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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TheTorProject/ooni-probe

commit a0fcf23a21756873b48fd6bff5a6f3c48d82a2d8
Merge: db0651b 1d4d385
Author: Arturo Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Mar 29 18:16:45 2013 -0700

    Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TheTorProject/ooni-probe
    * 'master' of github.com:TheTorProject/ooni-probe:
      Use regexp instead of parsing XML.
      Write unittests also for Tor geoip stuff
      Add test for checking the failure of the traceroute method
      Write unittests for geoip web services.
      Move geoip related classes into ooni.geoip
      Make reporter creation more robust
      Implement modular probe IP address lookup function.
      Add an example test that inherits from the HTTP and DNS test template
      Fix bug #7999 allowing tests to inherit from multiple test templates
      Uniform transparent_http_proxy keys in report
      Bump up the version of the HTTP Host test.
      Add note on the versions of libdnet and pypcap (#7994)
      Add test that will prepend newline to request
      Add HTTP Filtering bypass tests and some HTTP Trix test

 HACKING                                            |    2 +-
 nettests/examples/example_dns_http.py              |   11 ++
 nettests/experimental/http_filtering_bypassing.py  |   84 +++++++++
 nettests/experimental/http_trix.py                 |   47 +++++
 nettests/manipulation/http_host.py                 |   64 +++++--
 nettests/manipulation/http_invalid_request_line.py |    5 +-
 ooni/director.py                                   |   23 ++--
 ooni/errors.py                                     |   11 +-
 ooni/geoip.py                                      |  188 ++++++++++++++++++++
 ooni/nettest.py                                    |    9 +-
 ooni/reporter.py                                   |   14 +-
 ooni/runner.py                                     |    2 +-
 ooni/templates/dnst.py                             |   10 +-
 ooni/templates/httpt.py                            |    8 +-
 ooni/templates/scapyt.py                           |    2 +
 ooni/templates/tcpt.py                             |    2 +
 ooni/tests/test_nettest.py                         |    3 +-
 ooni/utils/__init__.py                             |    7 +-
 ooni/utils/geodata.py                              |   45 -----
 tests/test_geoip.py                                |  137 ++++++++++++++
 20 files changed, 572 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --cc ooni/tests/test_nettest.py
index a0ccb32,0000000..2d070c3
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/ooni/tests/test_nettest.py
+++ b/ooni/tests/test_nettest.py
@@@ -1,264 -1,0 +1,263 @@@
 +import os
 +from StringIO import StringIO
 +from tempfile import TemporaryFile, mkstemp
 +from twisted.trial import unittest
 +from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
 +from twisted.python.usage import UsageError
 +from ooni.nettest import NetTest, InvalidOption, MissingRequiredOption
 +from ooni.nettest import NetTestLoader, FailureToLoadNetTest
 +from ooni.tasks import BaseTask
- from ooni.utils import NotRootError
 +from ooni.director import Director
 +from ooni.managers import TaskManager
 +from tests.mocks import MockMeasurement, MockMeasurementFailOnce
 +from tests.mocks import MockNetTest, MockDirector, MockReporter
 +from tests.mocks import MockMeasurementManager
 +net_test_string = """
 +from twisted.python import usage
 +from ooni.nettest import NetTestCase
 +class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
 +    optParameters = [['spam', 's', None, 'ham']]
 +class DummyTestCase(NetTestCase):
 +    usageOptions = UsageOptions
 +    def test_a(self):
 +        self.report['bar'] = 'bar'
 +    def test_b(self):
 +        self.report['foo'] = 'foo'
 +net_test_root_required = net_test_string+"""
 +    requiresRoot = True
 +net_test_string_with_file = """
 +from twisted.python import usage
 +from ooni.nettest import NetTestCase
 +class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
 +    optParameters = [['spam', 's', None, 'ham']]
 +class DummyTestCase(NetTestCase):
 +    inputFile = ['file', 'f', None, 'The input File']
 +    usageOptions = UsageOptions
 +    def test_a(self):
 +        self.report['bar'] = 'bar'
 +    def test_b(self):
 +        self.report['foo'] = 'foo'
 +net_test_with_required_option = """
 +from twisted.python import usage
 +from ooni.nettest import NetTestCase
 +class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
 +    optParameters = [['spam', 's', None, 'ham'],
 +                     ['foo', 'o', None, 'moo'],
 +                     ['bar', 'o', None, 'baz'],
 +    ]
 +class DummyTestCase(NetTestCase):
 +    inputFile = ['file', 'f', None, 'The input File']
 +    usageOptions = UsageOptions
 +    def test_a(self):
 +        self.report['bar'] = 'bar'
 +    def test_b(self):
 +        self.report['foo'] = 'foo'
 +    requiredOptions = ['foo', 'bar']
 +dummyInputs = range(1)
 +dummyArgs = ('--spam', 'notham')
 +dummyOptions = {'spam':'notham'}
 +dummyInvalidArgs = ('--cram', 'jam')
 +dummyInvalidOptions= {'cram':'jam'}
 +dummyArgsWithRequiredOptions = ('--foo', 'moo', '--bar', 'baz')
 +dummyRequiredOptions = {'foo':'moo', 'bar':'baz'}
 +dummyArgsWithFile = ('--spam', 'notham', '--file', 'dummyInputFile.txt')
 +class TestNetTest(unittest.TestCase):
 +    timeout = 1
 +    def setUp(self):
 +        with open('dummyInputFile.txt', 'w') as f:
 +            for i in range(10):
 +                f.write("%s\n" % i)
 +    def assertCallable(self, thing):
 +        self.assertIn('__call__', dir(thing))
 +    def verifyMethods(self, testCases):
 +        uniq_test_methods = set()
 +        for test_class, test_methods in testCases:
 +            instance = test_class()
 +            for test_method in test_methods:
 +                c = getattr(instance, test_method)
 +                self.assertCallable(c)
 +                uniq_test_methods.add(test_method)
 +        self.assertEqual(set(['test_a', 'test_b']), uniq_test_methods)
 +    def test_load_net_test_from_file(self):
 +        """
 +        Given a file verify that the net test cases are properly
 +        generated.
 +        """
 +        __, net_test_file = mkstemp()
 +        with open(net_test_file, 'w') as f:
 +            f.write(net_test_string)
 +        f.close()
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs, 'test':net_test_file}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        self.verifyMethods(ntl.testCases)
 +        os.unlink(net_test_file)
 +    def test_load_net_test_from_str(self):
 +        """
 +        Given a file like object verify that the net test cases are properly
 +        generated.
 +        """
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs, 'test':net_test_string}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        self.verifyMethods(ntl.testCases)
 +    def test_load_net_test_from_StringIO(self):
 +        """
 +        Given a file like object verify that the net test cases are properly
 +        generated.
 +        """
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs, 'test':StringIO(net_test_string)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        self.verifyMethods(ntl.testCases)
 +    def test_load_with_option(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs, 'test':StringIO(net_test_string)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        self.assertIsInstance(ntl, NetTestLoader)
 +        for test_klass, test_meth in ntl.testCases:
 +            for option in dummyOptions.keys():
 +                self.assertIn(option, test_klass.usageOptions())
 +    def test_load_with_invalid_option(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyInvalidArgs,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_string)}
 +        try:
 +            ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +            ntl.checkOptions()
 +            raise Exception
 +        except UsageError:
 +            pass
 +    def test_load_with_required_option(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgsWithRequiredOptions,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_with_required_option)}
 +        net_test = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        self.assertIsInstance(net_test, NetTestLoader)
 +    def test_load_with_missing_required_option(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_with_required_option)}
 +        try:
 +            net_test = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        except MissingRequiredOption:
 +            pass
 +    def test_net_test_inputs(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgsWithFile,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_string_with_file)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        ntl.checkOptions()
 +        # XXX: if you use the same test_class twice you will have consumed all
 +        # of its inputs!
 +        tested = set([])
 +        for test_class, test_method in ntl.testCases:
 +            if test_class not in tested:
 +                tested.update([test_class])
 +                self.assertEqual(len(list(test_class.inputs)), 10)
 +    def test_setup_local_options_in_test_cases(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs, 'test':StringIO(net_test_string)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        ntl.checkOptions()
 +        for test_class, test_method in ntl.testCases:
 +            self.assertEqual(test_class.localOptions, dummyOptions)
 +    def test_generate_measurements_size(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgsWithFile,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_string_with_file)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        ntl.checkOptions()
 +        net_test = NetTest(ntl, None)
 +        measurements = list(net_test.generateMeasurements())
 +        self.assertEqual(len(measurements), 20)
 +    def test_net_test_completed_callback(self):
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgsWithFile,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_string_with_file)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        ntl.checkOptions()
 +        director = Director()
 +        d = director.startNetTest('', ntl, [MockReporter()])
 +        @d.addCallback
 +        def complete(result):
 +            #XXX: why is the return type (True, None) ?
 +            self.assertEqual(result, [(True,None)])
 +            self.assertEqual(director.successfulMeasurements, 20)
 +        return d
 +    def test_require_root_succeed(self):
 +        #XXX: will require root to run
 +        options = {'subargs':dummyArgs,
 +            'test':StringIO(net_test_root_required)}
 +        ntl = NetTestLoader(options)
 +        for test_class, method in ntl.testCases:
 +            self.assertTrue(test_class.requiresRoot)
 +    #def test_require_root_failed(self):
 +    #    #XXX: will fail if you run as root
 +    #    try:
 +    #        net_test = NetTestLoader(StringIO(net_test_root_required),
 +    #                dummyArgs)
-     #    except NotRootError:
++    #    except errors.InsufficientPrivileges:
 +    #        pass
 +    #def test_create_report_succeed(self):
 +    #    pass
 +    #def test_create_report_failed(self):
 +    #    pass
 +    #def test_run_all_test(self):
 +    #    raise NotImplementedError
 +    #def test_resume_test(self):
 +    #    pass
 +    #def test_progress(self):
 +    #    pass
 +    #def test_time_out(self):
 +    #    raise NotImplementedError

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