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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] * Updated the Makefile which is used for checking if OONI tests are working.

commit 9b2132cea553a7e723efa1fb3afcce425c745ca3
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Nov 4 03:59:03 2012 +0000

    * Updated the Makefile which is used for checking if OONI tests are working.
    * Changes to nettest and runner to make them call parent classes correctly.
    * Started working on adaptor class for nettest.TestCase.
 bin/Makefile          |   20 ++--
 nettests/core/echo.py |    1 +
 ooni/nettest.py       |  272 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 ooni/runner.py        |  240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 4 files changed, 355 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/Makefile b/bin/Makefile
index 307e81f..ee8976f 100644
--- a/bin/Makefile
+++ b/bin/Makefile
@@ -21,34 +21,34 @@ all: echot simplet captivet dnst httphostt squidt
 all_debug: echod simpled captived dnsd httphostd squidd
-	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/simpletest.py -a ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/simpletest.py -a ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/simpletest.py -a ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/simpletest.py -a ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/echo.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/echo.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/echo.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe -B ../nettests/core/echo.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/captiveportal.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/captiveportal.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe --spew ../nettests/core/captiveportal.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe --spew ../nettests/core/captiveportal.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/dnstamper.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/dnstamper.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe --spew ../nettests/core/dnstamper.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe --spew ../nettests/core/dnstamper.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/squid.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	../bin/ooniprobe ../nettests/core/squid.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
-	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe --spew ../nettests/core/squid.py -f ../ooni/assets/hostnames.txt
+	python -m pdb ../bin/ooniprobe --spew ../nettests/core/squid.py -f ../lists/short_hostname_list.txt
 #	for $report in `find ../ -name "report*"`; do mv $report test-results #; done
diff --git a/nettests/core/echo.py b/nettests/core/echo.py
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..d9926cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nettests/core/echo.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ooni/nettest.py b/ooni/nettest.py
index 541d65b..e01c4f1 100644
--- a/ooni/nettest.py
+++ b/ooni/nettest.py
@@ -65,7 +65,206 @@ class InputTestSuite(pyunit.TestSuite):
         return result
-class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+class NetTestAdaptor(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    XXX fill me in
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def __copyattr__(obj, old, new=None, alt=None):
+        """
+        Assign me to a new attribute name to have a copy of the old
+        attribute, if it exists.
+        Example:
+        >>> self.sun = "black"
+        >>> self._watermelon = __copyattr__(self, "sun")
+        >>> self._clocknoise = __copyattr__(self, "sound")
+        >>> print self._watermelon
+            black
+        >>> print self._clocknoise
+        :param old:
+            A string representing the name of the old attribute
+        :param new:
+            (Optional) A string to set as the new attribute name.
+        :param alt:
+            (Optional) An alternate value to return if the old
+            attribute is not found.
+        :return:
+            If :param:`old` is found, I return it's value.
+            If :param:`old` is not found:
+                If :param:`alt` is given, I return :param:`alt`.
+                Else, I return None.
+            If :param:`new` is set, I do not return anything, and
+            instead I set the new attribute's name to :param:`name`
+            and it's value to the value which I would have otherwise
+            returned.
+        """
+        if not new:
+            if not alt:
+                if hasattr(obj, old):
+                    return getattr(obj, old)
+                return
+            else:
+                if hasattr(obj, old):
+                    return getattr(obj, old)
+                return alt
+        else:
+            if not alt:
+                if hasattr(obj, old):
+                    _copy = getattr(obj, old)
+                else:
+                    copy = None
+                setattr(obj, new, _copy)
+            else:
+                if hasattr(obj, old):
+                    _copy = getattr(obj, old)
+                else:
+                    _copy = alt
+                setattr(obj, new, _copy)
+    ## Using setattr in __init__ for now:
+    #def copyattr(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    #    if len(args) >= 1:
+    #        _copy = partial(__copyattr__, args[0])
+    #        if len(args) == 2:
+    #            return _copy(new=args[1])
+    #        elif len(args) == 3:
+    #            return _copy(new=args[1], alt=args[2])
+    #        elif kwargs:
+    #            return _copy(kwargs)
+    #    else:
+    #        return
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        If you override me, you must call
+            ``super(NetTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)``
+        at the beginning of your __init__ method. Keyword arguments passed to
+        the above statement become attributes of the adaptor, and can be used
+        to alter the logic of input handling and parent class instantiation.
+        Therefore, You probably do not need to pass me any keyword arguments
+        when calling me, i.e. using ``(*args, **kwargs)`` will work just fine.
+        """
+        log.debug("NetTestAdapter: created")
+        if kwargs:
+            if 'methodName' in kwargs:
+                log.debug("NetTestAdaptor: found 'methodName' in kwargs")
+                log.debug("NetTestAdaptor: calling unittest.TestCase.__init()")
+                super( NetTestAdaptor, self ).__init__(
+                    methodName=kwargs['methodName'] )
+            else:
+                log.debug("NetTestAdaptor: calling unittest.TestCase.__init()")
+                super( NetTestAdaptor, self ).__init__( )
+            for key, value in kwargs.items():     ## Let subclasses define their
+                if key != 'methodName':           ## instantiation without
+                    if not hasattr(self, key):    ## overriding parent classes
+                        log.debug("NetTestAdaptor: calling setattr(self,%s,%s)"
+                                  % (key, value) )
+                        setattr(self, key, value)
+        #setattr(self, "copyattr", __copy_attr__)
+        ## Internal attribute copies:
+        #self._input_parser = copyattr("inputParser", alt=__input_parser__)
+        #self._nettest_name = copyattr("name", alt="NetTestAdaptor"))
+        ## Set our inputs to the parsed and processed inputs:
+        #self.inputs = __get_inputs__()
+        ## xxx do we need:
+        if self.parsed_inputs:
+            self.inputs = self.parsed_inputs
+        else:
+            log.debug("Unable to find parsed inputs")
+    @staticmethod
+    def __input_parser__(one_input): return one_input
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        """
+        Create a TestCase instance. This function is equivalent to '__init__'.
+        To add futher setup steps before a set of tests in a TestCase instance
+        run, create a function called 'setUp'.
+        Class attributes, such as `report`, `optParameters`, `name`, and
+        `author` should be overriden statically as class attributes in any
+        subclass of :class:`ooni.nettest.TestCase`, so that the calling
+        functions in ooni.runner can handle them correctly.
+        """
+        cls._raw_inputs   = __copyattr__(cls, "inputs")
+        cls._input_file   = __copyattr__(cls, "inputFile")
+        cls._input_parser = __copyattr__(cls, "inputParser", alt=__input_parser__)
+        cls._nettest_name = __copyattr__(cls, "name", alt="NetTestAdaptor")
+        cls.parsed_inputs = __get_inputs__(cls)
+        ## XXX we should handle options generation here
+    @classmethod
+    def __get_inputs__(cls):
+        """
+        I am called from the ooni.runner and you probably should not override
+        me. I gather the internal inputs from :class:`NetTestCase` attributes
+        and pass them through :meth:`NetTestCase.inputParser`.  If you are
+        looking for a way to parse inputs from inputFile, see
+        :meth:`inputParser`. If :class:`NetTestCase` has an attribute
+        :attr:`inputFile`, I also handle opening that file, striping each line
+        of whitespace, and then sending the line to
+        :meth:`NetTestCase.inputParser`.
+        All inputs which I find, both statically set inputs and those returned
+        from processing an inputFile, I add to a list :ivar:`parsed`, after
+        parsing them. I return :ivar:`parsed`:
+        :ivar parsed:
+            A list of parsed inputs.
+        :return:
+            :ivar:`parsed`.
+        """
+        parsed = []
+        if cls._raw_inputs:
+            if isinstance(cls._raw_inputs, (list, tuple,)):
+                if len(cls._raw_inputs) > 0:
+                    if len(cls._raw_inputs) == 1 and cls._raw_inputs[0] is None:
+                        pass       ## don't burn cycles on testing null inputs
+                    else:
+                        log.msg("Received direct inputs:\n%s" % cls._raw_inputs)
+                        parsed.extend([cls._input_parser(x) for x in cls._raw_inputs])
+            elif isinstance(cls._raw_inputs, str):
+                separated = cls._raw_inputs.translate(None, ',') ## space delineates
+                inputlist = separated.split(' ')
+                parsed.extend([cls._input_parser(x) for x in inputlist])
+            else:
+                log.debug("inputs not string or list; type: %s"
+                          % type(cls._raw_inputs))
+        if cls._input_file:
+            try:
+                log.debug("Opening input file")
+                fp = open(cls._input_file)
+            except:
+                log.debug("Couldn't open input file")
+            else:
+                log.debug("Running input file processor")
+                lines = [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()]
+                fp.close()
+                ## add to what we've already parsed, if any:
+                log.debug("Parsing lines from input file")
+                parsed.extend([cls._input_parser(ln) for ln in lines])
+        else:
+            log.debug("%s specified that it doesn't need inputFile."
+                      % cls._nettest_name)
+        return parsed
+class NetTestCase(NetTestAdaptor):
     This is the monad of the OONI nettest universe. When you write a nettest
     you will subclass this object.
@@ -109,7 +308,7 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     name = "I Did Not Change The Name"
     author = "Jane Doe <foo@xxxxxxxxxxx>"
-    version = "0"
+    version = "0.0.0"
     inputFile = None
     inputs    = [None]
@@ -118,28 +317,13 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     report['errors'] = []
     optParameters = None
+    optFlags = None
+    subCommands = None
     requiresRoot = False
-    def setUpClass(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Create a TestCase instance. This function is equivalent to '__init__'.
-        To add futher setup steps before a set of tests in a TestCase instance
-        run, create a function called 'setUp'.
-        Class attributes, such as `report`, `optParameters`, `name`, and
-        `author` should be overriden statically as class attributes in any
-        subclass of :class:`ooni.nettest.TestCase`, so that the calling
-        functions in ooni.runner can handle them correctly.
-        """
-        if kwargs and 'methodName' in kwargs:
-            return super( TestCase, self ).setUpClass(
-                methodName=kwargs['methodName'] )
-        return super( TestCase, self ).setUpClass( )
-        #for key, value in kwargs.items():
-        #    setattr(self.__class__, key, value)
-        #
-        #self.inputs = self.getInputs()
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        pass
     def deferSetUp(self, ignored, result):
@@ -157,53 +341,11 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
             log.debug("Not first run. Running test setup directly")
             return unittest.TestCase.deferSetUp(self, ignored, result)
-    @staticmethod
-    def inputParser(inputs):
+    def inputParser(self, inputs):
         """Replace me with a custom function for parsing inputs."""
         log.debug("Running custom input processor")
         return inputs
-    def _getInputs(self):
-        """
-        I am called from the ooni.runner and you probably should not override
-        me. I gather the internal inputs from an instantiated test class and
-        pass them to the rest of the runner.
-        If you are looking for a way to parse inputs from inputFile, see
-        :meth:`inputParser`.
-        I open :attr:inputFile if there is one, and return inputs one by one
-        after stripping them of whitespace and running them through the parser
-        :meth:`inputParser`.
-        """
-        ## don't burn cycles on testing null inputs:
-        if len(self.inputs) == 1 and self.inputs[0] == None:
-            self.inputs = []
-            processor = []
-        else:
-            log.msg("Received direct inputs:\n%s" % self.inputs)
-            processor = [i for i in self.inputParser(self.inputs)]
-        if self.inputFile:
-            try:
-                fp = open(self.inputFile)
-            except Exception, e:
-                log.err(e)
-                fp.close()
-            else:
-                log.debug("Running input file processor")
-                lines = [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()]
-                fp.close()
-                parsed = [self.inputParser(ln) for ln in lines]
-                both = itertools.chain(processor, parsed)
-        elif self.inputFile is False:
-            log.debug("%s specified that it doesn't need inputFile."
-                      % self.name)
-            both = processor
-        else:
-            both = processor
-        return both
     def getOptions(self):
diff --git a/ooni/runner.py b/ooni/runner.py
index ae086c1..cf3a7ee 100644
--- a/ooni/runner.py
+++ b/ooni/runner.py
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ from ooni.nettest import InputTestSuite, TestCase
 from ooni.plugoo import tests as oonitests
 from ooni.reporter import ReporterFactory
 from ooni.utils import log, date
-from ooni.utils.assertions import isClass
 from ooni.utils.legacy import LegacyOONITest
 from ooni.utils.legacy import start_legacy_test, adapt_legacy_test
@@ -127,42 +126,48 @@ def processTestOptions(cls, config):
         A configured and instantiated :class:`twisted.python.usage.Options`
-    if cls.optParameters or cls.inputFile:
-        if not cls.optParameters:
-            cls.optParameters = []
+    #if cls.optParameters or cls.inputFile:
+    if not cls.optParameters:
+        cls.optParameters = []
-        if cls.inputFile:
-            cls.optParameters.append(cls.inputFile)
+    if cls.inputFile:
+        cls.optParameters.append(cls.inputFile)
-        if not hasattr(cls, subCommands):
-            cls.subCommands = []
+    log.debug("CLS IS %s" % cls)
+    log.debug("CLS OPTPARAM IS %s" % cls.optParameters)
-        class Options(usage.Options):
-            optParameters = cls.optParameters
-            parseArgs     = lambda a: cls.subCommands.append(a)
+    #if not hasattr(cls, subCommands):
+    #    cls.subCommands = []
+    if not cls.subCommands:
+        cls.subCommands = []
+    class Options(usage.Options):
+        optParameters = cls.optParameters
+        parseArgs     = lambda a: cls.subCommands.append(a)
-        opts = Options()
-        opts.parseOptions(config['subArgs'])
-        cls.localOptions = opts
+    opts = Options()
+    opts.parseOptions(config['subArgs'])
+    cls.localOptions = opts
-        if cls.inputFile:
-            cls.inputFile = opts[cls.inputFile[0]]
-        """
+    if cls.inputFile:
+        cls.inputFile = opts[cls.inputFile[0]]
+    """
+    try:
+        log.debug("%s: trying %s.localoptions.getOptions()..."
+                  % (__name__, cls.name))
-            log.debug("%s: trying %s.localoptions.getOptions()..."
-                      % (__name__, cls.name))
-            try:
-                assert hasattr(cls, 'getOptions')
-            except AssertionError, ae:
-                options = opts.opt_help()
-                raise Exception, "Cannot find %s.getOptions()" % cls.name
-            else:
-                options = cls.getOptions()
-        except usage.UsageError:
+            assert hasattr(cls, 'getOptions')
+        except AssertionError, ae:
             options = opts.opt_help()
+            raise Exception, "Cannot find %s.getOptions()" % cls.name
-        """
-        return cls.localOptions
+            options = cls.getOptions()
+    except usage.UsageError:
+        options = opts.opt_help()
+    else:
+    """
+    return cls.localOptions
 def loadTestsAndOptions(classes, config):
@@ -178,90 +183,119 @@ def loadTestsAndOptions(classes, config):
     DEPRECATED = LegacyOONITest
     for klass in classes:
-        if isinstance(klass, DEPRECATED) \
-                and not issubclass(klass, TestCase):
-            log.msg("Processing cases and options for legacy test %s"
-                    % ( klass.shortName if hasattr(klass, shortName)
-                        else 'oonitest' ))
-            if hasattr(klass, description):
-                log.msg("%s" % klass.description)
-            subcmds = []
-            if hasattr(klass, options):        ## an unitiated Legacy test
-                log.debug("%s.options found: %s " % (klass, klass.options))
-                try:
-                    assert isclass(klass.options), \
-                        "%s is not class" % klass.qoptions
-                except AssertionError, ae:
-                    log.debug(ae)
-                else:
-                    ok = klass.options
-                    ok.parseArgs = lambda x: subcmds.append(x)
-                    try:
-                        opts = ok()
-                        opts.parseOptions(config['subArgs'])
-                    except Exception, e:
-                        log.debug(e)
-                        opts = {}
-                    finally:
-                        opts.append(opts)
-            if hasattr(klass, local_options): ## we've been initialized already
-                log.debug("%s.local_options found" % klass)
+        if isinstance(klass, DEPRECATED):
+            #not issubclass(klass, TestCase):
+            try:
+                cases, opts = processLegacyTest(klass, config)
+                if cases:
+                    log.debug("Processing cases: %s" % str(cases))
+                    return [], []
+                test_cases.append(cases)
+            except Exception, e:
+                log.err(e)
+            else:
-                    assert klass.local_options is not None
                     opts = klass.local_options
+                    option.append(opts)
                 except AttributeError, ae:
-                    opts = {}; log.debug(ae)
-                finally:
-                    log.debug("type(opts) = %s" % type(opts))
-                    options.append(opts)
-            try:
-                cases = start_legacy_test(klass)
-                #if cases:                   ## why are these empty lists here?
-                #    return [], []           ## were nettests having issues due
-            except Exception, e:             ## to legacy tests?
-                cases = []; log.err(e)
-            finally:
-                log.debug(str(cases))
-                test_cases.append(cases)
+                    options.append([])
+                    log.err(ae)
         elif issubclass(klass, TestCase):
-            log.debug("Processing cases and options for OONI %s test"
-                      % ( klass.name if hasattr( klass, 'name' ) \
-                              else TestCase.name ))
-                tests = reflect.prefixedMethodNames(klass, method_prefix)
+                cases, opts = processNetTest(klass, config, method_prefix)
             except Exception, e:
-                tests = []; log.debug(e)
+                log.err(e)
-                try:
-                    cases = makeTestCases(klass, tests, method_prefix)
-                except Exception, e:
-                    cases = []; log.err(e)
-            log.debug("loadTestsAndOptions(): test %s found cases=%s"
-                      % (tests, cases))
+                test_cases.append(cases)
+                options.append(opts)
-            if hasattr(klass, 'optParameters') or hasattr(klass, 'inputFile'):
-                try:
-                    opt = processTestOptions(klass, config)
-                    print opt, config
-                except:
-                    opt = {}
-                finally:
-                    instance = klass()
-                    try:
-                        inputs = instance._getInputs()
-                    except Exception, e:
-                        inputs = []; log.err(e)
-                    else:
-                        if opt and opt is not None:
-                            opt.update({'inputs':inputs})
-                        else: pass
-                    finally: options.append(opt)
-                log.debug("loadTestsAndOptions(): type(opt)=%s" % type(opt))
     return test_cases, options
+def processNetTest(klass, config, method_prefix):
+    try:
+        log.debug("Processing cases and options for OONI %s test"
+                  % (klass.name if hasattr(klass, 'name') else 'Network Test'))
+        tests = reflect.prefixedMethodNames(klass, method_prefix)
+        if tests:
+            cases = makeTestCases(klass, tests, method_prefix)
+            log.debug("loadTestsAndOptions(): test %s found cases=%s"% (tests, cases))
+            try:
+                k = klass()
+                opts = processTestOptions(k, config)
+            except Exception, e:
+                opts = []
+                log.err(e)
+        else:
+            cases = []
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.err(e)
+    return cases, opts
+    if hasattr(klass, 'optParameters') or hasattr(klass, 'inputFile'):
+        try:
+            opts = processTestOptions(klass, config)
+        except:
+            opts = []
+        finally:
+            try:
+                k = klass()
+                inputs = k._getInputs()
+            except Exception, e:
+                inputs = []
+                log.err(e)
+            else:
+                if opts and len(inputs) != 0:
+                    opts.append(['inputs', '', inputs, "cmdline inputs"])
+        log.debug("loadTestsAndOptions(): inputs=%s" % inputs)
+def processLegacyTest(klass, config):
+    log.msg("Processing cases and options for legacy test %s"
+            % ( klass.shortName if hasattr(klass, shortName) else 'oonitest' ))
+    if hasattr(klass, description):
+        log.msg("%s" % klass.description)
+    subcmds = []
+    if hasattr(klass, options):        ## an unitiated Legacy test
+        log.debug("%s.options found: %s " % (klass, klass.options))
+        try:
+            assert isclass(klass.options), "legacytest.options is not class"
+        except AssertionError, ae:
+            log.debug(ae)
+        else:
+            ok = klass.options
+            ok.parseArgs = lambda x: subcmds.append(x)
+            try:
+                opts = ok()
+                opts.parseOptions(config['subArgs'])
+            except Exception, e:
+                log.err(e)
+                opts = {}
+    elif hasattr(klass, local_options): ## we've been initialized already
+        log.debug("%s.local_options found" % klass)
+        try:
+            assert klass.local_options is not None
+            opts = klass.local_options
+        except AttributeError, ae:
+            opts = {}; log.err(ae)
+    try:
+        cases = start_legacy_test(klass)
+        ## XXX we need to get these results into the reporter
+        if cases:
+            return [], []
+    except Exception, e:
+        cases = []; log.err(e)
+    finally:
+        log.debug(str(cases))
+    return cases, opts
 class ORunner(object):
     This is a specialized runner used by the ooniprobe command line tool.
@@ -277,8 +311,8 @@ class ORunner(object):
             assert len(options) != 0, "Length of options is zero!"
         except AssertionError, ae:
-            self.inputs = []
+            self.inputs = []
                 first = options.pop(0)

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