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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Patched mocking.mock() to handle standard library functions

commit 385b05b3df8e07b4cd589a49c0f348a9541726bd
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jun 14 09:17:25 2012 -0700

    Patched mocking.mock() to handle standard library functions
    Although standard library functions have the same type as built-in functions,
    they cannot be mocked using the same setattr approach.  To fix this, we patched
    mocking.mock() to first look for built-in functions, then to handle
    non-built-in functions with the same type as built-in functions. This will
    catch standard library functions and mock them appropriately.
    This change is an adaptation of one submitted by Erik Islo and Megan Chang.
 test/mocking.py |   25 +++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/mocking.py b/test/mocking.py
index 290393e..347d22e 100644
--- a/test/mocking.py
+++ b/test/mocking.py
@@ -80,25 +80,7 @@ def mock(target, mock_call):
   :param functor mock_call: mocking to replace the function with
-  # Builtin functions need special care because the builtin_function_or_method
-  # type lacks the normal '__dict__'.
-  if isinstance(target, BUILTIN_TYPE):
-    # check if we have already mocked this function
-    target_function = target.__name__
-    is_mocked = False
-    for module, function_name, _ in MOCK_STATE.values():
-      if module == __builtin__ and function_name == target_function:
-        is_mocked = True
-    if not is_mocked:
-      MOCK_STATE[MOCK_ID.next()] = (__builtin__, target_function, target)
-    setattr(__builtin__, target.__name__, mock_call)
-    return
-  if "mock_id" in target.__dict__:
+  if hasattr(target, "__dict__") and "mock_id" in target.__dict__:
     # we're overriding an already mocked function
     mocking_id = target.__dict__["mock_id"]
     target_module, target_function, _ = MOCK_STATE[mocking_id]
@@ -113,7 +95,10 @@ def mock(target, mock_call):
   mock_wrapper.__dict__["mock_id"] = mocking_id
   # mocks the function with this wrapper
-  target_module.__dict__[target_function] = mock_wrapper
+  if hasattr(target, "__dict__"):
+    target_module.__dict__[target_function] = mock_wrapper
+  else:
+    setattr(target_module, target.__name__, mock_call)
 def mock_method(target_class, method_name, mock_call):

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