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[tor-commits] [snowflake/master] Add a "Deploying" section to proxy/README.md.

commit 0bded511b99a396df2172c89f0ac9a9ae21a2115
Author: David Fifield <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jul 27 09:53:09 2019 -0600

    Add a "Deploying" section to proxy/README.md.
 proxy/README.md | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+)

diff --git a/proxy/README.md b/proxy/README.md
index 409d753..70ea273 100644
--- a/proxy/README.md
+++ b/proxy/README.md
@@ -26,6 +26,48 @@ To run locally, either:
 - For a more fully featured "debug" version,
   start a webserver and navigate to `snowflake.html`.
+### Preparing to deploy
+Background information:
+ * https://bugs.torproject.org/23947#comment:8
+ * https://help.torproject.org/tsa/doc/static-sites/
+ * https://help.torproject.org/tsa/doc/ssh-jump-host/
+You need to be in LDAP group "snowflake" and have set up an SSH key with your LDAP account.
+In your ~/.ssh/config file, you should have something like:
+Host staticiforme
+HostName staticiforme.torproject.org
+User <your user name>
+ProxyJump people.torproject.org
+IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tor
+### Deploying
+npm run build
+Do a "dry run" rsync with `-n` to check that only expected files are being changed. If you don't understand why a file would be updated, you can add the `-i` option to see the reason.
+rsync -n --delete -crv build/ staticiforme:/srv/snowflake.torproject.org/htdocs/
+If it looks good, then repeat the rsync without `-n`.
+rsync --delete -crv build/ staticiforme:/srv/snowflake.torproject.org/htdocs/
+Then run the command to copy the new files to the live web servers:
+ssh staticiforme 'static-update-component snowflake.torproject.org'
 ### Parameters
 With no parameters,

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