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[tor-commits] [translation/tor-messenger-ircproperties] Update translations for tor-messenger-ircproperties

commit 518c046ba32cad2b25526fb15b125e8ef792f968
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Mar 17 18:48:17 2016 +0000

    Update translations for tor-messenger-ircproperties
 hr_HR/irc.properties | 210 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 105 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hr_HR/irc.properties b/hr_HR/irc.properties
index a26165a..a086a13 100644
--- a/hr_HR/irc.properties
+++ b/hr_HR/irc.properties
@@ -6,197 +6,197 @@
 #  This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription
 #  string defined in imAccounts.properties when the user is
 #  configuring an IRC account.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.error.*):
 #   These will show in the account manager if the account is
 #   disconnected because of an error.
-connection.error.lost=Izgbuljena veza s poslužiteljem
-connection.error.timeOut=Veza je istekla
-connection.error.invalidUsername=%S nije dozvoljeno korisniÄ?ko ime
-connection.error.invalidPassword=Pogrešna lozinka poslužitelja
-connection.error.passwordRequired=Lozinka zahtjevana
+connection.error.lost=Lost connection with server
+connection.error.timeOut=Connection timed out
+connection.error.invalidUsername=%S is not an allowed username
+connection.error.invalidPassword=Invalid server password
+connection.error.passwordRequired=Password required
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (joinChat.*):
 #   These show up on the join chat menu. An underscore is for the access key.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.*):
 #   These are the protocol specific options shown in the account manager and
 #   account wizard windows.
-options.ssl=Koristi SSL
-options.encoding=Set znakova
-options.quitMessage=Poruka izlaska
-options.partMessage=Poruka napuštanja
-options.showServerTab=Prikaže poruke poslužitelja
-options.alternateNicks=Alternativni nadimci
+options.ssl=Use SSL
+options.encoding=Character Set
+options.quitMessage=Quit message
+options.partMessage=Part message
+options.showServerTab=Show messages from the server
+options.alternateNicks=Alternate nicks
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctcp.version):
 #   %1$S is the nickname of the user whose version was requested.
 #   %2$S is the version response from the client.
-ctcp.version=%1$S koristi "%2$S".
+ctcp.version=%1$S is using "%2$S".
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctcp.time):
 #   %1$S is the nickname of the user whose time was requested.
 #   %2$S is the time response.
-ctcp.time=Vrijeme za %1$S je %2$S.
+ctcp.time=The time for %1$S is %2$S.
 # LOCALZIATION NOTE (command.*):
 #   These are the help messages for each command, the %S is the command name
 #   Each command first gives the parameter it accepts and then a description of
 #   the command.
-command.action=%S &lt;radnja za izvesti&gt;: Izvedi radnju.
-command.ctcp=%S &lt;nadimak&gt; &lt;poruka&gt;: Å alje CTCP poruku navedenom nadimku.
-command.chanserv=%S &lt;naredba&gt;: Å alje naredbu ChanServ-u.
-command.deop=%S &lt;nadimak1&gt;[,&lt;nadimak2&gt;]*: Makni nekome status operatera kanala. Morate biti operater kanala da bi ovo izveli.
-command.devoice=%S &lt;nadimak1&gt;[,&lt;nadimak2&gt;]*: Makni nekome status glasa kanala, sprjeÄ?avajuÄ?i ih da govore ako je kanal moderiran (+m). Morate biti operater kanala da bi ovo izveli.
-command.invite2=%S &lt;nadimak&gt;[ &lt;nadimak&gt;]* [&lt;kanal&gt;]: Pozovite jedan ili viÅ¡e nadimaka da se pridruže VaÅ¡em trenutnom kanalu ili da se pridruže odreÄ?enom kanalu.
-command.join=%S &lt;soba1&gt;[ &lt;kljuÄ?1&gt;][,&lt;soba2&gt;[ &lt;kljuÄ?2&gt;]]*: UÄ?ite u jedan ili viÅ¡e kanala, opcionalno dajuÄ?i kljuÄ? kanala za svaki ako je potrbno.
-command.kick=%S &lt;nadimak&gt; [&lt;poruka&gt;]: Makni nekoga iz kanala. Morate biti operater kanala da bi ovo izveli.
-command.list=%S: Prikaži popis soba za razgovor na mreži. Upozorenje, neki poslužitelji bi Vas mogli odspojiti ako ovo radite.
-command.memoserv=%S &lt;naredba&gt;: Pošalji naredbu MemoServ-u.
-command.modeUser=%S (+|-)&lt;novi modalitet&gt; [&lt;nadimak&gt;]: Postavi ili makni modalitet korisnika.
-command.modeChannel=%S &lt;kanal&gt;[ (+|-)&lt;novi modalitet&gt; [&lt;parametar&gt;][,&lt;parametar&gt;]*]: Dobavi, postavi ili makni modalitet kanala.
-command.msg=%S &lt;nadimak&gt; &lt;poruka&gt;: Pošalji privatnu poruku korisniku (a ne kanalu).
-command.nick=%S &lt;novi nadimak&gt;: Promijeni svoj nadimak.
-command.nickserv=%S &lt;naredba&gt;: Pošalji naredbu NickServ-u.
-command.notice=%S &lt;cilj&gt; &lt;poruka&gt;: Pošalji obavijest korisniku ili kanalu.
-command.op=%S &lt;nadimak1&gt[,&lt;nadimak2&gt;]*: Dodijeli nekome status operatora kanala. Morate biti operter kanala da bi ovo izveli.
-command.operserv=%S &lt;naredba&gt;: Pošalji naredbu OperServ-u.
-command.part=%S [poruka]: Napusti trenutni kanal s opcionalnom porukom.
-command.ping=%S [&lt;nadimak&gt;]: Pitaj koliko korisnik (ili poslužitelj ako nije specificiran korisnik) zaostaje.
-command.quit=%S &lt;poruka&gt;: Odspoji sa poslužitelja, s opcionalnom porukom.
-command.quote=%S &lt;naredba&gt;: Pošalji sirovu naredbu poslužitelju.
-command.time=%S Prikaži trenutno lokalno vrijeme na IRC poslužitelju.
-command.topic=%S [&lt;nova tema&gt;]: Postavi temu za ovaj kanal.
-command.umode=%S (+|-)&lt;novi modalitet&gt;: Postavi ili makni modalitet korisnika.
-command.version=%S &lt;nadimak&gt;: Zahtijevaj verziju korisnikovog klijenta.
-command.voice=%S &lt;nadimak1&gt;[,&lt;nadimak2&gt;]*: Dodijeli nekome status glasa u kanalu. Morate biti operater kanala da bi ovo izveli.
-command.whois2=%S [&lt;nadimak&gt;]: Dobavi informacije o korisniku.
+command.action=%S &lt;action to perform&gt;: Perform an action.
+command.ctcp=%S &lt;nick&gt; &lt;msg&gt;: Sends a CTCP message to the nick.
+command.chanserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to ChanServ.
+command.deop=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Remove channel operator status from someone. You must be a channel operator to do this.
+command.devoice=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Remove channel voice status from someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You must be a channel operator to do this.
+command.invite2=%S &lt;nick&gt;[ &lt;nick&gt;]* [&lt;channel&gt;]: Invite one or more nicks to join you in the current channel, or to join the specified channel.
+command.join=%S &lt;room1&gt;[ &lt;key1&gt;][,&lt;room2&gt;[ &lt;key2&gt;]]*: Enter one or more channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed.
+command.kick=%S &lt;nick&gt; [&lt;message&gt;]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a channel operator to do this.
+command.list=%S: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. Warning, some servers may disconnect you upon doing this.
+command.memoserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to MemoServ.
+command.modeUser=%S (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt; [&lt;nick&gt;]: Set or unset a user's mode.
+command.modeChannel=%S &lt;channel&gt;[ (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt; [&lt;parameter&gt;][,&lt;parameter&gt;]*]: Get, set or unset a channel mode.
+command.msg=%S &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;: Send a private message to a user (as opposed to a channel).
+command.nick=%S &lt;new nickname&gt;: Change your nickname.
+command.nickserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to NickServ.
+command.notice=%S &lt;target&gt; &lt;message&gt;: Send a notice to a user or channel.
+command.op=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Grant channel operator status to someone. You must be a channel operator to do this.
+command.operserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to OperServ.
+command.part=%S [message]: Leave the current channel with an optional message.
+command.ping=%S [&lt;nick&gt;]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) has.
+command.quit=%S &lt;message&gt;: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message.
+command.quote=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a raw command to the server.
+command.time=%S: Displays the current local time at the IRC server.
+command.topic=%S [&lt;new topic&gt;]: Set this channel's topic.
+command.umode=%S (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt;: Set or unset a user mode.
+command.version=%S &lt;nick&gt;: Request the version of a user's client.
+command.voice=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Grant channel voice status to someone. You must be a channel operator to do this.
+command.whois2=%S [&lt;nick&gt;]: Get information on a user.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (message.*):
 #    These are shown as system messages in the conversation.
 #    %1$S is the nick and %2$S is the nick and host of the user who joined.
-message.join=%1$S [%2$S] je ušao u sobu.
-message.rejoined=Ponovno ste ušli u sobu.
+message.join=%1$S [%2$S] entered the room.
+message.rejoined=You have rejoined the room.
 #    %1$S is the nick of who kicked you.
 #    %2$S is message.kicked.reason, if a kick message was given.
-message.kicked.you=Izbacio Vas je %1$S%2$S.
+message.kicked.you=You have been kicked by %1$S%2$S.
 #    %1$S is the nick that is kicked, %2$S the nick of the person who kicked
 #    %1$S. %3$S is message.kicked.reason, if a kick message was given.
-message.kicked=%1$S je izbaÄ?en od strane %2$S%3$S.
+message.kicked=%1$S has been kicked by %2$S%3$S.
 #    %S is the kick message
 message.kicked.reason=: %S
 #    %1$S is the new mode, %2$S is the nickname of the user whose mode
 #    was changed, and %3$S is who set the mode.
-message.usermode=Modalitet %1$S za %2$S postavljen od %3$S.
+message.usermode=Mode %1$S for %2$S set by %3$S.
 #    %1$S is the new channel mode and %2$S is who set the mode.
-message.channelmode=Modalitet kanala %1$S postavljen od %2$S.
+message.channelmode=Channel mode %1$S set by %2$S.
 #    %S is the user's mode.
-message.yourmode=Vaš modalitet je %S.
+message.yourmode=Your mode is %S.
 #    Could not change the nickname. %S is the user's nick.
-message.nick.fail=Nije moguÄ?e koristiti željeni nadimak. VaÅ¡ nadimak ostaje %S.
+message.nick.fail=Could not use the desired nickname. Your nick remains %S.
 #    The parameter is the message.parted.reason, if a part message is given.
-message.parted.you=Napustili ste sobu (Napuštanje%1$S).
+message.parted.you=You have left the room (Part%1$S).
 #    %1$S is the user's nick, %2$S is message.parted.reason, if a part message is given.
-message.parted=%1$S je napustio sobu (Napuštanje%2$S).
+message.parted=%1$S has left the room (Part%2$S).
 #    %S is the part message supplied by the user.
 message.parted.reason=: %S
 #    %1$S is the user's nick, %2$S is message.quit2 if a quit message is given.
-message.quit=%1$S je napustio sobu (Prekid%2$S).
+message.quit=%1$S has left the room (Quit%2$S).
 #    The parameter is the quit message given by the user.
 message.quit2=: %S
 #    %1$S is the nickname of the user that invited us, %2$S is the conversation
 #    name.
-message.inviteReceived=%1$S Vas je pozvao u %2$S.
+message.inviteReceived=%1$S has invited you to %2$S.
 #    %1$S is the nickname of the invited user, %2$S is the conversation name
 #    they were invited to.
-message.invited=%1$S je uspešno pozvan u %2$S.
+message.invited=%1$S was successfully invited to %2$S.
 #    %1$S is the nickname of the invited user, %2$S is the conversation name
 #    they were invited to but are already in
-message.alreadyInChannel=%1$S je veÄ? u %2$S.
+message.alreadyInChannel=%1$S is already in %2$S.
 #    %S is the nickname of the user who was summoned.
-message.summoned=%S je prizvan.
+message.summoned=%S was summoned.
 #    %S is the nickname of the user whose WHOIS information follows this message.
-message.whois=WHOIS informacije za %S:
+message.whois=WHOIS information for %S:
 #    %1$S is the nickname of the (offline) user whose WHOWAS information follows this message.
-message.whowas=%1$S nije na mreži. WHOWAS informacije za %1$S:
+message.whowas=%1$S is offline. WHOWAS information for %1$S:
 #    %1$S is the entry description (from tooltip.*), %2$S is its value.
 message.whoisEntry=\\ua0\\ua0\\ua0\\ua0%1$S: %2$S
 #    %S is the nickname that is not known to the server.
-message.unknownNick=%S je nepoznat nadimak.
+message.unknownNick=%S is an unknown nickname.
 #    %1$S is the nickname of the user who changed the mode and %2$S is the new
 #    channel key (password).
-message.channelKeyAdded=%1$S je promijenio lozinku kanala u %2$S.
-message.channelKeyRemoved=%S je maknuo lozinku kanala.
+message.channelKeyAdded=%1$S changed the channel password to %2$S.
+message.channelKeyRemoved=%S removed the channel password.
 #    This will be followed by a list of ban masks.
-message.banMasks=Korisnicima spojenim sa sljedeÄ?e lokacije je zabranjen pristup u %S:
-message.noBanMasks=Nema zabranjenih lokacija za %S.
-message.banMaskAdded=Korisnicima spojenim s lokacija koje odgovaraju %1$S je zabranjen pristup od strane %2$S.
-message.banMaskRemoved=Korisnicima spojenim s lokacija koje odgovaraju %1$S je maknuta zabrana pristupa od strane %2$S.
+message.banMasks=Users connected from the following locations are banned from %S:
+message.noBanMasks=There are no banned locations for %S.
+message.banMaskAdded=Users connected from locations matching %1$S have been banned by %2$S.
+message.banMaskRemoved=Users connected from locations matching %1$S are no longer banned by %2$S.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (message.ping): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
 #  See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
 #   %1$S is the nickname of the user or the server that was pinged.
 #   #2 is the delay (in milliseconds).
-message.ping=Ping odgovor od %1$S u #2 milisekundama.; Ping odgovor od %1$S u #2 milisekundama.
+message.ping=Ping reply from %1$S in #2 millisecond.;Ping reply from %1$S in #2 milliseconds.
 #    These are shown as error messages in the conversation or server tab.
 #    %S is the channel name.
-error.noChannel=Nema kanala: %S.
-error.tooManyChannels=Nije moguÄ?e pridružitei se %S; pridružili ste se previÅ¡e kanala.
+error.noChannel=There is no channel: %S.
+error.tooManyChannels=Cannot join %S; you've joined too many channels.
 #    %1$S is your new nick, %2$S is the kill message from the server.
-error.nickCollision=Nadimak se veÄ? koristi, mijenjam nadimak u %1$S [%2$S].
-error.erroneousNickname=%S nije dozvoljeni nadimak.
-error.banned=Zabranjen Vam je pristup ovom poslužitelju.
-error.bannedSoon=Uskoro Ä?e Vam biti zabranjen pristup ovom poslužitelju.
-error.mode.wrongUser=Nemožete mijenjati modalitete drugim korisnicima.
+error.nickCollision=Nick already in use, changing nick to %1$S [%2$S].
+error.erroneousNickname=%S is not an allowed nickname.
+error.banned=You are banned from this server.
+error.bannedSoon=You will soon be banned from this server.
+error.mode.wrongUser=You cannot change modes for other users.
 #    %S is the nickname or channel name that isn't available.
-error.noSuchNick=%S nije na mreži.
-error.wasNoSuchNick=Nema nadimka: %S
-error.noSuchChannel=Nema kanala: %S.
-error.unavailable=%S je privremeno nedostupan.
+error.noSuchNick=%S is not online.
+error.wasNoSuchNick=There was no nickname: %S
+error.noSuchChannel=There is no channel: %S.
+error.unavailable=%S is temporarily unavailable.
 #    %S is the channel name.
-error.channelBanned=Zabranjen Vam je pristup na %S.
-error.cannotSendToChannel=Nemožete poslati poruku %S.
-error.channelFull=Kanal %S je pun.
-error.inviteOnly=Morate biti pozvani da bi se pridružili %S.
-error.nonUniqueTarget=%S nije unikatno kratko ime ili korisnik@domaÄ?in ili ste se pokuÅ¡ali pridružiti previÅ¡e kanala odjednom.
-error.notChannelOp=Niste operater kanala na %S.
-error.notChannelOwner=Niste vlasnik kanala %S.
-error.wrongKey=Nije moguÄ?e pridruživanje %S, neispravna lozinka kanala.
-error.sendMessageFailed=Došlo je do pogreške prilikom slanja Vaše zadnje poruke. Molimo Vas da pokušate ponovno nakon što se veza ponovno uspostavi.
+error.channelBanned=You have been banned from %S.
+error.cannotSendToChannel=You cannot send messages to %S.
+error.channelFull=The channel %S is full.
+error.inviteOnly=You must be invited to join %S.
+error.nonUniqueTarget=%S is not a unique user@host or shortname or you have tried to join too many channels at once.
+error.notChannelOp=You are not a channel operator on %S.
+error.notChannelOwner=You are not a channel owner of %S.
+error.wrongKey=Cannot join %S, invalid channel password.
+error.sendMessageFailed=An error occurred while sending your last message. Please try again once the connection has been reestablished.
 #    %1$S is the channel the user tried to join, %2$S is the channel
 #    he was forwarded to.
-error.channelForward=Ne možete se pridružiti %1$S te ste automatski preusmjereni na %2$S.
+error.channelForward=You may not join %1$S, and were automatically redirected to %2$S.
 #    %S is the mode that the user tried to set but was not recognized
 #    by the server as a valid mode.
-error.unknownMode='%S' nije valjan korisniÄ?ki naÄ?in na ovom poslužitelju.
+error.unknownMode='%S' is not a valid user mode on this server.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*):
 #    These are the descriptions given in a tooltip with information received
 #    from a whois response.
 #    The human readable ("realname") description of the user.
-tooltip.server=Spojeno na
+tooltip.server=Connected to
 #    The username and hostname that the user connects from (usually based on the
 #    reverse DNS of the user's IP, but often mangled by the server to
 #    protect users).
-tooltip.connectedFrom=Spojeno sa
-tooltip.registeredAs=Registrirani kao
-tooltip.secure=Koristim sigurnu vezu
+tooltip.connectedFrom=Connected from
+tooltip.registeredAs=Registered as
+tooltip.secure=Using a secure connection
 # The away message of the user
-tooltip.ircOp=IRC operater
+tooltip.ircOp=IRC Operator
-tooltip.lastActivity=Posljednja aktivnost
+tooltip.lastActivity=Last activity
 # %S is the timespan elapsed since the last activity.
-tooltip.timespan=Prije %S
-tooltip.channels=Trenutno na
+tooltip.timespan=%S ago
+tooltip.channels=Currently on
 #    %1$S is the server name, %2$S is some generic server information (usually a
 #    location or the date the user was last seen).
@@ -204,5 +204,5 @@ tooltip.serverValue=%1$S (%2$S)
 #  These are used to turn true/false values into a yes/no response.

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