stem.interpreter.commands
 PROMPT = [('>>> ', (GREEN, BOLD)), ('to use this panel press enter', (CYAN, BOLD))]
@@ -54,11 +50,12 @@ class InterpreterPanel(panel.Panel):
     self._x_offset = 0
     self._scroller = nyx.curses.Scroller()
     self._lines = []
-    self._backlog = []  # previous user inputs
+    self._user_inputs = []  # previous user inputs
     controller = tor_controller()
     self._autocompleter = stem.interpreter.autocomplete.Autocompleter(controller)
     self._interpreter = stem.interpreter.commands.ControlInterpretor(controller)
+    self._interpreter._run_python_commands = False
   def key_handlers(self):
     def _scroll(key):
@@ -75,34 +72,24 @@ class InterpreterPanel(panel.Panel):
         page_height = self.get_height() - 1
-        user_input = nyx.curses.str_input(4 + self._x_offset, self.get_top() + max(len(self._lines[-page_height:]), 1), '', self._backlog, self._autocompleter.matches)
-        user_input, is_done = user_input.strip(), False
+        user_input = nyx.curses.str_input(
+          4 + self._x_offset,
+          self.get_top() + max(len(self._lines[-page_height:]), 1),
+          backlog = self._user_inputs,
+          tab_completion = self._autocompleter.matches
+        ).strip()
         if not user_input:
-          is_done = True
+          self._is_input_mode = False
-          self._backlog.append(user_input)
+          self._user_inputs.append(user_input)
-          if len(self._backlog) > BACKLOG_LIMIT:
-            self._backlog = self._backlog[-BACKLOG_LIMIT:]
+          if len(self._user_inputs) > USER_INPUT_BACKLOG_LIMIT:
+            self._user_inputs = self._user_inputs[-USER_INPUT_BACKLOG_LIMIT:]
-            console_called = False
-            with patch('stem.interpreter.commands.code.InteractiveConsole.push') as console_push:
-              response = self._interpreter.run_command(user_input)
-              if console_push.called:
-                console_called = True
-            if console_called:
-              old_stderr = sys.stderr
-              sys.stderr = new_stderr = StringIO()
-              interactive_console = code.InteractiveConsole()
-              interactive_console.push(user_input)
-              sys.stderr = old_stderr
-              response = '\x1b[31;1m' + new_stderr.getvalue()
-              sys.stderr = old_stderr
+            response = self._interpreter.run_command(user_input)
             if response:
@@ -110,11 +97,9 @@ class InterpreterPanel(panel.Panel):
               for line in response.split('\n'):
                 self._lines.append([(text, attr) for text, attr in nyx.curses.asci_to_curses(line)])
           except stem.SocketClosed:
-            is_done = True
+            self._is_input_mode = False
-        if is_done:
-          self._is_input_mode = False
-          self.redraw()
+      self.redraw()
     return (
       nyx.panel.KeyHandler('enter', 'execute a command', _execute_command, key_func = lambda key: key.is_selection()),

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