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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Adding summaries for new torrc options

commit f99f071a841ef200c88c14f2626540f1e4281d32
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jun 18 18:32:02 2011 -0700

    Adding summaries for new torrc options
    Summaries for all new options in the torrc of the master git repo, commit:
 src/settings.cfg |   18 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/settings.cfg b/src/settings.cfg
index 1ee63a1..5e62ce1 100644
--- a/src/settings.cfg
+++ b/src/settings.cfg
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ config.summary.HashedControlPassword Hash of the password for authenticating to
 config.summary.CookieAuthentication If set, authenticates controllers via a cookie
 config.summary.CookieAuthFile Location of the authentication cookie
 config.summary.CookieAuthFileGroupReadable Group read permissions for the authentication cookie
+config.summary.ControlPortWriteToFile Path for a file tor writes containing its control port
+config.summary.ControlPortFileGroupReadable Group read permissions for the control port file
 config.summary.DataDirectory Location for storing runtime data (state, keys, etc)
 config.summary.DirServer Alternative directory authorities
 config.summary.AlternateDirAuthority Alternative directory authorities (consensus only)
@@ -68,10 +70,12 @@ config.summary.Socks5ProxyUsername Username for connecting to the Socks5Proxy
 config.summary.Socks5ProxyPassword Password for connecting to the Socks5Proxy
 config.summary.KeepalivePeriod Rate at which to send keepalive packets
 config.summary.Log Runlevels and location for tor logging
+config.summary.LogMessageDomains Includes a domain when logging messages
 config.summary.OutboundBindAddress Sets the IP used for connecting to tor
 config.summary.PidFile Path for a file tor writes containing its process id
 config.summary.ProtocolWarnings Toggles if protocol errors give warnings or not
 config.summary.RunAsDaemon Toggles if tor runs as a daemon process
+config.summary.LogTimeGranularity limits granularity of log message timestamps
 config.summary.SafeLogging Toggles if logs are scrubbed of sensitive information
 config.summary.User UID for the process when started
 config.summary.HardwareAccel Toggles if tor attempts to use hardware acceleration
@@ -81,6 +85,8 @@ config.summary.AvoidDiskWrites Toggles if tor avoids frequently writing to disk
 config.summary.TunnelDirConns Toggles if directory requests can be made over the ORPort
 config.summary.PreferTunneledDirConns Avoids directory requests that can't be made over the ORPort if set
 config.summary.CircuitPriorityHalflife Overwrite method for prioritizing traffic among relayed connections
+config.summary.DisableIOCP Disables use of the Windows IOCP networking API
+config.summary.CountPrivateBandwidth Applies rate limiting to private IP addresses
 # Client Config Options
 config.summary.AllowInvalidNodes Permits use of relays flagged as invalid by authorities
@@ -93,8 +99,8 @@ config.summary.CircuitStreamTimeout Timeout for shifting streams among circuits
 config.summary.ClientOnly Ensures that we aren't used as a relay or directory mirror
 config.summary.ExcludeNodes Relays or locales never to be used in circuits
 config.summary.ExcludeExitNodes Relays or locales never to be used for exits
-config.summary.EntryNodes Preferred first hops for circuits
 config.summary.ExitNodes Preferred final hop for circuits
+config.summary.EntryNodes Preferred first hops for circuits
 config.summary.StrictNodes Never uses notes outside of Entry/ExitNodes
 config.summary.FascistFirewall Only make outbound connections on FirewallPorts
 config.summary.FirewallPorts Ports used by FascistFirewall
@@ -134,6 +140,7 @@ config.summary.AutomapHostsSuffixes Address suffixes recognized by AutomapHostsO
 config.summary.DNSPort Port from which DNS responses are fetched instead of tor
 config.summary.DNSListenAddress Address for performing DNS resolution
 config.summary.ClientDNSRejectInternalAddresses Ignores DNS responses for internal addresses
+config.summary.ClientRejectInternalAddresses Disables use of Tor for internal connections
 config.summary.DownloadExtraInfo Toggles fetching of extra information about relays
 config.summary.FallbackNetworkstatusFile Path for a fallback cache of the consensus
 config.summary.WarnPlaintextPorts Toggles warnings for using risky ports
@@ -154,8 +161,11 @@ config.summary.Nickname Identifier for this relay
 config.summary.NumCPUs Number of processes spawned for decryption
 config.summary.ORPort Port used to accept relay traffic
 config.summary.ORListenAddress Address for relay connections
+config.summary.PortForwarding Use UPnP or NAT-PMP if needed to relay
+config.summary.PortForwardingHelper Executable for configuring port forwarding
 config.summary.PublishServerDescriptor Types of descriptors published
 config.summary.ShutdownWaitLength Delay before quitting after receiving a SIGINT signal
+config.summary.HeartbeatPeriod Rate at which an INFO level heartbeat message is sent
 config.summary.AccountingMax Amount of traffic before hibernating
 config.summary.AccountingStart Duration of an accounting period
 config.summary.RefuseUnknownExits Prevents relays not in the consensus from using us as an exit
@@ -172,6 +182,7 @@ config.summary.CellStatistics Toggles storing circuit queue duration to disk
 config.summary.DirReqStatistics Toggles storing network status counts and performance to disk
 config.summary.EntryStatistics Toggles storing client connection counts to disk
 config.summary.ExitPortStatistics Toggles storing traffic and port usage data to disk
+config.summary.ConnDirectionStatistics Toggles storing connection use to disk
 config.summary.ExtraInfoStatistics Publishes statistic data in the extra-info documents
 # Directory Server Options
@@ -189,6 +200,7 @@ config.summary.MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2 required uptime before accepting hidd
 config.summary.DirPort port for directory connections
 config.summary.DirListenAddress address the directory service is bound to
 config.summary.DirPolicy access policy for the DirPort
+config.summary.FetchV2Networkstatus Get the obsolete V2 consensus
 # Directory Authority Server Options
 config.summary.RecommendedVersions tor versions believed to be safe
@@ -205,16 +217,20 @@ config.summary.AuthDirListBadExits toggles if we provide an opinion on bad exits
 config.summary.AuthDirRejectUnlisted rejects further relay descriptors
 config.summary.AuthDirMaxServersPerAddr limit on the number of relays accepted per ip
 config.summary.AuthDirMaxServersPerAuthAddr limit on the number of relays accepted per an authority's ip
+config.summary.BridgePassword Password for requesting bridge information
 config.summary.V3AuthVotingInterval consensus voting interval
 config.summary.V3AuthVoteDelay wait time to collect votes of other authorities
 config.summary.V3AuthDistDelay wait time to collect the signatures of other authorities
 config.summary.V3AuthNIntervalsValid number of voting intervals a consensus is valid for
 config.summary.V3BandwidthsFile path to a file containing measured relay bandwidths
+config.summary.V3AuthUseLegacyKey Signs consensus with both the current and legacy keys
+config.summary.RephistTrackTime Discards old, unchanged reliability informaition
 # Hidden Service Options
 config.summary.HiddenServiceDir directory contents for the hidden service
 config.summary.HiddenServicePort port the hidden service is provided on
 config.summary.PublishHidServDescriptors toggles automated publishing of the hidden service to the rendezvous directory
+config.summary.HiddenServiceVersion Version for published hidden service descriptors
 config.summary.HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient restricts access to the hidden service
 config.summary.RendPostPeriod period at which the rendezvous service descriptors are refreshed

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