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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit 8fef786b1beeefe70e5f98940ff666d4748ad7fb
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jun 3 11:45:15 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml |   14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
index 4698ee9..05add92 100644
--- a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
     <p>We also have experimental packages for <a href="https://www.torproject.org/docs/N900.html.en";>Nokia Maemo/N900</a> and <a href="http://sid77.slackware.it/iphone/";>Apple iOS</a>.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-verify-that-you-have-the-right-version">�බ ල� න���රද� �����රණය �ත�ද�ය� ත���ර� �ර�න�න� ����ද </h3>
     <p>Tor බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ටà·?ටලය à¶?à·?â??රà·?යà·?තà·?මà¶? à¶?à·?රà·?මට පà·?ර , à¶?බ à·?තà·?à·? නà·?à·?à·?රදà·? à·?à¶?à·?à·?à¶?රණය à¶?තà·?දà·?යà·? තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?ර à¶?නà·?න.</p>
-    <p>The software you receive is accompanied by a file with the same name as the bundle and the extension <strong>.asc</strong>. This .asc file is a GPG signature, and will allow you to verify the file you've downloaded is exactly the one that we intended you to get.</p>
-    <p>Before you can verify the signature, you will have to download and install GnuPG:</p>
+    <p>à¶?ටà·?ටලය à·?à·? දà·?à¶?à·?à·?ට à·?මà·?න නමà¶?à·? à¶?තà·? à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à¶?à·? මà·?ම මà·?දà·?à¶?à·?à¶?à¶?යට à·?බà·?දà·? ලà·?බà·? à¶?ත<strong>.asc</strong>. මà·?ම  .asc à¶?à·?නà·?à·? GPG à¶?තà·?à·?න, à¶?මà¶?à·?නà·? à¶?බට භà·?à¶?ත à¶?රà¶?නà·?නà·? à¶?à·?නà·?à·? à¶?බට à¶?à·?à·?à·?â??යම à¶?à¶?ද යනà·?න à·?à·?ථà·?රà·?ම තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?ර à¶?නà·?න.</p>
+    <p>�බ �ත��න ත���ර� �ර��න�මට ප�ර �බ GnuPG භ��ත �ර ��ථ�පනය �ල ය�ත�ය:</p>
     <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a href="http://gpg4win.org/download.html";>http://gpg4win.org/download.html</a><br/><strong>Mac OS X</strong>: <a href="http://macgpg.sourceforge.net/";>http://macgpg.sourceforge.net/</a><br/><strong>Linux</strong>: Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
-    <p>Please note that you may need to edit the paths and the commands used below to get it to work on your system.</p>
-    <p>Erinn Clark signs the Tor Browser Bundles with key 0x63FEE659. To import Erinn's key, run:</p>
+    <p>�බ� පද�ධත�ය ත�ල �ය ��ඩ �ර��  ��න�මට �ම�ර��ට �බට ප�ත �� ය�ද��ත� �ම�ර ��ධ�න ��න�� ��ර�මට ��ද���ය ���� බ� �ර�ණ��ර ����තබ� �න�න.</p>
+    <p>Erinn Clark Tor බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ටà·?ටලය 0x63FEE659 යතà·?ර මà¶?à·?නà·? à¶?තà·?à·?නà·? à¶?රන ලදà·?. Erinn à¶?à·? යතà·?ර à¶?නයනය à¶?à·?රà·?මට, à¶?à·?â??රà·?යà·?තà·?මà¶? à¶?රනà·?න:</p>
       <code>gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net  --recv-keys 0x63FEE659
-    <p>After importing the key, verify that the fingerprint is correct:</p>
+    <p>යත�ර �නයනය ��ර�ම�න� �නත�ර��, ���ල� �ල��න න���රද�ද�ය� ත���ර� �ර �න�න: </p>
       <code>gpg  --fingerprint 0x63FEE659
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ uid                  Erinn Clark &lt;erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
 sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
-    <p>To verify the signature of the package you downloaded, run the following command:</p>
+    <p>à¶?බ භà·?à¶?ත à¶?ල පà·?à¶?à·?ජයà·? à¶?තà·?à·?න තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?ර à¶?à·?නà·?මට, පà·?ත à·?à·?ධà·?නය à¶?à·?â??රà·?යà·?තà·?මà¶? à¶?රනà·?න:</p>
       <code>gpg --verify tor-browser-2.2.33-2_en-US.exe.asc tor-browser-2.2.33-2_en-US.exe
-    <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>
+    <p>පà·?â??රථà·?පලය මà·?à·?à·? තà·?බà·?ය යà·?තà·?ය<em>"à·?à·?ද à¶?තà·?à·?නà¶?à·?"</em>. දà·?රà·?à·?ල à¶?තà·?à·?නà¶?à·? යනà·? à¶?ය බà·?à·?à·?ර à·?නà·?රà·?දධà·?ලට à¶?à·?දà·?රà·? à·?à·? à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à¶?à·? යනà·?නයà·?. à¶?බ දà·?රà·?à·?ල à¶?තà·?à·?නà¶?à·? දà·?ටà·?à·?à·?à·?තà·? à¶?ම පà·?à¶?à·?ජය භà·?à¶?ත à·?à·?ථà·?නය à·?à·?නà·? තà·?රතà·?රà·?, à¶?තà·?à·?න තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?රà¶?තà·? à¶?à¶?à·?රය à·?à·? GnuPG à·?à·? පà·?â??රතà·?පලය help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx à·?à·?ත à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·?යà¶?à·? යà·?නà·?න.</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the filename.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Tor බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ටà·?ටලය භà·?à·?à·?ත à¶?රනà·?නà·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?ද </h3>
     <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>

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