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[tor-commits] [metrics-tasks/master] Add simple parser for bridge descriptors in python to work on ticket 2866

commit 18509bdf00646fda601581795c6f7d7800976a50
Author: Tomás Touceda <chiiph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu May 10 19:41:09 2012 -0300

    Add simple parser for bridge descriptors in python to work on ticket 2866
 task-2866/parser.py |  313 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/task-2866/parser.py b/task-2866/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260120b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2866/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import os
+import datetime
+import sys
+from math import floor
+UNALLOC_POOL = "unallocated"
+class Bridge(object):
+    def __init__(self, fp, pool = "", params = {}):
+        object.__init__(self)
+        self._fp = fp
+        self._pool = pool
+        self._params = params
+        self._from = None
+        self._to = None
+        self._usage_per_country = {}
+        self._usage_per_day = {}
+    def pprint(self):
+        print self._fp, self._pool, self._params
+    # <40 bytes fp> <pool> <key>=<val> ...
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromLine(line):
+        fp = line[:40]
+        pool = ""
+        params = {}
+        rest = line[41:]
+        next_spc = rest.find(" ")
+        if next_spc == -1:
+            pool = rest
+            return Bridge(fp, pool)
+        pool = rest[:next_spc]
+        rest = rest[next_spc+1:]
+        key = val = ""
+        next_spc = rest.find(" ")
+        while next_spc != -1:
+            key, val = Bridge.parseKeyVal(rest[:next_spc])
+            params[key] = val
+            rest = rest[next_spc+1:]
+            next_spc = rest.find(" ")
+        return Bridge(fp, pool, params)
+    @staticmethod
+    def parseKeyVal(line):
+        [key, val] = line.split("=")
+        return key, val
+class BridgePool(object):
+    def __init__(self, path, bridges, year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds):
+        object.__init__(self)
+        self._path = path
+        self._date = (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds)
+        self._bridges = bridges
+        self.gatherBridges()
+    def pprint(self):
+        print "%s/%s/%s :: %s:%s:%s" % self._date
+        for b in self._bridges:
+            b.pprint()
+    def gatherBridges(self):
+        f = open(self._path, "r")
+        contents = f.read().split("\n")[1:]
+        for line in contents:
+            if len(line.strip()) == 0:
+                continue
+            if line[:40] in self._bridges.keys():
+                self._bridges[line[:40]]._to = self._date
+            else:
+                b = Bridge.fromLine(line)
+                b._from = self._date
+                self._bridges[b._fp] = b
+def listHas(l, comp):
+    for e in l:
+        if e.startswith(comp):
+            return True
+    return False
+class BridgeUsageAnalyzer(object):
+    def __init__(self, fromPath = ".", bridges = {}):
+        object.__init__(self)
+        self._bridges = bridges
+        self._root = fromPath
+        self.gatherUsage()
+    def gatherUsage(self):
+        print "Walking dirs to gather bridge usage (you might want to go do something else for a while)..."
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._root):
+            comps = root.split(os.sep)
+            # bridge-descriptors-<year>-<month>/fp[0]/fp[1]/fp
+            if not listHas(comps, "bridge-descriptors-"):
+                continue
+            if not listHas(comps, "extra-info"):
+                continue
+            print root
+            for f in files:
+                f_value = os.path.join(root, f)
+                try:
+                    bfp, ips, day = self.parseExtraInfo(f_value)
+                    if not bfp in self._bridges.keys():
+                        #print "WARNING: %s is not in the bridge pool" % (f,)
+                        continue
+                    daily_usage = 0
+                    for c in ips.keys():
+                        if not c in self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_country.keys():
+                            self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_country[c] = 0
+                        self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_country[c] += ips[c]
+                        daily_usage += ips[c]
+                    if not day in self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_day.keys():
+                        self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_day[day] = 0
+                    self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_day[day] += daily_usage
+                except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+                    sys.exit(1)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    print e
+                    print "ERROR: Something was wrong while processing %s" % (f_value,)
+    def parseExtraInfo(self, path):
+        contents = open(path, "r").read()
+        bfp = ""
+        ips = {}
+        day = ""
+        for l in contents.split("\n"):
+            if l.startswith("extra-info Unnamed"):
+                bfp = l.split(" ")[-1].lower()
+                continue
+            if l.startswith("published"):
+                day = l.split(" ")[1]
+            if l.startswith("bridge-ips"):
+                bridgeips = l.split(",")[1:]
+                try:
+                    for ci in bridgeips:
+                        parts = ci.split("=")
+                        ips[parts[0]] = int(parts[1])
+                except:
+                    break
+        return bfp, ips, day
+    # Question: is there any correlation between the usage by country
+    # and the pool the bridge is from?
+    def analyzeUsage(self):
+        alloc_users = 0
+        unalloc_users = 0
+        alloc_usage = {}
+        unalloc_usage = {}
+        for bfp in self._bridges.keys():
+            acc = 0
+            for c in self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_country.keys():
+                acc = self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_country[c]
+                if self._bridges[bfp]._pool == UNALLOC_POOL:
+                    unalloc_users += acc
+                    if not c in unalloc_usage.keys():
+                        unalloc_usage[c] = 0
+                    unalloc_usage[c] += acc
+                else:
+                    alloc_users += acc
+                    if not c in alloc_usage.keys():
+                        alloc_usage[c] = 0
+                    alloc_usage[c] += acc
+        print "Total allocated pool users: %d" % (alloc_users,)
+        print "Total unallocated pool users: %d" % (unalloc_users,)
+        alloc_items = alloc_usage.items()
+        alloc_sorted_items = sorted(alloc_items, key=lambda use: use[1])
+        print "Country usage for allocated pool:"
+        for country, count in alloc_sorted_items:
+            print "  %s = %d" % (country, count)
+        unalloc_items = unalloc_usage.items()
+        unalloc_sorted_items = sorted(unalloc_items, key=lambda use: use[1])
+        print "Country usage for unallocated pool:"
+        for country, count in unalloc_sorted_items:
+            print "  %s = %d" % (country, count)
+        total_avg_unalloc = []
+        total_avg_alloc = []
+        for bfp in self._bridges.keys():
+            avg = 0.0
+            for day in self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_day.keys():
+                avg += self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_day[day]
+            if avg == 0.0:
+                continue
+            avg = float(avg)/len(self._bridges[bfp]._usage_per_day.keys())
+            if self._bridges[bfp]._pool == UNALLOC_POOL:
+                total_avg_unalloc.append(avg)
+            else:
+                total_avg_alloc.append(avg)
+            #print "Average for %s: %d" % (bfp, avg)
+        total_avg_unalloc.sort()
+        total_avg_alloc.sort()
+        print "Unallocated pool:"
+        print "  Average clients per day: %d" % (float(sum(total_avg_unalloc))/len(total_avg_unalloc),)
+        print "  Median: %d" % (total_avg_unalloc[int(round(len(total_avg_unalloc)/2.0))],)
+        print "  75th percentile: %d" % (total_avg_unalloc[int(round(len(total_avg_unalloc)*0.75))],)
+        print "  90th percentile: %d" % (total_avg_unalloc[int(round(len(total_avg_unalloc)*0.9))],)
+        print "Allocated pool:"
+        print "  Average clients per day: %d" % (float(sum(total_avg_alloc))/len(total_avg_alloc),)
+        print "  Median: %d" % (total_avg_alloc[int(round(len(total_avg_alloc)/2.0))],)
+        print "  75th percentile: %d" % (total_avg_alloc[int(round(len(total_avg_alloc)*0.75))],)
+        print "  90th percentile: %d" % (total_avg_alloc[int(round(len(total_avg_alloc)*0.9))],)
+class BridgePoolAnalyzer(object):
+    year = 0
+    month = 1
+    day = 2
+    hour = 3
+    minute = 4
+    seconds = 5
+    def __init__(self, fromPath = "."):
+        object.__init__(self)
+        self._root = fromPath
+        self._pools = []
+        self._bridges = {}
+        self.gatherBridgePools()
+    def pprint(self):
+        for bp in self._pools:
+            bp.pprint()
+    def gatherBridgePools(self):
+        print "Walking dirs to gather bridge pools (you might want to go do something else for a while)..."
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._root):
+            comps = root.split(os.sep)
+            if not listHas(comps,"bridge-pool-assignments"):
+                continue
+            print root
+            for f in files:
+                f_value = os.path.join(root, f)
+                date = f.split("-")
+                try:
+                    self._pools.append(BridgePool(f_value, self._bridges,
+                                                  date[self.year], date[self.month], date[self.day],
+                                                  date[self.hour], date[self.minute], date[self.seconds]))
+                except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+                    sys.exit(1)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    print e
+                    print "ERROR: Something was wrong while processing %s" % (f_value,)
+    # Question: how much do bridges last when they are unassigned?
+    def bridgeAvailability(self):
+        print "Analyzing the data..."
+        availability_unalloc = {}
+        availability_else = {}
+        for bfp in self._bridges.keys():
+            b = self._bridges[bfp]
+            if b._to is None:
+                b._to = self._pools[-1]._date
+            if b._pool == UNALLOC_POOL:
+                availability_unalloc[b._fp] = (datetime.datetime(int(b._to[0]),   int(b._to[1]),   int(b._to[2]),
+                                                                 int(b._to[3]),   int(b._to[4]),   int(b._to[5])) - 
+                                               datetime.datetime(int(b._from[0]), int(b._from[1]), int(b._from[2]),
+                                                                 int(b._from[3]), int(b._from[4]), int(b._from[5]))).total_seconds() / (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0)
+            else:
+                availability_else[b._fp] = (datetime.datetime(int(b._to[0]),   int(b._to[1]),   int(b._to[2]),
+                                                              int(b._to[3]),   int(b._to[4]),   int(b._to[5])) - 
+                                            datetime.datetime(int(b._from[0]), int(b._from[1]), int(b._from[2]),
+                                                              int(b._from[3]), int(b._from[4]), int(b._from[5]))).total_seconds() / (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0)
+        print "Allocated bridges:"
+        doall(availability_else)
+        print "Unallocated bridges:"
+        doall(availability_unalloc)
+def calc_average(array):
+    avg = 0.0
+    for k in array.keys():
+        avg += float(array[k])
+    avg /= len(array.keys())
+    return avg
+def calc_median(values):
+    return values[int(floor(len(values)/2.0))]
+def calc_percentile(values, perc):
+    pos = int(round(perc/100.0 * float(len(values))))
+    return values[pos]
+def doall(array):
+    print "  Average availability:", calc_average(array)
+    values = array.values()
+    values.sort()
+    print "  Median availability:", calc_median(values)
+    print "  75th percentile availability:", calc_percentile(values, 75)
+    print "  90th percentile availability:", calc_percentile(values, 90)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    path = "."
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        path = sys.argv[1]
+    bpa = BridgePoolAnalyzer(path)
+    #bpa.pprint()
+    bpa.bridgeAvailability()
+    bua = BridgeUsageAnalyzer(path, bpa._bridges)
+    bua.analyzeUsage()

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