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[tor-commits] [sbws/master] Remove tests for generate command

commit e03fa7224bfdf098f84b2db24a04866509df9313
Author: Matt Traudt <sirmatt@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jun 20 20:39:08 2018 -0400

    Remove tests for generate command
 tests/unit/core/test_generate.py | 284 ---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 284 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/unit/core/test_generate.py b/tests/unit/core/test_generate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dff161..0000000
--- a/tests/unit/core/test_generate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# FIXME: all functions that depend on num lines should only use bandwith lines
-# and not whole header bandwith lines, as every time we change headers,
-# tests here would break
-# import pytest
-import sbws.core.generate
-from sbws.util.config import get_config
-from sbws.lib.resultdump import load_recent_results_in_datadir
-from sbws.lib.resultdump import ResultSuccess
-from sbws.lib.v3bwfile import NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110, V3BWLine
-from sbws.util.timestamp import unixts_to_isodt_str
-from statistics import median
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def test_generate_no_dotsbws(tmpdir, caplog, parser):
-    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
-    dotsbws = tmpdir
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate'.format(dotsbws).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    try:
-        sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    except SystemExit as e:
-        assert e.code == 1
-    else:
-        assert None, 'Should have failed'
-    assert 'Try sbws init' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_generate_no_datadir(empty_dotsbws, caplog, parser):
-    dotsbws = empty_dotsbws
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    try:
-        sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    except SystemExit as e:
-        assert e.code == 1
-    else:
-        assert None, 'Should have failed'
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    assert '{} does not exist'.format(dd) in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_generate_bad_scale_constant(empty_dotsbws_datadir, caplog, parser):
-    dotsbws = empty_dotsbws_datadir
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --scale-constant -1 '
-        '--output /dev/stdout'.format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    try:
-        sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    except SystemExit as e:
-        assert e.code == 1
-    else:
-        assert None, 'Should have failed'
-    assert '--scale-constant must be positive' in \
-        caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_generate_empty_datadir(empty_dotsbws_datadir, caplog, parser):
-    dotsbws = empty_dotsbws_datadir
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    assert 'No recent results' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_generate_single_error(dotsbws_error_result, caplog, parser):
-    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
-    dotsbws = dotsbws_error_result
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    for record in caplog.records:
-        if 'Keeping 0/1 read lines from {}'.format(dd) in record.getMessage():
-            break
-    else:
-        assert None, 'Unable to find log line indicating 0 success ' \
-            'results in data file'
-    assert 'No recent results' in caplog.records[-1].getMessage()
-def test_generate_single_success_noscale(dotsbws_success_result, caplog,
-                                         parser,  capfd):
-    dotsbws = dotsbws_success_result
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    # Here results is a dict
-    results = load_recent_results_in_datadir(1, dd, success_only=False)
-    assert isinstance(results, dict)
-    res_len = sum([len(results[fp]) for fp in results])
-    assert res_len == 1, 'There should be one result in the datadir'
-    # And here we change it to a list
-    results = [r for fp in results for r in results[fp]]
-    result = results[0]
-    assert isinstance(result, ResultSuccess), 'The one existing result '\
-        'should be a success'
-    captured = capfd.readouterr()
-    stdout_lines = captured.out.strip().split('\n')
-    assert len(stdout_lines) == 1 + NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110
-    bw = round(median([dl['amount'] / dl['duration'] / 1024
-                       for dl in result.downloads]))
-    rtt = median([round(r * 1000) for r in result.rtts])
-    bw_line = V3BWLine('$' + result.fingerprint, bw, nick=result.nickname,
-                       rtt=rtt,
-                       time=unixts_to_isodt_str(round(result.time)),
-                       master_key_ed25519=result.master_key_ed25519,
-                       success=1, error_circ=0, error_misc=0,
-                       error_stream=0)
-    assert stdout_lines[NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110] + '\n' == str(bw_line)
-def test_generate_single_success_scale(dotsbws_success_result, parser,
-                                       capfd):
-    dotsbws = dotsbws_success_result
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --scale --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    # Here results is a dict
-    results = load_recent_results_in_datadir(1, dd, success_only=False)
-    assert isinstance(results, dict)
-    res_len = sum([len(results[fp]) for fp in results])
-    assert res_len == 1, 'There should be one result in the datadir'
-    # And here we change it to a list
-    results = [r for fp in results for r in results[fp]]
-    result = results[0]
-    assert isinstance(result, ResultSuccess), 'The one existing result '\
-        'should be a success'
-    captured = capfd.readouterr()
-    stdout_lines = captured.out.strip().split('\n')
-    assert len(stdout_lines) == 1 + NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110
-    bw = 7500
-    rtt = median([round(r * 1000) for r in result.rtts])
-    bw_line = V3BWLine('$' + result.fingerprint, bw, nick=result.nickname,
-                       rtt=rtt,
-                       time=unixts_to_isodt_str(round(result.time)),
-                       master_key_ed25519=result.master_key_ed25519,
-                       success=1, error_circ=0, error_misc=0,
-                       error_stream=0)
-    assert stdout_lines[NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110] + '\n' == str(bw_line)
-def test_generate_single_relay_success_noscale(
-        dotsbws_success_result_one_relay, parser, capfd):
-    dotsbws = dotsbws_success_result_one_relay
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    # Here results is a dict
-    results = load_recent_results_in_datadir(1, dd, success_only=False)
-    assert isinstance(results, dict)
-    res_len = sum([len(results[fp]) for fp in results])
-    assert res_len == 2, 'There should be two results in the datadir'
-    # And here we change it to a list
-    results = [r for fp in results for r in results[fp]]
-    for result in results:
-        assert isinstance(result, ResultSuccess), 'All existing results '\
-            'should be a success'
-    captured = capfd.readouterr()
-    stdout_lines = captured.out.strip().split('\n')
-    assert len(stdout_lines) == 1 + NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110
-    speeds = [dl['amount'] / dl['duration'] / 1024
-              for r in results for dl in r.downloads]
-    speed = round(median(speeds))
-    rtt = round(median([round(r * 1000) for r in result.rtts]))
-    bw_line = V3BWLine('$' + result.fingerprint, speed, nick=result.nickname,
-                       rtt=rtt, master_key_ed25519=result.master_key_ed25519,
-                       time=unixts_to_isodt_str(round(result.time)),
-                       success=2, error_circ=0, error_misc=0,
-                       error_stream=0)
-    assert stdout_lines[NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110] + '\n' == str(bw_line)
-def test_generate_single_relay_success_scale(
-        dotsbws_success_result_one_relay, parser, capfd):
-    dotsbws = dotsbws_success_result_one_relay
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --scale --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    # Here results is a dict
-    results = load_recent_results_in_datadir(1, dd, success_only=False)
-    assert isinstance(results, dict)
-    res_len = sum([len(results[fp]) for fp in results])
-    assert res_len == 2, 'There should be two results in the datadir'
-    # And here we change it to a list
-    results = [r for fp in results for r in results[fp]]
-    for result in results:
-        assert isinstance(result, ResultSuccess), 'All existing results '\
-            'should be a success'
-    captured = capfd.readouterr()
-    stdout_lines = captured.out.strip().split('\n')
-    assert len(stdout_lines) == 1 + NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110
-    speed = 7500
-    rtt = round(median([round(r * 1000) for r in result.rtts]))
-    bw_line = V3BWLine('$' + result.fingerprint, speed, nick=result.nickname,
-                       rtt=rtt,
-                       master_key_ed25519=result.master_key_ed25519,
-                       time=unixts_to_isodt_str(round(result.time)),
-                       success=2, error_circ=0, error_misc=0,
-                       error_stream=0)
-    assert stdout_lines[NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110] + '\n' == str(bw_line)
-def test_generate_two_relays_success_noscale(
-        dotsbws_success_result_two_relays, parser, capfd):
-    dotsbws = dotsbws_success_result_two_relays
-    args = parser.parse_args(
-        '-d {} --log-level DEBUG generate --output /dev/stdout'
-        .format(dotsbws.name).split())
-    conf = get_config(args)
-    sbws.core.generate.main(args, conf)
-    dd = conf['paths']['datadir']
-    # Here results is a dict
-    results = load_recent_results_in_datadir(1, dd, success_only=False)
-    assert isinstance(results, dict)
-    res_len = sum([len(results[fp]) for fp in results])
-    assert res_len == 4, 'There should be 4 results in the datadir'
-    # And here we change it to a list
-    results = [r for fp in results for r in results[fp]]
-    for result in results:
-        assert isinstance(result, ResultSuccess), 'All existing results '\
-            'should be a success'
-    captured = capfd.readouterr()
-    stdout_lines = captured.out.strip().split('\n')
-    assert len(stdout_lines) == 2 + NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110
-    r1_results = [r for r in results if r.fingerprint == 'A' * 40]
-    r1_time = unixts_to_isodt_str(round(max([r.time for r in r1_results])))
-    r1_name = r1_results[0].nickname
-    r1_fingerprint = '$' + r1_results[0].fingerprint
-    r1_ed25519 = r1_results[0].master_key_ed25519
-    r1_speeds = [dl['amount'] / dl['duration'] / 1024
-                 for r in r1_results for dl in r.downloads]
-    r1_speed = round(median(r1_speeds))
-    r1_rtt = round(median([round(rtt * 1000) for r in r1_results
-                           for rtt in r.rtts]))
-    bw_line = V3BWLine(r1_fingerprint, r1_speed, nick=r1_name, rtt=r1_rtt,
-                       time=r1_time, master_key_ed25519=r1_ed25519,
-                       success=2, error_circ=0, error_misc=0,
-                       error_stream=0)
-    # FIXME: left side does not contain ed25519
-    # assert stdout_lines[1 + NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110] + '\n' == str(bw_line)
-    r2_results = [r for r in results if r.fingerprint == 'B' * 40]
-    r2_time = unixts_to_isodt_str(round(max([r.time for r in r2_results])))
-    r2_name = r2_results[0].nickname
-    r2_fingerprint = '$' + r2_results[0].fingerprint
-    r2_ed25519 = r2_results[0].master_key_ed25519
-    r2_speeds = [dl['amount'] / dl['duration'] / 1024
-                 for r in r2_results for dl in r.downloads]
-    r2_speed = round(median(r2_speeds))
-    r2_rtt = round(median([round(rtt * 1000) for r in r2_results
-                           for rtt in r.rtts]))
-    bw_line = V3BWLine(r2_fingerprint, r2_speed, nick=r2_name, rtt=r2_rtt,
-                       time=r2_time, master_key_ed25519=r2_ed25519,
-                       success=2, error_circ=0, error_misc=0,
-                       error_stream=0)
-    assert stdout_lines[NUM_LINES_HEADER_V110] + '\n' == str(bw_line)

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