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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] Key and pass in facilitator-howto.txt.

commit e78021c120e607c164fdd39a72f2356b623e3328
Author: David Fifield <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Mar 7 00:24:25 2013 -0800

    Key and pass in facilitator-howto.txt.
 doc/facilitator-howto.txt |   33 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/facilitator-howto.txt b/doc/facilitator-howto.txt
index 25c0a8c..0da4118 100644
--- a/doc/facilitator-howto.txt
+++ b/doc/facilitator-howto.txt
@@ -164,10 +164,24 @@ Copy the new tor-facilitator.pem to the facilitator server as
 	# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
+=== Registration daemon setup
+The facilitator-reg-daemon program requires a private RSA key (used to
+decrypt encrypted client registrations).
+	# openssl genrsa -out /etc/flashproxy/reg-daemon.key 2048
+	# chmod 600 /etc/flashproxy/reg-daemon.key
+	# openssl rsa -pubout < /etc/flashproxy/reg-daemon.key > reg-daemon.pub
+You will have to edit flashproxy-reg-email and copy the contents of
+reg-email.pub into the appropriate place.
+Install reg-daemon.key /etc/flashproxy to match what the init script
 === Email poller setup
-The facilitator-email-poller program requires a private RSA key (used to
-decrypt encrypted client registrations), and a password that is used to
+The facilitator-email-poller program requires a password that is used to
 log in to the designated Gmail account. See the file gmail-setup.txt for
 instructions on setting up a Gmail account. After you've set up the
 account and have the password, save it to a file reg-email.pass and make
@@ -175,16 +189,5 @@ it not readable or writable by anyone but its owner.
 	# chmod 600 /etc/flashproxy/reg-email.pass
-You need an RSA keypair because all client registrations over email are
-	# openssl genrsa -out /etc/flashproxy/reg-email.key 2048
-	# chmod 600 /etc/flashproxy/reg-email.key
-	# openssl rsa -pubout < /etc/flashproxy/reg-email.key > reg-email.pub
-You will have to edit flashproxy-reg-email and copy the contents of
-reg-email.pub into the appropriate place.
-Install reg-email.key and reg-email.pass to /etc/flashproxy to match
-what the init script expects, or else use the --key and --pass options
-if you have them stored in another place.
+Install reg-email.pass to /etc/flashproxy to match what the init script

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