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[tor-commits] [translation/orbot] Update translations for orbot

commit 2ab79c6167964be601ab623f54b45d6574085f39
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Mar 16 09:15:19 2012 +0000

    Update translations for orbot
 values-ar/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-ca/strings.xml    |   18 ++++++++++++++++--
 values-cs/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-de/strings.xml    |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 values-el/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-es/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-eu/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-fa/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-fr/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-hu/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-it/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-ja/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-mk/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-nb/strings.xml    |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 values-nl/strings.xml    |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 values-pl/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-pt/strings.xml    |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 values-pt_BR/strings.xml |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-ru/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values-sv/strings.xml    |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 values-zh/strings.xml    |   14 ++++++++++++++
 values/strings.xml       |   14 ++++++++++++++
 22 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/values-ar/strings.xml b/values-ar/strings.xml
index 057e0ba..fd4592a 100644
--- a/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Ø¥Ù?Ù?اء</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù?</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Ø¥Ù?غاء</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">بعض اÙ?تÙ?اصÙ?Ù? عÙ? Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت Ù?Ù? تطبÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?تÙ?Ø­ اÙ?Ù?صدر Ù?اÙ?Ø°Ù? Ù?ضÙ? تÙ?ر, LibEvent Ù?Prixovy. Ù?عÙ?Ù? عÙ?Ù? تÙ?Ù?Ù?ر Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? HTTP Ù?Ø­Ù?Ù? (8118) Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? SOCKS (9050) Ø¥Ù?Ù? شبÙ?Ø© تÙ?ر. Ù?تÙ?Ù?ر Ù?دÙ? Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت اÙ?Ù?درة عÙ?Ù? إرساÙ? جÙ?Ù?ع حرÙ?ات Ù?رÙ?ر اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?Ù? Ø®Ù?اÙ? تÙ?ر عÙ?Ù? اÙ?جÙ?از ذات Ø­Ù?Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?سؤÙ?Ù? (root). </string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">تÙ? Ù?Ù?Ø­ اÙ?إذÙ?</string>
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت جاÙ?ز!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Ù?ئات اÙ?Ø¢Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?اس Ù?Ù? جÙ?Ù?ع Ø£Ù?حاء اÙ?عاÙ?Ù? Ù?ستخدÙ?Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر Ù?أسباب عدÙ?دة: اÙ?صحÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?دÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø? Ù?اÙ?عاÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?جاÙ? Ø­Ù?Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ø¥Ù?ساÙ?Ø? Ù?اÙ?جÙ?Ù?د Ù?اÙ?شرÙ?ات Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù?اطÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ø£Ù?ظÙ?Ø© اÙ?Ù?Ù?عÙ?Ø©Ø? Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù?اطÙ?Ù?Ù? اÙ?عادÙ?Ù?Ù? ... Ù?اÙ?Ø¢Ù? Ø£Ù?ت Ù?ستعد Ù?Ø£Ù? تستخدÙ?Ù? Ù?Ø°Ù?Ù?!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time"> Ù?Ù?د Ù?Ù?ت بإتصاÙ? Ù?اجح اÙ?Ù? شبÙ?Ø© تÙ?ر - Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?ذا Ù?ا Ù?عÙ?Ù? بأÙ? جÙ?ازÙ? Ù?Ù? Ù?Ø£Ù?Ù?. Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? استخداÙ? Ø®Ù?ار \'تحÙ?Ù?\' Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?ائÙ?Ø© Ù?إختبار اÙ?Ù?تصÙ?Ø­ اÙ?خاص بÙ?. 
  Ù?Ù? بزÙ?ارتÙ?ا عÙ?Ù? https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot اÙ? ارسÙ? رساÙ?Ø© اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?Ù? help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ù?Ù?عرÙ?Ø© اÙ?Ù?زÙ?د.</string>
@@ -92,18 +94,30 @@
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت Ù?جÙ?ب Ù?Ù? شبÙ?Ø© تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ø£Ù?درÙ?Ù?د! تÙ?ر Ù?ساعدÙ?  Ù?Ù?تغÙ?ب عÙ?Ù? حجب اÙ?Ù?حتÙ?Ù?Ø? Ù?حص اÙ?اتصاÙ?Ø? Ù? اÙ?رÙ?ابة Ù? اÙ?تجسس عÙ?Ù? اÙ?شبÙ?اتØ? Ù? اÙ?تÙ? تÙ?دد اÙ?خصÙ?صÙ?Ø© Ù? اÙ?عÙ?اÙ?ات اÙ?شخصÙ?Ø© Ù? اÙ?Ù?عÙ?Ù?Ù?ات اÙ?سرÙ?Ø©. سÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ø¢Ù? بÙ?ساعدتÙ? Ù?ضبط Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ر عÙ?Ù? جÙ?ازÙ?.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">تحذÙ?ر</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Ù?جرد تÙ?زÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت Ù?Ù? Ù?عطÙ?Ù? اÙ?خصÙ?صÙ?Ø©. Ù?جب عÙ?Ù?Ù? Ø£Ù?ضاÙ? اعداد Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت Ù? جÙ?ازÙ? Ù? اÙ?براÙ?ج اÙ?Ù?ستÙ?Ù?دة Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">اÙ?صÙ?احÙ?ات</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? اعطاء Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت صÙ?احÙ?Ø© اÙ?Ù?ستخدÙ? اÙ?سÙ?بر Ù?تشغÙ?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?زات اÙ?Ù?تÙ?دÙ?Ø© Ù?Ø«Ù? اÙ?برÙ?Ù?سÙ? اÙ?Ø´Ù?اÙ?.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">إذا Ù?Ù?ت ترÙ?د Ø£Ù? تÙ?Ù?Ù? بÙ?ذا Ù?عÙ?Ù?Ù? اÙ?تأÙ?د Ù?Ù? استخداÙ? براÙ?ج Ù?عدة Ù?تشتغÙ? Ù?ع Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Ù?ا Ù?Ù?جد رÙ?ت Ø£Ù? صÙ?احÙ?ات خارÙ?Ø© عÙ?Ù? جÙ?ازÙ?  Ù? Ù?Ø°Ù?Ù? Ù?تستÙ?Ù?د Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر عÙ?Ù?Ù? استخداÙ? براÙ?ج صÙ?Ù?ت Ù?تعÙ?Ù? Ù?ع Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت Ø£Ù? اÙ?تÙ? تدعÙ? برÙ?Ù?سÙ? HTTP Ø£Ù? SOCKS .</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">براÙ?ج Ù?عدة Ù?تشتغÙ? Ù?ع Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">جÙ?بربÙ?ت: Ù?حادثات Ø¢Ù?Ù?Ø© باستخداÙ? اÙ?تشÙ?Ù?ر خارج اÙ?سجÙ?.</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Ø£Ù?درÙ?Ù?د 1.x Ù?Ù?Ø·) - Ù?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?صÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?خصÙ?صÙ?Ø© Ù?Ø£Ù?ربÙ?ت </string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">برÙ?Ù?سÙ? Ø´Ù?اÙ?</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Ù?Ø°Ù? ستسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù?براÙ?ج باÙ?اتصاÙ? بشبÙ?Ø© تÙ?ر تÙ?Ù?ائÙ?اÙ? دÙ?Ù? اعداد Ù?سبÙ?.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">اختر Ù?ذا اÙ?Ù?ربع اذا Ù?Ù?ت Ù?ا تعÙ?Ù? عÙ?ا Ù?تحدث عÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?ا</string>
diff --git a/values-ca/strings.xml b/values-ca/strings.xml
index 007ed1a..c228f3d 100644
--- a/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Fi</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">D\'acord</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel·la</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalls d\'Orbot...</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot és una aplicació de codi lliure que conté Tor, LibEvent i Privoxy. Proporciona un Proxy HTTP local (8118) i un proxy SOCKS (9050) a la xarxa Tor. Orbot també té capacitat d\'enviar tot el trànsit de dades d\'internet a través de Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permís concedit</string>
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
   <string name="wizard_configure_all">Connecta totes les aplicacions per Proxy per Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecciona aplicacions individuals per a funcionar amb Tor</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplicacions per a usar-se amb Orbot</string>
-  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">T\'animem a descarregar-te &amp;amp; utilitza aplicacions que sàpiguen com connectar-se directament a Orbot. Fes clic als botons de sota per instal·lar.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">T\'animem a descarregar-te &amp; utilitza aplicacions que sàpiguen com connectar-se directament a Orbot. Fes clic als botons de sota per instal·lar.</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Coniguració de Proxy - Aprèn a configurar aplicacions per a què funcionin amb Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuració de Proxy</string>
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Pots aprendre més coses sobre l\'ús dels proxys a Android al FAQ de: http://ti
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot és a punt!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenars de milers de persones arreu del món utilitzen Tor per un gran ventall de raons: periodistes i blocaires, treballadors pels drets humans, agents de l\'autoritat, soldats, corporacions, ciutadans de règims opressors, i ciutadans qualssevol... I ara tu també ho pots fer!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">T\'has connectat correctament a la xarxa Tor, però això NO vol dir que el teu dispositiu sigui segur. Pots utilitzar la opció \'Comprova\' del menú per provar el teu navegador. 
 Visita\'ns a https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o envia\'ns un correu electrònic a help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx per a saber-ne més.</string>
@@ -92,18 +94,30 @@ Visita\'ns a https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o envia\'ns un correu elect
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Només Android 1.x) - Navegador dissenyat per la privacitat &amp;amp; per a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Només Android 1.x) - Navegador dissenyat per la privacitat &amp; per a Orbot</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-cs/strings.xml b/values-cs/strings.xml
index 23395ac..111d7a3 100644
--- a/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-de/strings.xml b/values-de/strings.xml
index 9723dad..39e48ba 100644
--- a/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Fertigstellen</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Abbrechen</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Nähere Informationen zu Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot ist eine quelloffene Anwendung die Tor, LibEvent und Privoxy enthält. Es stellt einen lokalen HTTP Proxy (8118) und einen SOCKS Proxy (9050) zum Tor-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. Orbot hat auf einem System mit Administrationsrechten auch die Fähigkeit, jeglichen Internetverkehr über das Tor-Netzwerk abzuwickeln.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Berechtigung erteilt</string>
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Erfahren Sie mehr über die Verwendung von Proxys unter Android in den FAQ unter
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot ist bereit!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hunderttausende Menschen auf der ganzen Welt nutzen Tor aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen: Journalisten und Blogger, Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Strafverfolgungsbehörden, Soldaten, Unternehmen, Bürger repressiver Regime und ganz normale Menschen... und jetzt können Sie das auch!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit dem Tor-Netzwerk verbunden - das bedeutet aber NICHT, dass Ihr Gerät sicher ist. Sie können die \'�berprüfen\'-Option aus dem Menü benutzen, um Ihren Browser zu testen. 
 Besuchen Sie https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx um mehr darüber zu erfahren.</string>
@@ -92,19 +94,31 @@ Besuchen Sie https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot oder senden Sie eine E-Mail
   <string name="pref_general_group">Allgemein</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Orbot beim Systemstart ausführen</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatisches Starten von Orbot und Verbinden von Tor beim Start des Android-Gerätes</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot sorgt dafür, dass Sie Tor mit Android nutzen können. Tor schützt vor Filterung von Inhalten, Traffic Analysen und Netzwerk-�berwachung, die Ihre Privatsphäre, vertrauliche Informationen und persönliche Verhältnisse gefährdet. Dieser Assistent wird Ihnen dabei helfen, Orbot und Tor auf Ihrem Gerät zu konfigurieren.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warnung</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Die reine Installation von Orbot wird Ihren Datenverkehr nicht anonymisieren. Tor muss korrekt konfiguriert sein, damit ihr Gerät Tor erfolgreich verwenden kann.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Rechte</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Sie können Orbot wahlweise \'Administrator\'-Rechte geben, um erweiterte Optionen wie die Nutzung von transparenten Proxys zu ermöglichen.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Wenn Sie dies nicht möchten, dann verwenden Sie bitte Apps, die mit Orbot zusammen arbeiten können.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Ihr Gerät läuft im Standard-Modus und unterstützt keine Administrator-Rechte. In diesem Fall müssen Sie Apps verwenden, die von Haus aus mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten oder die HTTP bzw. SOCKS Proxy Einstellungen ermöglichen.
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Apps die Orbot unterstützt</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Sichere Chat App mit inoffizieller Verschlüsselung</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Nur Android 1.x) - Ein für Privatsphäre &amp;amp; Orbot entworfener Browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Nur Android 1.x) - Ein für Privatsphäre &amp; Orbot entworfener Browser</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Benutze transparenten Proxy</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Dies ermöglicht Ihnen Apps, automatisch das Tor Netzwerk zu verwenden ohne dies konfigurieren zu müssen.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Klicken Sie dieses Kästchen an wenn Sie nicht wissen wovon wir reden)</string>
diff --git a/values-el/strings.xml b/values-el/strings.xml
index 83ae607..ecbbf2b 100644
--- a/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">ΤέλοÏ?</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Î?κÏ?Ï?ο</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Î?εÏ?ικέÏ? λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειεÏ? για Ï?ο Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Το Orbot είναι μια εÏ?αÏ?μογή ανοικÏ?οÏ? λογιÏ?μικοÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει Ï?α Tor, LibEvent και Privoxy. Î?ιαθέÏ?ει Ï?οÏ?ικοÏ?Ï? Ï?ληÏ?εξοÏ?Ï?ιοÏ?Ï? διακομιÏ?Ï?έÏ? (proxies) HTTP (8118) και SOCKS (9050) για Ï?ο δίκÏ?Ï?ο Tor. Σε Ï?Ï?Ï?κεÏ?έÏ? Ï?οÏ? έÏ?οÏ?ν διαμοÏ?Ï?Ï?θεί για Ï?ιζική Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η (rooted devices), Ï?ο Orbot μÏ?οÏ?εί να μεÏ?αδίδει Ï?λη Ï?ην διαδÏ?κÏ?ιακή κÏ?κλοÏ?οÏ?ία μέÏ?Ï? Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Î? άδεια Ï?αÏ?αÏ?Ï?Ï?ήθηκε</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-es/strings.xml b/values-es/strings.xml
index 14941c9..258084f 100644
--- a/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Finalizar</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Algunos detalles de Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot es una aplicación de código abierto que contiene Tor, LibEvent y Privoxy. Provee un Proxy HTTP local (8118) y un Proxy SOCKS (9050) en la red Tor. Orbot también tiene la habilidad, en un dispositivo enrutador, de enviar todo el tráfico de Internet a través de Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permiso Concedido</string>
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ Puede aprender más acerca de los proxys en Android a través de las Preguntas F
   <string name="wizard_final">¡Orbot está listo!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Cientos de miles de personas alrededor del mundo usan Tor por una amplia variedad de razones: periodistas y bloggers, trabajadores de los derechos humanos, oficiales de policía, soldados, corporaciones, ciudadanos de regímenes represivos y ciudadanos ordinarios... ¡y ahora también lo estás!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">Se ha conectado con éxito a la red Tor, pero eso NO significa que su dispositivo es seguro. Puede utilizar la opción \'Comprobar\' desde el menú para probar su navegador.
 Visítenos en https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o envíenos un correo electrónico a help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx para aprender más.</string>
@@ -92,18 +94,30 @@ Visítenos en https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o envíenos un correo elec
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot activa el acceso a la red Tor, en su Android! \n\nTor le ayuda a defenderse del filtrado de contenido, análisis de tráfico y la vigilancia que amenaza su privacidad, su información confidencial y sus relaciones personales. \n\nEste asistente le ayudará a configurar Orbot y Tor en su dispositivo Android.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Advertencia</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simplemente instalando Orbort, no automatiza de por si, la proteccion anonima del trafico generado por su dispositivo \n\nPara anonimizar su trafico con garantias, debe configurar adecuadamente Orbot, el dispositivo y las aplicaciones que utilize en su conexion.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permisos</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Si lo desea, puede conceder acceso \'superusuario\' a Orbot para habilitar las características avanzadas de configuracion y acceso a la red Tor, tales como los proxys transparentes.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Si no desea habilitar esta opcion, por favor asegúrese de utilizar aplicaciones compatibles con Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Su dispositivo se esta ejecutando en modo estándar, y no admite el acceso root o \"superusuario\".\n\nPara que pueda beneficiarse de todo el potencial de Tor, tendrá que utilizar aplicaciones creadas para trabajar con Orbot, o compatibles con la configuracion proxy basada en los protocolos HTTP o SOCKS\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Aplicaciones habilitadas para utilizar con Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Asegure su aplicación de chat con nuestro sistema de cifrado </string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Sólo Android 1.x) - Navegador diseñado para la privacidad y para Orbot</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">conexion proxy transparente activada </string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Esto permite que sus aplicaciones se ejecuten automáticamente a través de la red Tor sin necesidad de realizar ninguna configuración.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Si no tiene idea de lo que estamos hablando, marque esta casilla ;o)</string>
diff --git a/values-eu/strings.xml b/values-eu/strings.xml
index 8b148af..66c543e 100644
--- a/values-eu/strings.xml
+++ b/values-eu/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Amaitu</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Baimenak</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-fa/strings.xml b/values-fa/strings.xml
index 0db30bb..df919b8 100644
--- a/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">پاÛ?اÙ?</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Ù?غÙ?</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Ù?غÙ?</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">برخÛ? جزئÛ?ات در Ù?Ù?رد اÙ?ربات</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">اÙ?ربات اپÙ?Û?Ú©Û?Ø´Ù?Û? با Ù?تÙ?-باز است Ú©Ù? شاÙ?Ù? Tor, LibEvent Ù? Privoxy. اÛ?Ù? اپÙ?Û?Ú©Û?Ø´Ù?Ø? HTTP پرÙ?کسÛ? (8118) Ù?Ø­Ù?Û? Ù? SOCKS پرÙ?کسÛ? (9050) را در شبکÙ? Tor در دسترس Ù?رار Ù?Û? دÙ?د. اÙ?ربات Ù?Ù?Ú?Ù?Û?Ù? Ù?ادر است بر رÙ?Û? ابزار root شدÙ?Ø? تÙ?اÙ? تراÙ?Û?Ú© اÛ?Ù?ترÙ?ت را از Tor ارساÙ? Ú©Ù?د.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Ù?جÙ?ز صادر گردÛ?د</string>
@@ -76,28 +77,41 @@
   <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اگر اپÙ?Û?Ú©Ø´Û?Ù? Ø¢Ù?درÙ?Ù?Ù?Û?د Ù?Ù?رد استÙ?ادÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ù?ابÙ?Û?ت کار با HTTP Ù? Û?ا SOCKS پرÙ?کسÛ? دارد Ù?Û? تÙ?اÙ?Û?د تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?Ø´ Ú©Ù?Û?د تا بÙ? اÙ?ربات Ù?صÙ? Ø´Ù?د Ù? از Tor استÙ?ادÙ? Ú©Ù?د. تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات سرÙ?Û?س دÙ?Ù?دÙ? Ù? Û?ا \"سرÙ?Û?س-دÙ? Ù?Ø­Ù?Û?\" است. براÛ? HTTP تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات درگاÙ? (port) 8118 است. براÛ? SOCKSØ? پرÙ?کسÛ? Ù?Ù?اسبØ? 9050 است. Ø´Ù?ا Ù?Û? باÛ?ست SOCKS4A  Ù? Û?ا  در صÙ?رت اÙ?کاÙ? از socks5 استÙ?ادÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?د. در صÙ?رت Ù?Û?از بÙ? اطÙ?اعات بÛ?شتر در Ù?Ù?رد اÙ?تÙ?اÙ?دÙ? Ø¢Ù?درÙ?Û?دØ? Ù?Û? تÙ?اÙ?Û?د بÙ? FAQ (سÙ?اÙ?Ù?اÛ? Ù?عÙ?Ù?Ù?) در http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid Ù?راجعÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?د.</string>
   <string name="wizard_final">اÙ?ربات Ø¢Ù?ادÙ? استÙ?ادÙ? Ù?Û?باشد!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">صدÙ?ا Ù?زار Ù?Ù?ر در سراسر جÙ?اÙ? بÙ? دÙ?اÛ?Ù? Ú¯Ù?Ù?اگÙ?Ù? از Tor استÙ?ادÙ? Ù?Û? Ú©Ù?Ù?د: رÙ?زÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Û?سÙ?ا Ù? بÙ?اگرÙ?اØ? کارکÙ?اÙ? Ø­Ù?Ù?Ù? بشرØ? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ? اÙ?تظاÙ?Û?Ø? سربازاÙ?Ø? شرکتÙ?اØ? Ø´Ù?رÙ?Ù?داÙ? دÙ?Ù?تÙ?اÛ? سرکÙ?بگرØ? Ù? Ø´Ù?رÙ?Ù?داÙ? عادÛ?Ø? Ù? حاÙ?ا Ø´Ù?ا Ù?Û?ز Ø¢Ù?ادÙ? استÙ?ادÙ? از Ø¢Ù? Ù?ستÛ?د!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">اکÙ?Ù?Ù? با Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Û?ت بÙ? شبکÙ? Tor Ù?صÙ? شدÙ? اÛ?د اÙ?ا بÙ? Ø¢Ù? Ù?عÙ?ا Ù?Û?ست Ú©Ù? سÛ?ستÙ? Ø´Ù?ا اÛ?Ù?Ù? است. Ù?Û? تÙ?اÙ?Û?د از Ù?Ù?Û?Ù? گزÛ?Ù?Ù? /\"Check/\" را براÛ? آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´ Ù?رÙ?رگر اÙ?تخاب Ú©Ù?Û?د. بÙ? Ù?ا در صÙ?Ø­Ù? https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot Ù?راجعÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?د Ù? بÙ? آدرس help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  اÛ?Ù?Û?Ù?Û? بÙ?رستÛ?د تا اطÙ?اعات بÛ?شترÛ? درÛ?اÙ?ت Ú©Ù?Û?د.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">با اÛ?Ù? Ù?دÙ? Ù¾Û?Ø´Ù?رض Ù?رÙ?رگر Ù?ب Ø´Ù?ا بÙ? صÙ?Ø­Ù?   https://check.torproject.org باز Ù?Û? Ø´Ù?د تا Ø´Ù?ا Ù?شاÙ?دÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?د Ø¢Û?ا اÙ?ربات تÙ?ظÛ?Ù? شدÙ? است Ù? Ø¢Û?ا Ø´Ù?ا بÙ? Tor Ù?صÙ? شدÙ? اÛ?د Û?ا Ù?Ù?.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">سرÙ?Ù?س Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ø®Ù?Ù?</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">! را بÙ? اÙ?درÙ?Û?د Ù?Û? Ø¢Ù?رد  tor  Ù?درت  orbot 
  بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ú©Ù?Ú© Ù?Û?Ú©Ù?د تا در Ù?Ù?ابÙ? ساÙ?سÙ?ر Ù?طاÙ?بØ? Ø¢Ù?اÙ?Û?ز تراÙ?Û?Ú© Ù? Ù?ظارت بر شبکÙ? Ú©Ù? حرÛ?Ù? خصÙ?صÛ? اÙ?رادØ? اطÙ?اعات Ù?حرÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù? رÙ?ابط خصÙ?صÛ?تاÙ? را تÙ?دÛ?د Ù?Û? Ú©Ù?د از Ø®Ù?د دÙ?اع Ú©Ù?Û?د.  Tor
 را بر رÙ?Û? دستگاÙ? Ø®Ù?دتاÙ? اÙ?جاÙ? دÙ?Û?د Tor Ù? orbot  اÛ?Ù? راÙ?Ù?Ù?ا بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ú©Ù?Ú© Ù?Û?Ú©Ù?د تا تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Ù?شدار</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg"> را Ù?صب Ú©Ù?Û?د بطÙ?ر Ø®Ù?دکار Ù?Ù?Û? تÙ?اÙ?د جرÛ?اÙ? اطÙ?اعات Ù?Ù?باÛ?Ù? Ø´Ù?ا را بصÙ?رت Ú¯Ù?Ù?اÙ? درآÙ?رد
 Orbot  اگر Ù?Ù?Ø· 
 باÛ?د Ø¢Ù?را بÙ? درستÛ? تÙ?ظÛ?Ù? Ú©Ù?Û?دØ? Ù?Ù?Ú?Ù?Û?Ù? تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات را بر رÙ?Û? دستگاÙ? Ø®Ù?دتاÙ? Ù? دÛ?گر برÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?اÛ?Û? Ú©Ù? از  استÙ?ادÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?دTor اÛ?Ù?ترÙ?ت استÙ?ادÙ? Ù?Û?Ú©Ù?Ù?د اÙ?جاÙ? دÙ?Û?د تا بتÙ?اÙ?Û?د با Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Û?ت از </string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">دسترسÛ?â??Ù?ا</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">اجازÙ? دسترسÛ? بدÙ?Û?د تا Ù?Û?Ú?Ú¯Û?Ù?اÛ? Ù¾Û?شرÙ?تÙ?  Ù?اÙ?Ù?د پرÙ?کسÛ? Ø´Ù?اÙ? را Ù?عاÙ? Ú©Ù?د Orbot  اگر بخÙ?اÙ?Û?د Ù?Û?تÙ?اÙ?Û?د بÙ? سÙ?پر Û?Ù?زر </string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">اگر Ù?Ù?Û?Ø®Ù?اÙ?Û?د اÛ?Ù? کار را اÙ?جاÙ? دÙ?Û?د Ø? Ù?Ø·Ù?ا Ù?Ø·Ù?ئÙ? Ø´Ù?Û?د Ú©Ù? از اپÙ?Û?Ú©Û?Ø´Ù?Ù?اÛ?Û? استÙ?ادÙ? Ù?Û? Ú©Ù?Û?د Ú©Ù? با اÙ?ربات کار Ù?Û? Ú©Ù?Ù?د</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title"> رÙ?Û? Ø¢Ù?Ù?ا Ù?عاÙ? استOrbot Ù?Û?Ú©Û?Ø´Ù?Ù?اÛ?Û? Ú©Ù? </string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Ù?Ù?Ø· Ø¢Ù?درÙ?Û?د 1.x) - Ù?رÙ?رگر طراحÛ? شدÙ? براÛ? Ø­Ù?ظ حرÛ?Ù? خصÙ?صÛ? Ù? اÙ?زÙ?Ù?ساز اÙ?ربات</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">پرÙ?کسÛ? کردÙ? Ø´Ù?اÙ?</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">اÛ?Ù? بÙ? برÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?اÛ? Ø´Ù?ا اجازÙ? Ù?Û?دÙ?د Ú©Ù? بدÙ?Ù? Ù?Û?Ú? تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?Û?Ø? بصÙ?رت Ø®Ù?دکار از طرÛ?Ù? شبکÙ? تÙ?ر اجرا Ø´Ù?Ù?د</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(اگر Ù?Û?Ú? اÛ?دÙ?â??اÛ? Ù?دارÛ?د Ú©Ù? راجع بÙ? Ú?Ù? Ú?Û?زÛ? حرÙ? Ù?Û?زÙ?Û?Ù? اÛ?Ù? گزÛ?Ù?Ù? را اÙ?تخاب Ú©Ù?Û?د)</string>
diff --git a/values-fr/strings.xml b/values-fr/strings.xml
index fa67d91..f121914 100644
--- a/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Fin</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Valider</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Annuler</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Quelques détails sur Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot est une application logicielle libre qui contient Tor, LibEvent et Privoxy. Il fournit un proxy local HTTP (8118) et un proxy SOCKS (9050) dans le réseau Tor. Orbot a aussi la capacité, avec les droits administrateurs, d\'envoyer tout le trafic Internet à travers Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission accordée</string>
@@ -80,25 +81,38 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot est prêt!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Des milliers de personnes dans le monde utilisent Tor pour une grande variétés de raisons : journalistes et bloggers, défenseurs des droits de l\'homme, policiers, soldats, entreprises, les citoyens de régimes répressifs, et aussi de simples citoyens ... et maintenant vous êtes prêts aussi !</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time"> Vous êtes connectés avec succès au réseau Tor - mais cela ne signifie PAS que votre appareil est sécurisé. Vous pouvez utiliser l\'option \'Vérifier\'  du menu pour vérifier avec votre navigateur. \n\nAllez à la page https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot ou envoyez un courriel à help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pour en savoir plus.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">Ceci va ouvrir la page https://check.torproject.org avec le navigateur web par défaut pour vérifier si Orbot est suffisamment configuré pour vous connecter à Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Services cachés</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">Général</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Exécuter Orbot automatiquement</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Démarrer automatiquement Orbot et se connecter à Tor quand votre périphérique Android démarre</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot, c\'est Tor sur Android !\n\n Tor vous aide à vous protéger du filtrage de contenu, de l\'analyse de trafic et de la surveillance des réseaux qui menacent la vie privée, les informations confidentielles et les relations interpersonnelles.\n\nCe assistant vous aidera à configurer Orbot et Tor sur votre appareil.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Attention</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Installer Orbot ne suffit pas à anonymiser automatiquement le trafic de votre mobile.\n\nVous devez configurer correctement Orbot, votre appareil et d\'autres applications pour utiliser adéquatement Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Vous pouvez aussi, optionnellement donner l\'accès \"Super Utilisateur\" à Orbot pour activer les options avancées, comme le Proxy Transparent</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Si vous ne voulez pas faire ça, merci de vous assurer que les applications que vous utilisez ont été faites pour fonctionner avec Orbot.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Votre appareil est en mode standard et ne supporte pas l\'accès root ou «super-utilisateur».\n\nPour bénéficier de Tor, vous avez besoin d\'utiliser des applications conçues pour fonctionner avec Orbot ou permettant de définir un proxy de type HTTP ou SOCKS.\n\n
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Applications Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: application de clavardage sécurisé avec chiffrement Off-the-Record</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Android 1.x seulement) - navigateur créé pour protéger votre vie privée &amp; pour Orbot</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy transparent</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Cela permet à vos applications d\'utiliser automatiquement le réseau Tor sans aucune configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Cochez cette case si vous n\'avez aucune idée de ce dont nous parlons)</string>
diff --git a/values-hu/strings.xml b/values-hu/strings.xml
index a017a2c..70f3e4c 100644
--- a/values-hu/strings.xml
+++ b/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Befejezés</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Mégsem</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Néhány Orbot Tudnivaló</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Az Orbot egy nyílt forrás alkalmazás, ami a Tor, a LibEvent és Privoxy csomagot tartalmazza. Szolgáltatása egy helyi  HTTP proxy (8118) és egy SOCKS proxy (9050) a Tor hálózat felé. Az Orbot további tulajdonsága, hogy rootolt készülék esetén képes a teljes internet forgalom Tor hálózaton keresztül küldésére.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Jogosultság megadva</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Az Orbot kész!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Több száezren használják szerte a világon a Tor-t különbözÅ? okokból: újságírók, bloggerek, emberi jogi aktivisták, rendvédelmi szervek dolgozói, katonák, vállalatok, elnyomó rezsimek polgárai, vagy csak egyszerű polgárok... és most készen áll erre Ã?n is!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time"> Sikeresen csatlakozott a Tor hálózathoz - de ez NEM azt jelenti, hogy a készüléke biztonságos. EllenÅ?rizze az \'EllenÅ?rzés\' opcióval a menübÅ?l a böngészÅ?jét.\n\nLátogassa meg a https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot oldalt vagy küldjön emailt a help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx címre a további információkért.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">Ez megnyitja az alapértelmezett böngészÅ?t, és elnavigálja a https://check.torproject.orgoldalra, hogy ellenÅ?rizze, hogy az Orbot helyesen konfigurált-e, és hogy csatlakozott-e a Tor hálózathoz.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Rejtett szolgáltatások</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">�ltalános</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Az Orbot indítása bekapcsoláskor</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatikusan elindítja az Orbot-ot, és csatlakozik a hálózathoz, amikor az Android eszköz elindul</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Az Orbot elhozta a Tor-t Androidra!\n\n\A Tor megvédi a tartalomszűréstÅ?l, forgalomelemzéstÅ?l és hálózatanalízistól, amely a sértheti magánéletét, titkos üzleti információt vagy személyes kapcsolatait.\n\nEz a varázsló segít az Orbot és a Tor bekonfigurálásában az eszközén.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Figyelem</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Az Orbot telepítése nem fogja automatikusan névtelenné tenni a mobil forgalmát.\n\nMegfelelÅ?en konfigurálnia kell az Orbot-ot az eszközt és az alkalmazásokat a sikeres Tor használathoz.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Jogosultságok</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Opcionálisan adhat az Orbot részére \'Superuser\' hozzáférést, amellyel bekapcsolhatja az olyan speciális szolgáltatásokat, mint például az �tlátszó Proxyzás.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Ha nem szeretné ezt, akkor legen biztos abban, hogy olyan alkalmazásokat használ, amiket az Orbot-tal együttműködésre terveztek.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Az eszköze alap módban fut, nem támogatja a root vagy \'Superuser\' hozzáférést.\n\nAhhoz, hogy részesüljön a Tor elÅ?nyeibÅ?l, olyan alkalmazást kell használnia, amely úgy készült, hogy együtt használható legyen az Orbot-tal, vagy legyen lehetÅ?ség HTTP vagy SOCKS proxy beállítására.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-engedélyezett Alkalmazások</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Biztonságos csevegÅ? alkalmazás Off-the-Record titkosítással</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (csak Android 1.x) - BöngészÅ?, kifejezetten adatvédelemre és az Orbot-hoz</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">�tlátszó proxyzás</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Ez lehetÅ?vé teszi az alkalmazások számára a Tor-on keresztül kommunikálást, bármilyen konfiguráció nélkül.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Jelölje ezt négyzetet, ha halvány lila fogalma sincs mirÅ?l van itt szó.)</string>
diff --git a/values-it/strings.xml b/values-it/strings.xml
index b2bc668..23a3dd7 100644
--- a/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Fine</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Annulla</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Alcuni dettagli su Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot è un\' applicazione open-source che contiene Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. Fornisce un proxy HTTP locale (8118) e un proxy SOCKS (9050) verso la rete Tor. Orbot ha anche la capacità, su dispositivi con root, di far passare tutto il traffico internet attraverso Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permesso concesso</string>
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ Ulteriori informazioni sul proxying per Android nelle FAQ all\' indirizzo: http:
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot è pronto!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centinaia di migliaia di persone nel mondo usano Tor per una varietà di motivi: giornalisti e bloggers, lavoratori per i diritti umani, ufficiali delle forze dell\'ordine, soldati, aziende, cittadini di paesi repressivi, e anche cittadini qualunque... e ora sei pronto a farlo anche tu!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">Ti sei collegato correttamente alla rete Tor - ma questo NON significa che il dispositivo è sicuro. � possibile utilizzare l\'opzione \'Controlla\' dal menù per testare il browser. \n\n
 Visita il nostro sito web https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o invia una mail a help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx per saperne di più.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">Si aprirà il browser web predefinito per https://check.torproject.org per controllare se Orbot probabilmente è configurato e si è connessi a Tor.</string>
@@ -87,19 +89,31 @@ Visita il nostro sito web https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o invia una ma
   <string name="pref_general_group">Generale</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Avvia Orbot al boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Avvia automaticamente Orbot e connetti Tor quando il dispositivo Android viene avviato</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot porta Tor su Android!\n\nTor ti aiuta a difenderti da filtraggio di contenuti, analisi del traffico e sorveglianza della rete che minacciano la privacy, informazioni personali e relazioni personali.\n\nQuesta procedura guidata ti aiuterà a configurare Orbot e Tor sul tuo dispositivo.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Attenzione</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">La semplice installazione di Orbot non renderà anonimo il tuo traffico di rete mobile.\n\nDevi configurare correttamente Orbot, il tuo dispositivo e le altre applicazioni per usare Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permessi</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Opzionalmente, è possibile concedere ad Orbot l\'accesso da superutente per abilitare funzionalità avanzate come il proxying trasparente.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Se non si vuole intraprendere questa scelta, ci si assicuri di utilizzare applicazioni fatte per funzionare con Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Il vostro dispositivo non sembra essere rooted o fornire accesso da superutente.\n\nAl fine di beneficiare dell\'uso di Tor, sarà necessario utilizzare applicazioni costruite per funzionare con Orbot, o che supportino configurazioni proxy HTTP o SOCKS.\n\n
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-App abilitate</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: un applicazione per chat sicura con crittografia Off-the-Record</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Solo Android 1.x) - Browser progettato per la privacy e Orbot</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxying trasparente</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Questo permette alle tue applicazioni di passare automaticamente attraverso la rete Tor senza necessità di ulteriore configurazione.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Seleziona questa casella se non hai idea di quello di cui stiamo parlando)</string>
diff --git a/values-ja/strings.xml b/values-ja/strings.xml
index 0008de2..e2e905c 100644
--- a/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">��</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">�����</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Orbot詳細</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">èµ·å??æ??ã?«Orbotã??å®?è¡?ã??ã??</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">注æ??</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">許�</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-mk/strings.xml b/values-mk/strings.xml
index 8086fb7..d20f457 100644
--- a/values-mk/strings.xml
+++ b/values-mk/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Ð?Ñ?аÑ?</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Ð?о Ñ?ед</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Ð?Ñ?кажи Ñ?е</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Ð?екои деÑ?али за Ð?Ñ?боÑ?</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Ð?Ñ?боÑ? е апликаÑ?иÑ?а Ñ?о оÑ?воÑ?ен код коÑ?аÑ?Ñ?о го Ñ?одÑ?жи ТоÑ?, LibEvent и Privoxy. Таа Ð?и нÑ?ди локални пÑ?окÑ?иÑ?а за HTTP (поÑ?Ñ? 8118) и SOCKS (поÑ?Ñ? 9050) за повÑ?зÑ?ваÑ?е Ñ?о мÑ?ежаÑ?а ТоÑ?. Ð?Ñ?боÑ? иÑ?Ñ?о Ñ?ака нÑ?ди можноÑ?Ñ?, на Ñ?Ñ?еди Ñ?о root пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ап, Ñ?елиоÑ? Ñ?ообÑ?аÑ?аÑ? да Ñ?е пÑ?енаÑ?оÑ?и пÑ?екÑ? ТоÑ?.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Ð?озволаÑ?а е издадена</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Ð?Ñ?боÑ? е Ñ?пÑ?емен!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">СÑ?оÑ?иÑ?и илÑ?ади лÑ?Ñ?е низ Ñ?елиоÑ? СвеÑ? го коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?аÑ? ТоÑ? од многÑ? Ñ?азлиÑ?ни пÑ?иÑ?ини: новинаÑ?и и блогеÑ?и, боÑ?Ñ?и за Ñ?овекови пÑ?ава, полиÑ?аÑ?Ñ?и, воÑ?ниÑ?и, коÑ?поÑ?аÑ?ии, гÑ?аÑ?ани на Ñ?епÑ?еÑ?ивни Ñ?ежими, и обиÑ?ни гÑ?аÑ?ани... а Ñ?ега и Ð?ие Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?пÑ?емин да го коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time"> УÑ?пеÑ?но Ñ?е повÑ?завÑ?е на мÑ?ежаÑ?а ТоÑ? - но ова Ð?Ð? знаÑ?и дека важиоÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ед е Ñ?игÑ?Ñ?ен. Ð?а да го пÑ?овеÑ?иÑ?е Ð?аÑ?иоÑ? бÑ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ?, избеÑ?еÑ?е Ñ?а опÑ?иÑ?аÑ?а â??Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иâ?? во мениÑ?о. \n\nÐ?оÑ?еÑ?еÑ?е нÑ? на https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot или иÑ?пÑ?аÑ?еÑ?е поÑ?ака на help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx за повеÑ?е инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?ии.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">Ð?ва Ñ?е Ñ?а оÑ?воÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?аÑ?а https://check.torproject.org во Ð?аÑ?иоÑ? веб бÑ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ? за да видиÑ?е дали Ð?Ñ?боÑ? е пÑ?авилно конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ан и дали Ñ?Ñ?е повÑ?зани на ТоÑ?.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">СкÑ?иени Ñ?еÑ?виÑ?и </string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Ñ?амо Ð?ндÑ?оид 1.x) - Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ? дизаÑ?ниÑ?ан за пÑ?иваÑ?ноÑ?Ñ? и за Ð?Ñ?боÑ?</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-nb/strings.xml b/values-nb/strings.xml
index e5cca10..e4313a9 100644
--- a/values-nb/strings.xml
+++ b/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
   <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
   <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&amp;gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
   <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
   <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
   <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-nl/strings.xml b/values-nl/strings.xml
index 5fe5628..bce8f07 100644
--- a/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Einde</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Annuleren</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Enkele Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is een open-source applicatie die Tor, LibEvent en Privoxy bevat. Het creëert een lokale HTTP proxy (8118) en een SOCKS proxy (9050) naar het Tor netwerk. Orbot heeft ook de mogelijkheid om al het internet verkeer over het Tor netwerk te sturen.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Rechten toegewezen</string>
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ Je kunt meer leren over het proxy-en op Android door naar de FAQ op http://tinyu
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is klaar!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Honderdduizenden verschillende mensen over de wereld gebruiken Tor, voor verschillende redenen. Zoals: journalisten, bloggers, mensen rechten medewerkers, soldaten, bedrijven, burgers met onderdrukte religies, en natuurlijk normale mensen... En nu ben jij er ook klaar voor!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">Je bent succesvol verbonden met het Tor netwerk, maar dit betekent NIET dat je apparaat volledig veilig is. Gebruik te \'Check\' optie vanuit het menu om je browser te testen.
 Bezoek onze website op https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot of stuur een email naar help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx voor vragen.</string>
@@ -91,19 +93,31 @@ Bezoek onze website op https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot of stuur een emai
   <string name="pref_general_group">Algemeen</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot bij boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Start Orbot automatisch en verbind metTor wanneer je Android apparaat opstart.</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brengt Tor naar Android!\n\nTor helpt je verdedigen tegen filtering, verkeersanalyse en netwerktoezicht dat privacy, vertrouwelijke informatie en persoonlijke relaties bedreigt.\n\n Deze wizard helpt je met configureren van Orbot en Tor op jouw apparaat.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Waarschuwing</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Alleen Orbot installeren zal niet automatisch alle je mobiele verkeer anonimiseren.\n\nJe moet Orbot, je apparaat en andere apps juist instellen om succesvol Tor te gebruiken.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Rechten</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Je kan optioneeel Orbot \'superuser\' toegang geven om geavanceerde functies beschikbaar te stellen, zoals Tranparante Proxy.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Als je dit niet wilt doen, zorg er dan voor dat je apps gebruikt die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Je apparaat draait in standaard modus en ondersteunt geen root of \'superuser\' toegang.\n\nOm voordeel te hebben van Tor moet je gebruik maken van apps die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Tor, of die HTTP of SOCKS proxy instellingen ondersteunen.\n\n
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot geschikte Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Veilige chat app met Off-the-Record encryptie</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Alleen Android 1.x) - Browser gemaakt voor privacy &amp;amp; voor Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Alleen Android 1.x) - Browser gemaakt voor privacy &amp; voor Orbot</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Tranparante Proxy</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Dit maakt het mogelijk voor jouw apps om automatisch via het Tor netwerk te draaien zonder enige configuratie.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Vink dit aan al je geen idee hebt waar we het over hebben)</string>
diff --git a/values-pl/strings.xml b/values-pl/strings.xml
index 4f9a129..73c77b4 100644
--- a/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Koniec</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Anuluj</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Niektóre szczegóÅ?y o Orbocie</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot jest otwartÄ? aplikacjÄ? zawierajÄ?cÄ? Tora, LibEvent i Privoxy. Dostarcza lokalnego poÅ?rednika HTTP (8118) i SOCKS (9050) do sieci Tora. Orbot ma możliwoÅ?Ä?, na urzÄ?dzeniu uruchomionym z prawami administratora, wysyÅ?aÄ? caÅ?y ruch internetowy przez Tora.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">DostÄ?p zezwolony</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot jest gotowy!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Setki tysiÄ?cy ludzi na caÅ?ym Å?wiecie używajÄ? Tora z różnych powodów: dziennikarze i blogerzy, dziaÅ?acze na rzecz praw czÅ?owieka, stróże prawa, żoÅ?nierze, korporacje, obywatele represyjnych reżimów i zwykli obywatele... teraz Ty też możesz!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">PomyÅ?lnie poÅ?aczono z sieciÄ? Tora - ale to NIE oznacza, że Twoje urzÄ?dzenie jest bezpieczne. Możesz użyÄ? opcji \'Sprawdź\' w menu, aby przetestowaÄ? swojÄ? przeglÄ?darkÄ?. \n\nOdwiedź nas na https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot lub wyÅ?lij email na help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, by dowiedzieÄ? siÄ? wiÄ?cej.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">To otworzy TwojÄ? domyÅ?lnÄ? przeglÄ?darkÄ? na adresie https://check.torproject.org w celu sprawdzenia, czy Orbot jest skonfigurowany i jest poÄ?Å?czenie z Torem.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">UsÅ?ugi ukryte</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">Ogólne</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Uruchamiaj Orbota przy starcie</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatycznie uruchamiaj Orbota i Å?Ä?cz siÄ? z Torem, gdy Twoje urzÄ?dzenie z Androidem siÄ? uruchomi</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (tylko Android 1.x) - PrzeglÄ?darka zaprojektowana do prywatnoÅ?ci i dla Orbota</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-pt/strings.xml b/values-pt/strings.xml
index e598ccd..1ca4bda 100644
--- a/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
   <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Introduza portos para proxy</string>
   <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&amp;gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
   <string name="status_install_success">Binários do Tor instalados com sucesso!</string>
   <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
   <string name="title_error">Erro de Aplicação</string>
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-pt_BR/strings.xml b/values-pt_BR/strings.xml
index bf6c7f4..0bfad06 100644
--- a/values-pt_BR/strings.xml
+++ b/values-pt_BR/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Terminar</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalher do Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot é uma aplicação de código aberto que contém o Tor, LibEvent e Privoxy. Ela provê um proxy HTTP local (8118) e um proxy SOCKS (9050) dentro da rede Tor. Orbot também tem a habilidade, num dispositivo roteado, enviar todo o tráfego da Internet através do Tor</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permissão Concedida</string>
@@ -80,26 +81,39 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot está pronto!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenas de milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo usam o Tor por uma enorme variedade de razões.\n\nJornalistas e bloggers, defensores dos direitos humanos, oficiais da lei, soldados, corporações, cidadãos em regimes repressivos, e somente cidadãos comuns... e agora você está pronto para usar, também! </string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">Você se conectou à rede Tor com sucesso - mas isto N�O significa que seu dispositivo é seguro. Você pode usar a opção \'Checar\' no menu para testar seu navegador.\n\nVisite-nos em https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot ou envie um e-mail para help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx para saber mais.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">Isto irá abrir seu navegador web em https://check.torproject.org com o intuito de ver se o Orbot está provavelmente configurado e você está conectado ao Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Serviços Ocultos</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">Geral</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Iniciar Orbot no Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automaticamente iniciar o Orbot e conectar o Tor quando seu Android bootar.</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot trouxe Tor para Android!!\n\nTor ajuda você a se defender contra filtro de conteúdo, análises de tráfego e vigilância de rede que ameaçam sua privacidade, informação confidencial e relacionamentos pessoais.\n\nEste assistente irá ajudá-lo a configurar o Orbot e Tor no seu dispositivo.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Aviso</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simplesmente instalando o Orbot não irá automaticamente anonimizar seu tráfego móvel.\n\nVocê deve configurar apropriadamente o Orbot, seu dispositivo e outras apps para usar o Tor com sucesso.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissões</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Você pode opcionalmente garantir ao Orbot acesso de \'Superusuário\' para habilitar recursos avançados, como um proxy transparente.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Se você não quiser fazer isto, tenha certeza de usar apps feitas para trabalhar com o Orbot.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Seu dispositivo não parece ser roteado ou prover um acesso \'Superusuário\'.\n\nDe maneira a você se beneficiar do Tor, você precisará usar apps criadas para trabalhar com o Orbot, ou que suportem configurações de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS.
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Apps Orbot Habilitadas</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: App segura para chat com encriptação sem gravação </string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Navegador de reforço de privacidade que trabalha através do Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy Transparente</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Isto permite à suas apps automaticamente rodarem através da rede Tor sem nenhuma configuração.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Selecione esta caixa se você não souber do que estamos falando)</string>
diff --git a/values-ru/strings.xml b/values-ru/strings.xml
index 821eefd..5b532b9 100644
--- a/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Ð?авеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Ð?Ñ?мена</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Ð?екоÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е Ñ?веденÑ?Ñ? о пÑ?огÑ?амме Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot - Ñ?Ñ?о пÑ?иложение Ñ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м кодом, коÑ?оÑ?ое Ñ?одеÑ?жиÑ? Tor, LibEvent и Privoxy. Ð?на обеÑ?пеÑ?иваеÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? локалÑ?ного HTTP пÑ?окÑ?и (8118) и SOCKS пÑ?окÑ?и (9050) в Ñ?еÑ?и Tor. Orbot Ñ?акже позволÑ?еÑ?, из коÑ?нÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ойÑ?ва, пеÑ?еÑ?Ñ?лаÑ?Ñ? веÑ?Ñ? инÑ?еÑ?неÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ик Ñ?еÑ?ез Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">РазÑ?еÑ?ение полÑ?Ñ?ено</string>
@@ -80,25 +81,38 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Ð?Ñ?огÑ?амма Orbot гоÑ?ова к иÑ?полÑ?зованиÑ?!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">СоÑ?ни Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? лÑ?дей по вÑ?емÑ? миÑ?Ñ? иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Tor по Ñ?азлиÑ?нÑ?м пÑ?иÑ?инам: жÑ?Ñ?налиÑ?Ñ?Ñ? и блоггеÑ?Ñ?, акÑ?ивиÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?ганизаÑ?ий, вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?паÑ?Ñ?иÑ? в заÑ?иÑ?Ñ? пÑ?ав Ñ?еловека, Ñ?Ñ?дебнÑ?е иÑ?полниÑ?ели, Ñ?олдаÑ?Ñ?, коÑ?поÑ?аÑ?ии, гÑ?аждане Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ан Ñ? Ñ?епÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ивнÑ?м Ñ?ежимом, и пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е лÑ?ди... а Ñ?епеÑ?Ñ? гоÑ?овÑ? и вÑ?!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time"> Ð?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но подклÑ?Ñ?илиÑ?Ñ? к Ñ?еÑ?и Tor, но Ñ?Ñ?о Ð?Ð? знаÑ?иÑ?, Ñ?Ñ?о ваÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ойÑ?Ñ?во безопаÑ?но. Ð?Ñ? можеÑ?е воÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?нкÑ?ией \'Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?ки\' из менÑ?, Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? поÑ?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ?. \n\nÐ?оÑ?еÑ?иÑ?е наÑ? Ñ?айÑ?: https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot или оÑ?пÑ?авÑ?Ñ?е нам пиÑ?Ñ?мо на адÑ?еÑ?: help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? Ñ?знаÑ?Ñ? болÑ?Ñ?е.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">ЭÑ?о пÑ?иведеÑ? к запÑ?Ñ?кÑ? веб-бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ?а, вÑ?бÑ?анного на ваÑ?ем компÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?е по-Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?, и подклÑ?Ñ?ениÑ? к Ñ?айÑ?Ñ? https://check.torproject.org, Ñ? Ñ?елÑ?Ñ? пÑ?овеÑ?ки пÑ?авилÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Orbot и опÑ?еделениÑ?, подклÑ?Ñ?енÑ? ли вÑ? к Ñ?еÑ?и Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?еÑ?виÑ?Ñ?</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot позволÑ?еÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? Tor в Android!\n\nTor позволÑ?еÑ? вам заÑ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ? Ñ?илÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ии конÑ?енÑ?а, анализа Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ика и наблÑ?дениÑ? за Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?авиÑ? под Ñ?гÑ?озÑ? пÑ?иваÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, конÑ?иденÑ?иалÑ?нÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? и лиÑ?нÑ?е оÑ?ноÑ?ениÑ?.\n\nЭÑ?оÑ? маÑ?Ñ?еÑ? поможеÑ? вам наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? Orbot и Tor на ваÑ?ем Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ойÑ?Ñ?ве.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Ð?Ñ?едÑ?пÑ?еждение</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Ð?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановка Orbot не бÑ?деÑ? авÑ?омаÑ?иÑ?еÑ?ки анонимиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? мобилÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ик.\n\nÐ?Ñ? должнÑ? пÑ?авилÑ?но наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? Orbot, ваÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ойÑ?Ñ?во и дÑ?Ñ?гие пÑ?иложениÑ?, Ñ?Ñ?о бÑ? Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">РазÑ?еÑ?ениÑ?</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Ð?Ñ? Ñ?ак же можеÑ?е по желаниÑ? даÑ?Ñ? Orbot пÑ?ава \'СÑ?пеÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?\' длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к пÑ?одвинÑ?Ñ?Ñ?м возможноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?м, Ñ?ипа Ð?Ñ?озÑ?аÑ?наÑ? Ð?Ñ?окÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? не Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е делаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о, пожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, Ñ?доÑ?Ñ?овеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?о иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?еÑ?е пÑ?иложениÑ? Ñ?озданнÑ?е длÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Ñ? Orbot.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Ð?оÑ?оже ваÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ойÑ?Ñ?во не имееÑ? root пÑ?ав и не пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?еÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п \'СÑ?пеÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?\'.\n\nЧÑ?о бÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? Tor, вам надо иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иложениÑ? поÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оеннÑ?е длÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Ñ? Orbot или Ñ?е, коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е поддеÑ?живаÑ?Ñ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойкÑ? HTTP или SOCKS пÑ?окÑ?и.\n\n
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Ð?Ñ?иложениÑ?, Ñ?абоÑ?аÑ?Ñ?ие Ñ? Orbot:</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: пÑ?иложение длÑ? безопаÑ?ной пеÑ?епиÑ?ки Ñ? конÑ?иденÑ?иалÑ?нÑ?м Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ованием</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (ТолÑ?ко длÑ? веÑ?Ñ?ии Android 1.x) - Ð?Ñ?аÑ?зеÑ?, Ñ?азÑ?абоÑ?аннÑ?й длÑ? обеÑ?пеÑ?ениÑ? безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и и длÑ? Orbot</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Ð?Ñ?озÑ?аÑ?ное Ð?Ñ?окÑ?иÑ?ование</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">ЭÑ?о позволÑ?еÑ? ваÑ?им пÑ?иложениÑ?м авÑ?омаÑ?иÑ?еÑ?ки Ñ?абоÑ?аÑ?Ñ? по Ñ?еÑ?и Tor без какого-либо конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ованиÑ?.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Ð?Ñ?меÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е даннÑ?й пÑ?нкÑ?, еÑ?ли вÑ? не знаеÑ?е о Ñ?ем идеÑ? Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?)</string>
diff --git a/values-sv/strings.xml b/values-sv/strings.xml
index 8312c3c..e09b5e2 100644
--- a/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
   <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
   <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&amp;gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
   <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
   <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
   <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values-zh/strings.xml b/values-zh/strings.xml
index 6a82dc0..7e3517e 100644
--- a/values-zh/strings.xml
+++ b/values-zh/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">å®?æ??</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">确�</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">å??æ¶?</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">ä¸?äº? Orbot 详æ??</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot æ?¯å??å?« Torã??LibEvent å?? Privoxy ç??å¼?æº?软件ã??å®?å??å?«äº?ä¸?个æ?¬å?° HTTP 代ç??(8118)å?? SOCKS 代ç??(9050)ï¼?使æ?¨æ?¥å?¥ Tor ç½?ç»?ã??Orbot å?¨å?¯ä»¥è?·å¾? root æ??é??ç??设å¤?ä¸?æ?¥ç®¡æ??æ??æµ?é??ç»?ç?± Tor ç½?ç»?ã??</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">å·²èµ?äº?æ??é??</string>
@@ -79,24 +80,37 @@
     æ?¨å?¯ä»¥é??è¿? http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid äº?解æ?´å¤? Android ä¸?使ç?¨ä»£ç??ç??ç?¥è¯?ã??</string>
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot 已就绪�</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">æ?°ä»¥ä¸?计ç??å??å?½äººä»¬å? ä¸ºå??ç§?å??å? ä½¿ç?¨ Torï¼?è®°è??ã??人æ??å·¥ä½?è??ã??æ³?å¾?å·¥ä½?è??ã??士å?µã??å?¬å?¸ã??è¿«äº?å®?é??æ??å?µä½¿ç?¨ç??å¸?æ°?ï¼?å½?ç?¶ä¹?æ??æ?®é??ç??å¸?æ°?ã??ç?°å?¨ä½ ä¹?å?³å°?æ??为å?¶ä¸­ç??ä¸?å??ï¼?</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">æ?¨å·²æ??å??è¿?æ?¥è?³ Tor ç½?ç»? - ä½?è¿?并ä¸?æ??å?³ç??æ?¨ç??设å¤?å®?å?¨ã??æ?¨å?¯ä»¥ä½¿ç?¨â??æ£?æ?¥â??é??项æµ?è¯?æ?¨ç??æµ?è§?å?¨ã??\n\n访é?® https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot æ??å??é??é?®ä»¶å?° help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 以äº?解æ?´å¤?ä¿¡æ?¯ã??</string>
   <string name="tor_check">è¿?å°?å?¯å?¨é»?认æµ?è§?å?¨å¹¶è®¿é?® https://check.torproject.org 以æµ?è¯?æ?¯å?¦æ­£ç¡®é??ç½®äº? Orbot 并确认æ?¨æ?¯å?¦å·²ç»?è¿?æ?¥å?° Torã??</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">é??è??æ??å?¡</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">����Orbot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">å½?æ?¨ç?? Android 设å¤?å¼?æ?ºæ?¶è?ªå?¨å?¯å?¨ Orbot 并è¿?æ?¥è?³ Tor ç½?ç»?</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">è­¦å??</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">å??许</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (ä»? Android 1.x) - ç??é??é??ç§?设计ç??æµ?è§?å?¨</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
diff --git a/values/strings.xml b/values/strings.xml
index 90ef6fd..590f4a2 100644
--- a/values/strings.xml
+++ b/values/strings.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
   <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
   <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
   <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
@@ -80,24 +81,37 @@
   <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
   <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
   <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.</string>
   <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
   <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
   <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
   <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
+  <!-- Title Screen -->
   <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <!-- Warning screen -->
   <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
   <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <!-- Permissions screen -->
   <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
   <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
   <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
   <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
   <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
   <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <!-- 
+	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
+	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
+    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
+    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
+  -->
+  <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
   <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>

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