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[tor-commits] [torspec/master] prop224: Clarify when we need fresh salt for descriptors.

commit 0567494b3f1cd51cc6f5404fc8d84ec5f4434bc8
Author: George Kadianakis <desnacked@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 12 15:18:25 2016 +0300

    prop224: Clarify when we need fresh salt for descriptors.
 proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt | 12 +++---------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt b/proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt
index 237ffdd..a3fb40b 100644
--- a/proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt
+++ b/proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt
@@ -851,15 +851,9 @@ Status: Draft
    The encrypted part of the hidden service descriptor is encrypted and
    authenticated with symmetric keys generated as follows:
-       SALT = 16 bytes from H(random), different for each post to each replica,
-              even if the content of the descriptor hasn't changed.
-              (This avoids leaking service stability, and linking replicas
-              via encrypted data comparison.)
-       (We hash salt so that we don't leak the raw bytes returned by a PRNG
-       to the network. See [RANDOM-REFS].)
-       [ XX/teor - is the extra load on the HSDirs worth it? ]
+       SALT = 16 bytes from H(random), changes each time we rebuld the
+              descriptor even if the content of the descriptor hasn't changed.
+              (So that we don't leak whether the intro point list etc. changed)
        secret_input = blinded_public_key | subcredential | INT_4(revision_counter)
        keys = KDF(secret_input, salt, "hsdir-encrypted-data",

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