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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Splitting up entry and document unit tests

commit 7b38323ee41aa890f5b777eff4bd365d5a6c1fb1
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Sep 6 09:29:25 2012 -0700

    Splitting up entry and document unit tests
    Splitting up unit tests for the RouterStatusEntry and NetworkStatusDocuemnt.
    Both will be pretty lengthy and there's little reason to try to mash them
 run_tests.py                                   |    6 +-
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus.py          |  554 ------------------------
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/__init__.py |    6 +
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/document.py |  117 +++++
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/entry.py    |  447 +++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 574 insertions(+), 556 deletions(-)

diff --git a/run_tests.py b/run_tests.py
index d2e4da7..af2d09f 100755
--- a/run_tests.py
+++ b/run_tests.py
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ import test.unit.descriptor.export
 import test.unit.descriptor.reader
 import test.unit.descriptor.server_descriptor
 import test.unit.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor
-import test.unit.descriptor.networkstatus
+import test.unit.descriptor.networkstatus.entry
+import test.unit.descriptor.networkstatus.document
 import test.unit.response.control_line
 import test.unit.response.control_message
 import test.unit.response.getinfo
@@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ UNIT_TESTS = (
-  test.unit.descriptor.networkstatus.TestNetworkStatus,
+  test.unit.descriptor.networkstatus.entry.TestRouterStatusEntry,
+  test.unit.descriptor.networkstatus.document.TestNetworkStatusDocument,
diff --git a/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus.py b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus.py
deleted file mode 100644
index db1270e..0000000
--- a/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-Unit tests for stem.descriptor.networkstatus.
-import datetime
-import unittest
-from stem.descriptor.networkstatus import HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS, Flag, NetworkStatusDocument, RouterStatusEntry, DirectorySignature, _decode_fingerprint
-from stem.version import Version
-from stem.exit_policy import MicrodescriptorExitPolicy
-  "network-status-version": "3",
-  "vote-status": "consensus",
-  "consensus-method": "9",
-  "published": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
-  "valid-after": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
-  "fresh-until": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
-  "valid-until": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
-  "voting-delay": "300 300",
-  "known-flags": "Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Named Running Stable Unnamed V2Dir Valid",
-  "directory-footer": "",
-  "directory-signature": "\n".join((
-    "14C131DFC5C6F93646BE72FA1401C02A8DF2E8B4 BF112F1C6D5543CFD0A32215ACABD4197B5279AD",
-    "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----",
-    "e1XH33ITaUYzXu+dK04F2dZwR4PhcOQgIuK859KGpU77/6lRuggiX/INk/4FJanJ",
-    "ysCTE1K4xk4fH3N1Tzcv/x/gS4LUlIZz3yKfBnj+Xh3w12Enn9V1Gm1Vrhl+/YWH",
-    "eweONYRZTTvgsB+aYsCoBuoBBpbr4Swlu64+85F44o4=",
-    "-----END SIGNATURE-----")),
-  ("r", "caerSidi p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s oQZFLYe9e4A7bOkWKR7TaNxb0JE 2012-08-06 11:19:31 9001 0"),
-  ("s", "Fast Named Running Stable Valid"),
-def get_network_status_document(attr = None, exclude = None, routers = None):
-  """
-  Constructs a minimal network status document with the given attributes. This
-  places attributes in the proper order to be valid.
-  :param dict attr: keyword/value mappings to be included in the entry
-  :param list exclude: mandatory keywords to exclude from the entry
-  :param list routers: lines with router status entry content
-  :returns: str with customized router status entry content
-  """
-  descriptor_lines = []
-  if attr is None: attr = {}
-  if exclude is None: exclude = []
-  if routers is None: routers = []
-  attr = dict(attr) # shallow copy since we're destructive
-  is_vote = attr.get("vote-status") == "vote"
-  is_consensus = not is_vote
-  header_content, footer_content = [], []
-  for content, entries in ((header_content, HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS),
-                           (footer_content, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)):
-    for field, in_votes, in_consensus, is_mandatory in entries:
-      if field in exclude: continue
-      if not field in attr:
-        # Skip if it's not mandatory for this type of document. An exception is
-        # made for the consensus' consensus-method field since it influences
-        # validation, and is only missing for consensus-method lower than 2.
-        if field == "consensus-method" and is_consensus:
-          pass
-        elif not is_mandatory or not ((is_consensus and in_consensus) or (is_vote and in_vote)):
-          continue
-      if field in attr:
-        value = attr[keyword]
-        del attr[keyword]
-      elif field in NETWORK_STATUS_DOCUMENT_ATTR:
-        value = NETWORK_STATUS_DOCUMENT_ATTR[field]
-      if value: value = " %s" % value
-      content.append(field + value)
-  remainder = []
-  for attr_keyword, attr_value in attr.items():
-    if attr_value: attr_value = " %s" % attr_value
-    remainder.append(attr_keyword + attr_value)
-  return "\n".join(header_content + remainder + routers + footer_content)
-def get_router_status_entry(attr = None, exclude = None):
-  """
-  Constructs a minimal router status entry with the given attributes.
-  :param dict attr: keyword/value mappings to be included in the entry
-  :param list exclude: mandatory keywords to exclude from the entry
-  :returns: str with customized router status entry content
-  """
-  descriptor_lines = []
-  if attr is None: attr = {}
-  if exclude is None: exclude = []
-  attr = dict(attr) # shallow copy since we're destructive
-  for keyword, value in ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR:
-    if keyword in exclude: continue
-    elif keyword in attr:
-      value = attr[keyword]
-      del attr[keyword]
-    descriptor_lines.append("%s %s" % (keyword, value))
-  # dump in any unused attributes
-  for attr_keyword, attr_value in attr.items():
-    descriptor_lines.append("%s %s" % (attr_keyword, attr_value))
-  return "\n".join(descriptor_lines)
-class TestNetworkStatus(unittest.TestCase):
-  def test_fingerprint_decoding(self):
-    """
-    Tests for the _decode_fingerprint() helper.
-    """
-    # consensus identity field and fingerprint for caerSidi and Amunet1-5
-    test_values = {
-      'p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s': 'A7569A83B5706AB1B1A9CB52EFF7D2D32E4553EB',
-      'IbhGa8T+8tyy/MhxCk/qI+EI2LU': '21B8466BC4FEF2DCB2FCC8710A4FEA23E108D8B5',
-      '20wYcbFGwFfMktmuffYj6Z1RM9k': 'DB4C1871B146C057CC92D9AE7DF623E99D5133D9',
-      'nTv9AG1cZeFW2hXiSIEAF6JLRJ4': '9D3BFD006D5C65E156DA15E248810017A24B449E',
-      '/UKsQiOSGPi/6es0/ha1prNTeDI': 'FD42AC42239218F8BFE9EB34FE16B5A6B3537832',
-      '/nHdqoKZ6bKZixxAPzYt9Qen+Is': 'FE71DDAA8299E9B2998B1C403F362DF507A7F88B',
-    }
-    for arg, expected in test_values.items():
-      self.assertEqual(expected, _decode_fingerprint(arg, True))
-    # checks with some malformed inputs
-    for arg in ('', '20wYcb', '20wYcb' * 30):
-      self.assertRaises(ValueError, _decode_fingerprint, arg, True)
-      self.assertEqual(None, _decode_fingerprint(arg, False))
-  def test_document_minimal(self):
-    """
-    Parses a minimal network status document.
-    """
-    document = NetworkStatusDocument(get_network_status_document())
-    expected_known_flags = [Flag.AUTHORITY, Flag.BADEXIT, Flag.EXIT,
-      Flag.FAST, Flag.GUARD, Flag.HSDIR, Flag.NAMED, Flag.RUNNING,
-      Flag.STABLE, Flag.UNNAMED, Flag.V2DIR, Flag.VALID]
-    sig = DirectorySignature("directory-signature " + NETWORK_STATUS_DOCUMENT_ATTR["directory-signature"])
-    self.assertEqual((), document.routers)
-    self.assertEqual("3", document.network_status_version)
-    self.assertEqual("consensus", document.vote_status)
-    self.assertEqual(9, document.consensus_method)
-    self.assertEqual([], document.consensus_methods)
-    self.assertEqual(None, document.published)
-    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 2, 22, 0, 0), document.valid_after)
-    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 2, 22, 0, 0), document.fresh_until)
-    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 2, 22, 0, 0), document.valid_until)
-    self.assertEqual(300, document.vote_delay)
-    self.assertEqual(300, document.dist_delay)
-    self.assertEqual([], document.client_versions)
-    self.assertEqual([], document.server_versions)
-    self.assertEqual(expected_known_flags, document.known_flags)
-    self.assertEqual(None, document.params)
-    self.assertEqual([], document.directory_authorities)
-    self.assertEqual(None, document.bandwidth_weights)
-    self.assertEqual([sig], document.directory_signatures)
-    self.assertEqual([], document.get_unrecognized_lines())
-  def test_entry_minimal(self):
-    """
-    Parses a minimal router status entry.
-    """
-    entry = RouterStatusEntry(get_router_status_entry(), None)
-    expected_flags = set([Flag.FAST, Flag.NAMED, Flag.RUNNING, Flag.STABLE, Flag.VALID])
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.document)
-    self.assertEqual("caerSidi", entry.nickname)
-    self.assertEqual("A7569A83B5706AB1B1A9CB52EFF7D2D32E4553EB", entry.fingerprint)
-    self.assertEqual("oQZFLYe9e4A7bOkWKR7TaNxb0JE", entry.digest)
-    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 8, 6, 11, 19, 31), entry.published)
-    self.assertEqual("", entry.address)
-    self.assertEqual(9001, entry.or_port)
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.dir_port)
-    self.assertEqual(expected_flags, set(entry.flags))
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.version_line)
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.version)
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.bandwidth)
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.measured)
-    self.assertEqual([], entry.unrecognized_bandwidth_entries)
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.exit_policy)
-    self.assertEqual(None, entry.microdescriptor_hashes)
-    self.assertEqual([], entry.get_unrecognized_lines())
-  def test_entry_missing_fields(self):
-    """
-    Parses a router status entry that's missing fields.
-    """
-    content = get_router_status_entry(exclude = ('r', 's'))
-    self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "address")
-    content = get_router_status_entry(exclude = ('r',))
-    self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "address")
-    content = get_router_status_entry(exclude = ('s',))
-    self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "flags")
-  def test_entry_unrecognized_lines(self):
-    """
-    Parses a router status entry with new keywords.
-    """
-    content = get_router_status_entry({'z': 'New tor feature: sparkly unicorns!'})
-    entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
-    self.assertEquals(['z New tor feature: sparkly unicorns!'], entry.get_unrecognized_lines())
-  def test_entry_proceeding_line(self):
-    """
-    Includes content prior to the 'r' line.
-    """
-    content = 'z some stuff\n' + get_router_status_entry()
-    self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "_unrecognized_lines", ['z some stuff'])
-  def test_entry_blank_lines(self):
-    """
-    Includes blank lines, which should be ignored.
-    """
-    content = get_router_status_entry() + "\n\nv Tor\n\n"
-    entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
-    self.assertEqual("Tor", entry.version_line)
-  def test_entry_missing_r_field(self):
-    """
-    Excludes fields from the 'r' line.
-    """
-    components = (
-      ('nickname', 'caerSidi'),
-      ('fingerprint', 'p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s'),
-      ('digest', 'oQZFLYe9e4A7bOkWKR7TaNxb0JE'),
-      ('published', '2012-08-06 11:19:31'),
-      ('address', ''),
-      ('or_port', '9001'),
-      ('dir_port', '0'),
-    )
-    for attr, value in components:
-      # construct the 'r' line without this field
-      test_components = [comp[1] for comp in components]
-      test_components.remove(value)
-      r_line = ' '.join(test_components)
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, attr)
-  def test_entry_malformed_nickname(self):
-    """
-    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed nickname.
-    """
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "saberrider2008ReallyLongNickname", # too long
-      "$aberrider2008", # invalid characters
-    )
-    for value in test_values:
-      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("caerSidi", value)
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
-      # TODO: Initial whitespace is consumed as part of the keyword/value
-      # divider. This is a bug in the case of V3 router status entries, but
-      # proper behavior for V2 router status entries and server/extrainfo
-      # descriptors.
-      #
-      # I'm inclined to leave this as-is for the moment since fixing it
-      # requires special KEYWORD_LINE handling, and the only result of this bug
-      # is that our validation doesn't catch the new SP restriction on V3
-      # entries.
-      if value == "": value = None
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "nickname", value)
-  def test_entry_malformed_fingerprint(self):
-    """
-    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed fingerprint.
-    """
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "zzzzz",
-      "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",
-    )
-    for value in test_values:
-      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s", value)
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "fingerprint")
-  def test_entry_malformed_published_date(self):
-    """
-    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed published date.
-    """
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "2012-08-06 11:19:",
-      "2012-08-06 11:19:71",
-      "2012-08-06 11::31",
-      "2012-08-06 11:79:31",
-      "2012-08-06 :19:31",
-      "2012-08-06 41:19:31",
-      "2012-08- 11:19:31",
-      "2012-08-86 11:19:31",
-      "2012--06 11:19:31",
-      "2012-38-06 11:19:31",
-      "-08-06 11:19:31",
-      "2012-08-06   11:19:31",
-    )
-    for value in test_values:
-      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("2012-08-06 11:19:31", value)
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "published")
-  def test_entry_malformed_address(self):
-    """
-    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed address.
-    """
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "71.35.150.",
-      "71.35..29",
-      "71.35.150",
-      "",
-    )
-    for value in test_values:
-      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("", value)
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "address", value)
-  def test_entry_malformed_port(self):
-    """
-    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed ORPort or DirPort.
-    """
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "-1",
-      "399482",
-      "blarg",
-    )
-    for value in test_values:
-      for include_or_port in (False, True):
-        for include_dir_port in (False, True):
-          if not include_or_port and not include_dir_port:
-            continue
-          r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1]
-          if include_or_port:
-            r_line = r_line.replace(" 9001 ", " %s " % value)
-          if include_dir_port:
-            r_line = r_line[:-1] + value
-          attr = "or_port" if include_or_port else "dir_port"
-          expected = int(value) if value.isdigit() else None
-          content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
-          self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, attr, expected)
-  def test_entry_flags(self):
-    """
-    Handles a variety of flag inputs.
-    """
-    test_values = {
-      "": [],
-      "Fast": [Flag.FAST],
-      "Fast Valid": [Flag.FAST, Flag.VALID],
-      "Ugabuga": ["Ugabuga"],
-    }
-    for s_line, expected in test_values.items():
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'s': s_line})
-      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
-      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.flags)
-    # tries some invalid inputs
-    test_values = {
-      "Fast   ": [Flag.FAST, "", "", ""],
-      "Fast  Valid": [Flag.FAST, "", Flag.VALID],
-      "Fast Fast": [Flag.FAST, Flag.FAST],
-    }
-    for s_line, expected in test_values.items():
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'s': s_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "flags", expected)
-  def test_entry_versions(self):
-    """
-    Handles a variety of version inputs.
-    """
-    test_values = {
-      "Tor": Version(""),
-      "Tor 0.1.2": Version("0.1.2"),
-      "Torr new_stuff": None,
-      "new_stuff and stuff": None,
-    }
-    for v_line, expected in test_values.items():
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'v': v_line})
-      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
-      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.version)
-      self.assertEquals(v_line, entry.version_line)
-    # tries an invalid input
-    content = get_router_status_entry({'v': "Tor ugabuga"})
-    self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "version")
-  def test_entry_bandwidth(self):
-    """
-    Handles a variety of 'w' lines.
-    """
-    test_values = {
-      "Bandwidth=0": (0, None, []),
-      "Bandwidth=63138": (63138, None, []),
-      "Bandwidth=11111 Measured=482": (11111, 482, []),
-      "Bandwidth=11111 Measured=482 Blarg!": (11111, 482, ["Blarg!"]),
-    }
-    for w_line, expected in test_values.items():
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'w': w_line})
-      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
-      self.assertEquals(expected[0], entry.bandwidth)
-      self.assertEquals(expected[1], entry.measured)
-      self.assertEquals(expected[2], entry.unrecognized_bandwidth_entries)
-    # tries some invalid inputs
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "blarg",
-      "Bandwidth",
-      "Bandwidth=",
-      "Bandwidth:0",
-      "Bandwidth 0",
-      "Bandwidth=-10",
-      "Bandwidth=10 Measured",
-      "Bandwidth=10 Measured=",
-      "Bandwidth=10 Measured=-50",
-    )
-    for w_line in test_values:
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'w': w_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content)
-  def test_entry_exit_policy(self):
-    """
-    Handles a variety of 'p' lines.
-    """
-    test_values = {
-      "reject 1-65535": MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("reject 1-65535"),
-      "accept 80,110,143,443": MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,110,143,443"),
-    }
-    for p_line, expected in test_values.items():
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'p': p_line})
-      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
-      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.exit_policy)
-    # tries some invalid inputs
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "blarg",
-      "reject -50",
-      "accept 80,",
-    )
-    for p_line in test_values:
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'p': p_line})
-      self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "exit_policy")
-  def test_entry_microdescriptor_hashes(self):
-    """
-    Handles a variety of 'm' lines.
-    """
-    test_values = {
-      "8,9,10,11,12":
-        [([8, 9, 10, 11, 12], {})],
-      "8,9,10,11,12 sha256=g1vx9si329muxV3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs":
-        [([8, 9, 10, 11, 12], {"sha256": "g1vx9si329muxV3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs"})],
-      "8,9,10,11,12 sha256=g1vx9si329muxV md5=3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs":
-        [([8, 9, 10, 11, 12], {"sha256": "g1vx9si329muxV", "md5": "3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs"})],
-    }
-    # we need a document that's a vote
-    mock_document = lambda x: x # just need anything with a __dict__
-    mock_document.__dict__["vote_status"] = "vote"
-    for m_line, expected in test_values.items():
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'m': m_line})
-      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, mock_document)
-      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.microdescriptor_hashes)
-    # try without a document
-    content = get_router_status_entry({'m': "8,9,10,11,12"})
-    self._expect_invalid_entry_attr(content, "microdescriptor_hashes")
-    # tries some invalid inputs
-    test_values = (
-      "",
-      "4,a,2",
-      "1,2,3 stuff",
-    )
-    for m_line in test_values:
-      content = get_router_status_entry({'m': m_line})
-      self.assertRaises(ValueError, RouterStatusEntry, content, mock_document)
-  def _expect_invalid_entry_attr(self, content, attr = None, expected_value = None):
-    """
-    Asserts that construction will fail due to content having a malformed
-    attribute. If an attr is provided then we check that it matches an expected
-    value when we're constructed without validation.
-    """
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, RouterStatusEntry, content, None)
-    entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None, False)
-    if attr:
-      self.assertEquals(expected_value, getattr(entry, attr))
-    else:
-      self.assertEquals("caerSidi", entry.nickname)
diff --git a/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/__init__.py b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8483e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Unit tests for stem.descriptor.networkstatus.
+__all__ = ["entry", "document"]
diff --git a/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/document.py b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/document.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027347b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/document.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Unit tests for the NetworkStatusDocument of stem.descriptor.networkstatus.
+import datetime
+import unittest
+from stem.descriptor.networkstatus import HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS, Flag, NetworkStatusDocument, DirectorySignature
+  "network-status-version": "3",
+  "vote-status": "consensus",
+  "consensus-method": "9",
+  "published": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
+  "valid-after": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
+  "fresh-until": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
+  "valid-until": "2012-09-02 22:00:00",
+  "voting-delay": "300 300",
+  "known-flags": "Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Named Running Stable Unnamed V2Dir Valid",
+  "directory-footer": "",
+  "directory-signature": "\n".join((
+    "14C131DFC5C6F93646BE72FA1401C02A8DF2E8B4 BF112F1C6D5543CFD0A32215ACABD4197B5279AD",
+    "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----",
+    "e1XH33ITaUYzXu+dK04F2dZwR4PhcOQgIuK859KGpU77/6lRuggiX/INk/4FJanJ",
+    "ysCTE1K4xk4fH3N1Tzcv/x/gS4LUlIZz3yKfBnj+Xh3w12Enn9V1Gm1Vrhl+/YWH",
+    "eweONYRZTTvgsB+aYsCoBuoBBpbr4Swlu64+85F44o4=",
+    "-----END SIGNATURE-----")),
+def get_network_status_document(attr = None, exclude = None, routers = None):
+  """
+  Constructs a minimal network status document with the given attributes. This
+  places attributes in the proper order to be valid.
+  :param dict attr: keyword/value mappings to be included in the entry
+  :param list exclude: mandatory keywords to exclude from the entry
+  :param list routers: lines with router status entry content
+  :returns: str with customized router status entry content
+  """
+  descriptor_lines = []
+  if attr is None: attr = {}
+  if exclude is None: exclude = []
+  if routers is None: routers = []
+  attr = dict(attr) # shallow copy since we're destructive
+  is_vote = attr.get("vote-status") == "vote"
+  is_consensus = not is_vote
+  header_content, footer_content = [], []
+  for content, entries in ((header_content, HEADER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS),
+                           (footer_content, FOOTER_STATUS_DOCUMENT_FIELDS)):
+    for field, in_votes, in_consensus, is_mandatory in entries:
+      if field in exclude: continue
+      if not field in attr:
+        # Skip if it's not mandatory for this type of document. An exception is
+        # made for the consensus' consensus-method field since it influences
+        # validation, and is only missing for consensus-method lower than 2.
+        if field == "consensus-method" and is_consensus:
+          pass
+        elif not is_mandatory or not ((is_consensus and in_consensus) or (is_vote and in_vote)):
+          continue
+      if field in attr:
+        value = attr[keyword]
+        del attr[keyword]
+      elif field in NETWORK_STATUS_DOCUMENT_ATTR:
+        value = NETWORK_STATUS_DOCUMENT_ATTR[field]
+      if value: value = " %s" % value
+      content.append(field + value)
+  remainder = []
+  for attr_keyword, attr_value in attr.items():
+    if attr_value: attr_value = " %s" % attr_value
+    remainder.append(attr_keyword + attr_value)
+  return "\n".join(header_content + remainder + routers + footer_content)
+class TestNetworkStatusDocument(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_document_minimal(self):
+    """
+    Parses a minimal network status document.
+    """
+    document = NetworkStatusDocument(get_network_status_document())
+    expected_known_flags = [Flag.AUTHORITY, Flag.BADEXIT, Flag.EXIT,
+      Flag.FAST, Flag.GUARD, Flag.HSDIR, Flag.NAMED, Flag.RUNNING,
+      Flag.STABLE, Flag.UNNAMED, Flag.V2DIR, Flag.VALID]
+    sig = DirectorySignature("directory-signature " + NETWORK_STATUS_DOCUMENT_ATTR["directory-signature"])
+    self.assertEqual((), document.routers)
+    self.assertEqual("3", document.network_status_version)
+    self.assertEqual("consensus", document.vote_status)
+    self.assertEqual(9, document.consensus_method)
+    self.assertEqual([], document.consensus_methods)
+    self.assertEqual(None, document.published)
+    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 2, 22, 0, 0), document.valid_after)
+    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 2, 22, 0, 0), document.fresh_until)
+    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 2, 22, 0, 0), document.valid_until)
+    self.assertEqual(300, document.vote_delay)
+    self.assertEqual(300, document.dist_delay)
+    self.assertEqual([], document.client_versions)
+    self.assertEqual([], document.server_versions)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_known_flags, document.known_flags)
+    self.assertEqual(None, document.params)
+    self.assertEqual([], document.directory_authorities)
+    self.assertEqual(None, document.bandwidth_weights)
+    self.assertEqual([sig], document.directory_signatures)
+    self.assertEqual([], document.get_unrecognized_lines())
diff --git a/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/entry.py b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb0cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+Unit tests for the RouterStatusEntry of stem.descriptor.networkstatus.
+import datetime
+import unittest
+from stem.descriptor.networkstatus import Flag, RouterStatusEntry, _decode_fingerprint
+from stem.version import Version
+from stem.exit_policy import MicrodescriptorExitPolicy
+  ("r", "caerSidi p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s oQZFLYe9e4A7bOkWKR7TaNxb0JE 2012-08-06 11:19:31 9001 0"),
+  ("s", "Fast Named Running Stable Valid"),
+def get_router_status_entry(attr = None, exclude = None):
+  """
+  Constructs a minimal router status entry with the given attributes.
+  :param dict attr: keyword/value mappings to be included in the entry
+  :param list exclude: mandatory keywords to exclude from the entry
+  :returns: str with customized router status entry content
+  """
+  descriptor_lines = []
+  if attr is None: attr = {}
+  if exclude is None: exclude = []
+  attr = dict(attr) # shallow copy since we're destructive
+  for keyword, value in ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR:
+    if keyword in exclude: continue
+    elif keyword in attr:
+      value = attr[keyword]
+      del attr[keyword]
+    descriptor_lines.append("%s %s" % (keyword, value))
+  # dump in any unused attributes
+  for attr_keyword, attr_value in attr.items():
+    descriptor_lines.append("%s %s" % (attr_keyword, attr_value))
+  return "\n".join(descriptor_lines)
+class TestRouterStatusEntry(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_fingerprint_decoding(self):
+    """
+    Tests for the _decode_fingerprint() helper.
+    """
+    # consensus identity field and fingerprint for caerSidi and Amunet1-5
+    test_values = {
+      'p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s': 'A7569A83B5706AB1B1A9CB52EFF7D2D32E4553EB',
+      'IbhGa8T+8tyy/MhxCk/qI+EI2LU': '21B8466BC4FEF2DCB2FCC8710A4FEA23E108D8B5',
+      '20wYcbFGwFfMktmuffYj6Z1RM9k': 'DB4C1871B146C057CC92D9AE7DF623E99D5133D9',
+      'nTv9AG1cZeFW2hXiSIEAF6JLRJ4': '9D3BFD006D5C65E156DA15E248810017A24B449E',
+      '/UKsQiOSGPi/6es0/ha1prNTeDI': 'FD42AC42239218F8BFE9EB34FE16B5A6B3537832',
+      '/nHdqoKZ6bKZixxAPzYt9Qen+Is': 'FE71DDAA8299E9B2998B1C403F362DF507A7F88B',
+    }
+    for arg, expected in test_values.items():
+      self.assertEqual(expected, _decode_fingerprint(arg, True))
+    # checks with some malformed inputs
+    for arg in ('', '20wYcb', '20wYcb' * 30):
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, _decode_fingerprint, arg, True)
+      self.assertEqual(None, _decode_fingerprint(arg, False))
+  def test_minimal(self):
+    """
+    Parses a minimal router status entry.
+    """
+    entry = RouterStatusEntry(get_router_status_entry(), None)
+    expected_flags = set([Flag.FAST, Flag.NAMED, Flag.RUNNING, Flag.STABLE, Flag.VALID])
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.document)
+    self.assertEqual("caerSidi", entry.nickname)
+    self.assertEqual("A7569A83B5706AB1B1A9CB52EFF7D2D32E4553EB", entry.fingerprint)
+    self.assertEqual("oQZFLYe9e4A7bOkWKR7TaNxb0JE", entry.digest)
+    self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2012, 8, 6, 11, 19, 31), entry.published)
+    self.assertEqual("", entry.address)
+    self.assertEqual(9001, entry.or_port)
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.dir_port)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_flags, set(entry.flags))
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.version_line)
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.version)
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.bandwidth)
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.measured)
+    self.assertEqual([], entry.unrecognized_bandwidth_entries)
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.exit_policy)
+    self.assertEqual(None, entry.microdescriptor_hashes)
+    self.assertEqual([], entry.get_unrecognized_lines())
+  def test_missing_fields(self):
+    """
+    Parses a router status entry that's missing fields.
+    """
+    content = get_router_status_entry(exclude = ('r', 's'))
+    self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "address")
+    content = get_router_status_entry(exclude = ('r',))
+    self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "address")
+    content = get_router_status_entry(exclude = ('s',))
+    self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "flags")
+  def test_unrecognized_lines(self):
+    """
+    Parses a router status entry with new keywords.
+    """
+    content = get_router_status_entry({'z': 'New tor feature: sparkly unicorns!'})
+    entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
+    self.assertEquals(['z New tor feature: sparkly unicorns!'], entry.get_unrecognized_lines())
+  def test_proceeding_line(self):
+    """
+    Includes content prior to the 'r' line.
+    """
+    content = 'z some stuff\n' + get_router_status_entry()
+    self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "_unrecognized_lines", ['z some stuff'])
+  def test_blank_lines(self):
+    """
+    Includes blank lines, which should be ignored.
+    """
+    content = get_router_status_entry() + "\n\nv Tor\n\n"
+    entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
+    self.assertEqual("Tor", entry.version_line)
+  def test_missing_r_field(self):
+    """
+    Excludes fields from the 'r' line.
+    """
+    components = (
+      ('nickname', 'caerSidi'),
+      ('fingerprint', 'p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s'),
+      ('digest', 'oQZFLYe9e4A7bOkWKR7TaNxb0JE'),
+      ('published', '2012-08-06 11:19:31'),
+      ('address', ''),
+      ('or_port', '9001'),
+      ('dir_port', '0'),
+    )
+    for attr, value in components:
+      # construct the 'r' line without this field
+      test_components = [comp[1] for comp in components]
+      test_components.remove(value)
+      r_line = ' '.join(test_components)
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, attr)
+  def test_malformed_nickname(self):
+    """
+    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed nickname.
+    """
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "saberrider2008ReallyLongNickname", # too long
+      "$aberrider2008", # invalid characters
+    )
+    for value in test_values:
+      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("caerSidi", value)
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
+      # TODO: Initial whitespace is consumed as part of the keyword/value
+      # divider. This is a bug in the case of V3 router status entries, but
+      # proper behavior for V2 router status entries and server/extrainfo
+      # descriptors.
+      #
+      # I'm inclined to leave this as-is for the moment since fixing it
+      # requires special KEYWORD_LINE handling, and the only result of this bug
+      # is that our validation doesn't catch the new SP restriction on V3
+      # entries.
+      if value == "": value = None
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "nickname", value)
+  def test_malformed_fingerprint(self):
+    """
+    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed fingerprint.
+    """
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "zzzzz",
+      "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",
+    )
+    for value in test_values:
+      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("p1aag7VwarGxqctS7/fS0y5FU+s", value)
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "fingerprint")
+  def test_malformed_published_date(self):
+    """
+    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed published date.
+    """
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "2012-08-06 11:19:",
+      "2012-08-06 11:19:71",
+      "2012-08-06 11::31",
+      "2012-08-06 11:79:31",
+      "2012-08-06 :19:31",
+      "2012-08-06 41:19:31",
+      "2012-08- 11:19:31",
+      "2012-08-86 11:19:31",
+      "2012--06 11:19:31",
+      "2012-38-06 11:19:31",
+      "-08-06 11:19:31",
+      "2012-08-06   11:19:31",
+    )
+    for value in test_values:
+      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("2012-08-06 11:19:31", value)
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "published")
+  def test_malformed_address(self):
+    """
+    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed address.
+    """
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "71.35.150.",
+      "71.35..29",
+      "71.35.150",
+      "",
+    )
+    for value in test_values:
+      r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1].replace("", value)
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "address", value)
+  def test_malformed_port(self):
+    """
+    Parses an 'r' line with a malformed ORPort or DirPort.
+    """
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "-1",
+      "399482",
+      "blarg",
+    )
+    for value in test_values:
+      for include_or_port in (False, True):
+        for include_dir_port in (False, True):
+          if not include_or_port and not include_dir_port:
+            continue
+          r_line = ROUTER_STATUS_ENTRY_ATTR[0][1]
+          if include_or_port:
+            r_line = r_line.replace(" 9001 ", " %s " % value)
+          if include_dir_port:
+            r_line = r_line[:-1] + value
+          attr = "or_port" if include_or_port else "dir_port"
+          expected = int(value) if value.isdigit() else None
+          content = get_router_status_entry({'r': r_line})
+          self._expect_invalid_attr(content, attr, expected)
+  def test_flags(self):
+    """
+    Handles a variety of flag inputs.
+    """
+    test_values = {
+      "": [],
+      "Fast": [Flag.FAST],
+      "Fast Valid": [Flag.FAST, Flag.VALID],
+      "Ugabuga": ["Ugabuga"],
+    }
+    for s_line, expected in test_values.items():
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'s': s_line})
+      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
+      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.flags)
+    # tries some invalid inputs
+    test_values = {
+      "Fast   ": [Flag.FAST, "", "", ""],
+      "Fast  Valid": [Flag.FAST, "", Flag.VALID],
+      "Fast Fast": [Flag.FAST, Flag.FAST],
+    }
+    for s_line, expected in test_values.items():
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'s': s_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "flags", expected)
+  def test_versions(self):
+    """
+    Handles a variety of version inputs.
+    """
+    test_values = {
+      "Tor": Version(""),
+      "Tor 0.1.2": Version("0.1.2"),
+      "Torr new_stuff": None,
+      "new_stuff and stuff": None,
+    }
+    for v_line, expected in test_values.items():
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'v': v_line})
+      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
+      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.version)
+      self.assertEquals(v_line, entry.version_line)
+    # tries an invalid input
+    content = get_router_status_entry({'v': "Tor ugabuga"})
+    self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "version")
+  def test_bandwidth(self):
+    """
+    Handles a variety of 'w' lines.
+    """
+    test_values = {
+      "Bandwidth=0": (0, None, []),
+      "Bandwidth=63138": (63138, None, []),
+      "Bandwidth=11111 Measured=482": (11111, 482, []),
+      "Bandwidth=11111 Measured=482 Blarg!": (11111, 482, ["Blarg!"]),
+    }
+    for w_line, expected in test_values.items():
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'w': w_line})
+      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
+      self.assertEquals(expected[0], entry.bandwidth)
+      self.assertEquals(expected[1], entry.measured)
+      self.assertEquals(expected[2], entry.unrecognized_bandwidth_entries)
+    # tries some invalid inputs
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "blarg",
+      "Bandwidth",
+      "Bandwidth=",
+      "Bandwidth:0",
+      "Bandwidth 0",
+      "Bandwidth=-10",
+      "Bandwidth=10 Measured",
+      "Bandwidth=10 Measured=",
+      "Bandwidth=10 Measured=-50",
+    )
+    for w_line in test_values:
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'w': w_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content)
+  def test_exit_policy(self):
+    """
+    Handles a variety of 'p' lines.
+    """
+    test_values = {
+      "reject 1-65535": MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("reject 1-65535"),
+      "accept 80,110,143,443": MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,110,143,443"),
+    }
+    for p_line, expected in test_values.items():
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'p': p_line})
+      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None)
+      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.exit_policy)
+    # tries some invalid inputs
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "blarg",
+      "reject -50",
+      "accept 80,",
+    )
+    for p_line in test_values:
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'p': p_line})
+      self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "exit_policy")
+  def test_microdescriptor_hashes(self):
+    """
+    Handles a variety of 'm' lines.
+    """
+    test_values = {
+      "8,9,10,11,12":
+        [([8, 9, 10, 11, 12], {})],
+      "8,9,10,11,12 sha256=g1vx9si329muxV3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs":
+        [([8, 9, 10, 11, 12], {"sha256": "g1vx9si329muxV3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs"})],
+      "8,9,10,11,12 sha256=g1vx9si329muxV md5=3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs":
+        [([8, 9, 10, 11, 12], {"sha256": "g1vx9si329muxV", "md5": "3tquWIXXySNOIwRGMeAESKs/v4DWs"})],
+    }
+    # we need a document that's a vote
+    mock_document = lambda x: x # just need anything with a __dict__
+    mock_document.__dict__["vote_status"] = "vote"
+    for m_line, expected in test_values.items():
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'m': m_line})
+      entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, mock_document)
+      self.assertEquals(expected, entry.microdescriptor_hashes)
+    # try without a document
+    content = get_router_status_entry({'m': "8,9,10,11,12"})
+    self._expect_invalid_attr(content, "microdescriptor_hashes")
+    # tries some invalid inputs
+    test_values = (
+      "",
+      "4,a,2",
+      "1,2,3 stuff",
+    )
+    for m_line in test_values:
+      content = get_router_status_entry({'m': m_line})
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, RouterStatusEntry, content, mock_document)
+  def _expect_invalid_attr(self, content, attr = None, expected_value = None):
+    """
+    Asserts that construction will fail due to content having a malformed
+    attribute. If an attr is provided then we check that it matches an expected
+    value when we're constructed without validation.
+    """
+    self.assertRaises(ValueError, RouterStatusEntry, content, None)
+    entry = RouterStatusEntry(content, None, False)
+    if attr:
+      self.assertEquals(expected_value, getattr(entry, attr))
+    else:
+      self.assertEquals("caerSidi", entry.nickname)

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