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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Update HACKING file with updated conventions for code and tests

commit 5a68ee6bf83b1ffba2e7baf474f96cb7526f1d88
Author: Arturo Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Nov 21 17:23:07 2012 +0100

    Update HACKING file with updated conventions for code and tests
 HACKING |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
index 2fdc392..66e6d9e 100644
@@ -114,13 +114,67 @@ Code Structure
   to, where the asset files are located, what should be used
   for control, etc.
+Test related conventions
+These are the conventions for tests that are written in ooniprobe. That is what
+goes inside of nettests/.
+All methods that are relevant to the test should be all lower case separated by
+All variables that are specific to your test should be all lower case separated
+by underscore.
+Tests written in ooniprobe should be as short as possible and should contain as
+little code not related to the measurement as possible. It should be possible
+from reading the test to understand what it does without clutter.
+Everything that is not related directly to the test should go inside of the
+test template of which the test you are writing is a subclass of.
 Style guide
 This is an extract of the most important parts of PEP-8. When in doubt on
 what code style should be followed first consult this doc, then PEP-8 and
 if all fails use your best judgement or ask for help.
-    - Art.
+The most important part to read is the following as it contains the guidelines
+of naming of variables, functions and classes, as it does not follow pure
+Naming convention
+Class names should follow the CapWords convention.
+Note: When using abbreviations in CapWords, capitalize all the letters
+      of the abbreviation.  Thus HTTPServerError is better than
+      HttpServerError.
+Exception names should follow the class names convention as exceptions
+should be classes.
+Method names should follow camelCase with the first letter non-capital.
+Class attributes should also follow camelCase with the first letter non-capital.
+Functions should follow camelCase with the first letter non-capital.
+Functions that are inside the local scope of a class or method should be all
+lowercase separated by an underscore.
@@ -241,28 +295,3 @@ Place docstrings under the def.
 For a better overview on how to write docstrings consult: PEP-257
-Naming convention
-Avoid using 'l' (lowercase letter el), 'O' (uppercase letter oh) or
-I (uppercase letter eye) as single character variable names.
-Module names should have short, all-lowercase names. Underscores can be
-used in the module name if it improves readability. Python packages should
-also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use of underscores is
-Class names should follow the CapWords convention.
-Note: When using abbreviations in CapWords, capitalize all the letters
-      of the abbreviation.  Thus HTTPServerError is better than
-      HttpServerError.
-Exception names should follow the class names convention as exceptions
-should be classes.
-Function names should be all lowercase with words separated by underscores
-to improve readability. The same goes for Global Variable names.
-Method names should be all lowercase. Non-public methods should start with
-an underscore. The same applies to instance variables.

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