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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/main] Attach QR codes of bridges on email distributor

commit 10306676c94a9abd4307870074407cb2fe94d63e
Author: meskio <meskio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon May 10 11:50:06 2021 +0200

    Attach QR codes of bridges on email distributor
    Refactor the code to use email.message.EmailMessage instead of the custom
    EmailResponse implementation.
    Fixes #40008
 bridgedb/distributors/email/autoresponder.py | 260 +++++----------------------
 bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py    | 171 +++---------------
 2 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bridgedb/distributors/email/autoresponder.py b/bridgedb/distributors/email/autoresponder.py
index 94a8f75..1632258 100644
--- a/bridgedb/distributors/email/autoresponder.py
+++ b/bridgedb/distributors/email/autoresponder.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ bridgedb.distributors.email.autoresponder
 Functionality for autoresponding to incoming emails.
-.. inheritance-diagram:: EmailResponse SMTPAutoresponder
+.. inheritance-diagram:: SMTPAutoresponder
     :parts: 1
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ Functionality for autoresponding to incoming emails.
    | |                       how to respond.
    | |_ generateResponse - Create an email response.
-   |_ EmailResponse - Holds information for generating a response to a request.
    |_ SMTPAutoresponder - An SMTP autoresponder for incoming mail.
@@ -39,11 +38,12 @@ Functionality for autoresponding to incoming emails.
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 from __future__ import print_function
-import email
 import io
 import logging
 import time
+from email.utils import parseaddr
+from email.message import EmailMessage
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from twisted.mail import smtp
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ from bridgedb.distributors.email.distributor import TooSoonEmail
 from bridgedb.distributors.email.distributor import IgnoreEmail
 from bridgedb.parse import addr
 from bridgedb.parse.addr import canonicalizeEmailDomain
+from bridgedb.qrcodes import generateQR
 from bridgedb.util import levenshteinDistance
 from bridgedb import translations
@@ -85,11 +86,12 @@ def createResponseBody(lines, context, client, lang='en'):
         email to `bridges+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
         <mailto:bridges+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>`__, the client should receive a
         response in Farsi.
-    :rtype: str
+    :rtype: (str, bytes)
     :returns: ``None`` if we shouldn't respond to the client (i.e., if they
         have already received a rate-limiting warning email). Otherwise,
         returns a string containing the (optionally translated) body for the
-        email response which we should send out.
+        email response which we should send out and the qrcode image of the
+        bridges if we provide bridges.
     translator = translations.installTranslations(lang)
     bridges = None
@@ -102,28 +104,28 @@ def createResponseBody(lines, context, client, lang='en'):
         bridges = context.distributor.getBridges(bridgeRequest, interval)
     except TooSoonEmail as error:
         logging.info("Got a mail too frequently: %s." % error)
-        return templates.buildSpamWarning(translator, client)
+        return templates.buildSpamWarning(translator, client), None
     except (IgnoreEmail, addr.BadEmail) as error:
         # Don't generate a response if their email address is unparsable or
         # invalid, or if we've already warned them about rate-limiting:
-        return None
+        return None, None
         answer = "(no bridges currently available)\r\n"
+        qrcode = None
         if bridges:
             transport = bridgeRequest.justOnePTType()
-            answer = "".join("  %s\r\n" % b.getBridgeLine(
-                bridgeRequest, context.includeFingerprints) for b in bridges)
+            bridgeLines = [b.getBridgeLine(bridgeRequest, context.includeFingerprints) for b in bridges]
+            answer = "".join("  %s\r\n" % line for line in bridgeLines)
+            qrcode = generateQR(bridgeLines)
             internalMetrix.recordHandoutsPerBridge(bridgeRequest, bridges)
-        return templates.buildAnswerMessage(translator, client, answer)
+        return templates.buildAnswerMessage(translator, client, answer), qrcode
 def generateResponse(fromAddress, client, body, subject=None,
-                     messageID=None):
-    """Create an :class:`EmailResponse`, which acts like an
-    :class:`io.StringIO` instance, by creating and writing all headers and the
-    email body into the file-like :attr:`EmailResponse.mailfile`.
+                     messageID=None, qrcode=None):
+    """Create an :class:`email.message.EmailMessage`
     :param str fromAddress: The :rfc:`2821` email address which should be in
         the ``'From:'`` header.
@@ -135,206 +137,43 @@ def generateResponse(fromAddress, client, body, subject=None,
     :type messageID: ``None`` or :any:`str`
     :param messageID: The :rfc:`2822` specifier for the ``'Message-ID:'``
         header, if including one is desirable.
-    :returns: An :class:`EmailResponse` which contains the entire email. To
-        obtain the contents of the email, including all headers, simply use
-        :meth:`EmailResponse.readContents`.
+    :returns: An :class:`email.message.EmailMessage` which contains the entire
+        email. To obtain the contents of the email, including all headers,
+        simply use :meth:`EmailMessage.as_string`.
-    response = EmailResponse()
-    response.to = client
-    response.writeHeaders(fromAddress.encode('utf-8'), str(client), subject,
-                          inReplyTo=messageID)
-    response.writeBody(body.encode('utf-8'))
+    response = EmailMessage()
+    response["From"] = fromAddress
+    response["To"] = str(client)
+    if not subject:
+        response["Subject"] = '[no subject]'
+    else:
+        response["Subject"] = subject
+    if messageID:
+        response.add_header("In-Reply-To", messageID)
+    response.add_header("Date", smtp.rfc822date().decode("utf-8"))
+    response.set_content(body)  
+    if qrcode:
+        response.add_attachment(qrcode, maintype="image", subtype="jpeg", filename="qrcode.jpg")
     # Only log the email text (including all headers) if SAFE_LOGGING is
     # disabled:
     if not safelog.safe_logging:
-        contents = response.readContents()
-        logging.debug("Email contents:\n%s" % str(contents))
+        logging.debug("Email contents:\n%s" % response.as_string())
         logging.debug("Email text for %r created." % str(client))
-    response.rewind()
     return response
-class EmailResponse(object):
-    """Holds information for generating a response email for a request.
-    .. todo:: At some point, we may want to change this class to optionally
-        handle creating Multipart MIME encoding messages, so that we can
-        include attachments.
-    :var str delimiter: Delimiter between lines written to the
-        :data:`mailfile`.
-    :var bool closed: ``True`` if :meth:`close` has been called.
-    :vartype to: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address`
-    :var to: The client's email address, to which this response should be sent.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Create a response to an email we have recieved.
-        This class deals with correctly formatting text for the response email
-        headers and the response body into an instance of :data:`mailfile`.
-        """
-        self.mailfile = io.StringIO()
-        self.delimiter = '\n'
-        self.closed = False
-        self.to = None
-    def close(self):
-        """Close our :data:`mailfile` and set :data:`closed` to ``True``."""
-        logging.debug("Closing %s.mailfile..." % (self.__class__.__name__))
-        self.mailfile.close()
-        self.closed = True
-    def read(self, size=None):
-        """Read, at most, **size** bytes from our :data:`mailfile`.
-        .. note:: This method is required by Twisted's SMTP system.
-        :param int size: The number of bytes to read. Defaults to ``None``,
-            which reads until EOF.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: The bytes read from the :data:`mailfile`.
-        """
-        contents = ''
-        logging.debug("Reading%s from %s.mailfile..."
-                      % ((' {0} bytes'.format(size) if size else ''),
-                         self.__class__.__name__))
-        try:
-            if size is not None:
-                contents = self.mailfile.read(int(size)).encode('utf-8')
-            else:
-                contents = self.mailfile.read().encode('utf-8')
-        except Exception as error:  # pragma: no cover
-            logging.exception(error)
-        return contents
-    def readContents(self):
-        """Read the all the contents written thus far to the :data:`mailfile`,
-        and then :meth:`seek` to return to the original pointer position we
-        were at before this method was called.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: The entire contents of the :data:`mailfile`.
-        """
-        pointer = self.mailfile.tell()
-        self.mailfile.seek(0)
-        contents = self.mailfile.read()
-        self.mailfile.seek(pointer)
-        return contents
-    def rewind(self):
-        """Rewind to the very beginning of the :data:`mailfile`."""
-        logging.debug("Rewinding %s.mailfile..." % self.__class__.__name__)
-        self.mailfile.seek(0)
-    def write(self, line):
-        """Write the **line** to the :data:`mailfile`.
-        Any **line** written to me will have :data:`delimiter` appended to it
-        beforehand.
-        :param str line: Something to append into the :data:`mailfile`.
-        """
-        line = line.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(line, bytes) else line
-        if line.find('\r\n') != -1:
-            # If **line** contains newlines, send it to :meth:`writelines` to
-            # break it up so that we can replace them:
-            logging.debug("Found newlines in %r. Calling writelines()." % line)
-            self.writelines(line)
-        else:
-            line += self.delimiter
-            self.mailfile.write(line)
-            self.mailfile.flush()
-    def writelines(self, lines):
-        """Calls :meth:`write` for each line in **lines**.
-        Line endings of ``'\\r\\n'`` will be replaced with :data:`delimiter`
-        (i.e. ``'\\n'``). See :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClient.getMailData`
-        for the reason.
-        :type lines: :any:`str` or :any:`list`
-        :param lines: The lines to write to the :attr:`mailfile`.
-        """
-        if isinstance(lines, (str, bytes)):
-            lines = lines.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(lines, bytes) else lines
-            lines = lines.replace('\r\n', '\n')
-            for ln in lines.split('\n'):
-                self.write(ln)
-        elif isinstance(lines, (list, tuple,)):
-            for ln in lines:
-                self.write(ln)
-    def writeHeaders(self, fromAddress, toAddress, subject=None,
-                     inReplyTo=None, includeMessageID=True,
-                     contentType='text/plain; charset="utf-8"', **kwargs):
-        """Write all headers into the response email.
-        :param str fromAddress: The email address for the ``'From:'`` header.
-        :param str toAddress: The email address for the ``'To:'`` header.
-        :type subject: ``None`` or :any:`str`
-        :param subject: The ``'Subject:'`` header.
-        :type inReplyTo: ``None`` or :any:`str`
-        :param inReplyTo: If set, an ``'In-Reply-To:'`` header will be
-            generated. This should be set to the ``'Message-ID:'`` header from
-            the client's original request email.
-        :param bool includeMessageID: If ``True``, generate and include a
-            ``'Message-ID:'`` header for the response.
-        :param str contentType: The ``'Content-Type:'`` header.
-        :kwargs: If given, the key will become the name of the header, and the
-            value will become the contents of that header.
-        """
-        fromAddress = fromAddress.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(fromAddress, bytes) else fromAddress
-        toAddress = toAddress.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(toAddress, bytes) else toAddress
-        self.write("From: %s" % fromAddress)
-        self.write("To: %s" % toAddress)
-        if includeMessageID:
-            self.write("Message-ID: %s" % smtp.messageid())
-        if inReplyTo:
-            self.write("In-Reply-To: %s" % inReplyTo)
-        self.write("Content-Type: %s" % contentType)
-        self.write("Date: %s" % smtp.rfc822date().decode('utf-8'))
-        if not subject:
-            subject = '[no subject]'
-        if not subject.lower().startswith('re'):
-            subject = "Re: " + subject
-        self.write("Subject: %s" % subject)
-        if kwargs:
-            for headerName, headerValue in kwargs.items():
-                headerName = headerName.capitalize()
-                headerName = headerName.replace(' ', '-')
-                headerName = headerName.replace('_', '-')
-                header = "%s: %s" % (headerName, headerValue)
-                self.write(header)
-        # The first blank line designates that the headers have ended:
-        self.write(self.delimiter)
-    def writeBody(self, body):
-        """Write the response body into the :attr:`mailfile`.
-        :param str body: The body of the response email.
-        """
-        logging.info("Writing email body...")
-        self.writelines(body)
 class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient):
     """An :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPClient` for responding to incoming mail.
     The main worker in this class is the :meth:`reply` method, which functions
     to dissect an incoming email from an incoming :class:`SMTPMessage` and
-    create a :class:`EmailResponse` email message in reply to it, and then,
+    create a :class:`EmailMessage` email message in reply to it, and then,
     finally, send it out.
     :vartype log: :api:`twisted.python.util.LineLog`
@@ -370,8 +209,8 @@ class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient):
         This method must return a file-like object containing the data of the
         message to be sent. Lines in the file should be delimited by ``\\n``.
-        :rtype: ``None`` or :class:`EmailResponse`
-        :returns: An ``EmailResponse``, if we have a response to send in reply
+        :rtype: ``None`` or :class:`EmailMessage`
+        :returns: An ``EmailMessage``, if we have a response to send in reply
             to the incoming email, otherwise, returns ``None``.
         clients = self.getMailTo()
@@ -391,9 +230,9 @@ class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient):
         lang = translations.getLocaleFromPlusAddr(recipient)
         logging.info("Client requested email translation: %s" % lang)
-        body = createResponseBody(self.incoming.lines,
-                                  self.incoming.context,
-                                  client, lang)
+        body, qrcode = createResponseBody(self.incoming.lines,
+                                          self.incoming.context,
+                                          client, lang)
         # The string EMAIL_MISC_TEXT[1] shows up in an email if BridgeDB
         # responds with bridges.  Everything else we count as an invalid
@@ -408,8 +247,7 @@ class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient):
         messageID = self.incoming.message.get("Message-ID", None)
         subject = self.incoming.message.get("Subject", None)
-        response = generateResponse(recipient, client,
-                                    body, subject, messageID)
+        response = generateResponse(recipient, client, body, subject, messageID, qrcode)
         return response
     def getMailTo(self):
@@ -427,13 +265,13 @@ class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient):
         clients = []
         addrHeader = None
-        try: fromAddr = email.utils.parseaddr(self.incoming.message.get("From"))[1]
+        try: fromAddr = parseaddr(self.incoming.message.get("From"))[1]
         except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass
         else: addrHeader = fromAddr
         if not addrHeader:
             logging.warn("No From header on incoming mail.")
-            try: senderHeader = email.utils.parseaddr(self.incoming.message.get("Sender"))[1]
+            try: senderHeader = parseaddr(self.incoming.message.get("Sender"))[1]
             except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass
             else: addrHeader = senderHeader
         if not addrHeader:
@@ -675,17 +513,17 @@ class SMTPAutoresponder(smtp.SMTPClient):
         :type client: :api:`twisted.mail.smtp.Address`
         :param client: The email address of the client.
-        :param response: A :class:`EmailResponse`.
+        :param response: A :class:`EmailMessage`.
         :param int retries: Try resending this many times. (default: ``0``)
         :param int timeout: Timeout after this many seconds. (default: ``30``)
         :rtype: :api:`Deferred <twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>`
         :returns: Our :data:`deferred`.
-        logging.info("Sending reply to %s ..." % str(response.to))
+        logging.info("Sending reply to %s ..." % str(response["To"]))
         factory = smtp.SMTPSenderFactory(self.incoming.context.smtpFromAddr,
-                                         str(response.to),
-                                         response,
+                                         response["To"],
+                                         io.BytesIO(response.as_bytes()),
diff --git a/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py b/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py
index 9b49c67..566d837 100644
--- a/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py
+++ b/bridgedb/test/test_email_autoresponder.py
@@ -59,16 +59,18 @@ class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
         lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
         lines[4] = "transport obfs3"
-        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        ret, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges:", ret)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(qrcode)
     def test_createResponseBody_bridges_obfs3(self):
         """A request for 'get transport obfs3' should receive a response."""
         lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
         lines[4] = "get transport obfs3"
-        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        ret, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", ret)
         self.assertSubstring("obfs3", ret)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
     def test_createResponseBody_bridges_obfsobfswebz(self):
         """We should only pay attention to the *last* in a crazy request."""
@@ -76,9 +78,10 @@ class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
         lines[4] = "get unblocked webz"
         lines.append("get transport obfs2")
         lines.append("get transport obfs3")
-        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        ret, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", ret)
         self.assertSubstring("obfs3", ret)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
     def test_createResponseBody_bridges_obfsobfswebzipv6(self):
         """We should *still* only pay attention to the *last* request."""
@@ -87,9 +90,10 @@ class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
         lines.append("get unblocked webz")
         lines.append("get ipv6")
         lines.append("get transport obfs2")
-        ret = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
+        ret, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, self.ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", ret)
         self.assertSubstring("obfs2", ret)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
     def test_createResponseBody_two_requests_TooSoonEmail(self):
         """The same client making two requests in a row should receive a
@@ -100,10 +104,12 @@ class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
         ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config, dist)
         lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
-        first = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        first, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", first)
-        second = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
+        second, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Please slow down", second)
+        self.assertIsNone(qrcode)
     def test_createResponseBody_three_requests_TooSoonEmail(self):
         """Alice making a request, next Bob making a request, and then Alice again,
@@ -115,18 +121,21 @@ class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
         ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config, dist)
         aliceLines = self._getIncomingLines("alice@localhost")
-        aliceFirst = autoresponder.createResponseBody(aliceLines, ctx,
-                                                      self.toAddress)
+        aliceFirst, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(aliceLines, ctx,
+                                                              self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", aliceFirst)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
         bobLines = self._getIncomingLines("bob@localhost")
-        bobFirst = autoresponder.createResponseBody(bobLines, ctx,
-                                                    self.toAddress)
+        bobFirst, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(bobLines, ctx,
+                                                            self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", bobFirst)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
-        aliceSecond = autoresponder.createResponseBody(aliceLines, ctx,
-                                                       self.toAddress)
+        aliceSecond, qrcode  = autoresponder.createResponseBody(aliceLines, ctx,
+                                                                self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Please slow down", aliceSecond)
+        self.assertIsNone(qrcode)
     def test_createResponseBody_three_requests_IgnoreEmail(self):
         """The same client making three requests in a row should receive a
@@ -138,140 +147,18 @@ class CreateResponseBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
         ctx = _createMailServerContext(self.config, dist)
         lines = self._getIncomingLines("testing@localhost")
-        first = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        first, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Here are your bridges", first)
-        second = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertIsInstance(qrcode, bytes)
+        second, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
         self.assertSubstring("Please slow down", second)
-        third = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertIsNone(qrcode)
+        third, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
-        fourth = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
+        self.assertIsNone(qrcode)
+        fourth, qrcode = autoresponder.createResponseBody(lines, ctx, self.toAddress)
-class EmailResponseTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for ``generateResponse()`` and ``EmailResponse``."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fromAddr = "bridges@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-        self.clientAddr = "user@xxxxxxxxxxx"
-        self.body = """\
-People think that time is strictly linear, but, in reality, it's actually just
-a ball of timey-wimey, wibbly-warbly... stuff."""
-    def tearDown(self):
-        autoresponder.safelog.safe_logging = True
-    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse(self):
-        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
-                                                  self.clientAddr,
-                                                  self.body)
-        self.assertIsInstance(response, autoresponder.EmailResponse)
-    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_noSafelog(self):
-        autoresponder.safelog.safe_logging = False
-        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
-                                                  self.clientAddr,
-                                                  self.body)
-        self.assertIsInstance(response, autoresponder.EmailResponse)
-    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_mailfile(self):
-        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
-                                                  self.clientAddr,
-                                                  self.body)
-        self.assertIsInstance(response.mailfile, (io.BytesIO, io.StringIO))
-    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_withInReplyTo(self):
-        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
-                                                  self.clientAddr,
-                                                  self.body,
-                                                  messageID="NSA")
-        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
-        self.assertIsInstance(response.mailfile, (io.BytesIO, io.StringIO))
-        self.assertSubstring("In-Reply-To: NSA", contents)
-    def test_EmailResponse_generateResponse_readContents(self):
-        response = autoresponder.generateResponse(self.fromAddr,
-                                                  self.clientAddr,
-                                                  self.body)
-        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
-        self.assertSubstring('timey-wimey, wibbly-warbly... stuff.', contents)
-    def test_EmailResponse_additionalHeaders(self):
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        response.writeHeaders(self.fromAddr, self.clientAddr,
-                              subject="Re: echelon", inReplyTo="NSA",
-                              X_been_there="They were so 2004")
-        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
-        self.assertIsInstance(response.mailfile, (io.BytesIO, io.StringIO))
-        self.assertSubstring("In-Reply-To: NSA", contents)
-        self.assertSubstring("X-been-there: They were so 2004", contents)
-    def test_EmailResponse_close(self):
-        """Calling EmailResponse.close() should close the ``mailfile`` and set
-        ``closed=True``.
-        """
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        self.assertEqual(response.closed, False)
-        response.close()
-        self.assertEqual(response.closed, True)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, response.write, self.body)
-    def test_EmailResponse_read(self):
-        """Calling EmailResponse.read() should read bytes from the file."""
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        response.write(self.body)
-        response.rewind()
-        contents = response.read().replace(b'\x00', b'').decode('utf-8')
-        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
-        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
-        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
-                    + response.delimiter
-        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
-    def test_EmailResponse_read_three_bytes(self):
-        """EmailResponse.read(3) should read three bytes from the file."""
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        response.write(self.body)
-        response.rewind()
-        contents = response.read(3).replace(b'\x00', b'').decode('utf-8')
-        self.assertEqual(contents, self.body[:3])
-    def test_EmailResponse_write(self):
-        """Calling EmailResponse.write() should write to the mailfile."""
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        response.write(self.body)
-        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
-        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
-        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
-        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
-                    + response.delimiter
-        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
-    def test_EmailResponse_write_withRetNewlines(self):
-        """Calling EmailResponse.write() with '\r\n' in the lines should call
-        writelines(), which splits up the lines and then calls write() again.
-        """
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        response.write(self.body.replace('\n', '\r\n'))
-        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
-        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
-        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
-        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
-                    + response.delimiter
-        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
-    def test_EmailResponse_writelines_list(self):
-        """Calling EmailResponse.writelines() with a list should write the
-        concatenated contents of the list into the mailfile.
-        """
-        response = autoresponder.EmailResponse()
-        response.writelines(self.body.split('\n'))
-        contents = str(response.readContents()).replace('\x00', '')
-        # The newlines in the email body should have been replaced with
-        # ``EmailResponse.delimiter``.
-        delimited = self.body.replace('\n', response.delimiter) \
-                    + response.delimiter
-        self.assertEqual(delimited, contents)
+        self.assertIsNone(qrcode)
 class SMTPAutoresponderTests(unittest.TestCase):

tor-commits mailing list