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[tor-commits] [nyx/master] Test graphing labels

commit fbcdbf7456d90c400ec18e86b706b57da7e4347e
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jun 25 13:56:03 2016 -0700

    Test graphing labels
    Kinda sad we need helpers just to generate the graph bounds but there's enough
    to them they indeed need their own helpers. Adding test coverage.
 nyx/panel/graph.py  | 16 +++++++---------
 test/panel/graph.py | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nyx/panel/graph.py b/nyx/panel/graph.py
index 68c136a..70b7426 100644
--- a/nyx/panel/graph.py
+++ b/nyx/panel/graph.py
@@ -660,21 +660,19 @@ def _x_axis_labels(interval, subgraph_columns):
   interval_sec = INTERVAL_SECONDS[interval]
   interval_spacing = 10 if subgraph_columns >= WIDE_LABELING_GRAPH_COL else 5
-  units_label, decimal_precision = None, 0
+  previous_units, decimal_precision = None, 0
   for i in range((subgraph_columns - 4) / interval_spacing):
     x = (i + 1) * interval_spacing
     time_label = str_tools.time_label(x * interval_sec, decimal_precision)
-    if not units_label:
-      units_label = time_label[-1]
-    elif units_label != time_label[-1]:
-      # upped scale so also up precision of future measurements
-      units_label = time_label[-1]
-      decimal_precision += 1
+    if not previous_units:
+      previous_units = time_label[-1]
+    elif previous_units != time_label[-1]:
+      previous_units = time_label[-1]
+      decimal_precision = 1  # raised precision for future measurements
-      # if constrained on space then strips labeling since already provided
-      time_label = time_label[:-1]
+      time_label = time_label[:-1]  # strip units since already provided
     x_axis_labels[x] = time_label
diff --git a/test/panel/graph.py b/test/panel/graph.py
index 26fd7da..c8635e1 100644
--- a/test/panel/graph.py
+++ b/test/panel/graph.py
@@ -31,6 +31,56 @@ Accounting (awake)                 Time to reset: 01:02
 class TestGraph(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_x_axis_labels(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      0: {},
+      7: {},
+      10: {5: '25s'},
+      15: {5: '25s', 10: '50'},
+      20: {5: '25s', 10: '50', 15: '1m'},
+      25: {5: '25s', 10: '50', 15: '1m', 20: '1.6'},
+      45: {5: '25s', 10: '50', 15: '1m', 20: '1.6', 25: '2.0', 30: '2.5', 35: '2.9', 40: '3.3'},
+      80: {10: '50s', 20: '1m', 30: '2.5', 40: '3.3', 50: '4.1', 60: '5.0', 70: '5.8'},  # spaced more since wide
+    }
+    for width, expected in test_inputs.items():
+      self.assertEqual(expected, nyx.panel.graph._x_axis_labels(nyx.panel.graph.Interval.FIVE_SECONDS, width))
+    test_inputs = {
+      nyx.panel.graph.Interval.EACH_SECOND: {
+        10: '10s', 20: '20', 30: '30', 40: '40', 50: '50', 60: '1m', 70: '1.1'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.FIVE_SECONDS: {
+        10: '50s', 20: '1m', 30: '2.5', 40: '3.3', 50: '4.1', 60: '5.0', 70: '5.8'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.THIRTY_SECONDS: {
+        10: '5m', 20: '10', 30: '15', 40: '20', 50: '25', 60: '30', 70: '35'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.MINUTELY: {
+        10: '10m', 20: '20', 30: '30', 40: '40', 50: '50', 60: '1h', 70: '1.1'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.FIFTEEN_MINUTE: {
+        10: '2h', 20: '5', 30: '7', 40: '10', 50: '12', 60: '15', 70: '17'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.THIRTY_MINUTE: {
+        10: '5h', 20: '10', 30: '15', 40: '20', 50: '1d', 60: '1.2', 70: '1.4'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.HOURLY: {
+        10: '10h', 20: '20', 30: '1d', 40: '1.6', 50: '2.0', 60: '2.5', 70: '2.9'
+      }, nyx.panel.graph.Interval.DAILY: {
+        10: '10d', 20: '20', 30: '30', 40: '40', 50: '50', 60: '60', 70: '70'
+      },
+    }
+    for interval, expected in test_inputs.items():
+      self.assertEqual(expected, nyx.panel.graph._x_axis_labels(interval, 80))
+  def test_y_axis_labels(self):
+    data = nyx.panel.graph.ConnectionStats()
+    # check with both even and odd height since that determines an offset in the middle
+    self.assertEqual({2: '10', 4: '7', 6: '5', 9: '2', 11: '0'}, nyx.panel.graph._y_axis_labels(12, data.primary, 0, 10))
+    self.assertEqual({2: '10', 4: '6', 6: '3', 8: '0'}, nyx.panel.graph._y_axis_labels(9, data.primary, 0, 10))
+    # check where the min and max are the same
+    self.assertEqual({2: '0', 11: '0'}, nyx.panel.graph._y_axis_labels(12, data.primary, 0, 0))
   def test_draw_subgraph_blank(self, tor_controller_mock):

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