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[or-cvs] r14662: incorporate updates to main blossom script following the Tor (blossom/trunk)

Author: goodell
Date: 2008-05-19 00:20:01 -0400 (Mon, 19 May 2008)
New Revision: 14662

incorporate updates to main blossom script following the Tor SVN snapshot

Modified: blossom/trunk/blossom.pl
--- blossom/trunk/blossom.pl	2008-05-19 04:16:53 UTC (rev 14661)
+++ blossom/trunk/blossom.pl	2008-05-19 04:20:01 UTC (rev 14662)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: blossom.pl,v 1.19 2006-03-20 23:19:33 goodell Exp $
+# $Id: blossom.pl,v 1.20 2006-08-19 21:34:03 goodell Exp $
 $license = <<EOF
 Copyright (c) 2005 Geoffrey Goodell.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 # global configuration parameters
 my $CACHE           = "/var/cache/www-data";
-my $F_CCODES        = "/afs/eecs.harvard.edu/user/goodell/misc/country-codes.txt";
+my $F_CCODES        = "/afs/eecs.harvard.edu/user/goodell/public_html/country-codes.txt";
 my $URL_FLAGS       = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/flags";;
 my $URL_ICONS       = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/icons";;
 my $URL_EXIT        = "http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/exit.pl";;

Modified: blossom/trunk/country-codes.txt
--- blossom/trunk/country-codes.txt	2008-05-19 04:16:53 UTC (rev 14661)
+++ blossom/trunk/country-codes.txt	2008-05-19 04:20:01 UTC (rev 14662)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 19   RFC 1918 Private
 33   RFC 3330 Reserved
+~~   Unclassified
 AD   Andorra
 AE   United Arab Emirates
 AF   Afghanistan
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
 ER   Eritrea
 ES   Spain
 ET   Ethiopia
+EU   European Union
 FI   Finland
 FJ   Fiji
 FK   Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Deleted: blossom/trunk/exit.pl
--- blossom/trunk/exit.pl	2008-05-19 04:16:53 UTC (rev 14661)
+++ blossom/trunk/exit.pl	2008-05-19 04:20:01 UTC (rev 14662)
@@ -1,1231 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: exit.pl,v 1.36 2006-07-06 01:35:47 goodell Exp $
-$license = <<EOF
-Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Geoffrey Goodell.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-use strict;
-use Socket;
-# global configuration parameters
-my @portslist       = (22, 53, 80, 110, 119, 143, 443, 5190, 6667);
-my @os_names        = ("Cygwin",
-                       "Darwin",
-                       "DragonFly",
-                       "FreeBSD",
-                       "IRIX64",
-                       "Linux",
-                       "NetBSD",
-                       "OpenBSD",
-                       "SunOS",
-                       "Windows",
-                       "Unknown");
-my $CONFIG          = "/etc/exit.conf";
-my $CACHE           = "/var/cache/www-data";
-my $A_STANDARD      = "standard";
-my $A_UNVERIFIED    = "unverified";
-my $A_AUTHORITY     = "failedstream";
-my $TD_DEFAULT      = "td";
-my $TITLE           = "Tor Network Status";
-my $URL_FLAGS       = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/flags";;
-my $URL_ICONS       = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/icons";;
-my $URL_OSICONS     = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/os-icons";;
-my $URL_SOURCE      = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/blossom/src/exit.pl";;
-my $URL_HOME        = "http://tor.eff.org/";;
-my $URL_DIRECTORY   = "http://localhost:9030/tor/";;
-my $URL_STATUS      = "http://localhost:9030/tor/running-routers";;
-my $URL_V2DIR       = "http://localhost:9030/tor/status/all";;
-my $URL_WHOIS       = "http://alsatia.eecs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/whois.pl\?q=";;
-my $LINK_DIRECTORY  = "http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu:9030/tor/";;
-my $LINK_STATUS     = "http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu:9030/tor/running-routers";;
-my $F_CCODES        = "/afs/eecs.harvard.edu/user/goodell/public_html/country-codes.txt";
-my $WGET            = "/usr/bin/wget -O -";
-my $WHOIS           = "/usr/bin/whois";
-my $DESC_SCRIPT     = "/cgi-bin/desc.pl";
-my $WHOIS_SCRIPT    = "/cgi-bin/whois.pl";
-my $ICON_HN         = "hn.gif";
-my $ICON_UR         = "ur.gif";
-my $ICON_S0         = "s0.gif";
-my $ICON_S1         = "s1.gif";
-my $ICON_V0         = "v0.gif";
-my $ICON_V1         = "v1.gif";
-my $ICON_V2         = "v2.gif";
-my $ICON_V3         = "v3.gif";
-my $P_FLAGS         = "width=18 height=12";
-my $P_ICONS         = "width=12 height=12";
-my $UV_TEXT         = "officially named";
-my $SYS             = "Tor";
-my $DEFAULT_PORT    = "9030";
-my $HTTP_PROXY      = "";
-my $DESC_DIR        = "";
-my $BLOSSOM         = 0;
-my $CACHEDAYS       = 90;
-my $CACHESECONDS    = 300;
-my $MAX_PORT        = 65535;
-my $DNS_EXPIRATION  = 86400;
-my $MAXNETLENGTH    = 26;
-my $MAXNICKLENGTH   = 20;
-my $MAXHOSTLENGTH   = 58;
-my $V1_MINBW        = 20;
-my $V2_MINBW        = 60;
-my $V3_MINBW        = 400;
-do $CONFIG if -r $CONFIG;
-# other global variables
-my %bw              = ();
-my %ccode           = ();
-my %directory       = ();
-my %hops            = ();
-my %hr              = ();
-my %hw              = ();
-my %oses            = ();
-my %summary         = ();
-my %tr              = ();
-my %tw              = ();
-my %uptime          = ();
-my %cc_matches      = ();
-my %dns_time        = ();
-my %dns_name        = ();
-my $DISPLAY_ADDR    = undef;
-my $TEXTONLY        = undef;
-my $SORTBW          = undef;
-# variables for parsing the URI
-my %fields          = ();
-my $uri             = "";
-my $dnscachefile    = "dnscache";
-my $invalid         = undef;
-my $response        = "";
-my $uri_text        = "";
-my $uri_addr        = "";
-my $uri_sort        = "";
-my $uri_blossom     = "";
-my $link_addr       = "";
-my $link_sort       = "";
-my $success         = undef;
-# variables for parsing descriptors
-my %all_r           = ();
-my %all_u           = ();
-my %blossom_path    = ();
-my %lines           = ();
-my %num             = ();
-my @addrbytes       = ();
-my @lines           = ();
-my @policy          = ();
-my @running_routers = ();
-my $addr            = "";
-my $cc              = "";
-my $class           = "";
-my $bandwidth       = "";
-my $dpublished      = "";
-my $dsignature      = "";
-my $fingerprint     = "";
-my $host            = "";
-my $iaddr           = "";
-my $icon            = "";
-my $netname         = "";
-my $p_router        = "";
-my $router          = "";
-my $router_td       = "";
-my $platformline    = "";
-my $service         = "";
-my $spublished      = "";
-my $system          = "";
-my $version         = "";
-my $hibernating     = undef;
-my $named           = undef;
-my $fpublished      = 1;
-my $maxlength       = 0;
-my $maxname         = 0;
-my $orport          = 0;
-my $socksport       = 0;
-my $dirport         = 0;
-my $minfast         = 4294967295;
-$num{"uhi"}         = 0;
-$num{"uur"}         = 0;
-$num{"uv0"}         = 0;
-$num{"uv1"}         = 0;
-$num{"uv2"}         = 0;
-$num{"uv3"}         = 0;
-$num{"u"}           = 0;
-$num{"vhi"}         = 0;
-$num{"vur"}         = 0;
-$num{"vv0"}         = 0;
-$num{"vv1"}         = 0;
-$num{"vv2"}         = 0;
-$num{"vv3"}         = 0;
-$num{"v"}           = 0;
-use vars qw($license);
-# subroutines
-sub license() {
-    print $license;
-    exit 0;
-sub addrouters($) {
-    my @sorted      = undef;
-    my $href        = shift;
-    my $response    = "";
-    my %routers     = %$href;
-    if($SORTBW) {
-        @sorted = sort { $uptime{$a} <=> $uptime{$b} } keys %routers;
-        @sorted = sort { $hr{$a} + $hw{$a} <=> $hr{$a} + $hw{$b} } @sorted;
-        @sorted = reverse sort { $tr{$a} + $tw{$a} <=> $tr{$b} + $tw{$b} } @sorted;
-    } else {
-        @sorted = sort keys %routers;
-    }
-    foreach my $router (@sorted) {
-        if($TEXTONLY) {
-            $response .= $routers{$router};
-        } else {
-            $response .= "<tr>\n    " . $routers{$router} . "</tr>\n";
-        }
-    }
-    return $response;
-sub parsewhois($$$) {
-    my ($tag, $default, $arrayref) = (shift, shift, shift);
-    my $t;
-    my @lines = @$arrayref;
-    my @matches = grep /^$tag/i, @lines;
-    if($matches[$#matches]) {
-        chomp $matches[$#matches];
-        ($t = $matches[$#matches]) =~ s/\S+\s+//g;
-    } else {
-        $t = $default;
-    }
-    return $t;
-sub add_field($$) {
-    my ($uri, $field) = (shift, shift);
-    print STDERR "$uri\n";
-    if($uri !~ /^$/) {
-        $uri .= "&";
-    }
-    return $uri . $field;
-sub remove_field($$) {
-    my ($uri, $field) = (shift, shift);
-    my @prompts = split /&/, $uri;
-    my @returns = ();
-    foreach my $prompt (@prompts) {
-        push @returns, $prompt unless $prompt =~ /^$field=/;
-    }
-    return join "&", @returns;
-sub padded_cell($;$) {
-    my ($length, $class) = (shift, shift);
-    my $tdclass = $class ? "<td class=\"$class\">" : "<td>";
-    my $output = "$tdclass<tt>";
-    for(my $x = 0; $x < $length; $x++) {
-        $output .= "&nbsp;";
-    }
-    $output .= "</tt></td>";
-    return $output;
-sub sum($) {
-    my @terms = split /,/, shift;
-    my $total = 0;
-    foreach my $term (@terms) {
-        $term += 2<<32 if $term > 0;
-        $total += $term;
-    }
-    return $total;
-sub by_totals {
-    my $aa = $oses{$a}[0] + $oses{$a}[1];
-    my $bb = $oses{$b}[0] + $oses{$b}[1];
-    if($aa == $bb) {
-        return $oses{$a}[0] <=> $oses{$b}[0];
-    } else {
-        return $aa <=> $bb;
-    }
-sub reset_globals {
-    $class          = $TD_DEFAULT;
-    $p_router       = undef;
-    $router         = undef;
-    $router_td      = undef;
-    $icon           = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V0\" alt=\"v0\">";
-    $orport         = 0;
-    $socksport      = 0;
-    $dirport        = 0;
-    $hibernating    = undef;
-    $named          = undef;
-    @lines          = ();
-    @policy         = ();
-sub make_flag($) {
-    my $cc = shift;
-    my $ccy = lc $cc;
-    my $f_ccode = $ccode{$cc} || "~~";
-    my $flag = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_FLAGS/$ccy.gif\" alt=\"$cc\">";
-    return "<acronym title=\"$f_ccode\">$flag</acronym>";
-# parse the URI parameters
-if($ENV{"REQUEST_URI"} && $ENV{"REQUEST_URI"} =~ /\?/) {
-    ($uri = $ENV{"REQUEST_URI"}) =~ s/.*\?//g;
-my @prompts = split /&/, $uri;
-open DNSCACHE, "<$CACHE/$dnscachefile";
-while(<DNSCACHE>) {
-    if(/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) {
-        $dns_time{$2} = $1;
-        $dns_name{$2} = $3;
-    }
-close DNSCACHE;
-foreach (@prompts) {
-    my ($k, $v) = split /=/, $_;
-    $fields{$k} = $v;
-if($fields{"sortbw"}) {
-    $SORTBW = 1;
-    $uri_sort = remove_field($uri, "sortbw");
-    $link_sort = "by country";
-} else {
-    $uri_sort = add_field($uri, "sortbw=1");
-    $link_sort = "by bandwidth";
-if($fields{"ports"}) {
-    if($fields{"ports"} !~ /^([0-9]+,)*[0-9]+$/) {
-        $invalid = 1;
-    } else {
-        @portslist = split /,/, $fields{"ports"};
-        foreach my $port (@portslist) {
-            $invalid = 1 if $port > $MAX_PORT;
-        }
-    }
-if($fields{"textonly"}) {
-    $TEXTONLY = $fields{"textonly"};
-} else {
-    $uri_text = add_field($uri, "textonly=1");
-if($fields{"addr"}) {
-    $DISPLAY_ADDR = 1;
-    $uri_addr = remove_field($uri, "addr");
-    $link_addr = "show hostnames";
-} else {
-    $uri_addr = add_field($uri, "addr=1");
-    $link_addr = "show addresses";
-if($fields{"blossom"}) {
-    my $B_PORT      = $DEFAULT_PORT;
-    $uri_blossom    = remove_field($uri, "blossom");
-    $BLOSSOM        = $fields{"blossom"};
-    if($fields{"textonly"}
-            and $fields{"textonly"} eq "fingerprint"
-            and $fields{"addr"}
-            and not $fields{"sortbw"}) {
-    }
-    if($BLOSSOM =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/) {
-        $BLOSSOM = $1;
-        $B_PORT = $2;
-    }
-    $TITLE          = "Blossom Network Status: $BLOSSOM";
-    $URL_DIRECTORY  = "http://$BLOSSOM.exit:$B_PORT/tor/";;
-    $URL_STATUS     = "http://$BLOSSOM.exit:$B_PORT/tor/running-routers";;
-    $LINK_DIRECTORY = "http://$BLOSSOM.exit:$B_PORT/tor/";;
-    $LINK_STATUS    = "http://$BLOSSOM.exit:$B_PORT/tor/running-routers";;
-    $HTTP_PROXY     = "http_proxy=http://localhost:8119 ";
-    $DESC_DIR       = "$BLOSSOM:$B_PORT";
-    $V1_MINBW       = 0;
-    $V2_MINBW       = 4;
-    $V3_MINBW       = 60;
-    $UV_TEXT        = "directory server";
-    $URL_HOME       = "http://afs.eecs.harvard.edu/~goodell/blossom/";;
-    $SYS            = "Blossom";
-if($invalid) {
-    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
-    print "invalid input: " . $fields{"ports"} . "\n";
-    exit -1;
-# parse file containing country codes
-open F, "<$F_CCODES" || warn "country code mapping not available";
-while(<F>) {
-    if(!/^#/) {
-        $ccode{$1} = $2 if /^(\S+)\s+(.+)$/;
-    }
-close F;
-# compose the header and navigation links
-$uri_text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
-$uri_addr =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
-$uri_sort =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
-if(defined $TEXTONLY) {
-    $response = <<EOF
-Content-type: text/plain
-} else {
-    $response = <<EOF
-Content-type: text/html
-<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
-    "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd";>
-<meta name="Author" content="Geoffrey Goodell">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu/style.css";>
-    [<a href="#legend">explanation of symbols</a>]
-    [<a href="?$uri_text">text only version</a>]
-    [<a href="?$uri_addr">$link_addr</a>]
-    [<a href="?$uri_sort">$link_sort</a>]
-# parse the descriptor
-open W, "$HTTP_PROXY$WGET $URL_STATUS |" || die;
-while(<W>) {
-    if(/^published (.*)$/) {
-        $spublished = "<a href=\"$LINK_STATUS\">network status</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$1";
-    } elsif(/^router-status /) {
-        @running_routers = split;
-        shift @running_routers;
-        for(my $x = 0; $x <= $#running_routers; $x++) {
-            $running_routers[$x] =~ s/=.*$//g;
-            $running_routers[$x] =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
-        }
-    }
-close W;
-# parse version 2 directory data
-open W, "$HTTP_PROXY$WGET $URL_V2DIR |" || die;
-my $trtr = "";
-my %types = ();
-while(<W>) {
-    if(/^r (\S+) /) {
-        $trtr = lc $1;
-        %{$types{$trtr}} = () unless $types{$trtr};
-    } elsif(/^s (.*)$/) {
-        my @characteristics = split / /, $1;
-        foreach my $characteristic (@characteristics) {
-            ${$types{$trtr}}{$characteristic} = 1;
-        }
-    }
-# parse the descriptors
-open W, "$HTTP_PROXY$WGET $URL_DIRECTORY |" || die;
-while(<W>) {
-    chomp;
-    $success = 1;
-    if(/^published (.*)$/ and $fpublished) {
-        $dpublished = "<a href=\"$LINK_DIRECTORY\">directory published</a>&nbsp;$1";
-        $fpublished = undef;
-    } elsif(/^directory-signature (\S+)$/) {
-        $dsignature = lc $1;
-    } elsif(/^directory (\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\s+\S+)?$/) {
-        $directory{$1} = $2;
-    } elsif(/^summary (\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) {
-        $summary{$1} = $2;
-    } elsif(/^blossom-path (\S+)\s+(.+)$/) {
-        $blossom_path{$1} = $2;
-    } elsif(/^router (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$/) {
-        ($router, $addr, $orport, $socksport, $dirport) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
-        $router = lc $router;
-        $p_router = $router;
-        $iaddr = inet_aton($addr);
-        @addrbytes = split /\./, $addr;
-        for(my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
-            $addrbytes[$i] = int($addrbytes[$i]);
-        }
-        if(defined $DISPLAY_ADDR) {
-            $host = sprintf "%-15s", $2;
-            $host =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g if not defined $TEXTONLY;
-        } else {
-            my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = unpack 'C4', $iaddr;
-            my $bytes = "$a.$b.$c.$d";
-            if($dns_name{$bytes} and $dns_time{$bytes} and $dns_time{$bytes} > time - $DNS_EXPIRATION) {
-                $host = $dns_name{$bytes};
-            } else {
-                print STDERR "DNS lookup: $bytes...";
-                ($host = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET) || $2) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
-                my ($name, $aliases, $addpe, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyname($host);
-                print STDERR "done.\n";
-                if(not $addrs[0] or $addrs[0] ne $iaddr) {
-                    $host = $bytes;
-                }
-                $dns_time{$bytes} = time;
-                $dns_name{$bytes} = $host;
-            }
-        }
-        $service = 1;
-    } elsif(/^platform Tor (\S+) on (\S+)(\s(\S+))?/) {
-        $version = substr $1, 0, 20;
-        $system = $2;
-        my $extra = "";
-        if($4) {
-            $extra = $4;
-        }
-        ($platformline = $_) =~ s/^platform //;
-        $platformline =~ s/\"//g;
-        $system = "Other" unless grep /^$system$/, @os_names;
-        if($system eq "Windows") {
-            if($extra eq "Server" or $extra eq "XP") {
-                $system .= $extra;
-            } else {
-                $system .= "Other";
-            }
-        }
-        $system =~ s/\"//g;
-        unless(defined $oses{$system}) {
-            my @zeroes = (0, 0);
-            $oses{$system} = \@zeroes;
-        }
-    } elsif(/^(opt\s+)?uptime\s+([0-9]+)$/) {
-        $uptime{$router} = $2;
-    } elsif(/^(opt\s+)?hibernating\s+([0-9]+)$/) {
-        $hibernating = $2;
-    } elsif(/^(opt\s+)?fingerprint\s+(.+)$/) {
-        ($fingerprint = $2) =~ s/ //g;
-        $fingerprint =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
-    } elsif(/^bandwidth ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)$/) {
-        if($1 > $3) {
-            $bandwidth = $3;
-        } else {
-            $bandwidth = $1;
-        }
-    } elsif(/^(opt\s+)?read-history\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\(([0-9]+)\s+s\)\s+(\S+)$/) {
-        my @terms = split /,/, $3;
-        $tr{$router} = sum($3);
-        $hr{$router} = $tr{$router} / ($#terms+1) / $2;
-    } elsif(/^(opt\s+)?write-history\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\(([0-9]+)\s+s\)\s+(\S+)$/) {
-        my @terms = split /,/, $3;
-        $tw{$router} = sum($3);
-        $hw{$router} = $tw{$router} / ($#terms+1) / $2;
-    } elsif(/^accept \S+$/) {
-        push @policy, $_;
-    } elsif(/^reject \S+$/) {
-        push @policy, $_;
-    } elsif(/^$/) { # ----- BEGIN ROUTER PROCESSING SECTION -----
-        my $cache_succ  = undef;
-        my $command     = undef;
-        my $t           = undef;
-        my $atag        = $A_STANDARD;
-        my $b           = $directory{$router};
-        my $length      = 0;
-        my $whois_proxy = 0;
-        my $slen        = 0;
-        my $wrapper     = "";
-        my @netlast     = ();
-        my @matches     = ();
-        unless($router){
-            reset_globals();
-            next;
-        }
-        # support old scheme for determining hibernating pre-0.1 routers
-        if(($version =~ /^0\.0\./)
-        && ($uptime{$router} ne "0")
-        && ($dirport eq "0")
-        && ($bandwidth eq "0")) {
-            $hibernating = 1;
-        }
-        # obtain WHOIS data: check the cache first
-        if(-e "$CACHE/$addr") {
-            my ($size, $modified) = (stat "$CACHE/$addr")[7, 9];
-            $command = "<$CACHE/$addr" if $size && $size > 600 && $modified > time-86400*$CACHEDAYS;
-        }
-        # otherwise obtain WHOIS data from the Internet
-        if(not defined $command) {
-            $command = "$WHOIS $addr |";
-            $t = 1;
-        }
-        open X, $command || warn;
-        $cache_succ = open Y, ">$CACHE/$addr" if $t;
-        while(<X>) {
-            # conditions for using an external proxy to conduct WHOIS lookups
-            # if($t and /^% This is the RIPE Whois query server #2\.$/) {
-            #     $t = 0;
-            #     $whois_proxy = 1;
-            #     last;
-            # }
-            push @lines, $_;
-            push @netlast, $1 if /\((NET-\S+)\)/;
-            print Y if $t && $cache_succ;
-        }
-        close X;
-        # temporary workaround for permanent filtering
-        if($whois_proxy) {
-            @lines = ();
-            open X, "$WGET $URL_WHOIS$addr |" or warn;
-            while(<X>) {
-                push @lines, $_;
-                print Y if $cache_succ;
-            }
-            close X;
-        }
-        while(($#netlast > 0) and $t) {
-            my $f = 1;
-            my $netguess = pop @netlast;
-            next unless $netguess and $netguess =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9-.]+$/;
-            open X, "$WHOIS $netguess |" || warn;
-            while(<X>) {
-                push @lines, $_;
-                print Y if $cache_succ;
-                $f = 0 if /\((NET-\S+)\)/;
-            }
-            close X;
-            last if $f;
-        }
-        close Y if $cache_succ;
-        # parse router statistics
-        @matches = grep /^!?$router$/, @running_routers;
-        if(not defined $matches[0]) {
-        #     if($BLOSSOM == 0) {
-        #         $class = "td class=\"$A_UNVERIFIED\"";
-        #         $atag = $A_UNVERIFIED;
-        #         $p_router = "*$router";
-        #         $service = undef;
-        #     }
-            @matches = grep /^!?\$$fingerprint/, @running_routers;
-        }
-        if($types{$router} and ${$types{$router}}{"Named"}) {
-            $class = "td class=\"$A_UNVERIFIED\"";
-            $atag = $A_UNVERIFIED;
-            $p_router = "*$router";
-            $named = 1;
-        }
-        if($b) {
-            $class = "td class=\"$A_UNVERIFIED\"";
-            $atag = $A_UNVERIFIED;
-            $p_router = "*$router";
-        }
-        if($types{$router} and ${$types{$router}}{"Authority"}) {
-            $class = "td class=\"$A_AUTHORITY\"";
-            $atag = $A_STANDARD;
-            $p_router = "*$router";
-            $named = 1;
-        }
-        if($matches[0] && $matches[0] =~ /^!/) {
-            $bandwidth = 0;
-            if($hibernating) {
-                $icon = "<acronym title=\"hibernating\"><img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_HN\" alt=\"hn\"></acronym>";
-                $num{"uhi"}++ if $named or $b;
-                $num{"vhi"}++;
-                $bw{$router} = -1;
-            } else {
-                $icon = "<acronym title=\"unresponsive\"><img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_UR\" alt=\"ur\"></acronym>";
-                $num{"uur"}++ if $named or $b;
-                $num{"vur"}++;
-                $bw{$router} = -2;
-            }
-            $oses{$system}[1]++ if $named or $b;
-            $oses{$system}[0]++;
-            $service = undef;
-        } else {
-            my $tooslow = undef;
-            $bw{$router} = $bandwidth;
-            if(not $types{$router} or not ${$types{$router}}{"Fast"}) {
-                $num{"uv0"}++ if $named or $b;
-                $num{"vv0"}++;
-                $tooslow = 1;
-            } elsif($bandwidth >= $V3_MINBW*1000) {
-                $icon = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V3\" alt=\"v3\">";
-                $num{"uv3"}++ if $named or $b;
-                $num{"vv3"}++;
-            } elsif($bandwidth >= $V2_MINBW*1000) {
-                $icon = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V2\" alt=\"v2\">";
-                $num{"uv2"}++ if $named or $b;
-                $num{"vv2"}++;
-            } else {
-                $icon = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V1\" alt=\"v1\">";
-                $num{"uv1"}++ if $named or $b;
-                $num{"vv1"}++;
-                $minfast = $bandwidth if $bandwidth < $minfast;
-            }
-            $icon = "<acronym title=\"$bandwidth B/s\">$icon</acronym>";
-            $oses{$system}[1]++ if $named or $b;
-            $oses{$system}[0]++;
-            $service = undef if $tooslow and ($BLOSSOM == 0);
-        }
-        # determine the network name from WHOIS results
-        $netname = parsewhois("netname", "", \@lines);
-        $netname = $addr if length($netname) > $MAXHOSTLENGTH - 16;
-        # determine the country (and correct network name if necessary)
-        $t = parsewhois("country", undef, \@lines);
-        # RFC 1918
-        if($addrbytes[0] == 10
-                or ($addrbytes[0] == 172
-                    and $addrbytes[1] > 15
-                    and $addrbytes[1] < 32)
-                or ($addrbytes[0] == 192
-                    and $addrbytes[1] == 168)) {
-            $t = "19";
-        }
-        # RFC 3330
-        if($addrbytes[0] == 0
-                or $addrbytes[0] == 127
-                or ($addrbytes[0] == 169
-                    and $addrbytes[1] == 254)) {
-            $t = "33";
-        }
-        unless($t) {
-            $t = "~~";
-            # Exception: Brazil
-            if(parsewhois("% Copyright registro.br", undef, \@lines)) {
-                $t = "BR";
-                $netname = parsewhois("aut", "", \@lines);
-            }
-            # Exception: Japan
-            if(parsewhois("\\\[ JPNIC database", undef, \@lines)) {
-                $t = "JP";
-                $netname = parsewhois("b. \\\[Network Name\\\]", "", \@lines);
-            }
-            # Exception: Korea
-            if(parsewhois("# KOREAN", undef, \@lines)) {
-                $t = "KR";
-                $netname = parsewhois("Service Name", "", \@lines);
-            }
-        }
-        ($cc = $t) =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
-        $netname = $addr if $netname eq "";
-        # generate the wrapper for the host information column
-        $t = "";
-        if($SORTBW) {
-            my $days = int ($uptime{$router}/86400);
-            $days = "err" if $days > 999;
-            $slen = 1;
-            # $t = sprintf "%7s B/s %3sd ", $bandwidth, $days;
-            $t = sprintf "%4s %4s %4s ",
-                    int($bw{$router}/1000), int($hr{$router}/1000), int($hw{$router}/1000);
-            $t = " err  err  err " if length $t > 15;
-            my $tt = sprintf "%4s ", int($uptime{$router}/86400);
-            if(length $tt > 5) {
-                $t .= " err ";
-            } else {
-                $t .= $tt;
-            }
-            $wrapper = $t;
-            $wrapper =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g if not $TEXTONLY;
-            $host = $wrapper . $host;
-            if($DISPLAY_ADDR) {
-                $host .= " $version";
-                $host =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g if not $TEXTONLY;
-            }
-        } elsif(not $TEXTONLY) {
-            $slen = 3;
-            $t = $netname;
-            $wrapper = "&nbsp;[<a class=\"$atag\" href=\"$WHOIS_SCRIPT?q=$addr\">$t</a>]";
-            $host .= $wrapper;
-        }
-        $length = $slen + (length $host)-(length $wrapper)+(length $t);
-        # format the host information to satisfy length constraints
-        if(($length > $MAXHOSTLENGTH) && (not $DISPLAY_ADDR) && (not $TEXTONLY)) {
-            if($SORTBW) {
-                (my $name = $host) =~ s/^.*;//g;
-                $host = substr $name, $length-$MAXHOSTLENGTH;
-                $host =~ s/^(\S+?)\./\*\./;
-                ($host = $t . $host) =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
-            } else {
-                $host = substr $host, $length-$MAXHOSTLENGTH;
-                $host =~ s/^(\S+?)\./\*\./;
-            }
-        }
-        if($DISPLAY_ADDR) {
-            if($SORTBW) {
-                $length = $slen + 36 + (length $version);
-            } else {
-                $length = $slen + 16 + (length $t);
-            }
-        } else {
-            $length = $slen + (length $host)-(length $wrapper)+(length $t);
-        }
-        $maxlength = $length if $maxlength < $length;
-        $p_router = substr $p_router, 0, $MAXNICKLENGTH if length $router > $MAXNICKLENGTH;
-        if($BLOSSOM) {
-            if($b) {
-                my $b_port = ($b == $DEFAULT_PORT) ? "" : ":$b";
-                my $uri_redirect = add_field($uri_blossom, "blossom=$router$b_port");
-                $router_td = "<a class=\"$atag\" href=\"?$uri_redirect\">$p_router</a>";
-            } else {
-                $router_td = "<a class=\"$atag\" href=\"$DESC_SCRIPT?q=$router&amp;blossom=$DESC_DIR\">$p_router</a>";
-            }
-        } else {
-            $router_td = "<a class=\"$atag\" href=\"$DESC_SCRIPT?q=$router\">$p_router</a>";
-        }
-        $maxname = length $p_router if $maxname < length $p_router;
-        if($SORTBW) {
-            $router_td = sprintf "%s&nbsp;%s", make_flag($cc), $router_td;
-        } else {
-            if($cc =~ /US|CA/) {
-                $t = parsewhois("stateprov", "&nbsp;&nbsp;", \@lines);
-                $t = "~~" unless $t =~ /^[A-Z][A-Z]$/;
-                $router_td = "$t&nbsp;$router_td&nbsp;";
-            } else {
-                $router_td = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$router_td&nbsp;";
-            }
-        }
-        $cc_matches{$cc} = 0 if not defined $cc_matches{$cc};
-        # ----- END ROUTER PROCESSING SECTION -----
-        my %accept   = ();
-        # format the output for this router
-        if($TEXTONLY) {
-            my $format = "%2s %-${MAXNICKLENGTH}s ";
-            $p_router = substr $p_router, 0, $MAXNICKLENGTH;
-            if($DISPLAY_ADDR and not $SORTBW) {
-                my $tformat = "%7s B/s %-15s %-${MAXNETLENGTH}s";
-                $netname = substr $netname, 0, $MAXNETLENGTH;
-                $host = sprintf $tformat, $bandwidth, $host, $netname;
-                $format .= "%s";
-            } else {
-                $host = substr $host, 0, $MAXHOSTLENGTH;
-                $format .= "%-${MAXHOSTLENGTH}s";
-            }
-            ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} = sprintf $format, $cc, $p_router, $host;
-        } else {
-            ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} = "<$class><tt>$router_td</tt></td><$class><tt>$icon&nbsp;$host</tt></td>\n";
-        }
-        # parse exit policy
-        foreach my $PORT (@portslist) {
-            for(my $x = 0; $x <= $#policy; $x++) {
-                if($policy[$x] =~ /^(\S+) \*:([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$/) {
-                    if ($2 <= $PORT && $3 >= $PORT) {
-                        $accept{$PORT} = 1 if $1 eq "accept";
-                        last;
-                    }
-                } elsif($policy[$x] =~ /^(\S+) \*:$PORT$/) {
-                    $accept{$PORT} = 1 if $1 eq "accept";
-                    last;
-                } elsif($policy[$x] =~ /^(\S+) \*:\*$/) {
-                    $accept{$PORT} = 1 if $1 eq "accept";
-                    last;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        unless($TEXTONLY) {
-            ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= "    <td class=\"centered\"><acronym title=\"$platformline\"><img $P_ICONS src=\"$URL_OSICONS/$system.png\" alt=\"*\"></acronym></td>\n";
-        }
-        # compose exit policy output
-        my $f = undef;
-        if($TEXTONLY and $TEXTONLY eq "fingerprint") {
-            ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= " $fingerprint";
-        } else {
-            foreach my $PORT (@portslist) {
-                if($TEXTONLY) {
-                    if(defined $accept{$PORT}) {
-                        ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= sprintf "%5s", $PORT;
-                        $f = 1;
-                    } else {
-                        ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= "    -";
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if(defined $accept{$PORT}) {
-                        if($service) {
-                            ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= "    <td class=\"entry\"><tt>$PORT</tt></td>\n";
-                        } else {
-                            ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= "    <td class=\"dimentry\"><tt>$PORT</tt></td>\n";
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell(4);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} .= "\n" if defined $TEXTONLY;
-        delete ${$lines{"~~"}}{$router} if ${$lines{"~~"}}{$router};
-        delete $lines{"~~"} unless (keys %{$lines{"~~"}});
-        $hops{$router} = -1;
-        $cc_matches{$cc}++ if $f;
-        # display Blossom summaries
-        if($summary{$router}) {
-            foreach my $elt (split /,/, $summary{$router}) {
-                my $num_hops = "1";
-                my $router_elt = $router;
-                if($elt =~ /^(\S+)=([0-9]+)$/) {
-                    $router_elt = $1;
-                    $num_hops = $2;
-                }
-                next if $router_elt eq $router;
-                @matches = grep /^!?$router_elt$/, @running_routers;
-                if(defined $matches[0]) {
-                    $icon = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_S1\" alt=\"s1\">";
-                } else {
-                    $icon = "<img $P_FLAGS src=\"$URL_ICONS/$ICON_S0\" alt=\"s0\">";
-                }
-                if((not $hops{$router_elt}) or $hops{$router_elt} > int $num_hops) {
-                    $hops{$router_elt} = int $num_hops;
-                    %{$lines{"~~"}} = () unless $lines{"~~"};
-                    if($TEXTONLY) {
-                        ${$lines{"~~"}}{$router_elt} = "        $router_elt\n";
-                    } else {
-                        ${$lines{"~~"}}{$router_elt} = "    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$router_elt&nbsp;</tt></td>\n";
-                        ${$lines{"~~"}}{$router_elt} .= "    <td><tt>$icon&nbsp;$num_hops via $router</tt></td>\n";
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        # reset the control variables for the next router
-        reset_globals();
-    }
-close W;
-# compose the table of results
-my $f;
-foreach $cc (sort keys %lines) {
-    if($cc !~ /^$/) {
-        my $flag = make_flag($cc);
-        my $nodes = scalar keys %{$lines{$cc}};
-        my $upnodes = 0;
-        foreach $router (sort keys %{$lines{$cc}}) {
-            if(${$lines{$cc}}{$router} !~ /hibernating/
-                    and ${$lines{$cc}}{$router} !~ /unresponsive/) {
-                $upnodes++
-            }
-        }
-        if($SORTBW) {
-            foreach $router (sort keys %{$lines{$cc}}) {
-                if(${$lines{$cc}}{$router} =~ /unresponsive/) {
-                    $all_u{$router} = ${$lines{$cc}}{$router};
-                } else {
-                    $all_r{$router} = ${$lines{$cc}}{$router};
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            if(defined $f) {
-                if(not defined $TEXTONLY) {
-                    $response .= sprintf "\n<tr>%s</tr>\n", padded_cell(1);
-                }
-            } else {
-                $f = 1;
-            }
-            if(defined $TEXTONLY) {
-                $response .= "\n$cc [$nodes] " . $cc_matches{$cc} . "\n";
-            } else {
-                $response .= "<tr>\n";
-                $response .= "    <td class=\"heading\"><tt>$cc&nbsp;$flag&nbsp;$upnodes/$nodes</tt></td>\n";
-                $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell($maxlength + 4, "heading");
-                $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell(2);
-                foreach my $PORT (@portslist) {
-                    $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell(4);
-                }
-                $response .= "</tr>\n";
-            }
-            $response .= addrouters(\%{$lines{$cc}});
-        }
-    }
-if($SORTBW) {
-    $response .= addrouters(\%all_r);
-    # add a blank line between responsive and unresponsive routers
-    unless($TEXTONLY) {
-        $response .= "<tr>\n";
-        $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell($maxname+5);
-        $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell($maxlength+4);
-        $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell(2);
-        foreach my $PORT (@portslist) {
-            $response .= sprintf "    %s\n", padded_cell(4);
-        }
-        $response .= "</tr>\n";
-    }
-    $response .= addrouters(\%all_u);
-# perform final formatting operations
-$num{"v"} = $num{"vur"}+$num{"vhi"}+$num{"vv0"}+$num{"vv1"}+$num{"vv2"}+$num{"vv3"};
-$num{"u"} = $num{"uur"}+$num{"uhi"}+$num{"uv0"}+$num{"uv1"}+$num{"uv2"}+$num{"uv3"};
-foreach my $number (sort keys %num) {
-    $num{$number} = sprintf "%4s", $num{$number};
-    $num{$number} =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
-if($uri ne "") {
-    $uri = "%3F$uri";
-    $uri =~ s/&/%26/g;
-    $uri =~ s/=/%3D/g;
-# compose the legend and footer
-if(not defined $TEXTONLY) {
-    my @bwheader = {"", "", "", ""};
-    if($BLOSSOM) {
-        $bwheader[0] = "zero throughput";
-        $bwheader[1] = "marginal throughput";
-    } else {
-        $minfast = int($minfast/1000);
-        $bwheader[0] = "zero or marginal throughput";
-        $bwheader[1] = "throughput above eighth octile";
-    }
-    $bwheader[2] = "throughput &gt;= $V2_MINBW kB/s";
-    $bwheader[3] = "throughput &gt;= $V3_MINBW kB/s";
-    $response .= <<EOF
-<table id=legend>
-    <tr>
-        <td><tt><img $P_FLAGS src="$URL_ICONS/$ICON_UR" alt="ur"> = unresponsive node</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>${num{vur}}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>${num{uur}}</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt><img $P_FLAGS src="$URL_ICONS/$ICON_HN" alt="hn"> = hibernating node</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>${num{vhi}}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>${num{uhi}}</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt><img $P_FLAGS src="$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V0" alt="v0"> = $bwheader[0]</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>${num{vv0}}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>${num{uv0}}</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt><img $P_FLAGS src="$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V1" alt="v1"> = $bwheader[1]</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>${num{vv1}}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>${num{uv1}}</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt><img $P_FLAGS src="$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V2" alt="v2"> = $bwheader[2]</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>${num{vv2}}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>${num{uv2}}</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt><img $P_FLAGS src="$URL_ICONS/$ICON_V3" alt="v3"> = $bwheader[3]</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>$num{vv3}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>$num{uv3}</tt></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt></td></tr>
-    # provide OS statistics
-    foreach my $os (reverse sort by_totals keys %oses) {
-        my $vn = sprintf "%4s", $oses{$os}[0];
-        my $un = sprintf "%4s", $oses{$os}[1];
-        my $f_os = $os;
-        $f_os =~ s/Windows/Windows /;
-        $f_os =~ s/Linux64/Linux 64/;
-        $vn =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
-        $un =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
-        $response .= <<EOF
-    <tr>
-        <td><tt>os&nbsp;<img $P_ICONS src="$URL_OSICONS/$os.png" alt="*">&nbsp;$f_os</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>$vn</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>$un</tt></td>
-    </tr>
-    }
-    $response .= <<EOF
-    <tr>
-        <td class="unverified"><tt>* = $UV_TEXT</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt>total nodes</tt></td>
-        <td class="number"><tt>${num{v}}</tt></td>
-        <td class="unverifiednumber"><tt>${num{u}}</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt>directory&nbsp;signature&nbsp;$dsignature</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt>$dpublished</tt></td>
-        <td><tt>&nbsp;UTC</tt></td>
-        <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-    </tr><tr>
-        <td><tt>$spublished</tt></td>
-        <td><tt>&nbsp;UTC</tt></td>
-        <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-    <tr><td><tt><a href="$URL_SOURCE">source code</a>&nbsp;[<a href="$URL_HOME">official $SYS website</a>]</tt></td></tr>
-<p><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fserifos.eecs.harvard.edu%2Fcgi-bin%2Fexit.pl$uri";><img src="http://validator.w3.org/images/vh401.gif"; alt="valid HTML 4.01"/></a></p>
-<p><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fserifos.eecs.harvard.edu%2Fcgi-bin%2Fexit.pl";><img src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss"; alt="valid CSS"/></a></p>
-# cache the result
-open DNSCACHE, ">$CACHE/$dnscachefile";
-foreach my $ent (sort keys %dns_time) {
-    print DNSCACHE "$dns_time{$ent} $ent $dns_name{$ent}\n";
-close DNSCACHE;
-# output the result
-print $response;
-exit 0;