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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Add test deck support to runWithDirector

commit 6ec391c39893dddb56dfd9447c522005425b01c7
Author: aagbsn <aagbsn@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jan 19 15:22:37 2013 +0000

    Add test deck support to runWithDirector
 ooni/oonicli.py |  118 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ooni/oonicli.py b/ooni/oonicli.py
index 78389f4..e9c6b01 100644
--- a/ooni/oonicli.py
+++ b/ooni/oonicli.py
@@ -168,88 +168,56 @@ def runWithDirector():
     global_options = parseOptions()
-    config.cmd_line_options = global_options
-    net_test_args = global_options.pop('subargs')
-    net_test_file = global_options['test']
-    net_test_loader = NetTestLoader(net_test_file, net_test_args)
-    try:
-        net_test_loader.checkOptions()
-    except MissingRequiredOption, option_name:
-        log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name)
-        print net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    except usage.UsageError, e:
-        log.err(e)
-        print net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    # reporters = [YAMLReporter, OONIBReporter]
-    yaml_reporter = YAMLReporter(net_test_loader.testDetails)
-    reporters = [yaml_reporter]
-    if global_options['collector']:
-        try:
-            oonib_reporter = OONIBReporter(net_test_loader.testDetails, 
-                    global_options['collector'])
-            reporters.append(oonib_reporter)
-        except InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress:
-            log.err("Invalid format for oonib collector address.")
-            log.msg("Should be in the format http://<collector_address>:<port>")
-            log.msg("for example: ooniprobe -c httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion")
-            sys.exit(1)
-    director = Director(reporters)
-    d = director.start()
-    d.addCallback(director.startNetTest, net_test_loader)
-    d.addBoth(shutdown)
-    reactor.run()
-def run():
-    """
-    Parses command line arguments of test.
-    """
-    if config.privacy.includepcap:
-        log.msg("Starting")
-        if not config.reports.pcap:
-            config.generatePcapFilename()
-        runner.startSniffing()
-    resume = cmd_line_options['resume']
+    net_test_args = global_options.get('subargs')
     # contains (test_cases, options, cmd_line_options)
     test_list = []
-    if cmd_line_options['testdeck']:
-        test_deck = yaml.safe_load(open(cmd_line_options['testdeck']))
+    if global_options['testdeck']:
+        test_deck = yaml.safe_load(open(global_options['testdeck']))
         for test in test_deck:
-            del cmd_line_options
-            cmd_line_options = test['options']
-            if resume:
-                cmd_line_options['resume'] = True
-            else:
-                cmd_line_options['resume'] = False
-            test_list.append(runner.loadTest(cmd_line_options))
+            test_options = test['options']
+            test_file = test_options['test']
+            test_subargs = test_options['subargs']
+            test_list.append(NetTestLoader(test_file, test_subargs))
         log.debug("No test deck detected")
-        del cmd_line_options['testdeck']
-        test_list.append(runner.loadTest(cmd_line_options))
-    if config.advanced.start_tor:
-        log.msg("Starting Tor...")
-        d = runner.startTor()
-        d.addCallback(runTestList, test_list)
-        d.addErrback(errorRunningTests)
-    else:
-        # We need to pass None as first argument because when the callback is
-        # fired it will pass it's result to runTestCase.
-        d = runTestList(None, test_list)
-        d.addErrback(errorRunningTests)
+        test_list.append(NetTestLoader(global_options['test'], net_test_args))
+    director = Director()
+    d = director.start()
+    for net_test_loader in test_list:
+        try:
+            net_test_loader.checkOptions()
+        except MissingRequiredOption, option_name:
+            log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name)
+            print net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
+            sys.exit(2)
+        except usage.UsageError, e:
+            log.err(e)
+            print net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
+            sys.exit(2)
+        yaml_reporter = YAMLReporter(net_test_loader.testDetails)
+        reporters = [yaml_reporter]
+        if global_options['collector']:
+            try:
+                oonib_reporter = OONIBReporter(net_test_loader.testDetails,
+                        global_options['collector'])
+                reporters.append(oonib_reporter)
+            except InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress:
+                log.err("Invalid format for oonib collector address.")
+                log.msg("Should be in the format http://<collector_address>:<port>")
+                log.msg("for example: ooniprobe -c httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion")
+                sys.exit(1)
+        #XXX add all the tests to be run sequentially
+        d.addCallback(director.startNetTest, net_test_loader, reporters)
+    d.addBoth(shutdown)

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