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[tor-commits] [nyx/master] Header docs for our log.py util

commit 84a72df3ef57231fc6cc423f338b9c451f203df4
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Mar 7 13:42:58 2016 -0800

    Header docs for our log.py util
    Standard header summary for the functions provided by this module.
 nyx/util/log.py | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+)

diff --git a/nyx/util/log.py b/nyx/util/log.py
index 6c5a7b6..bf9fe82 100644
--- a/nyx/util/log.py
+++ b/nyx/util/log.py
@@ -1,6 +1,39 @@
 Logging utilities, primiarily short aliases for logging a message at various
+  trace - logs a message at the TRACE runlevel 
+  debug - logs a message at the DEBUG runlevel
+  info - logs a message at the INFO runlevel
+  notice - logs a message at the NOTICE runlevel
+  warn - logs a message at the WARN runlevel
+  error - logs a message at the ERROR runlevel
+  day_count - number of days since a given timestamp
+  log_file_path - path of tor's log file if one is present on disk
+  condense_runlevels - condensed displayable listing of log events
+  listen_for_events - notifies listener of tor events
+  read_tor_log - provides LogEntry from a tor log file
+  LogGroup - thread safe, deduplicated grouping of events
+    |- add - adds an event to the group
+    +- pop - removes and returns an event
+  LogEntry - individual log event
+    |- is_duplicate_of - checks if a duplicate message of another LogEntry
+    +- day_count - number of days since this even occured
+  LogFileOutput - writes log events to a file
+    +- write - persist a given message
+  LogFilters - regex filtering of log events
+    |- select - filters by this regex
+    |- selection - current regex filter
+    |- latest_selections - past regex selections
+    |- match - checks if a LogEntry matches this filter
+    +- clone - deep clone of this LogFilters
 import collections

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