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[tor-commits] [torbrowser/maint-2.3] add windows and linux alpha makefiles

commit e893bbf146605cc8a9fb42c6b74640027160a848
Author: Erinn Clark <erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 31 18:25:58 2012 +0100

    add windows and linux alpha makefiles
 build-scripts/linux-alpha.mk   |  518 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 build-scripts/windows-alpha.mk |  523 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1041 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build-scripts/linux-alpha.mk b/build-scripts/linux-alpha.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409db51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-scripts/linux-alpha.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+### Makefile for building Tor USB bundle on Gnu/Linux
+### Copyright 2007 Steven J. Murdoch <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/>
+### Copyright 2009 Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+### Copyright 2010 Erinn Clark <erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+### You want to do the following currently supported activities:
+# This downloads and compiles everything
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk build-all-binaries
+# This makes a generic bundle
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk generic-bundle
+# This makes the English bundle
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk bundle_en-US
+# This makes the German bundle
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk bundle_de
+# This makes the German compressed bundle
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk compressed-bundle_de 
+# It's possible you may also want to do:
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk build-all-binaries
+### make -f linux-alpha.mk all-compressed-bundles
+### ...
+### Look in tbbl-dist/ for your files.
+### See LICENSE for licensing information
+### $Id: Makefile 19973 2009-07-12 02:26:03Z phobos $
+### Configuration ###
+## Include versions
+include $(PWD)/versions-alpha.mk
+## Architecture
+ARCH_TYPE=$(shell uname -m)
+## Location of directory for source unpacking
+## Location of directory for prefix/destdir/compiles/etc
+source-dance: fetch-source unpack-source
+	echo "We're ready for building now."
+ZLIB_OPTS=--shared --prefix=$(BUILT_DIR)
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && ./configure $(ZLIB_OPTS)
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && make
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && make install
+OPENSSL_OPTS=-no-idea -no-rc5 -no-md2 shared zlib --prefix=$(BUILT_DIR) --openssldir=$(BUILT_DIR) -I$(BUILT_DIR)/include -L$(BUILT_DIR)/lib
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && ./config $(OPENSSL_OPTS)
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && make depend
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && make
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && make install
+QT_BUILD_PREFS=-system-zlib -confirm-license -opensource -openssl-linked -no-qt3support -fast -release -nomake demos -nomake examples
+QT_OPTS=$(QT_BUILD_PREFS) -prefix $(BUILT_DIR) -I $(BUILT_DIR)/include -I $(BUILT_DIR)/include/openssl/ -L$(BUILT_DIR)/lib
+	cd $(QT_DIR) && ./configure $(QT_OPTS)
+	cd $(QT_DIR) && make
+	cd $(QT_DIR) && make install
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && $(BUILT_DIR)/bin/qmake
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && make -j4
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && ./generator --include-paths=/usr/include/
+	cp ../src/current-patches/qt/000* $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools
+	cp patch-any-src.sh $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools && ./patch-any-src.sh
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && $(BUILT_DIR)/bin/qmake
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && make -j4
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings && $(BUILT_DIR)/bin/qmake -recursive CONFIG+="release" INCLUDEPATH+=/srv/build-trees/build-alpha-i686/built/include
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings && for i in $(ls -d qtscript_*); do make -C $i release; done
+	-rm -rf $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build
+	-mkdir $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build
+	cd $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build && cmake $(VIDALIA_OPTS) && make
+#	cd $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build && DESTDIR=$(BUILT_DIR) make install
+	cd $(LIBEVENT_DIR) && ./configure $(LIBEVENT_OPTS)
+	cd $(LIBEVENT_DIR) && make -j2
+	cd $(LIBEVENT_DIR) && make install
+	cd $(LIBPNG_DIR) && ./configure $(LIBPNG_OPTS)
+	cd $(LIBPNG_DIR) && make
+	cd $(LIBPNG_DIR) && make install
+TOR_OPTS=--enable-gcc-warnings --with-openssl-dir=$(BUILT_DIR) --with-zlib-dir=$(BUILT_DIR) --with-libevent-dir=$(BUILT_DIR)/lib --prefix=$(BUILT_DIR)
+	cd $(TOR_DIR) && ./configure $(TOR_OPTS)
+	cd $(TOR_DIR) && make -j2
+	#cd $(TOR_DIR) && make install
+## Polipo doesn't use autoconf, so we just have to hack their Makefile
+## This probably needs to be updated if Polipo ever updates their Makefile
+	cd $(POLIPO_DIR) && make && PREFIX=$(FETCH_DIR)/built/ make install.binary
+	echo "We're not building pidgin yet!"
+	cp ../src/current-patches/firefox/* $(FIREFOX_DIR)
+	cp patch-any-src.sh $(FIREFOX_DIR)
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/dot_mozconfig $(FIREFOX_DIR)/mozconfig
+	cd $(FIREFOX_DIR) && ./patch-any-src.sh
+	cd $(FIREFOX_DIR) && make -f client.mk build
+	-rm -rf $(FETCH_DIR)/Firefox
+	## This is so ugly. Update it to use cool tar --transform soon.
+	cd $(FIREFOX_DIR) && make -C obj-$(ARCH_TYPE)-*/ package
+	cp $(FIREFOX_DIR)/obj-$(ARCH_TYPE)-*/dist/*bz2 $(FETCH_DIR)
+	cd $(FETCH_DIR) && tar -xvjf firefox-$(FIREFOX_VER).en-US.linux-$(ARCH_TYPE).tar.bz2 && mv firefox Firefox
+# source-dance unpack-source
+build-all-binaries: source-dance build-zlib build-openssl build-libpng build-qt build-vidalia build-libevent build-tor build-firefox
+	echo "If we're here, we've done something right."
+## Location of compiled libraries
+## Location of compiled binaries
+## Location of the libraries we've built
+## Location of binary bundle components
+## Someday, this will be our custom Firefox
+## Location of utility applications
+WGET:=$(shell which wget)
+## Size of split archive volumes for WinRAR
+## Location of config files
+## Destination for the generic bundle
+## Name of the bundle
+## Where shall we put the finished files for distribution?
+## Version and name of the compressed bundle (also used for source)
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+## Extensions to install by default
+DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS=torbutton.xpi noscript.xpi httpseverywhere.xpi
+## Where to download Mozilla language packs
+## Put more extensions here
+## Local overrides
+-include local.makefile
+### Rules ###
+## Default rule
+#bundle: bundle_en-US
+bundle: bundle_en-US
+	USE_PIDGIN=1 make -f linux-alpha.mk all-bundles
+	make -f linux-alpha.mk clean
+	USE_PIDGIN=0 make -f linux-alpha.mk all-bundles
+	make -f linux-alpha.mk clean
+all-bundles: all-compressed-bundles
+all-compressed-bundles: compressed-bundle_ar \
+	compressed-bundle_de \
+	compressed-bundle_en-US \
+	compressed-bundle_es-ES \
+	compressed-bundle_fa \
+	compressed-bundle_fr \
+	compressed-bundle_nl \
+	compressed-bundle_pl \
+	compressed-bundle_pt-PT \
+	compressed-bundle_ru \
+	compressed-bundle_zh-CN \
+	compressed-bundle_it \
+	compressed-bundle_vi
+## Cleanup
+	rm -fr *.tar.gz
+	rm -fr $(DEST) *.stamp
+	rm -f *~
+	rm -fr *.xpi *.jar *.zip
+	rm -fr $(NAME)_*
+	cd ../src/RelativeLink/ && $(MAKE) clean
+## Generate a non-localized bundle and put in $(DEST)
+## Install binaries, documentation, FirefoxPortable, PidginPortable, and launcher into $(DEST)
+	make -f linux-alpha.mk generic-bundle
+generic-bundle: directory-structure \
+		install-binaries \
+		install-docs \
+		install-firefox \
+		install-pidgin \
+		configure-apps \
+		launcher \
+		strip-it-stripper \
+		remove-bundle-shared-lib-symlinks
+	touch generic-bundle.stamp
+## Build directory structure
+	rm -fr $(DEST)
+	mkdir -p $(APPDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(LIBSDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(LIBSDIR)/libz
+	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/Tor
+	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/Vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/profile
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(TB_TMPDIR)
+## Package up all the Vidalia and Tor pre-requisites
+## Firefox and Pidgin are installed in their own targets
+	# A minimal set of Qt libs and the proper symlinks
+	cp -d $(QT)/libQtCore.so* $(LIBSDIR)
+	cp -d $(QT)/libQtGui.so* $(LIBSDIR)
+	cp -d $(QT)/libQtNetwork.so* $(LIBSDIR)
+	cp -d $(QT)/libQtXml.so* $(LIBSDIR)
+	cp -d $(QT)/libQtScript.so* $(LIBSDIR)
+	#rm $(LIBSDIR)/libQt*.so*.debug
+	# zlib
+	cp -d $(ZLIB)/libz.so $(ZLIB)/libz.so.1 $(ZLIB)/libz.so.1.2.5 $(LIBSDIR)/libz
+	# Libevent
+	cp -d $(LIBEVENT)/libevent-2.0.so.5 $(LIBEVENT)/libevent-2.0.so.5.1.4 $(LIBEVENT)/libevent_core.so \
+	   $(LIBEVENT)/libevent_core-2.0.so.5 $(LIBEVENT)/libevent_core-2.0.so.5.1.4 \
+	   $(LIBEVENT)/libevent_extra-2.0.so.5 $(LIBEVENT)/libevent_extra-2.0.so.5.1.4 \
+	   $(LIBEVENT)/libevent_extra.so $(LIBEVENT)/libevent.so $(LIBSDIR)
+	# libpng
+	cp -d $(LIBPNG)/libpng14.so* $(LIBSDIR) 
+	# OpenSSL
+	cp -d $(OPENSSL)/libssl.so* $(OPENSSL)/libcrypto.so* $(LIBSDIR)
+	# Vidalia
+	cp $(TOR) $(APPDIR)
+## Fixup
+## Collect up license files
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/Vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/Tor
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/Qt
+	cp ../changelog.linux-2.2 $(DOCSDIR)/changelog
+	# This should be updated to be more generic (version-wise) and more Linux specific
+	cp ../README.LINUX-2.2 $(DOCSDIR)/README-TorBrowserBundle
+## Copy over Firefox
+	cp -R $(FIREFOX) $(APPDIR)
+	# Due to various issues with a broken libxml2, we'll remove these...
+	rm -f $(APPDIR)/Firefox/components/libnkgnomevfs.so
+	rm -f $(APPDIR)/Firefox/components/libmozgnome.so
+## Copy over Pidgin
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	cp -R $(PIDGIN) $(APPDIR)
+## Configure Firefox, Vidalia, Polipo and Tor
+	## Configure Firefox preferences
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/Data/profile/extensions
+	cp -R $(CONFIG_SRC)/firefox-profiles.ini $(DEST)/Data/profiles.ini
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/bookmarks.html $(DEST)/Data/profile
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/no-polipo-4.0.js $(DEST)/Data/profile/prefs.js
+	## Configure Pidgin
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/PidginPortable/Data/settings/.purple
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/prefs.xml $(DEST)/PidginPortable/Data/settings/.purple
+	## Configure Vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/plugins
+	cp -r $(FETCH_DIR)/vidalia-plugins/tbb $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/plugins
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/App/script
+	cp $(FETCH_DIR)/qtscriptgenerator/plugins/script/* $(DEST)/App/script
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/alpha/vidalia.conf.ff+pidgin-linux $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/vidalia.conf
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/alpha/vidalia.conf.ff-linux $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/vidalia.conf
+	## Configure Polipo
+	#cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/polipo.conf $(DEST)/Data/Polipo/polipo.conf
+	## Configure Tor
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/torrc-linux $(DEST)/Data/Tor/torrc
+	cp $(TOR_DIR)/src/config/geoip $(DEST)/Data/Tor/geoip
+	chmod 700 $(DEST)/Data/Tor
+# We've replaced the custom C program with a shell script for now...
+	cp ../src/RelativeLink/RelativeLink.sh $(DEST)/start-tor-browser
+	chmod +x $(DEST)/start-tor-browser
+	strip $(APPDIR)/tor
+	#strip $(APPDIR)/polipo
+	strip $(APPDIR)/vidalia
+	strip $(LIBSDIR)/*.so*
+	strip $(LIBSDIR)/libz/*.so*
+	./remove-shared-lib-symlinks $(LIBSDIR)
+	./remove-shared-lib-symlinks $(LIBSDIR)/libz
+	./remove-shared-lib-symlinks $(APPDIR)/script
+## How to create required extensions
+## Torbutton development version
+	$(WGET) -O $@ $(TORBUTTON)
+## NoScript development version
+	$(WGET) -O $@ $(NOSCRIPT)
+## BetterPrivacy
+## HTTPS Everywhere
+	$(WGET) -O $@ --no-check-certificate $(HTTPSEVERYWHERE)
+## Generic language pack rule
+	$(WGET) -O $@ $(MOZILLA_LANGUAGE)/$*.xpi
+## English comes as default
+#	touch $@
+## Customize the bundle
+	LANGCODE=$* make -f linux-alpha.mk bundle-localized
+	LANGCODE=$* make -f linux-alpha.mk compressed-bundle-localized
+	make -f linux-alpha.mk copy-files_$* install-extensions install-lang-extensions patch-vidalia-language patch-firefox-language \
+	patch-pidgin-language update-extension-pref write-tbb-version
+	touch bundle-localized_$*.stamp
+bundle-localized: bundle-localized_$(LANGCODE).stamp
+compressed-bundle-localized: bundle-localized_$(LANGCODE).stamp
+	-mkdir $(DISTDIR)
+	tar -cvf - $(NAME)_$(LANGCODE) |tardy -unu 0 -una root -gnu 0 -gna wheel |gzip -c9 >$(DISTDIR)/$(DEFAULT_COMPRESSED_BASENAME)$(LANGCODE).tar.gz
+	rm *.zip *.xpi
+copy-files_%: generic-bundle.stamp
+	rm -fr $(NAME)_$*
+	#mkdir $(NAME)_$*
+	cp -r $(DEST) $(NAME)_$*
+## This is a little overcomplicated, but I'm keeping it here in case there are
+## extensions we want to use in the future
+install-extensions: $(DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS)
+	for extension in *.xpi; \
+		do \
+			cp $$extension $$extension.zip; \
+			ext_id=$$(unzip -p $$extension.zip install.rdf | sed -n '/<em:id>/{s#[^<]*<em:id>\(.*\)</em:id>#\1#p;q}'); \
+			mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/$$ext_id; \
+			cp $$extension $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/$$ext_id/$$extension.zip; \
+			(cd $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/$$ext_id/ && unzip *.zip && rm *.zip); \
+		done
+install-betterprivacy: betterprivacy.xpi
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/\{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3\}
+	cp betterprivacy.xpi $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/\{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3\}/betterprivacy.zip
+	(cd $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/\{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3\}/ && unzip *.zip && rm *.zip);
+## Language extensions need to be handled differently from other extensions
+fix-install-rdf: $(filter-out langpack_en-US.xpi,langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi)
+ifneq ($(LANGCODE), en-US)
+	rm -fr xx
+	mkdir xx
+	(cd xx && unzip ../langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi && sed -i -e "s/em:maxVersion>6.0.1/em:maxVersion>6.0.*/" install.rdf && zip  -r ../langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi .)
+install-lang-extensions: $(filter-out langpack_en-US.xpi,langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi)
+ifneq ($(LANGCODE), en-US)
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions
+	cp langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/extensions/langpack-$(LANGCODE)@firefox.mozilla.org.xpi
+## Set the language for Vidalia
+	## Patch Vidalia
+	./patch-vidalia-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/Data/Vidalia/vidalia.conf $(LANGCODE) -e
+## Set the language for Pidgin
+	## Patch Pidgin
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	./patch-pidgin-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/PidginPortable/Data/settings/PidginPortableSettings.ini $(LANGCODE) \
+				   $(BUNDLE)/PidginPortable/App/Pidgin/locale \
+				   $(BUNDLE)/PidginPortable/App/GTK/share/locale
+	## Patch the default Firefox prefs.js
+	## Don't use {} because they aren't always interpreted correctly. Thanks, sh. 
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/App/Firefox/defaults/profile/
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/bookmarks.html $(BUNDLE)/App/Firefox/defaults/profile/
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/no-polipo-4.0.js $(BUNDLE)/App/Firefox/defaults/profile/prefs.js
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/bookmarks.html $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/no-polipo-4.0.js $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/prefs.js
+	./patch-firefox-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/App/Firefox/defaults/profile/prefs.js $(LANGCODE) -e
+	./patch-firefox-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/prefs.js $(LANGCODE) -e
+## Fix prefs.js since extensions.checkCompatibility, false doesn't work
+	sed -i -e "s/SHPONKA/$(LANGCODE)/g" $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/prefs.js
+	sed -i -e "s/SHPONKA/$(LANGCODE)/g" $(BUNDLE)/App/Firefox/defaults/profile/prefs.js
+	printf 'user_pref("torbrowser.version", "%s");\n' "$(RELEASE_VER)-$(BUILD_NUM)-$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH_TYPE)" >> $(BUNDLE)/App/Firefox/defaults/profile/prefs.js
+	printf 'user_pref("torbrowser.version", "%s");\n' "$(RELEASE_VER)-$(BUILD_NUM)-$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH_TYPE)" >> $(BUNDLE)/Data/profile/prefs.js
diff --git a/build-scripts/windows-alpha.mk b/build-scripts/windows-alpha.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee73944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-scripts/windows-alpha.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+### Makefile for building Tor USB bundle on Mac OS X
+### Copyright 2007 Steven J. Murdoch <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/>
+### Copyright 2009, 2010 Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+### Copyright 2010 Erinn Clark <erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+### You want to do the following currently supported activities:
+# This downloads and compiles everything
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk build-all-binaries
+# This makes a generic bundle
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk generic-bundle
+# This makes the English bundle
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk bundle_en-US
+# This makes the German bundle
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk bundle_de
+# This makes the German compressed bundle
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk compressed-bundle_de 
+# It's possible you may also want to do:
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk build-all-binaries
+### make -f windows-alpha.mk all-compressed-bundles
+### ...
+### Look in tbbwin-alpha-dist/ for your files.
+### See LICENSE for licensing information
+### Configuration ###
+## Include versions
+include $(PWD)/versions-alpha.mk
+## Location of required libraries
+WIX_LIB="/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Installer XML v3.5/bin"
+## Location of bundle components
+## Location of utility applications
+PWD:=$(shell pwd)
+SEVENZIP="/c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe"
+PYGET=$(PYTHON) $(PWD)/pyget.py
+VIRUSSCAN=$(PYTHON) $(PWD)/virus-scan.py
+WINRAR="/c/Program Files (x86)/WinRAR/WinRAR.exe"
+## Location of directory for source unpacking
+## Location of directory for prefix/destdir/compiles/etc
+source-dance: fetch-source unpack-source
+	echo "We're ready for building now."
+	cp ../src/current-patches/zlib/* $(ZLIB_DIR)
+	cp patch-any-src.sh $(ZLIB_DIR)
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && ./patch-any-src.sh
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && sed -i -e "s%prefix = /usr/local%prefix = ${BUILT_DIR}%" win32/Makefile.gcc
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && make -f win32/Makefile.gcc
+	cd $(ZLIB_DIR) && make -f win32/Makefile.gcc install
+OPENSSL_OPTS=-no-idea -no-rc5 -no-md2 shared zlib --prefix=$(BUILT_DIR) --openssldir=$(BUILT_DIR) -L$(BUILT_DIR)/lib -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--dynamicbase -I$(BUILT_DIR)/include
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && ./config $(OPENSSL_OPTS)
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && make depend
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && make
+	cd $(OPENSSL_DIR) && make install
+	-mkdir $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build
+	cd $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build && cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" $(VIDALIA_OPTS) ..
+	cd $(VIDALIA_DIR)/build && make
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && qmake
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && make -j4
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && ./generator --include-paths=/c/Qt/2010.04/qt
+	cp ../src/current-patches/qt/000* $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools
+	cp patch-any-src.sh $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools && ./patch-any-src.sh
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && qmake -spec win32-g++
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/generator && make -j4
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings && qmake -recursive CONFIG+="release"
+	cd $(QTSCRIPT_DIR)/qtbindings && for i in $(ls -d qtscript_*); do make -C $i release; done
+LIBEVENT_LDFLAGS="-L$(BUILT_DIR)/lib -L$(BUILT_DIR)/bin -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--dynamicbase"
+LIBEVENT_OPTS=--prefix=$(BUILT_DIR) --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-dependency-tracking
+	cd $(LIBEVENT_DIR) && make -j2
+	cd $(LIBEVENT_DIR) && make install
+TOR_CFLAGS="-O -g -I$(BUILT_DIR)/include"
+TOR_OPTS=--enable-static-libevent --with-libevent-dir=$(BUILT_DIR)/lib --prefix=$(BUILT_DIR)
+	cd $(TOR_DIR) && make
+#	cd $(TOR_DIR) && make install
+	cp ../src/current-patches/mozilla-build/start-msvc.patch $(MOZ_BUILD)
+	cp ../src/current-patches/mozilla-build/guess-msvc-x64.bat $(MOZ_BUILD)
+	cp patch-mozilla-build.sh $(MOZ_BUILD)
+	cd $(MOZ_BUILD) && ./patch-mozilla-build.sh $(MSVC_VER)
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/dot_mozconfig $(FIREFOX_DIR)/mozconfig
+	cp ../src/current-patches/firefox/* $(FIREFOX_DIR)
+	cp patch-any-src.sh $(FIREFOX_DIR)
+	cd $(FIREFOX_DIR) && ./patch-any-src.sh
+	cd $(MOZ_BUILD) && cmd.exe /c "start-msvc$(MSVC_VER).bat $(FIREFOX_DIR)"
+	-rm -rf $(FIREFOX)
+	-mkdir -p $(FIREFOX)
+	cp -r config/firefox-portable/* $(FIREFOX)
+	cp "/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC90.CRT/"msvc*90.dll $(FIREFOX)/App/Firefox
+	cp -r $(FIREFOX_DIR)/obj-*/dist/bin/* $(FIREFOX)/App/Firefox
+build-all-binaries: build-zlib build-openssl build-vidalia build-libevent build-tor build-firefox copy-firefox
+	echo "If we're here, we've done something right."
+## Location of compiled libraries
+## Location of compiled binaries
+## Location of the libraries we've built
+## Size of split archive volumes for WinRAR
+## Location of config files
+## Destination for the generic bundle
+DEST="Generic Bundle"
+## Name of the bundle
+NAME="Tor Browser"
+## Where shall we put the finished files for distribution?
+## Version and name of the compressed bundle (also used for source)
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+## Extensions to install by default
+## Where to download Mozilla language packs
+## Put more extensions here
+## Local overrides
+-include local.makefile
+### Rules ###
+## Default rule
+bundle: bundle_en-US
+	USE_PIDGIN=1 make -f windows-alpha.mk all-bundles
+	make -f windows-alpha.mk clean
+	USE_PIDGIN=0 make -f windows-alpha.mk all-bundles
+	make -f windows-alpha.mk clean
+all-bundles: all-compressed-bundles all-split-bundles
+all-compressed-bundles: compressed-bundle_ar \
+	compressed-bundle_de \
+	compressed-bundle_en-US \
+	compressed-bundle_es-ES \
+	compressed-bundle_fa \
+	compressed-bundle_fr \
+	compressed-bundle_nl \
+	compressed-bundle_pl \
+	compressed-bundle_pt-PT \
+	compressed-bundle_ru \
+	compressed-bundle_zh-CN \
+	compressed-bundle_it
+all-split-bundles: split-bundle_ar \
+	split-bundle_de \
+	split-bundle_en-US \
+	split-bundle_es-ES \
+	split-bundle_fa \
+	split-bundle_fr \
+	split-bundle_nl \
+	split-bundle_pl \
+	split-bundle_pt-PT \
+	split-bundle_ru \
+	split-bundle_zh-CN \
+	split-bundle_it
+## Cleanup
+	rm -fr $(DEST) *.stamp
+	rm -f *~
+	rm -fr *.xpi *.jar *.zip
+	rm -fr $(NAME)_*
+	cd ../src/RelativeLink/ && $(MAKE) clean
+## Also remove the output files
+reallyclean: clean
+	rm -fr $(IM_COMPRESSED_BASENAME)*_*.exe
+	rm -fr $(IM_COMPRESSED_BASENAME)*_*.rar 
+	rm -fr $(IM_COMPRESSED_BASENAME)*_*_split
+## Scan .exe files against VirusTotal to check for false positives
+	$(VIRUSSCAN) $(VIDALIA)/build/src/vidalia/vidalia.exe
+	$(VIRUSSCAN) $(TOR)/src/or/tor.exe 
+	$(VIRUSSCAN) $(TOR)/src/tools/tor-resolve.exe
+## Generate a non-localized bundle and put in $(DEST)
+## Install binaries, documentation, FirefoxPortable, PidginPortable, and launcher into $(DEST)
+	make -f windows-alpha.mk generic-bundle
+generic-bundle: directory-structure install-binaries install-docs install-firefoxportable install-pidginportable configure-apps launcher
+	touch generic-bundle.stamp
+	rm -fr $(DEST)
+	mkdir -p $(APPDIR)
+	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/Tor
+	mkdir -p $(DATADIR)/Vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)
+## Package up all the Vidalia and Tor pre-requisites
+## Filenames extracted using Dependency Walker <http://www.dependencywalker.com/>
+	cp $(MING)/mingwm10.dll $(APPDIR)
+	cp $(MING)/libgnurx-0.dll $(APPDIR)
+	cp $(QT_LIB)/QtScript4.dll $(QT_LIB)/QtCore4.dll $(QT_LIB)/QtGui4.dll $(QT_LIB)/QtNetwork4.dll $(QT_LIB)/QtXml4.dll $(QT_LIB)/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll $(APPDIR) 
+	cp $(OPENSSL_LIB)/ssleay32.dll $(APPDIR)
+	cp $(OPENSSL_LIB)/libeay32.dll $(APPDIR)
+	cp $(VIDALIA)/build/src/vidalia/vidalia.exe $(APPDIR)
+	cp $(TOR)/src/or/tor.exe $(TOR)/src/tools/tor-resolve.exe $(APPDIR)
+## Fixup
+## Collect up license files
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/Vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/Tor
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/Qt
+	mkdir -p $(DOCSDIR)/MinGW
+	cp $(MING)/../msys/1.0/share/doc/MSYS/COPYING $(DOCSDIR)/MinGW
+	cp ../changelog.windows-2.2 $(DOCSDIR)/changelog
+	cp ../README.WIN-2.2 $(DOCSDIR)/README-TorBrowserBundle
+## Copy over FirefoxPortable
+	cp -r $(FIREFOX) $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable
+## Copy over PidginPortable
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	cp -r $(PIDGIN) $(DEST)/PidginPortable
+## Configure Firefox, FirefoxPortable, Vidalia, and Tor
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile
+	## Configure Firefox preferences
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/windows-4.0.js $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/App/DefaultData/profile/prefs.js
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/windows-4.0.js $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/prefs.js
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/bookmarks.html $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/App/DefaultData/profile/
+	## Set up alternate launcher
+	mv $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/App/Firefox/firefox.exe $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/App/Firefox/tbb-firefox.exe
+	## Configure FirefoxPortable
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/FirefoxPortable.ini $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/FirefoxPortableSettings.ini $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/Data/settings
+	## Configure PidginPortable
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/PidginPortable.ini $(DEST)/PidginPortable
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/PidginPortable/Data/settings/.purple
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/prefs.xml $(DEST)/PidginPortable/Data/settings/.purple
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/PidginPortableSettings.ini $(DEST)/PidginPortable/Data/settings
+	## Configure Vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/plugins
+	cp -r $(FETCH_DIR)/vidalia-plugins/tbb $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/plugins
+	mkdir -p $(DEST)/App/script
+	cp $(FETCH_DIR)/qtscriptgenerator/plugins/script/*dll $(DEST)/App/script
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/alpha/vidalia.conf.ff+pidgin $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/vidalia.conf
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/alpha/vidalia.conf.ff $(DEST)/Data/Vidalia/vidalia.conf
+	## Configure Tor
+	cp $(CONFIG_SRC)/alpha/torrc $(DEST)/Data/Tor
+	cp $(TOR)/src/config/geoip $(DEST)/Data/Tor
+	cd ../src/RelativeLink/ && $(MAKE)
+	cp ../src/RelativeLink/StartTorBrowserBundle.exe $(DEST)/"Start Tor Browser.exe"
+## How to create required extensions
+## Torbutton development version
+## English comes as default
+	touch $@
+## BetterPrivacy
+## NoScript development version
+	$(PYGET) -O $@ $(NOSCRIPT)
+## HTTPS Everywhere
+## Generic language pack rule
+	$(PYGET) -O $@ $(MOZILLA_LANGUAGE)/$*.xpi
+## Customize the bundle
+	LANGCODE=$* make -f windows-alpha.mk bundle-localized
+	LANGCODE=$* make -f windows-alpha.mk compressed-bundle-localized
+	LANGCODE=$* make -f windows-alpha.mk split-bundle-localized
+	make -f windows-alpha.mk copy-files_$* install-extensions install-torbutton install-httpseverywhere install-noscript \
+	patch-vidalia-language patch-firefox-language patch-pidgin-language write-tbb-version
+	touch bundle-localized_$*.stamp
+bundle-localized: bundle-localized_$(LANGCODE).stamp
+compressed-bundle-localized: bundle-localized_$(LANGCODE).stamp
+	cd $(NAME)_$(LANGCODE); $(SEVENZIP) a -mx9 -sfx7z.sfx ../$(COMPRESSED_NAME)_$(LANGCODE).exe $(NAME)
+split-bundle-localized: bundle-localized_$(LANGCODE).stamp
+	rm -fr $(COMPRESSED_NAME)_$(LANGCODE)_split; mkdir $(COMPRESSED_NAME)_$(LANGCODE)_split
+	cd $(NAME)_$(LANGCODE); $(WINRAR) a -r -s -ibck -sfx -v$(SPLITSIZE) \
+copy-files_%: generic-bundle.stamp
+	rm -fr $(NAME)_$*
+	mkdir $(NAME)_$*
+	cp -r $(DEST) $(NAME)_$*/$(NAME)
+fix-install-rdf: $(filter-out langpack_en-US.xpi,langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi)
+ifneq ($(LANGCODE), en-US)
+	rm -fr xx
+	mkdir xx
+	(cd xx && unzip ../langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi && sed -i -e "s/em:maxVersion>6.0.1/em:maxVersion>6.0.*/" install.rdf && zip  -r ../langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi .)
+install-extensions: $(filter-out langpack_en-US.xpi,langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi)
+	## Make a dummy profile to stop Firefox creating some large files
+	cp -r $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/App/DefaultData $(DUMMYPROFILE)
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions
+ifneq ($(LANGCODE), en-US)
+	mv langpack_$(LANGCODE).xpi $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/langpack-$(LANGCODE)@firefox.mozilla.org.xpi
+	rm -fr $(DUMMYPROFILE)
+install-torbutton: torbutton.xpi
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/{e0204bd5-9d31-402b-a99d-a6aa8ffebdca}
+	cp torbutton.xpi $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/{e0204bd5-9d31-402b-a99d-a6aa8ffebdca}/torbutton.zip
+	(cd $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/{e0204bd5-9d31-402b-a99d-a6aa8ffebdca} && $(SEVENZIP) x *.zip && rm *.zip)
+install-httpseverywhere: httpseverywhere.xpi
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/https-everywhere@xxxxxxx
+	cp httpseverywhere.xpi $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/https-everywhere@xxxxxxx/httpseverywhere.zip
+	(cd $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/https-everywhere@xxxxxxx && $(SEVENZIP) x *.zip && rm *.zip)
+install-betterprivacy: betterprivacy.xpi
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/\{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3\}
+	cp betterprivacy.xpi $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/\{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3\}/betterprivacy.zip
+	(cd $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/\{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3\} && $(SEVENZIP) x *.zip && rm *.zip)
+install-noscript: noscript.xpi
+	mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/\{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232\}
+	cp noscript.xpi $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/\{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232\}/noscript.zip
+	(cd $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/extensions/\{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232\} && $(SEVENZIP) x *.zip && rm *.zip)
+## Set the language for Vidalia
+	## Patch Vidalia
+	./patch-vidalia-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/Data/Vidalia/vidalia.conf $(LANGCODE)
+## Set the language for Pidgin
+	## Patch Pidgin
+ifeq ($(USE_PIDGIN),1)
+	./patch-pidgin-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/PidginPortable/Data/settings/PidginPortableSettings.ini $(LANGCODE) \
+				   $(BUNDLE)/PidginPortable/App/Pidgin/locale \
+				   $(BUNDLE)/PidginPortable/App/Pidgin/Gtk/share/locale
+	## Patch Firefox prefs.js
+	./patch-firefox-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/App/DefaultData/profile/prefs.js $(LANGCODE)
+	./patch-firefox-language.sh $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/prefs.js $(LANGCODE)
+	sed -i -e "s/SHPONKA/$(LANGCODE)/g" $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/prefs.js
+	sed -i -e "s/SHPONKA/$(LANGCODE)/g" $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/App/DefaultData/profile/prefs.js
+### Utilities
+## Copy Firefox preferences from a run of FirefoxPortable to be the default
+	cp $(DEST)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/prefs.js $(CONFIG_SRC)
+	printf 'user_pref("torbrowser.version", "%s");\n' "$(RELEASE_VER)-$(BUILD_NUM)-$(PLATFORM)" >> $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/App/DefaultData/profile/prefs.js
+	printf 'user_pref("torbrowser.version", "%s");\n' "$(RELEASE_VER)-$(BUILD_NUM)-$(PLATFORM)" >> $(BUNDLE)/FirefoxPortable/Data/profile/prefs.js
+## Tag the release
+	git tag -s torbrowser-$(VERSION) -m "tagging $(VERSION)"
+## Export the source code of the bundle
+	cd .. && git archive --format=tar --prefix=tor-browser-$(VERSION)-src/ torbrowser-$(VERSION) | gzip -9 > $(PWD)/tor-browser-$(VERSION)-src.tar.gz

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