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[tor-commits] [obfsproxy/master] Change an instance of 'malloc(); snprintf(); ' to use 'obfs_asprintf()'.

commit b9a3fe1012815d7040cbd766fa463c2599338bc7
Author: George Kadianakis <desnacked@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Feb 22 12:51:13 2012 -0800

    Change an instance of 'malloc();snprintf();' to use 'obfs_asprintf()'.
 src/network.c |   22 ++++------------------
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/network.c b/src/network.c
index d001c1f..968bdf4 100644
--- a/src/network.c
+++ b/src/network.c
@@ -591,24 +591,10 @@ open_outbound_hostname(conn_t *conn, int af, const char *addr, uint16_t port)
   /* associate bufferevent with the new connection. */
   newconn->buffer = buf;
-  { /* set up temporary FQDN peername. When we connect to the host, we
-        will replace this peername with the IP address we connected
-        to. */
-    /* '6' is strlen(":65535")
-       '1' is the ending NUL. */
-    const size_t peername_len = strlen(addr) + 6 + 1;
-    newconn->peername = xzalloc(peername_len);
-    if (obfs_snprintf(newconn->peername, peername_len, "%s:%d",
-                      addr, port) < 0) {
-      log_warn("Failed while writing peername (%s:%u)! This might be a bug.",
-               addr, port);
-      free(newconn->peername);
-      newconn->peername = NULL;
-      conn_free(newconn);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
+  /* Set up a temporary FQDN peername. When we actually connect to the
+     host, we will replace this peername with the IP address we
+     connected to. */
+  obfs_asprintf(&newconn->peername, "%s:%u", addr, port);
   bufferevent_setcb(buf, downstream_read_cb, NULL, pending_socks_cb, newconn);
   if (bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(buf, get_evdns_base(),

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