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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/master] Remove Bridges.getExtraInfoDigests().

commit 0e8200f0352865ea3eb3ce235bf431677a835598
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Feb 11 01:29:04 2015 +0000

    Remove Bridges.getExtraInfoDigests().
    This functionality is now built into the bridgedb.bridges.Bridge class,
    and the retrieval of the digest values is done per-descriptor.
     * REMOVE bridgedb.Bridges.getExtraInfoDigests() function.
 lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py           |   31 -------------------------------
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_bridges.py |   24 ------------------------
 2 files changed, 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py b/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py
index a8b0a4f..e92e23e 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py
@@ -42,37 +42,6 @@ DIGEST_LEN = 20
-def getExtraInfoDigests(doc):
-    """Return the SHA-1 hash hexdigests of all extra-info documents
-    :param File doc: A string containing the contents of one
-                      or more bridge extra-info documents concatenated
-                      together.
-    :returns: A dict indexed by the SHA-1 hexdigest of the bridge
-              extra-info doc, equivalent to that which was published
-              on the 'extra-info-digest' line of the bridge's
-              descriptor. The value is the bridge's extra-info document
-              digest, or None, if not provided.
-    """
-    if not doc: return None
-    documents = {}
-    sha1hash = hashlib.sha1()
-    document_content = ''
-    for line in doc:
-        if line != '-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n':
-            sha1hash.update(line)
-            document_content += line
-        else:
-            digest = sha1hash.hexdigest().lower()
-            documents[digest] = StringIO(document_content)
-            while line != '-----END SIGNATURE-----\n':
-                line = next(doc)
-            sha1hash = hashlib.sha1()
-            document_content = ''
-    return documents
 def parseDescFile(f, bridge_purpose='bridge'):
     """Generator. Parses a cached-descriptors file 'f' and yeilds a Bridge object
        for every entry whose purpose matches bridge_purpose.
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_bridges.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_bridges.py
index aff6e65..8ff0557 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_bridges.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_bridges.py
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ class BridgeIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase):
     test_getConfigLine_vanilla_withoutFingerprint   test_integration_getConfigLine_vanilla_withoutFingerprint
     test_getConfigLine_vanilla_withFingerprint      test_integration_getConfigLine_vanilla_withFingerprint
     test_getConfigLine_scramblesuit_withFingeprint  test_integration_getConfigLine_scramblesuit_withFingerprint
-    test_getExtraInfoDigests                        test_integration_getExtraInfoDigests
     test_splitterBridgeInsertion                    test_integration_splitterBridgeInsertion
     ==============================================  ========================
@@ -286,29 +285,6 @@ class BridgeIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase):
                          % (self.fingerprint, ptArgsList),
-    def test_integration_getExtraInfoDigests(self):
-        raise unittest.SkipTest(
-            ("The functions getDescriptorDigests() and getExtraInfoDigests() "
-             "have not been refactored into the new bridgedb.bridges module "
-             "because it's not clear yet if they're necessary. Skip these "
-             "tests for now."))
-        sha1hash = hashlib.sha1()
-        test = "Many words and line all together\n"
-        test += "extra info is nothing like weather\n"
-        test += "it's certain to come, like the key in a hum\n"
-        test += "but sometimes without a transport and rum\n"
-        content = test
-        sha1hash.update(test)
-        digest = sha1hash.hexdigest()
-        test += "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
-        test += "But the rum can't save the world like you\n"
-        test += "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
-        digests = bridges.getExtraInfoDigests(io.StringIO(test))
-        self.failUnlessIn(digest, digests)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(content, digests[digest].read())
     def test_integration_splitterBridgeInsertion(self):
         key = "Testing-Bridges-To-Rings"
         splitter = FilteredBridgeSplitter(key)

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