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[tor-commits] [metrics-tasks/master] modify readme

commit c3a1ffe065ab8699c52022716171ee7c7a686d21
Author: Sathyanarayanan Gunasekaran <gsathya.ceg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Nov 23 17:44:31 2012 +0530

    modify readme
 task-1854/README.txt |   17 ++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/task-1854/README.txt b/task-1854/README.txt
index 646dfea..7cf8833 100644
--- a/task-1854/README.txt
+++ b/task-1854/README.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-Basic algorithm - 
-1) find probability of each relay in pristine consensus
-2) find probability of each relay in modified consensus
-3) for every relay in modified consensus,
-      calculate prob_diff where
-      prob_diff = prob_in_pristine_consensus[relay] - prob_in_modified_consensus[relay]
-4) find largest prob_diff
-5) remove the relays with lowest adv_bw
-6) go to step 2
+To run:
+* python pylinf.py -c path/to/consensus -s path/to/server_descriptors
+where - path/to/consensus is a dir containing consensus tarfiles
+      - path/to/server_descriptor is a dir containing server descriptor tarfiles
+The output is present in entropy.csv
\ No newline at end of file

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