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[tor-commits] [translation/communitytpo-contentspot] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=communitytpo-contentspot

commit 99a0c4a94bcc22c62a1b59690c2ae13265439f1a
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Nov 22 21:45:16 2020 +0000

 contents+he.po | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contents+he.po b/contents+he.po
index 58fab52c0b..84626ccaa0 100644
--- a/contents+he.po
+++ b/contents+he.po
@@ -10066,6 +10066,8 @@ msgid ""
 "are interested in hosting either, you can ask us about a dedicated server.\""
 " | 10/01/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Catalyst Host](https://catalysthost.com/) | - | ? | ×?×?| ×?×?| \"×?×? תרצ×? "
+"×?×?ר×? ×?×? ×?×?×?, ת×?×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?×? ×?×?תנ×? ×¢×? שרת×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×?×?×?.\" | 10/01/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10074,6 +10076,9 @@ msgid ""
 "for their US Operations arm. They will cancel your account and claim it is a"
 " ToS violation, which requires you to pay out a 60-day notice. | 10/2020 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Cloudvider](https://www.clouvider.co.uk/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×?| ×?×? | ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר "
+"×?ר×?×¢ ×?×?פע×?×? ש×?×?×? ×?×?ר×?\"×?. ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ת ×?ש×?×?× ×? ×?×?×¢× ×? ש×? ×?ר×?×?×? ×?תנ×?×? ×?שר×?ת,  "
+"×?שר ×?×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ת×?×? ×?תש×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×¢×? ×?ר×?ש ש×? 60 ×?×?×?×?. | 10/2020 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10081,11 +10086,13 @@ msgid ""
 "| [ChunkHost](http://chunkhost.com) | - | Yes | Yes | ? | Questionable DMCA "
 "handling | 01/01/12 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [ChunkHost](http://chunkhost.com) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ? | × ×?×?×?×? DMCA ×?ס×?×?×? "
+"ש×?×?×?| 01/01/12 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [Cyberonic](http://www.cyberonic.com) | - | Yes | Yes | ? | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [Cyberonic](http://www.cyberonic.com) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10093,6 +10100,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Datawagon](https://datawagon.net) | AS27176 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Customers"
 " are forwarded abuse complaints to handle themselves | 03/06/19 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Datawagon](https://datawagon.net) | AS27176 | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×¢×?×?ר×?×? "
+"×?×?ק×?×?×?ת ×?ת ת×?×?× ×?ת ×?× ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? ×?×?×?פ×?×? ש×?×?×? | 03/06/19 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10100,17 +10109,19 @@ msgid ""
 "| [DreamHost](https://www.dreamhost.com/) | - | Yes | Yes | ? | - | 11/29/17"
 " |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [DreamHost](https://www.dreamhost.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ? | - | 11/29/17 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [Ethr.net](http://ethr.net/) | - | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [Ethr.net](http://ethr.net/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid ""
 "| [Evolucix](http://www.evolucix.com) | -  | Yes | Yes | No(?) | - | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Evolucix](http://www.evolucix.com) | -  | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×?(?) | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10118,6 +10129,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Future Hosting](http://www.futurehosting.com/) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - |"
 " 09/01/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Future Hosting](http://www.futurehosting.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | "
+"09/01/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10126,11 +10139,14 @@ msgid ""
 "symphathetic, but do not want their IP space \"polluted\" by Tor abuse "
 "requests. | 10/2020 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Hivelocity](https://www.hivelocity.net/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? ס×?×?פ×?×?×? "
+"×?×? ×?×? ר×?צ×?×? ש×?ר×?×? ×? IP ש×?×?×?  \"×?×?×?×?×?\" ×¢×? ×?×?×? ×?קש×?ת Tor ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? . | "
+"10/2020 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [HostGator](http://www.hostgator.com/) | - | No | No | No | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [HostGator](http://www.hostgator.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10140,17 +10156,25 @@ msgid ""
 "Networks and open peering with the entire Any2LA and Atlanta TIE networks. |"
 " 05/01/16 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [HostHatch](https://hosthatch.com) | AS46562 | ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? | ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? "
+"×?רע×? | ×?×? | ×? vps isp ×?× ×? ×?×¢×?ר×? ×?×?×?×?: QuadraNet, nLayer, AboveNet, "
+"Inteliquent, Atrato Networks ×?×?×?ר×?ת פת×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?×? Any2LA ×?רשת×?ת Atlanta TIE. |"
+" 05/01/16 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid ""
 "| [HostUS](http://hostus.us/) | AS25926 | Yes | Yes | No | - | 10/16/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [HostUS](http://hostus.us/) | AS25926 | ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? | ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? | "
+"×?×? | - | 10/16/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [IPXcore](https://ipxcore.com/) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [IPXcore](https://ipxcore.com/) | - | ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? | ש×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×? | ×?×?"
+" | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10158,6 +10182,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Luna Node](https://www.lunanode.com/index.php) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - |"
 " 05/01/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Luna Node](https://www.lunanode.com/index.php) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | "
+"05/01/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10165,12 +10191,15 @@ msgid ""
 "| [OVH](https://www.ovh.com/us/index.xml ) | AS16276 | Yes | Yes | ? | - | "
 "12/31/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [OVH](https://www.ovh.com/us/index.xml ) | AS16276 | ×?×? | ×?×? | ? | - | "
+"12/31/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid ""
 "| [Oplink.net](https://www.oplink.net) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - | 09/03/15 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Oplink.net](https://www.oplink.net) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | 09/03/15 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10178,6 +10207,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Psychz.net](https://www.psychz.net/) | - | Yes | Yes | Yes | Very Exit "
 "friendly. Standard Tor response will resolve abuse issues. | 10/07/15 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Psychz.net](https://www.psychz.net/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת×?×?×? "
+"×?×?צ×?×?×?ת. ת×?×?×?×?ת ס×?× ×?ר×?×?×?ת ש×? Tor פ×?תר×?ת ת×?×?× ×?ת × ×?צ×?×? ×?רע×?. | 10/07/15 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10185,12 +10216,15 @@ msgid ""
 "| [PulseServers](https://www.pulseservers.com) | AS16276 | Yes | Yes | Yes |"
 " Exit-friendly. | 05/01/16 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [PulseServers](https://www.pulseservers.com) | AS16276 | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | "
+"×?×?×?×?×?ת×? ×?×?צ×?×?×?ת. | 05/01/16 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid ""
 "| [RamNode](http://ramnode.com/) | AS3842 | Yes | Yes | No | - | 11/03/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [RamNode](http://ramnode.com/) | AS3842 | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | 11/03/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10198,11 +10232,13 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Server Complete](https://servercomplete.com/) | - | ? | ? | No | - | "
 "11/03/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Server Complete](https://servercomplete.com/) | - | ? | ? | ×?×? | - | "
+"11/03/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [Softlayer](http://www.softlayer.com) | - | Yes | Yes | ? | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [Softlayer](http://www.softlayer.com) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10210,6 +10246,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Slicehost/Rackspace](http://www.slicehost.com/) | - | Yes | Yes | No | "
 "Host, not an ISP | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Slicehost/Rackspace](http://www.slicehost.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | "
+"×?×?ר×?, ×?×? ISP | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10217,16 +10255,17 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Sh3lls](http://www.sh3lls.net/dedicated.htm) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - | -"
 " |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Sh3lls](http://www.sh3lls.net/dedicated.htm) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [SolarVPS](https://solarvps.com) | - | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [SolarVPS](https://solarvps.com) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [SeedVPS](https://www.seedvps.com) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [SeedVPS](https://www.seedvps.com) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10234,11 +10273,12 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Tailored VPS](http://tailoredvps.com/) | - | Yes | Yes | Yes(?) | -  | - "
 msgstr ""
+"| [Tailored VPS](http://tailoredvps.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? (?) | -  | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid "| [VPS6.NET](https://vps6.net/) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - | - |"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "| [VPS6.NET](https://vps6.net/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10246,6 +10286,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [VPSWebServer.com](http://www.vpswebserver.com) | - | Yes || No | ? | - | "
 "- |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [VPSWebServer.com](http://www.vpswebserver.com) | - | ×?×? || ×?×? | ? | - | -"
+" |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10253,6 +10295,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [Inerail](http://inerail.net/) | - | Yes | Yes | Yes | Tor only allowed on"
 " dedicated/colocation | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Inerail](http://inerail.net/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | Tor ×?פשר×? רק ×¢×? "
+"×?×¢×?×?×?/×?×?ק×?×? ×?ש×?תף  | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10260,12 +10304,15 @@ msgid ""
 "| [CondoInternet ISP](http://www.condointernet.net/) | - | Yes | Yes | Yes |"
 " - | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [CondoInternet ISP](http://www.condointernet.net/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - "
+"| - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
 msgid ""
 "| [DigitalOcean](http://digitalocean.com/) | - | Yes | Yes | No | - | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [DigitalOcean](http://digitalocean.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | - | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10273,6 +10320,8 @@ msgid ""
 "| [PhoenixNap / Secured Servers](http://www.phoenixnap.com/) | - | Yes | Yes"
 " | No | - | 08/01/14 |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [PhoenixNap / Secured Servers](http://www.phoenixnap.com/) | - | ×?×? | ×?×? |"
+" ×?×? | - | 08/01/14 |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)
@@ -10281,6 +10330,9 @@ msgid ""
 " they will claim they do support Tor exits but will pull the rug out from "
 "under you later on. This has happened to at least two exit operators. | - |"
 msgstr ""
+"| [Vultr](http://vultr.com) | AS20473 | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×? | ×?×?שר ×?×? נש×?×?×?×? ×?ש×?ר×?ת"
+" ×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? שת×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?×?×?ת  Tor ×?×? ×?×? ×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ת×? ×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?. ×?×?×?ר קר×? "
+"×?פ×?×?ת ×?שנ×? ×?פע×?×?×?×?. | - |"
 #: https//community.torproject.org/relay/community-resources/good-bad-isps/
 #: (content/relay-operations/community-resources/good-bad-isps/contents+en.lrpage.body)

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