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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] Remove windows-deployment-howto.

commit 31b5b8ac5739ed63c806b5d50f305fe4bd6b763a
Author: Alexandre Allaire <alexandre.allaire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Mar 20 12:15:24 2013 -0400

    Remove windows-deployment-howto.
    It's been merged into bundle-windows.
 doc/windows-deployment-howto.txt |  117 --------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/windows-deployment-howto.txt b/doc/windows-deployment-howto.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3c393..0000000
--- a/doc/windows-deployment-howto.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-This document describes how to build standalone Windows executables of
-the flash proxy client programs. The client programs are written in
-Python, so we use a program called PyInstaller that compiles them into
-These instructions were last tested in December 2012. Tarball version
-numbers were up to date then; check for newer versions.
-== Summary
-Install the below dependencies, run
-	$ make dist-exe
-and a zip containing the executables will end up in the dist directory.
-== Dependencies
-=== Cygwin
-Cygwin is used to provide a shell environment and other commands. We
-don't actually use the Cygwin compatibility layer.
-Verify the signature (do it on another machine if you don't already have
-GnuPG installed locally).
-	$ gpg --verify setup.exe.sig
-You need to install at least the following packages:
-	bash
-	coreutils
-	gnupg
-	grep
-	make
-	mingw-gcc-core
-	perl
-	zip
-Don't install the Cygwin python package. Use Python's own Windows
-installer as described in the next section.
-=== Python
-Get the latest 32-bit installer in the 2.x series.
-Verify the signature (instructions are on the download page).
-	$ gpg --verify python-2.7.3.msi.asc
-Run the installer. "Install for all users". Disable "Tcl/Tk",
-"Documentation", "Utility Scripts", and "Test suite".
-Set the PATH environment variable as described at
-	PATH=<existing path>;C:\Python27
-You will have to restart your Cygwin shells to pick up the new PATH.
-=== py2exe
-The sha256sum of the package I used was
-610a8800de3d973ed5ed4ac505ab42ad058add18a68609ac09e6cf3598ef056c  py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.7.exe
-=== OpenSSL
-Verify the signature.
-	$ gpg --verify openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz.asc
-Build OpenSSL from source using Cygwin and MinGW. Install the Cygwin
-package mingw-gcc-core if it's not already installed. Run these commands
-in the OpenSSL source directory:
-	CROSS_COMPILE=i686-pc-mingw32- ./Configure shared mingw
-	make
-	make install
-Then, add C:\cygwin\usr\local\ssl\bin to PATH as you did with Python
-=== SWIG
-This is a prerequisite for building M2Crypto.
-The sha256sum of the package I used was
-35bc3013d43e0034677c08bab30bfc94ed6d44fbfffa4c5158f5788d29f4636d  swigwin-2.0.8.zip
-Just extract the zip in the same directory in which you will extract
-=== M2Crypto
-There are binary installers on the M2Crypto page, but it says they are
-"provided by volunteers, untested by M2Crypto author." Instead build
-from source.
-The distutils build_ext command hardcodes the compiler name "gcc" when
-using the "mingw32" compiler. Make a copy of the MinGW compiler with
-that name.
-	$ cp /usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gcc /usr/bin/gcc
-Build the package.
-	$ PATH=$PATH:../swigwin-2.0.8 python setup.py build_ext -c mingw32 --openssl C:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\ssl -L C:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\ssl\\bin
-	$ python setup.py bdist_wininst
-This will leave an MSI installer in the dist directory. Double-click it
-to install M2Crypto amid the other Python files.

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