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[tor-commits] [torspec/master] Prop 311: Another reachability edge case

commit 40486e0b5eed4006b9895f85424c0ad9c0d33eb8
Author: teor <teor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri May 1 17:14:37 2020 +1000

    Prop 311: Another reachability edge case
    Part of 33222.
 proposals/311-relay-ipv6-reachability.txt | 20 +++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proposals/311-relay-ipv6-reachability.txt b/proposals/311-relay-ipv6-reachability.txt
index c23703e..e3fe81a 100644
--- a/proposals/311-relay-ipv6-reachability.txt
+++ b/proposals/311-relay-ipv6-reachability.txt
@@ -353,10 +353,11 @@ Ticket: #24404
    Once we validate the created cell, we have confirmed that the final remote
    relay has our private keys. Therefore, this test reliably detects ORPort
-   reachability.
+   reachability, in most cases.
+   There are a few exceptions:
-   There is one exception: when another relay on the network is using the same
-   keys.
+   A. Duplicate Relay Keys
    Duplicate keys are only possible if a relay's private keys have been copied
    to another relay. That's either a misconfiguration, or a security issue.
@@ -375,6 +376,19 @@ Ticket: #24404
    accidentally duplicated their keys. (But it doesn't provide any extra
    security, because operators can disable self-tests using AssumeReachable.)
+   B. Multiple ORPorts in an Address Family
+   Some relays have multiple IPv4 ORPorts, or multiple IPv6 ORPorts. In some
+   cases, only some ports are reachable. (This configuration is uncommon, but
+   multiple ORPorts are supported.)
+   Here is how these tests can pass, even if the advertised ORPort is
+   unreachable:
+     * the final extend cell contains the advertised IPv6 address of the
+       self-testing relay,
+     * if the extending relay already has a connection to a working NoAdvertise
+       ORPort, it may use that connection instead.
 4.2.4. No Changes to DirPort Reachability
    We do not propose any changes to relay IPv4 DirPort reachability checks at

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