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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/develop] Add unittests for bridgedb.email.autoresponder module.

commit 778ae586fd635902a2f3813566f4c9d282ae308f
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jun 2 21:09:22 2014 +0000

    Add unittests for bridgedb.email.autoresponder module.
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py |  547 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 547 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed22a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+#           please also see AUTHORS file
+# :copyright: (c) 2013, Isis Lovecruft
+#             (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
+#             (c) 2007-2013, all entities within the AUTHORS file
+# :license: 3-Clause BSD, see LICENSE for licensing information
+"""Unittests for the :mod:`bridgedb.email.autoresponder` module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import io
+import os
+import shutil
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.mail.smtp import Address
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.test import proto_helpers
+from bridgedb.email import autoresponder
+from bridgedb.email.server import SMTPMessage
+from bridgedb.Dist import TooSoonEmail
+from bridgedb.test.email_helpers import _createConfig
+from bridgedb.test.email_helpers import _createMailServerContext
+from bridgedb.test.email_helpers import DummyEmailDistributorWithState
+class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :func:`bridgedb.email.autoresponder.createResponseBody`."""
+    def _moveGPGTestKeyfile(self):
+        here          = os.getcwd()
+        topDir        = here.rstrip('_trial_temp')
+        self.gpgFile  = os.path.join(topDir, 'gnupghome', 'TESTING.subkeys.sec')
+        self.gpgMoved = os.path.join(here, 'TESTING.subkeys.sec')
+        shutil.copy(self.gpgFile, self.gpgMoved)
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create fake email, distributor, and associated context data."""
+        self._moveGPGTestKeyfile()
+        self.toAddress = "user@xxxxxxxxxxx"
+        self.config = _createConfig()
+        self.ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config)
+        self.distributor = self.ctx.distributor
+    def _getIncomingLines(self, clientAddress="user@xxxxxxxxxxx"):
+        """Generate the lines of an incoming email from **clientAddress**."""
+        self.toAddress = Address(clientAddress)
+        lines = [
+            "From: %s" % clientAddress,
+            "To: bridges@localhost",
+            "Subject: testing",
+            "",
+            "get bridges",
+        ]
+        return lines
+    def test_createResponseBody_getKey(self):
+        """A request for 'get key' should receive our GPG key."""
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines()
+        lines[4] = "get key"
+        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----', ret)
+    def test_createResponseBody_bridges_invalid(self):
+        """An invalid request for 'transport obfs3' should get help text."""
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
+        lines[4] = "transport obfs3"
+        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("COMMANDs", ret)
+    def test_createResponseBody_bridges_obfs3(self):
+        """A request for 'get transport obfs3' should receive a response."""
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
+        lines[4] = "get transport obfs3"
+        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", ret)
+        self.assertSubstring("obfs3", ret)
+    def test_createResponseBody_bridges_obfsobfswebz(self):
+        """We should only pay attention to the *last* in a crazy request."""
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
+        lines[4] = "get unblocked webz"
+        lines.append("get transport obfs2")
+        lines.append("get transport obfs3")
+        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", ret)
+        self.assertSubstring("obfs3", ret)
+    def test_createResponseBody_bridges_obfsobfswebzipv6(self):
+        """We should *still* only pay attention to the *last* request."""
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
+        lines[4] = "transport obfs3"
+        lines.append("get unblocked webz")
+        lines.append("get ipv6")
+        lines.append("get transport obfs2")
+        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", ret)
+        self.assertSubstring("obfs2", ret)
+    def test_createResponseBody_two_requests_TooSoonEmail(self):
+        """The same client making two requests in a row should receive a
+        rate-limit warning for the second response.
+        """
+        # Set up a mock distributor which keeps state:
+        dist = DummyEmailDistributorWithState()
+        ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config, dist)
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
+        first = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", first)
+        second = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Please slow down", second)
+    def test_createResponseBody_three_requests_TooSoonEmail(self):
+        """Alice making a request, next Bob making a request, and then Alice again,
+        should result in both of their first requests getting them bridges,
+        and then Alice's second request gets her a rate-limit warning email.
+        """
+        # Set up a mock distributor which keeps state:
+        dist = DummyEmailDistributorWithState()
+        ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config, dist)
+        aliceLines = self._getIncomingLines("alice@localhost")
+        aliceFirst = autoresponder.createResponseBody(aliceLines, ctx,
+                                                      self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", aliceFirst)
+        bobLines = self._getIncomingLines("bob@localhost")
+        bobFirst = autoresponder.createResponseBody(bobLines, ctx,
+                                                    self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", bobFirst)
+        aliceSecond = autoresponder.createResponseBody(aliceLines, ctx,
+                                                       self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Please slow down", aliceSecond)
+    def test_createResponseBody_three_requests_IgnoreEmail(self):
+        """The same client making three requests in a row should receive a
+        rate-limit warning for the second response, and then nothing for every
+        request thereafter.
+        """
+        # Set up a mock distributor which keeps state:
+        dist = DummyEmailDistributorWithState()
+        ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config, dist)
+        lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
+        first = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", first)
+        second = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertSubstring("Please slow down", second)
+        third = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertIsNone(third)
+        fourth = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertIsNone(fourth)
+class EmailResponseTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for ``generateResponse()`` and ``EmailResponse``."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.fromAddr = "bridges@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+        self.clientAddr = "user@xxxxxxxxxxx"
+        self.body = """\
+People think that time is strictly linear, but, in reality, it's actually just
+a ball of timey-wimey, wibbly-warbly... stuff."""
+    def tearDown(self):
+        autoresponder.safelog.safe_logging = True
+    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse(self):
+        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
+                                                  self.clientAddr,
+                                                  self.body)
+        self.assertIsInstance(response, autoresponder.EmailResponse)
+    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_noSafelog(self):
+        autoresponder.safelog.safe_logging = False
+        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
+                                                  self.clientAddr,
+                                                  self.body)
+        self.assertIsInstance(response, autoresponder.EmailResponse)
+    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_mailfile(self):
+        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
+                                                  self.clientAddr,
+                                                  self.body)
+        self.assertIsInstance(response.mailfile, (io.BytesIO, io.StringIO))
+    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_withInReplyTo(self):
+        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
+                                                  self.clientAddr,
+                                                  self.body,
+                                                  messageID="NSA")
+        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
+        self.assertIsInstance(response.mailfile, (io.BytesIO, io.StringIO))
+        self.assertSubstring("In-Reply-To: NSA", contents)
+    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_readContents(self):
+        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
+                                                  self.clientAddr,
+                                                  self.body)
+        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
+        self.assertSubstring('timey-wimey, wibbly-warbly... stuff.', contents)
+    def test_EmailResponse_additionalHeaders(self):
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        response.writeHeaders(self.fromAddr, self.clientAddr,
+                              subject="Re: echelon", inReplyTo="NSA",
+                              X_been_there="They were so 2004")
+        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
+        self.assertIsInstance(response.mailfile, (io.BytesIO, io.StringIO))
+        self.assertSubstring("In-Reply-To: NSA", contents)
+        self.assertSubstring("X-been-there: They were so 2004", contents)
+    def test_EmailResponse_close(self):
+        """Calling EmailResponse.close() should close the ``mailfile`` and set
+        ``closed=True``.
+        """
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        self.assertEqual(response.closed, False)
+        response.close()
+        self.assertEqual(response.closed, True)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, response.write, self.body)
+    def test_EmailResponse_read(self):
+        """Calling EmailResponse.read() should read bytes from the file."""
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        response.write(self.body)
+        response.rewind()
+        contents = str(response.read()).replace('\x00', '')
+        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
+        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
+        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
+                    + response.delimiter
+        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
+    def test_EmailResponse_read_three_bytes(self):
+        """EmailResponse.read(3) should read three bytes from the file."""
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        response.write(self.body)
+        response.rewind()
+        contents = str(response.read(3)).replace('\x00', '')
+        self.assertEqual(contents, self.body[:3])
+    def test_EmailResponse_write(self):
+        """Calling EmailResponse.write() should write to the mailfile."""
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        response.write(self.body)
+        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
+        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
+        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
+        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
+                    + response.delimiter
+        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
+    def test_EmailResponse_write_withRetNewlines(self):
+        """Calling EmailResponse.write() with '\r\n' in the lines should call
+        writelines(), which splits up the lines and then calls write() again.
+        """
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        response.write(self.body.replace('\n', '\r\n'))
+        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
+        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
+        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
+        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
+                    + response.delimiter
+        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
+    def test_EmailResponse_writelines_list(self):
+        """Calling EmailResponse.writelines() with a list should write the
+        concatenated contents of the list into the mailfile.
+        """
+        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
+        response.writelines(self.body.split('\n'))
+        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
+        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
+        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
+        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
+                    + response.delimiter
+        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
+class SMTPAutoresponderTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Unittests for :class:`bridgedb.email.autoresponder.SMTPAutoresponder`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.config = _createConfig()
+        self.context = _createMailServerContext(self.config)
+        self.message = SMTPMessage(self.context)
+    def _getIncomingLines(self, clientAddress="user@xxxxxxxxxxx"):
+        """Generate the lines of an incoming email from **clientAddress**."""
+        lines = [
+            "From: %s" % clientAddress,
+            "To: bridges@localhost",
+            "Subject: testing",
+            "",
+            "get bridges",
+        ]
+        self.message.lines = lines
+    def _setUpResponder(self):
+        """Set up the incoming message of our autoresponder.
+        This is necessary because normally our SMTP server acts as a line
+        protocol, waiting for an EOM which sets off a chain of deferreds
+        resulting in the autoresponder sending out the response. This should
+        be called after :meth:`_getIncomingLines` so that we can hook into the
+        SMTP protocol without actually triggering all the deferreds.
+        """
+        self.message.message = self.message.getIncomingMessage()
+        self.responder = self.message.responder
+        # The following are needed to provide client disconnection methods for
+        # the call to ``twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClient.sendError`` in
+        # ``bridgedb.email.autoresponder.SMTPAutoresponder.sendError``:
+        #protocol = proto_helpers.AccumulatingProtocol()
+        #transport = proto_helpers.StringTransportWithDisconnection()
+        self.tr = proto_helpers.StringTransportWithDisconnection()
+        # Set the transport's protocol, because
+        # StringTransportWithDisconnection is a bit janky:
+        self.tr.protocol = self.responder
+        self.responder.makeConnection(self.tr)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_getMailFrom_notbridgedb_at_yikezors_dot_net(self):
+        """SMTPAutoresponder.getMailFrom() for an incoming email sent to any email
+        address other than the one we're listening for should return our
+        configured address, not the one in the incoming email.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self.message.lines[1] = 'To: notbridgedb@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        recipient = str(self.responder.getMailFrom())
+        self.assertEqual(recipient, self.context.fromAddr)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_getMailFrom_givemebridges_at_seriously(self):
+        """SMTPAutoresponder.getMailFrom() for an incoming email sent to any email
+        address other than the one we're listening for should return our
+        configured address, not the one in the incoming email.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self.message.lines[1] = 'To: givemebridges@xxxxxxxxxx'
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        recipient = str(self.responder.getMailFrom())
+        self.assertEqual(recipient, self.context.fromAddr)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_getMailFrom_bad_address(self):
+        """SMTPAutoresponder.getMailFrom() for an incoming email sent to a malformed
+        email address should log an smtp.AddressError and then return our
+        configured email address.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self.message.lines[1] = 'To: ><@><<<>>.foo'
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        recipient = str(self.responder.getMailFrom())
+        self.assertEqual(recipient, self.context.fromAddr)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_getMailFrom_plus_address(self):
+        """SMTPAutoresponder.getMailFrom() for an incoming email sent with a valid
+        plus address should respond.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        ours = Address(self.context.fromAddr)
+        plus = '@'.join([ours.local + '+zh_cn', ours.domain])
+        self.message.lines[1] = 'To: {0}'.format(plus)
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        recipient = str(self.responder.getMailFrom())
+        self.assertEqual(recipient, plus)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_getMailFrom_getbridges_at_localhost(self):
+        """SMTPAutoresponder.getMailFrom() for an incoming email sent with
+        'getbridges+zh_cn@localhost' should be responded to from the default
+        address.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        ours = Address(self.context.fromAddr)
+        plus = '@'.join(['get' + ours.local + '+zh_cn', ours.domain])
+        self.message.lines[1] = 'To: {0}'.format(plus)
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        recipient = str(self.responder.getMailFrom())
+        self.assertEqual(recipient, self.context.fromAddr)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_getMailTo_UnsupportedDomain(self):
+        """getMailTo() should catch emails from UnsupportedDomains."""
+        emailFrom = 'some.dude@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+        self._getIncomingLines(emailFrom)
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        clients = self.responder.getMailTo()
+        self.assertIsInstance(clients, list, (
+            "Returned value of SMTPAutoresponder.getMailTo() isn't a list! "
+            "Type: %s" % type(clients)))
+        # The client was from an unsupported domain; they shouldn't be in the
+        # clients list:
+        self.assertEqual(len(clients), 0)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_noFrom(self):
+        """A received email without a "From:" or "Sender:" header shouldn't
+        receive a response.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self.message.lines[0] = ""
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_badAddress(self):
+        """Don't respond to RFC2822 malformed source addresses."""
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing*.?\"@example.com")
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        # This will call ``self.responder.reply()``:
+        #ret = self.responder.incoming.eomReceived()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_anotherBadAddress(self):
+        """Don't respond to RFC2822 malformed source addresses."""
+        self._getIncomingLines("Mallory <>>@example.com")
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_invalidDomain(self):
+        """Don't respond to RFC2822 malformed source addresses."""
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing@exa#mple.com")
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_anotherInvalidDomain(self):
+        """Don't respond to RFC2822 malformed source addresses."""
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing@exam+ple.com")
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_DKIM_badDKIMheader(self):
+        """An email with an 'X-DKIM-Authentication-Result:' header appended
+        after the body should not receive a response.
+        """
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing@xxxxxxxxx")
+        self.message.lines.append("X-DKIM-Authentication-Result: ")
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_goodDKIMheader(self):
+        """An email with a good DKIM header should be responded to."""
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing@xxxxxxxxx")
+        self.message.lines.insert(3, "X-DKIM-Authentication-Result: pass")
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_transport_invalid(self):
+        """An invalid request for 'transport obfs3' should get help text."""
+        #self.skip = True
+        #raise unittest.SkipTest("We need to fake the reactor for this one")
+        def cb(success):
+            pass
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing@xxxxxxxxxxx")
+        self.message.lines[4] = "transport obfs3"
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+        #self.assertSubstring("COMMANDs", ret)
+        print(self.tr.value())
+        return ret
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_reply_transport_valid(self):
+        """An valid request for 'get transport obfs3' should get obfs3."""
+        #self.skip = True
+        #raise unittest.SkipTest("We need to fake the reactor for this one")
+        self._getIncomingLines("testing@xxxxxxxxxxx")
+        self.message.lines[4] = "transport obfs3"
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        ret = self.responder.reply()
+        self.assertIsInstance(ret, defer.Deferred)
+        #self.assertSubstring("obfs3", ret)
+        print(self.tr.value())
+        return ret
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_sentMail(self):
+        """``SMTPAutoresponder.sendMail()`` should handle successes from an
+        :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPSenderFactory`.
+        """
+        success = (1, [('me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 250, 'OK',)])
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        self.responder.sentMail(success)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_sendError_fail(self):
+        """``SMTPAutoresponder.sendError()`` should handle failures."""
+        fail = Failure(ValueError('This failure was sent on purpose.'))
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        self.responder.sendError(fail)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_sendError_exception(self):
+        """``SMTPAutoresponder.sendError()`` should handle exceptions."""
+        error = ValueError('This error was sent on purpose.')
+        self._getIncomingLines()
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        self.responder.sendError(error)
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_runChecks_RCPTTO_From_mismatched_domain(self):
+        """runChecks() should catch emails where the SMTP 'MAIL FROM:' command
+        reported being from an email address at one supported domain and the
+        email's 'From:' header reported another domain.
+        """
+        smtpFrom = 'not.an.evil.bot@xxxxxxxxx'
+        emailFrom = Address('not.an.evil.bot@xxxxxxxxx')
+        self._getIncomingLines(str(emailFrom))
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        self.responder.incoming.canonicalFromSMTP = smtpFrom
+        self.assertFalse(self.responder.runChecks(emailFrom))
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_runChecks_RCPTTO_From_mismatched_username(self):
+        """runChecks() should catch emails where the SMTP 'MAIL FROM:' command
+        reported being from an email address and the email's 'From:' header
+        reported another email address, even if the only the username part is
+        mismatched.
+        """
+        smtpFrom = 'feidanchaoren0001@xxxxxxxxx'
+        emailFrom = Address('feidanchaoren0038@xxxxxxxxx')
+        self._getIncomingLines(str(emailFrom))
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        self.responder.incoming.canonicalFromSMTP = smtpFrom
+        self.assertFalse(self.responder.runChecks(emailFrom))
+    def test_SMTPAutoresponder_runChecks_badDKIM(self):
+        """runChecks() should catch emails with bad DKIM headers for canonical
+        domains which we've configured to check DKIM verification results for.
+        """
+        emailFrom = Address('dkimlikewat@xxxxxxxxx')
+        header = "X-DKIM-Authentication-Results: dunno"
+        self._getIncomingLines(str(emailFrom))
+        self.message.lines.insert(3, header)
+        self._setUpResponder()
+        self.assertFalse(self.responder.runChecks(emailFrom))

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