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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Pylint and pyflakes improvements to all stable tests.

commit 170bad3df93f2d30e1c96a48ff4f0f2f384cf062
Author: Arturo Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 14 15:48:19 2014 +0200

    Pylint and pyflakes improvements to all stable tests.
 ooni/nettests/blocking/http_requests.py            |   35 ++++++------
 ooni/nettests/blocking/tcp_connect.py              |   25 +++++----
 ooni/nettests/manipulation/dns_spoof.py            |   49 ++++++++++-------
 .../manipulation/http_header_field_manipulation.py |   51 ++++++++++++------
 ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_host.py            |   27 ++++++----
 .../manipulation/http_invalid_request_line.py      |   15 ++++--
 ooni/nettests/manipulation/traceroute.py           |   57 +++++++++++---------
 7 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ooni/nettests/blocking/http_requests.py b/ooni/nettests/blocking/http_requests.py
index c660400..e5524ee 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/blocking/http_requests.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/blocking/http_requests.py
@@ -4,21 +4,23 @@
 # :licence: see LICENSE
 import random
-from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.python import usage, failure
 from ooni.utils import log
 from ooni.utils.net import userAgents
 from ooni.templates import httpt
-from ooni.errors import failureToString, handleAllFailures
+from ooni.errors import failureToString
 class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
     optParameters = [
-                     ['url', 'u', None, 'Specify a single URL to test.'],
-                     ['factor', 'f', 0.8, 'What factor should be used for triggering censorship (0.8 == 80%)']
-                    ]
+        ['url', 'u', None, 'Specify a single URL to test.'],
+        ['factor', 'f', 0.8,
+         'What factor should be used for triggering censorship (0.8 == 80%)']]
 class HTTPRequestsTest(httpt.HTTPTest):
     Performs a two GET requests to the set of sites to be tested for
     censorship, one over a known good control channel (Tor), the other over the
@@ -28,14 +30,15 @@ class HTTPRequestsTest(httpt.HTTPTest):
     lengths match.
     name = "HTTP Requests"
-    description = "Performs a HTTP GET request over Tor and one over the local network and compares the two results."
+    description = "Performs a HTTP GET request over Tor and one over the " \
+                  "local network and compares the two results."
     author = "Arturo Filastò"
     version = "0.2.4"
     usageOptions = UsageOptions
     inputFile = ['file', 'f', None,
-            'List of URLS to perform GET and POST requests to']
+                 'List of URLS to perform GET and POST requests to']
     requiresRoot = False
     requiresTor = False
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ class HTTPRequestsTest(httpt.HTTPTest):
         self.factor = self.localOptions['factor']
         self.report['control_failure'] = None
         self.report['experiment_failure'] = None
-        self.report['body_length_match'] =  None
+        self.report['body_length_match'] = None
         self.report['body_proportion'] = None
         self.report['factor'] = float(self.factor)
         self.report['headers_diff'] = None
@@ -101,31 +104,33 @@ class HTTPRequestsTest(httpt.HTTPTest):
     def test_get_experiment(self):
         log.msg("Performing GET request to %s" % self.url)
-        return  self.doRequest(self.url, method="GET",
-                use_tor=False, headers=self.headers)
+        return self.doRequest(self.url, method="GET",
+                              use_tor=False, headers=self.headers)
     def test_get_control(self):
         log.msg("Performing GET request to %s over Tor" % self.url)
         return self.doRequest(self.url, method="GET",
-                use_tor=True, headers=self.headers)
+                              use_tor=True, headers=self.headers)
     def postProcessor(self, measurements):
         experiment = control = None
         for status, measurement in measurements:
             if 'experiment' in str(measurement.netTestMethod):
                 if isinstance(measurement.result, failure.Failure):
-                    self.report['experiment_failure'] = failureToString(measurement.result)
+                    self.report['experiment_failure'] = failureToString(
+                        measurement.result)
                     experiment = measurement.result
             elif 'control' in str(measurement.netTestMethod):
                 if isinstance(measurement.result, failure.Failure):
-                    self.report['control_failure'] = failureToString(measurement.result)
+                    self.report['control_failure'] = failureToString(
+                        measurement.result)
                     control = measurement.result
         if experiment and control:
-                    len(experiment.body))
+                                      len(experiment.body))
-                    experiment.headers)
+                                 experiment.headers)
         return self.report
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/blocking/tcp_connect.py b/ooni/nettests/blocking/tcp_connect.py
index 84ceb2d..852be68 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/blocking/tcp_connect.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/blocking/tcp_connect.py
@@ -2,35 +2,42 @@
 from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
 from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionRefusedError
-from twisted.internet.error import TCPTimedOutError, TimeoutError
 from ooni import nettest
 from ooni.errors import handleAllFailures
 from ooni.utils import log
 class TCPFactory(Factory):
     def buildProtocol(self, addr):
         return Protocol()
 class TCPConnectTest(nettest.NetTestCase):
     name = "TCP Connect"
-    description = "Performs a TCP connect scan of all the host port combinations given as input."
+    description = "Performs a TCP connect scan of all the " \
+                  "host port combinations given as input."
     author = "Arturo Filastò"
     version = "0.1"
-    inputFile = ['file', 'f', None,
-            'File containing the IP:PORT combinations to be tested, one per line']
+    inputFile = [
+        'file',
+        'f',
+        None,
+        'File containing the IP:PORT combinations to be tested, one per line']
     requiresTor = False
     requiresRoot = False
     requiredOptions = ['file']
     def test_connect(self):
-        This test performs a TCP connection to the remote host on the specified port.
-        the report will contains the string 'success' if the test has
+        This test performs a TCP connection to the remote host on the
+        specified port.
+        The report will contains the string 'success' if the test has
         succeeded, or the reason for the failure if it has failed.
         host, port = self.input.split(":")
         def connectionSuccess(protocol):
             log.debug("Got a connection to %s" % self.input)
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/dns_spoof.py b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/dns_spoof.py
index 15aad07..aa464d4 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/dns_spoof.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/dns_spoof.py
@@ -11,19 +11,20 @@ from scapy.all import IP, UDP, DNS, DNSQR
 from ooni.templates import scapyt
 from ooni.utils import log
 class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
-    optParameters = [['resolver', 'r', None,
-                    'Specify the resolver that should be used for DNS queries (ip:port)'],
-                    ['hostname', 'h', None,
-                        'Specify the hostname of a censored site'],
-                    ['backend', 'b', None,
-                        'Specify the IP address of a good DNS resolver (ip:port)']
-                    ]
+    optParameters = [
+        ['resolver', 'r', None,
+         'Specify the resolver that should be used for DNS queries (ip:port)'],
+        ['hostname', 'h', None, 'Specify the hostname of a censored site'],
+        ['backend', 'b', None,
+         'Specify the IP address of a good DNS resolver (ip:port)']]
 class DNSSpoof(scapyt.ScapyTest):
     name = "DNS Spoof"
-    description = "Used to validate if the type of censorship happening is DNS spoofing or not."
+    description = "Used to validate if the type of censorship " \
+                  "happening is DNS spoofing or not."
     author = "Arturo Filastò"
     version = "0.0.1"
     timeout = 2
@@ -36,10 +37,12 @@ class DNSSpoof(scapyt.ScapyTest):
     requiresTor = False
     def setUp(self):
-        self.resolverAddr, self.resolverPort = self.localOptions['resolver'].split(':')
+        self.resolverAddr, self.resolverPort = self.localOptions[
+            'resolver'].split(':')
         self.resolverPort = int(self.resolverPort)
-        self.controlResolverAddr, self.controlResolverPort = self.localOptions['backend'].split(':')
+        self.controlResolverAddr, self.controlResolverPort = self.localOptions[
+            'backend'].split(':')
         self.controlResolverPort = int(self.controlResolverPort)
         self.hostname = self.localOptions['hostname']
@@ -51,28 +54,36 @@ class DNSSpoof(scapyt.ScapyTest):
             test_answer = report['test_a_lookup']['answered_packets'][0][1]
-            control_answer = report['test_control_a_lookup']['answered_packets'][0][1]
+            control_answer = report['test_control_a_lookup'][
+                'answered_packets'][0][1]
         except IndexError:
             self.report['spoofing'] = 'no_answer'
         if test_answer[UDP] == control_answer[UDP]:
-                self.report['spoofing'] = True
+            self.report['spoofing'] = True
             self.report['spoofing'] = False
     def test_a_lookup(self):
-        question = IP(dst=self.resolverAddr)/UDP()/DNS(rd=1,
-                qd=DNSQR(qtype="A", qclass="IN", qname=self.hostname))
-        log.msg("Performing query to %s with %s:%s" % (self.hostname, self.resolverAddr, self.resolverPort))
+        question = IP(dst=self.resolverAddr)/UDP()
+        question /= DNS(rd=1, qd=DNSQR(qtype="A",
+                                       qclass="IN",
+                                       qname=self.hostname))
+        log.msg(
+            "Performing query to %s with %s:%s" %
+            (self.hostname, self.resolverAddr, self.resolverPort))
         yield self.sr1(question)
     def test_control_a_lookup(self):
-        question = IP(dst=self.controlResolverAddr)/UDP()/DNS(rd=1,
-                qd=DNSQR(qtype="A", qclass="IN", qname=self.hostname))
-        log.msg("Performing query to %s with %s:%s" % (self.hostname,
-            self.controlResolverAddr, self.controlResolverPort))
+        question = IP(dst=self.controlResolverAddr)/UDP() / \
+            DNS(rd=1, qd=DNSQR(qtype="A", qclass="IN", qname=self.hostname))
+        log.msg(
+            "Performing query to %s with %s:%s" %
+            (self.hostname,
+             self.controlResolverAddr,
+             self.controlResolverPort))
         yield self.sr1(question)
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_header_field_manipulation.py b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_header_field_manipulation.py
index 3f1b4ed..8378924 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_header_field_manipulation.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_header_field_manipulation.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from ooni.utils import log, net, randomStr
 from ooni.templates import httpt
 from ooni.utils.trueheaders import TrueHeaders
 def random_capitalization(string):
     output = ""
     original_string = string
@@ -27,22 +28,27 @@ def random_capitalization(string):
         return output
 class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
     optParameters = [
-            ['backend', 'b', None,
-                'URL of the backend to use for sending the requests'],
-            ['headers', 'h', None,
-                'Specify a yaml formatted file from which to read the request headers to send']
-            ]
+        ['backend', 'b', None,
+         'URL of the backend to use for sending the requests'],
+        ['headers', 'h', None,
+         'Specify a yaml formatted file from which to read '
+         'the request headers to send']
+        ]
 class HTTPHeaderFieldManipulation(httpt.HTTPTest):
     It performes HTTP requests with request headers that vary capitalization
     towards a backend. If the headers reported by the server differ from
     the ones we sent, then we have detected tampering.
     name = "HTTP Header Field Manipulation"
-    description = "Checks if the HTTP request the server sees is the same as the one that the client has created."
+    description = "Checks if the HTTP request the server " \
+                  "sees is the same as the one that the client has created."
     author = "Arturo Filastò"
     version = "0.1.4"
@@ -66,15 +72,20 @@ class HTTPHeaderFieldManipulation(httpt.HTTPTest):
             headers = yaml.safe_load(content)
             return headers
-            # XXX generate these from a random choice taken from whatheaders.com
+            # XXX generate these from a random choice taken from
+            # whatheaders.com
             # http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.whatheaders.com/whatheaders-latest.xml.zip
-            headers = {"User-Agent": [random.choice(net.userAgents)],
+            headers = {
+                "User-Agent": [
+                    random.choice(
+                        net.userAgents)],
                 "Accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],
                 "Accept-Encoding": ["gzip,deflate,sdch"],
                 "Accept-Language": ["en-US,en;q=0.8"],
                 "Accept-Charset": ["ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3"],
-                "Host": [randomStr(15)+'.com']
-            }
+                "Host": [
+                    randomStr(15) +
+                    '.com']}
             return headers
     def get_random_caps_headers(self):
@@ -143,20 +154,28 @@ class HTTPHeaderFieldManipulation(httpt.HTTPTest):
         request_headers = TrueHeaders(self.request_headers)
         diff = request_headers.getDiff(TrueHeaders(response_headers_dict),
-                ignore=['Connection'])
+                                       ignore=['Connection'])
         if diff:
             self.report['tampering']['header_field_name'] = True
             self.report['tampering']['header_field_name'] = False
         self.report['tampering']['header_name_diff'] = list(diff)
         log.msg("    total: %(total)s" % self.report['tampering'])
-        log.msg("    request_line_capitalization: %(request_line_capitalization)s" % self.report['tampering'])
-        log.msg("    header_name_capitalization: %(header_name_capitalization)s" % self.report['tampering'])
-        log.msg("    header_field_value: %(header_field_value)s" % self.report['tampering'])
-        log.msg("    header_field_number: %(header_field_number)s" % self.report['tampering'])
+        log.msg(
+            "    request_line_capitalization: %(request_line_capitalization)s" %
+            self.report['tampering'])
+        log.msg(
+            "    header_name_capitalization: %(header_name_capitalization)s" %
+            self.report['tampering'])
+        log.msg(
+            "    header_field_value: %(header_field_value)s" %
+            self.report['tampering'])
+        log.msg(
+            "    header_field_number: %(header_field_number)s" %
+            self.report['tampering'])
     def test_get_random_capitalization(self):
         self.request_method = random_capitalization("GET")
         self.request_headers = self.get_random_caps_headers()
         return self.doRequest(self.url, self.request_method,
-                headers=self.request_headers)
+                              headers=self.request_headers)
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_host.py b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_host.py
index 7207c10..d0387cb 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_host.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_host.py
@@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ import json
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.python import usage
-from ooni.utils import randomStr, randomSTR
+from ooni.utils import randomStr
 from ooni.utils import log
 from ooni.templates import httpt
 class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
     optParameters = [['backend', 'b', None,
                       'URL of the test backend to use. Should be \
@@ -24,18 +25,21 @@ class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
                      ['content', 'c', None, 'The file to read \
                             from containing the content of a block page']]
 class HTTPHost(httpt.HTTPTest):
     This test performs various manipulations of the HTTP Host header field and
     attempts to detect which filter bypassing strategies will work against the
     Usually this test should be run with a list of sites that are known to be
-    blocked inside of a particular network to assess which filter evasion strategies
-    will work.
+    blocked inside of a particular network to assess which filter evasion
+    strategies will work.
     name = "HTTP Host"
-    description = "Tests a variety of different filter bypassing techniques based on the HTTP Host header field."
+    description = "Tests a variety of different filter bypassing techniques " \
+                  "based on the HTTP Host header field."
     author = "Arturo Filastò"
     version = "0.2.4"
@@ -43,13 +47,13 @@ class HTTPHost(httpt.HTTPTest):
     usageOptions = UsageOptions
     inputFile = ['file', 'f', None,
-            'List of hostnames to test for censorship']
+                 'List of hostnames to test for censorship']
     requiredTestHelpers = {'backend': 'http-return-json-headers'}
     requiredOptions = ['backend']
     requiresTor = False
     requiresRoot = False
     def setUp(self):
         self.report['transparent_http_proxy'] = False
@@ -81,7 +85,8 @@ class HTTPHost(httpt.HTTPTest):
                 'request_line' in content and \
                 'headers_dict' in content:
             log.msg("Found the keys I expected in %s" % content)
-            self.report['transparent_http_proxy'] = self.report['transparent_http_proxy'] | False
+            self.report['transparent_http_proxy'] = self.report[
+                'transparent_http_proxy'] | False
             self.report[test_name] = False
             log.msg("Did not find the keys I expected in %s" % content)
@@ -91,7 +96,7 @@ class HTTPHost(httpt.HTTPTest):
                 censorship_page = open(self.localOptions['content'])
                 response_page = iter(body.split("\n"))
-                for censorship_line in censorship_page.xreadlines():
+                for censorship_line in censorship_page:
                     response_line = response_page.next()
                     if response_line != censorship_line:
                         self.report[test_name] = False
@@ -104,7 +109,8 @@ class HTTPHost(httpt.HTTPTest):
         test_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name.replace('test_', '')
         headers = {}
         headers["Host"] = [self.input]
-        response = yield self.doRequest(self.localOptions['backend'], method="\nGET",
+        response = yield self.doRequest(self.localOptions['backend'],
+                                        method="\nGET",
         self.check_for_censorship(response.body, test_name)
@@ -159,4 +165,5 @@ class HTTPHost(httpt.HTTPTest):
             for x in fp.readlines():
                 yield x.strip().split('//')[-1].split('/')[0]
-        else: pass
+        else:
+            pass
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_invalid_request_line.py b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_invalid_request_line.py
index 6769269..b6ce2da 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_invalid_request_line.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/http_invalid_request_line.py
@@ -5,12 +5,17 @@ from ooni.utils import log
 from ooni.utils import randomStr, randomSTR
 from ooni.templates import tcpt
 class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
-    optParameters = [['backend', 'b', None,
-                        'The OONI backend that runs a TCP echo server'],
-                    ['backendport', 'p', 80, 'Specify the port that the TCP echo server is running (should only be set for debugging)']]
+    optParameters = [
+        ['backend', 'b', None, 'The OONI backend that runs a TCP echo server'],
+        ['backendport', 'p', 80,
+         'Specify the port that the TCP echo server is running '
+         '(should only be set for debugging)']]
 class HTTPInvalidRequestLine(tcpt.TCPTest):
     The goal of this test is to do some very basic and not very noisy fuzzing
     on the HTTP request line. We generate a series of requests that are not
@@ -20,7 +25,8 @@ class HTTPInvalidRequestLine(tcpt.TCPTest):
     ascii letters or numbers ('XxXx' will be 4).
     name = "HTTP Invalid Request Line"
-    description = "Performs out of spec HTTP requests in the attempt to trigger a proxy error message."
+    description = "Performs out of spec HTTP requests in the attempt to "\
+                  "trigger a proxy error message."
     version = "0.2"
     authors = "Arturo Filastò"
@@ -109,4 +115,3 @@ class HTTPInvalidRequestLine(tcpt.TCPTest):
         d = self.sendPayload(payload)
         d.addCallback(self.check_for_manipulation, payload)
         return d
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/traceroute.py b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/traceroute.py
index c6e167c..a561281 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/manipulation/traceroute.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/manipulation/traceroute.py
@@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
 from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
 from ooni.templates import scapyt
-from itertools import chain
-from scapy.all import *
-from ooni.utils import log
 from ooni.utils.txscapy import MPTraceroute
 from ooni.settings import config
 class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
     optParameters = [
                     ['backend', 'b', None, 'Test backend to use'],
                     ['timeout', 't', 5, 'The timeout for the traceroute test'],
-                    ['maxttl', 'm', 30, 'The maximum value of ttl to set on packets'],
-                    ['dstport', 'd', None, 'Specify a single destination port. May be repeated.'],
-                    ['interval', 'i', None, 'Specify the inter-packet delay in seconds'],
-                    ['numPackets', 'n', None, 'Specify the number of packets to send per hop'],
-                    ]
+                    ['maxttl', 'm', 30,
+                     'The maximum value of ttl to set on packets'],
+                    ['dstport', 'd', None,
+                     'Specify a single destination port. May be repeated.'],
+                    ['interval', 'i', None,
+                     'Specify the inter-packet delay in seconds'],
+                    ['numPackets', 'n', None,
+                     'Specify the number of packets to send per hop'],
+        ]
 class Traceroute(scapyt.BaseScapyTest):
     name = "Traceroute"
-    description = "Performs a UDP, TCP, ICMP traceroute with destination port number set to 0, 22, 23, 53, 80, 123, 443, 8080 and 65535"
+    description = "Performs a UDP, TCP, ICMP traceroute with destination port number "\
+                  "set to 0, 22, 23, 53, 80, 123, 443, 8080 and 65535"
     requiredTestHelpers = {'backend': 'traceroute'}
     requiresRoot = True
@@ -45,8 +47,10 @@ class Traceroute(scapyt.BaseScapyTest):
-        self.report['test_tcp_traceroute'] = dict([('hops_%d' % d,[]) for d in self.dst_ports])
-        self.report['test_udp_traceroute'] = dict([('hops_%d' % d,[]) for d in self.dst_ports])
+        self.report['test_tcp_traceroute'] = dict(
+            [('hops_%d' % d, []) for d in self.dst_ports])
+        self.report['test_udp_traceroute'] = dict(
+            [('hops_%d' % d, []) for d in self.dst_ports])
         self.report['test_icmp_traceroute'] = {'hops': []}
     def test_icmp_traceroute(self):
@@ -70,25 +74,26 @@ class Traceroute(scapyt.BaseScapyTest):
             for ttl in xrange(self.st.ttl_min, self.st.ttl_max):
-                matchedPackets = filter(lambda x: x.ttl == ttl, self.st.matched_packets.keys())
+                matchedPackets = filter(
+                    lambda x: x.ttl == ttl,
+                    self.st.matched_packets.keys())
                 for packet in matchedPackets:
                     for response in self.st.matched_packets[packet]:
                         self.addToReport(packet, response)
         return self.report
     def addToReport(self, packet, response):
-        p = {6: 'tcp', 17: 'udp', 1: 'icmp'}
         if packet.proto == 1:
-            self.report['test_icmp_traceroute']['hops'].append({'ttl': packet.ttl, 
-                                                                'rtt': response.time - packet.time,
-                                                                'address': response.src})
+            self.report['test_icmp_traceroute']['hops'].append(
+                {'ttl': packet.ttl, 'rtt': response.time - packet.time,
+                 'address': response.src})
         elif packet.proto == 6:
-            self.report['test_tcp_traceroute']['hops_%s' % packet.dport].append({'ttl': packet.ttl,
-                                                                                 'rtt': response.time - packet.time,
-                                                                                 'address': response.src,
-                                                                                 'sport': response.sport})
+            self.report['test_tcp_traceroute'][
+                'hops_%s' % packet.dport].append(
+                {'ttl': packet.ttl, 'rtt': response.time - packet.time,
+                 'address': response.src, 'sport': response.sport})
-            self.report['test_udp_traceroute']['hops_%s' % packet.dport].append({'ttl': packet.ttl,
-                                                                                 'rtt': response.time - packet.time,
-                                                                                 'address': response.src,
-                                                                                 'sport': response.sport})
+            self.report['test_udp_traceroute'][
+                'hops_%s' % packet.dport].append(
+                {'ttl': packet.ttl, 'rtt': response.time - packet.time,
+                 'address': response.src, 'sport': response.sport})

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