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[tor-commits] [depictor/master] Adjust the graph colors Per #22174

commit 60d2794b4cf0587168c6f69d3a501d25a89e4c9a
Author: Tom Ritter <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu May 18 16:25:28 2017 -0500

    Adjust the graph colors Per #22174
 graphs.py | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/graphs.py b/graphs.py
index 0e2a94e..695d9b6 100755
--- a/graphs.py
+++ b/graphs.py
@@ -69,92 +69,119 @@ class GraphWriter(WebsiteWriter):
 			+ "      text-align: center;\n"
 			+ "      display: none;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth1, .steelblue {\n"
-			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: steelblue;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: steelblue;\n"
+			+ "    .fallback_green {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #1a9850;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #1a9850;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #1a9850;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .steelblue {\n"
-			+ "      fill: steelblue;\n"
+			+ "    .fallback_orange {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #fdae61;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #fdae61;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #fdae61;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth2, .orange {\n"
-			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: orange;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: orange;\n"
+			+ "    .fallback_red {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #d73027;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #d73027;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #d73027;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .orange {\n"
-			+ "      fill: orange;\n"
+			+ "    .bwauth_above {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #984ea3;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #984ea3;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #984ea3;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth3, .limegreen {\n"
-			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: limegreen;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: limegreen;\n"
+			+ "    .bwauth_shared {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #377eb8;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #377eb8;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #377eb8;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .limegreen {\n"
-			+ "      fill: limegreen;\n"
+			+ "    .bwauth_exclusive {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #4daf4a;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #4daf4a;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #4daf4a;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth4, .green {\n"
-			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: green;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: green;\n"
+			+ "    .bwauth_below {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #ff7f00;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #ff7f00;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #ff7f00;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .green {\n"
-			+ "      fill: green;\n"
+			+ "    .bwauth_unmeasured {\n"
+			+ "      fill: #e41a1c;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #e41a1c;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #e41a1c;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth5, .red {\n"
+			+ "    .auth1 {\n"
 			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: red;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: red;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #1f78b4;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #1f78b4;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .red {\n"
-			+ "      fill: red;\n"
+			+ "    .auth2 {\n"
+			+ "      fill: none;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #33a02c;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #33a02c;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth6, .purple {\n"
+			+ "    .auth3 {\n"
 			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: purple;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: purple;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #e31a1c;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #e31a1c;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .purple {\n"
-			+ "      fill: purple;\n"
+			+ "    .auth4 {\n"
+			+ "      fill: none;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #ff7f00;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #ff7f00;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth7 {\n"
+			+ "    .auth5 {\n"
 			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: black;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: black;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #6a3d9a;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #6a3d9a;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth8, .blue {\n"
+			+ "    .auth6 {\n"
 			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: #0000FF;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: #0000FF;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #a6cee3;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #a6cee3;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .blue {\n"
-			+ "      fill: blue;\n"
+			+ "    .auth7 {\n"
+			+ "      fill: none;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #b2df8a;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #b2df8a;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth9, .yellow {\n"
+			+ "    .auth8 {\n"
 			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: yellow;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: yellow;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #fb9a99;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #fb9a99;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .yellow {\n"
-			+ "      fill: yellow;\n"
+			+ "    .auth9 {\n"
+			+ "      fill: none;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #fdbf6f;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #fdbf6f;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .auth10, .pink {\n"
+			+ "    .auth10 {\n"
 			+ "      fill: none;\n"
-			+ "      stroke: pink;\n"
-			+ "      background-color: pink;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #cab2d6;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #cab2d6;\n"
 			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
-			+ "    .pink {\n"
-			+ "      fill: pink;\n"
+			+ "    .auth11 {\n"
+			+ "      fill: none;\n"
+			+ "      stroke: #ffff99;\n"
+			+ "      background-color: #ffff99;\n"
+			+ "      stroke-width: 1.5px;\n"
 			+ "    }\n"
 			+ "  </style>\n"
 			+ "    <div class=\"center\">\n"
@@ -171,9 +198,9 @@ class GraphWriter(WebsiteWriter):
 		self.site.write("  <tr>\n"
 		+ "    <td>\n"
 		+ "      <div id=\"" + str(divName) + "\" class=\"graphbox\">\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"green\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Running\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"orange\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Not Running\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"red\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Missing From Consensus\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"fallback_green\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Running\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"fallback_orange\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Not Running\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"fallback_red\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Missing From Consensus\n"
 		+ "      </div>\n"
 		+ "    </td>\n"
 		+ "  </tr>\n")
@@ -277,11 +304,11 @@ class GraphWriter(WebsiteWriter):
 		+ "      <div id=\"" + str(divName) + "\" class=\"graphbox\">\n"
         + "         <span class=\"graph-title\">Bandwidth Auth Statistics, Past " + timeframe + " Days</span>\n"
         + "         <br />\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"steelblue\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> above\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"purple\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> shared\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"green\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> exclusive\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"orange\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> below\n"
-        + "         <span class=\"blue\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> unmeasured\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"bwauth_above\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> above\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"bwauth_shared\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> shared\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"bwauth_exclusive\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> exclusive\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"bwauth_below\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> below\n"
+        + "         <span class=\"bwauth_unmeasured\" style=\"margin-left:5px\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> unmeasured\n"
 		+ "      </div>\n"
 		+ "    </td>\n"
 		+ "  </tr>\n")
@@ -574,15 +601,15 @@ class GraphWriter(WebsiteWriter):
 				var key_to_color = function(k) { 
-						return "steelblue";
+						return "bwauth_above";
 					else if(k.includes("_shared"))
-						return "purple";
+						return "bwauth_shared";
 					else if(k.includes("_exclusive"))
-						return "green";
+						return "bwauth_exclusive";
 					else if(k.includes("_below"))
-						return "orange";
+						return "bwauth_below";
-						return "blue";
+						return "bwauth_unmeasured";
 				if(graph.data_slice+1 > data.length) {
@@ -693,7 +720,7 @@ class GraphWriter(WebsiteWriter):
 					return d;
 			}).then(function(data) {
-				var key_to_color = function(k) { return k == 'fallback_dirs_running' ? 'green' : k == 'fallback_dirs_notrunning' ? 'orange' : 'red' };
+				var key_to_color = function(k) { return k == 'fallback_dirs_running' ? 'fallback_green' : k == 'fallback_dirs_notrunning' ? 'fallback_orange' : 'fallback_red' };
 				/*Pie Graph
 				data_subset = data.slice(0);
 				data_subset = [

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