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[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttonproperties] Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties

commit ba03588b7de856adebbd3833f2e845dabce9fdd8
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 23 15:17:13 2018 +0000

    Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties
 ar/torbutton.properties | 20 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ar/torbutton.properties b/ar/torbutton.properties
index b034077c4..afa0b9336 100644
--- a/ar/torbutton.properties
+++ b/ar/torbutton.properties
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ torbutton.maximize_warning = تÙ?بÙ?ر Ù?تصÙ?Ø­ تÙ?ر Ù?د Ù?سÙ?Ø­ Ù?بعض
 # Canvas permission prompt. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 canvas.siteprompt=Ù?ذا اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?ع (Ùª S) حاÙ?Ù? استخراج بÙ?اÙ?ات اÙ?صÙ?رة HTML5Ø? Ù?اÙ?تÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? استخداÙ?Ù?ا Ù?تحدÙ?د Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ù?تحدÙ?د اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?بÙ?Ù?تر.\n\nÙ?Ù? ترÙ?د Ø£Ù? Ù?سÙ?Ø­ Ù?تصÙ?Ø­ Tor Ù?Ù?ذا اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?ع Ù?استخراج بÙ?اÙ?ات اÙ?صÙ?رة Ø?
 canvas.notNow=Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?ت آخر
-canvas.allow=اÙ?سÙ?اح Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?ستÙ?بÙ?
-canvas.never=Ù?Ù?س Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?ع Ù?ذا ابداÙ? (Ù?ستحب)
+canvas.allow=اسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?ستÙ?بÙ?
+canvas.never=Ù?ا تسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù?ذا اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?ع أبدÙ?ا (Ù?ستحسÙ?)
 # Profile/startup error messages. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the application name.
-profileProblemTitle=%SÙ?Ø´Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù? شخصÙ?
-profileReadOnly=Ù?ا Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? تشغÙ?Ù? %S Ù?Ù? Ù?ظاÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ات خاص باÙ?Ù?راءة Ù?Ù?Ø·.  Ù?رجÙ? Ù?سخ %S Ø¥Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?ع آخر Ù?بÙ? Ù?حاÙ?Ù?Ø© استخداÙ?Ù?ا.
-profileReadOnlyMac=Ù?ا Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? تشغÙ?Ù? %S Ù?Ù? Ù?ظاÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ات خاص باÙ?Ù?راءة Ù?Ù?Ø·.  Ù?رجÙ? Ù?سخ %S Ø¥Ù?Ù? سطح اÙ?Ù?Ù?تب Ø£Ù? Ù?جÙ?د اÙ?تطبÙ?Ù?ات Ù?بÙ? Ù?حاÙ?Ù?Ø© استخداÙ?Ù?ا.
-profileAccessDenied=%S does not have permission to access the profile. Please adjust your file system permissions and try again.
-profileMigrationFailed=Migration of your existing %S profile failed.\nNew settings will be used.
+profileProblemTitle=Ù?Ø´Ù?Ù?Ø© Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù? إعدادات %S
+profileReadOnly=Ù?ا Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? تشغÙ?Ù? %S Ù?Ù? Ù?ظاÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ات خاص باÙ?Ù?راءة Ù?Ù?Ø·.  Ù?رجÙ? Ù?سخ %S Ø¥Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?ع آخر Ù?بÙ? Ù?حاÙ?Ù?Ø© استخداÙ?Ù?.
+profileReadOnlyMac=Ù?ا Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? تشغÙ?Ù? %S Ù?Ù? Ù?ظاÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ات خاص باÙ?Ù?راءة Ù?Ù?Ø·.  Ù?رجÙ? Ù?سخ %S Ø¥Ù?Ù? سطح اÙ?Ù?Ù?تب Ø£Ù? Ù?جÙ?د اÙ?تطبÙ?Ù?ات Ù?بÙ? Ù?حاÙ?Ù?Ø© استخداÙ?Ù?.
+profileAccessDenied=Ù?ا Ù?Ù?تÙ?Ù? %S اÙ?صÙ?احÙ?ات اÙ?Ù?Ø·Ù?Ù?بة Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? إعداداتÙ?. Ù?رجÙ? ضبط صÙ?احÙ?ات Ù?ظاÙ? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?ات Ø«Ù? إعادة اÙ?Ù?حاÙ?Ù?Ø©.
+profileMigrationFailed=Ù?Ø´Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù? إعدادات %S اÙ?Ù?Ù?جÙ?د Ø¥Ù?Ù? اÙ?إصدارة اÙ?جدÙ?دة.\nسÙ?ستخدÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù? إعدادات جدÙ?د.

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