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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit 5b835b5937285983f8a091645af9517a0f31c69c
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Jun 2 10:15:15 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml |    4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
index 9bb0959..be918de 100644
--- a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
     <p>à¶?පà·? à·?à·?ය දà¶?à·?à·?නà·?නà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?චà·?ඡà·?à·?à·?නà·? බà·?ද දà·?නà¶?ට à¶?පà·?ට à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·? à¶?ණනà·?à·?à¶?à·? ලà·?බà·?න බà·?ද à·?à·?à·?à·?තබà·? à¶?නà·?න. à¶?à·?à·?ණයà·?නà·? à¶?බට පà·?à·?à·?තà·?රà·? දà·?මට නà·?à·?à·?à¶?à·? à·?à·?නà·?තà·? à¶?බ à¶?ණà¶?à·?ටà·? à·?à·?යයà·?තà·? නà·?à·?à·?.</p>
     <h2 id="how-tor-works">Tor ��ඩ �රන ���රය </h2>
     <p>Tor යනà·? à¶?තතà·?â??ය à¶?මà¶? ජà·?ලයà¶?à·? à·?න à¶?තර à¶?ය à¶?බà¶?à·? පà·?දà·?à¶?ලà·?à¶?තà·?à·?ය à·?à·? à¶?රà¶?à·?à·?à·?à·? à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ලය තà·?ල දà·?යà·?ණà·? à¶?රනà·? à¶?ත. Tor à·?à·?ඩ à¶?රනà·?නà·? à¶?බà¶?à·? à¶?ලà·?ලà·?ම à·?à·?නà·?à·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දà·?යà¶?යනà·? 3 à¶?à·? තà·?ලà·?නà·? යà·?à·?à·?ම මà¶?à·?නà·? à·?න à¶?තර ( <em>පà·?â??රතà·?යà·?ජà¶?</em>) , à¶? à¶?ම à¶?ලà·?ලà·?ම පà·?දà·? à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ලයට යà·?à·?à·?මට පà·?රය.</p>
-    <p>The image above illustrates a user browsing to different websites over Tor. The green monitors represent relays in the Tor network, while the three keys represent the layers of encryption between the user and each relay.</p>
-    <p>Tor will anonymize the origin of your traffic, and it will encrypt everything between you and the Tor network. Tor will also encrypt your traffic inside the Tor network, but it cannot encrypt your traffic between the Tor network and its final destination.</p>
+    <p>à¶?à·?ත ඡà·?යà·?රà·?පය මà¶?à·?නà·? යමà·?à¶?à·? Tor භà·?à·?à·?තයà·?නà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?ධ à·?à·?බà·?à·?යà·?ටà·?à·?à·? à·?à·?රà·?à·?රන à¶?à¶?à·?රය දà·?à·?à·?à·?à·?. à¶?à·?à·?පà·?à·?à·?තà·? තà·?ර Tor ජà·?ලයà·? පà·?â??රතà·?යà·?ජà¶? නà·?රà·?පනය à¶?රන à¶?තර යතà·?රà·? තà·?න භà·?à·?à·?ත à¶?රනà·?නà·? à·?à·? පà·?â??රතà·?යà·?ජà¶?ය à¶?තර à·?à¶?à¶?à·?තන à·?à·?තර නà·?රà·?පනය à¶?රයà·?.</p>
+    <p>Tor ම��න� �බ�� �න�ද�න� න�ර�ණ�ම�� �රන �තර �ය ම��න� �බ �� Tor ජ�ලය �තර ��යල� ද� ����තනය �රය�. Tor ජ�ලය ත�ල �න�ද�න�ද Tor ����න� ����තනය �රන� ලබන �තර �නම�ද� ����න �මන�න�තය �� Tor ජ�ලය �තර �න�ද�න� ����තනය න��රන� ල�බ�. </p>
     <p>If you are communicating sensitive information, for example when logging on to a website with a username and password, make sure that you are using HTTPS (e.g. <strong>https</strong>://torproject.org/, not <strong>http</strong>://torproject.org/).</p>
     <h2 id="how-to-download-tor">Tor භ��ත �රන�න� ����ද </h2>
     <p>The bundle we recommend to most users is the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html";>Tor Browser Bundle</a>. This bundle contains a browser preconfigured to safely browse the Internet through Tor, and requires no installation. You download the bundle, extract the archive, and start Tor.</p>

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