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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Standardizing help and key input panel methods

commit 38a3189f240ed6151c1c7b414a02ee3898a2a3eb
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Oct 5 16:37:25 2014 -0700

    Standardizing help and key input panel methods
    Few minor bits of standarization...
      * use the 'with' keyword for locking
      * use 'in' for evaluating againt multiple key inputs
      * drop the 'key_consumed' variable
      * return a list in the help function rather than repeatedly calling append()
 arm/config_panel.py           |  143 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 arm/connections/conn_panel.py |  132 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 arm/controller.py             |   10 +--
 arm/graphing/graph_panel.py   |   31 ++++-----
 arm/header_panel.py           |    6 +-
 arm/log_panel.py              |   32 +++++----
 arm/torrc_panel.py            |   56 ++++++++--------
 7 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arm/config_panel.py b/arm/config_panel.py
index c2dac4b..637b354 100644
--- a/arm/config_panel.py
+++ b/arm/config_panel.py
@@ -360,81 +360,74 @@ class ConfigPanel(panel.Panel):
   def handle_key(self, key):
-    self.vals_lock.acquire()
-    is_keystroke_consumed = True
+    with self.vals_lock:
+      if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
+        page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
+        detail_panel_height = CONFIG["features.config.selectionDetails.height"]
-    if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
-      page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
-      detail_panel_height = CONFIG["features.config.selectionDetails.height"]
+        if detail_panel_height > 0 and detail_panel_height + 2 <= page_height:
+          page_height -= (detail_panel_height + 1)
-      if detail_panel_height > 0 and detail_panel_height + 2 <= page_height:
-        page_height -= (detail_panel_height + 1)
+        is_changed = self.scroller.handle_key(key, self._get_config_options(), page_height)
-      is_changed = self.scroller.handle_key(key, self._get_config_options(), page_height)
+        if is_changed:
+          self.redraw(True)
+      elif ui_tools.is_selection_key(key) and self._get_config_options():
+        # Prompts the user to edit the selected configuration value. The
+        # interface is locked to prevent updates between setting the value
+        # and showing any errors.
-      if is_changed:
-        self.redraw(True)
-    elif ui_tools.is_selection_key(key) and self._get_config_options():
-      # Prompts the user to edit the selected configuration value. The
-      # interface is locked to prevent updates between setting the value
-      # and showing any errors.
+        with panel.CURSES_LOCK:
+          selection = self.get_selection()
+          config_option = selection.get(Field.OPTION)
-      panel.CURSES_LOCK.acquire()
+          if selection.is_unset():
+            initial_value = ""
+          else:
+            initial_value = selection.get(Field.VALUE)
-      try:
-        selection = self.get_selection()
-        config_option = selection.get(Field.OPTION)
+          prompt_msg = "%s Value (esc to cancel): " % config_option
+          is_prepopulated = CONFIG["features.config.prepopulateEditValues"]
+          new_value = popups.input_prompt(prompt_msg, initial_value if is_prepopulated else "")
-        if selection.is_unset():
-          initial_value = ""
-        else:
-          initial_value = selection.get(Field.VALUE)
+          if new_value is not None and new_value != initial_value:
+            try:
+              if selection.get(Field.TYPE) == "Boolean":
+                # if the value's a boolean then allow for 'true' and 'false' inputs
-        prompt_msg = "%s Value (esc to cancel): " % config_option
-        is_prepopulated = CONFIG["features.config.prepopulateEditValues"]
-        new_value = popups.input_prompt(prompt_msg, initial_value if is_prepopulated else "")
+                if new_value.lower() == "true":
+                  new_value = "1"
+                elif new_value.lower() == "false":
+                  new_value = "0"
+              elif selection.get(Field.TYPE) == "LineList":
+                # set_option accepts list inputs when there's multiple values
+                new_value = new_value.split(",")
-        if new_value is not None and new_value != initial_value:
-          try:
-            if selection.get(Field.TYPE) == "Boolean":
-              # if the value's a boolean then allow for 'true' and 'false' inputs
-              if new_value.lower() == "true":
-                new_value = "1"
-              elif new_value.lower() == "false":
-                new_value = "0"
-            elif selection.get(Field.TYPE) == "LineList":
-              # set_option accepts list inputs when there's multiple values
-              new_value = new_value.split(",")
-            tor_controller().set_conf(config_option, new_value)
-            # forces the label to be remade with the new value
-            selection.label_cache = None
-            # resets the is_default flag
-            custom_options = tor_config.get_custom_options()
-            selection.fields[Field.IS_DEFAULT] = config_option not in custom_options
-            self.redraw(True)
-          except Exception as exc:
-            popups.show_msg("%s (press any key)" % exc)
-      finally:
-        panel.CURSES_LOCK.release()
-    elif key == ord('a') or key == ord('A'):
-      self.show_all = not self.show_all
-      self.redraw(True)
-    elif key == ord('s') or key == ord('S'):
-      self.show_sort_dialog()
-    elif key == ord('v') or key == ord('V'):
-      self.show_write_dialog()
-    else:
-      is_keystroke_consumed = False
+              tor_controller().set_conf(config_option, new_value)
-    self.vals_lock.release()
-    return is_keystroke_consumed
+              # forces the label to be remade with the new value
+              selection.label_cache = None
+              # resets the is_default flag
+              custom_options = tor_config.get_custom_options()
+              selection.fields[Field.IS_DEFAULT] = config_option not in custom_options
+              self.redraw(True)
+            except Exception as exc:
+              popups.show_msg("%s (press any key)" % exc)
+      elif key in (ord('a'), ord('A')):
+        self.show_all = not self.show_all
+        self.redraw(True)
+      elif key in (ord('s'), ord('S')):
+        self.show_sort_dialog()
+      elif key in (ord('v'), ord('V')):
+        self.show_write_dialog()
+      else:
+        return False
+      return True
   def show_write_dialog(self):
@@ -566,16 +559,16 @@ class ConfigPanel(panel.Panel):
   def get_help(self):
-    options = []
-    options.append(("up arrow", "scroll up a line", None))
-    options.append(("down arrow", "scroll down a line", None))
-    options.append(("page up", "scroll up a page", None))
-    options.append(("page down", "scroll down a page", None))
-    options.append(("enter", "edit configuration option", None))
-    options.append(("v", "save configuration", None))
-    options.append(("a", "toggle option filtering", None))
-    options.append(("s", "sort ordering", None))
-    return options
+    return [
+      ('up arrow', 'scroll up a line', None),
+      ('down arrow', 'scroll down a line', None),
+      ('page up', 'scroll up a page', None),
+      ('page down', 'scroll down a page', None),
+      ('enter', 'edit configuration option', None),
+      ('v', 'save configuration', None),
+      ('a', 'toggle option filtering', None),
+      ('s', 'sort ordering', None),
+    ]
   def draw(self, width, height):
diff --git a/arm/connections/conn_panel.py b/arm/connections/conn_panel.py
index 8168572..57c64f5 100644
--- a/arm/connections/conn_panel.py
+++ b/arm/connections/conn_panel.py
@@ -261,75 +261,71 @@ class ConnectionPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
   def handle_key(self, key):
-    self.vals_lock.acquire()
+    with self.vals_lock:
+      if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
+        page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
-    is_keystroke_consumed = True
+        if self._show_details:
+          page_height -= (DETAILS_HEIGHT + 1)
-    if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
-      page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
+        is_changed = self._scroller.handle_key(key, self._entry_lines, page_height)
-      if self._show_details:
-        page_height -= (DETAILS_HEIGHT + 1)
+        if is_changed:
+          self.redraw(True)
+      elif ui_tools.is_selection_key(key):
+        self._show_details = not self._show_details
+        self.redraw(True)
+      elif key in (ord('s'), ord('S')):
+        self.show_sort_dialog()
+      elif key in (ord('u'), ord('U')):
+        # provides a menu to pick the connection resolver
-      is_changed = self._scroller.handle_key(key, self._entry_lines, page_height)
+        title = "Resolver Util:"
+        options = ["auto"] + list(connection.Resolver)
+        conn_resolver = arm.util.tracker.get_connection_tracker()
-      if is_changed:
-        self.redraw(True)
-    elif ui_tools.is_selection_key(key):
-      self._show_details = not self._show_details
-      self.redraw(True)
-    elif key == ord('s') or key == ord('S'):
-      self.show_sort_dialog()
-    elif key == ord('u') or key == ord('U'):
-      # provides a menu to pick the connection resolver
-      title = "Resolver Util:"
-      options = ["auto"] + list(connection.Resolver)
-      conn_resolver = arm.util.tracker.get_connection_tracker()
-      current_overwrite = conn_resolver.get_custom_resolver()
-      if current_overwrite is None:
-        old_selection = 0
-      else:
-        old_selection = options.index(current_overwrite)
+        current_overwrite = conn_resolver.get_custom_resolver()
-      selection = arm.popups.show_menu(title, options, old_selection)
+        if current_overwrite is None:
+          old_selection = 0
+        else:
+          old_selection = options.index(current_overwrite)
-      # applies new setting
+        selection = arm.popups.show_menu(title, options, old_selection)
-      if selection != -1:
-        selected_option = options[selection] if selection != 0 else None
-        conn_resolver.set_custom_resolver(selected_option)
-    elif key == ord('l') or key == ord('L'):
-      # provides a menu to pick the primary information we list connections by
+        # applies new setting
-      title = "List By:"
-      options = list(entries.ListingType)
+        if selection != -1:
+          selected_option = options[selection] if selection != 0 else None
+          conn_resolver.set_custom_resolver(selected_option)
+      elif key in (ord('l'), ord('L')):
+        # provides a menu to pick the primary information we list connections by
-      # dropping the HOSTNAME listing type until we support displaying that content
+        title = "List By:"
+        options = list(entries.ListingType)
-      options.remove(arm.connections.entries.ListingType.HOSTNAME)
+        # dropping the HOSTNAME listing type until we support displaying that content
-      old_selection = options.index(self.get_listing_type())
-      selection = arm.popups.show_menu(title, options, old_selection)
+        options.remove(arm.connections.entries.ListingType.HOSTNAME)
-      # applies new setting
+        old_selection = options.index(self.get_listing_type())
+        selection = arm.popups.show_menu(title, options, old_selection)
-      if selection != -1:
-        self.set_listing_type(options[selection])
-    elif key == ord('d') or key == ord('D'):
-      # presents popup for raw consensus data
-      descriptor_popup.show_descriptor_popup(self)
-    elif (key == ord('c') or key == ord('C')) and self.is_clients_allowed():
-      count_popup.showCountDialog(count_popup.CountType.CLIENT_LOCALE, self._client_locale_usage)
-    elif (key == ord('e') or key == ord('E')) and self.is_exits_allowed():
-      count_popup.showCountDialog(count_popup.CountType.EXIT_PORT, self._exit_port_usage)
-    else:
-      is_keystroke_consumed = False
+        # applies new setting
-    self.vals_lock.release()
-    return is_keystroke_consumed
+        if selection != -1:
+          self.set_listing_type(options[selection])
+      elif key in (ord('d'), ord('D')):
+        # presents popup for raw consensus data
+        descriptor_popup.show_descriptor_popup(self)
+      elif key in (ord('c'), ord('C')) and self.is_clients_allowed():
+        count_popup.showCountDialog(count_popup.CountType.CLIENT_LOCALE, self._client_locale_usage)
+      elif key in (ord('e'), ord('E')) and self.is_exits_allowed():
+        count_popup.showCountDialog(count_popup.CountType.EXIT_PORT, self._exit_port_usage)
+      else:
+        return False
+      return True
   def run(self):
@@ -373,26 +369,24 @@ class ConnectionPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
   def get_help(self):
     resolver_util = arm.util.tracker.get_connection_tracker().get_custom_resolver()
-    if resolver_util is None:
-      resolver_util = "auto"
-    options = []
-    options.append(("up arrow", "scroll up a line", None))
-    options.append(("down arrow", "scroll down a line", None))
-    options.append(("page up", "scroll up a page", None))
-    options.append(("page down", "scroll down a page", None))
-    options.append(("enter", "show connection details", None))
-    options.append(("d", "raw consensus descriptor", None))
+    options = [
+      ('up arrow', 'scroll up a line', None),
+      ('down arrow', 'scroll down a line', None),
+      ('page up', 'scroll up a page', None),
+      ('page down', 'scroll down a page', None),
+      ('enter', 'show connection details', None),
+      ('d', 'raw consensus descriptor', None),
+    ]
     if self.is_clients_allowed():
-      options.append(("c", "client locale usage summary", None))
+      options.append(('c', 'client locale usage summary', None))
     if self.is_exits_allowed():
-      options.append(("e", "exit port usage summary", None))
+      options.append(('e', 'exit port usage summary', None))
-    options.append(("l", "listed identity", self.get_listing_type().lower()))
-    options.append(("s", "sort ordering", None))
-    options.append(("u", "resolving utility", resolver_util))
+    options.append(('l', 'listed identity', self.get_listing_type().lower()))
+    options.append(('s', 'sort ordering', None))
+    options.append(('u', 'resolving utility', 'auto' if resolver_util is None else resolver_util))
     return options
   def get_selection(self):
diff --git a/arm/controller.py b/arm/controller.py
index cb0cf3e..09f0f83 100644
--- a/arm/controller.py
+++ b/arm/controller.py
@@ -658,11 +658,11 @@ def start_arm(stdscr):
     elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT:
-    elif key == ord('p') or key == ord('P'):
+    elif key in (ord('p'), ord('P')):
       control.set_paused(not control.is_paused())
-    elif key == ord('m') or key == ord('M'):
+    elif key in (ord('m'), ord('M')):
-    elif key == ord('q') or key == ord('Q'):
+    elif key in (ord('q'), ord('Q')):
       # provides prompt to confirm that arm should exit
       if CONFIG["features.confirmQuit"]:
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ def start_arm(stdscr):
       if quit_confirmed:
-    elif key == ord('x') or key == ord('X'):
+    elif key in (ord('x'), ord('X')):
       # provides prompt to confirm that arm should issue a sighup
       msg = "This will reset Tor's internal state. Are you sure (x again to confirm)?"
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ def start_arm(stdscr):
         except IOError as exc:
           log.error("Error detected when reloading tor: %s" % exc.strerror)
-    elif key == ord('h') or key == ord('H'):
+    elif key in (ord('h'), ord('H')):
       override_key = arm.popups.show_help_popup()
     elif key == ord('l') - 96:
       # force redraw when ctrl+l is pressed
diff --git a/arm/graphing/graph_panel.py b/arm/graphing/graph_panel.py
index fc7f7cf..68328b8 100644
--- a/arm/graphing/graph_panel.py
+++ b/arm/graphing/graph_panel.py
@@ -344,15 +344,13 @@ class GraphPanel(panel.Panel):
   def handle_key(self, key):
-    is_keystroke_consumed = True
-    if key == ord('r') or key == ord('R'):
+    if key in (ord('r'), ord('R')):
-    elif key == ord('b') or key == ord('B'):
+    elif key in (ord('b'), ord('B')):
       # uses the next boundary type
       self.bounds = Bounds.next(self.bounds)
-    elif key == ord('s') or key == ord('S'):
+    elif key in (ord('s'), ord('S')):
       # provides a menu to pick the graphed stats
       available_stats = self.stats.keys()
@@ -379,7 +377,7 @@ class GraphPanel(panel.Panel):
       elif selection != -1:
         self.set_stats(available_stats[selection - 1])
-    elif key == ord('i') or key == ord('I'):
+    elif key in (ord('i'), ord('I')):
       # provides menu to pick graph panel update interval
       options = [label for (label, _) in UPDATE_INTERVALS]
@@ -388,22 +386,17 @@ class GraphPanel(panel.Panel):
       if selection != -1:
         self.update_interval = selection
-      is_keystroke_consumed = False
+      return False
-    return is_keystroke_consumed
+    return True
   def get_help(self):
-    if self.current_display:
-      graphed_stats = self.current_display
-    else:
-      graphed_stats = 'none'
-    options = []
-    options.append(('r', 'resize graph', None))
-    options.append(('s', 'graphed stats', graphed_stats))
-    options.append(('b', 'graph bounds', self.bounds.lower()))
-    options.append(('i', 'graph update interval', UPDATE_INTERVALS[self.update_interval][0]))
-    return options
+    return [
+      ('r', 'resize graph', None),
+      ('s', 'graphed stats', self.current_display if self.current_display else 'none'),
+      ('b', 'graph bounds', self.bounds.lower()),
+      ('i', 'graph update interval', UPDATE_INTERVALS[self.update_interval][0]),
+    ]
   def draw(self, width, height):
     """ Redraws graph panel """
diff --git a/arm/header_panel.py b/arm/header_panel.py
index 9b8ecd2..5278ca1 100644
--- a/arm/header_panel.py
+++ b/arm/header_panel.py
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ class HeaderPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
       arm.popups.show_msg('Requesting a new identity', 1)
   def handle_key(self, key):
-    is_keystroke_consumed = True
     if key in (ord('n'), ord('N')):
     elif key in (ord('r'), ord('R')) and not self._vals.is_connected:
@@ -120,9 +118,9 @@ class HeaderPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
         arm.popups.show_msg('Unable to reconnect (%s)' % exc, 3)
-      is_keystroke_consumed = False
+      return False
-    return is_keystroke_consumed
+    return True
   def draw(self, width, height):
     vals = self._vals  # local reference to avoid concurrency concerns
diff --git a/arm/log_panel.py b/arm/log_panel.py
index 6f5087b..e78ecc7 100644
--- a/arm/log_panel.py
+++ b/arm/log_panel.py
@@ -863,8 +863,6 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread, logging.Handler):
       raise exc
   def handle_key(self, key):
-    is_keystroke_consumed = True
     if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
       page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
       new_scroll = ui_tools.get_scroll_position(key, self.scroll, page_height, self.last_content_height)
@@ -879,13 +877,13 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread, logging.Handler):
       self.set_duplicate_visability(not CONFIG["features.log.showDuplicateEntries"])
-    elif key == ord('c') or key == ord('C'):
+    elif key in (ord('c'), ord('C')):
       msg = "This will clear the log. Are you sure (c again to confirm)?"
       key_press = arm.popups.show_msg(msg, attr = curses.A_BOLD)
       if key_press in (ord('c'), ord('C')):
-    elif key == ord('f') or key == ord('F'):
+    elif key in (ord('f'), ord('F')):
       # Provides menu to pick regular expression filters or adding new ones:
       # for syntax see: http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#regular-expression-syntax
@@ -914,25 +912,25 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread, logging.Handler):
       if len(self.filter_options) > MAX_REGEX_FILTERS:
         del self.filter_options[MAX_REGEX_FILTERS:]
-    elif key == ord('e') or key == ord('E'):
+    elif key in (ord('e'), ord('E')):
-    elif key == ord('a') or key == ord('A'):
+    elif key in (ord('a'), ord('A')):
-      is_keystroke_consumed = False
+      return False
-    return is_keystroke_consumed
+    return True
   def get_help(self):
-    options = []
-    options.append(("up arrow", "scroll log up a line", None))
-    options.append(("down arrow", "scroll log down a line", None))
-    options.append(("a", "save snapshot of the log", None))
-    options.append(("e", "change logged events", None))
-    options.append(("f", "log regex filter", "enabled" if self.regex_filter else "disabled"))
-    options.append(("u", "duplicate log entries", "visible" if CONFIG["features.log.showDuplicateEntries"] else "hidden"))
-    options.append(("c", "clear event log", None))
-    return options
+    return [
+      ('up arrow', 'scroll log up a line', None),
+      ('down arrow', 'scroll log down a line', None),
+      ('a', 'save snapshot of the log', None),
+      ('e', 'change logged events', None),
+      ('f', 'log regex filter', 'enabled' if self.regex_filter else 'disabled'),
+      ('u', 'duplicate log entries', 'visible' if CONFIG['features.log.showDuplicateEntries'] else 'hidden'),
+      ('c', 'clear event log', None),
+    ]
   def draw(self, width, height):
diff --git a/arm/torrc_panel.py b/arm/torrc_panel.py
index 6dfaf17..2a3fb23 100644
--- a/arm/torrc_panel.py
+++ b/arm/torrc_panel.py
@@ -122,26 +122,24 @@ class TorrcPanel(panel.Panel):
     arm.popups.show_msg(result_msg, 1)
   def handle_key(self, key):
-    self.vals_lock.acquire()
-    is_keystroke_consumed = True
-    if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
-      page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
-      new_scroll = ui_tools.get_scroll_position(key, self.scroll, page_height, self._last_content_height)
-      if self.scroll != new_scroll:
-        self.scroll = new_scroll
-        self.redraw(True)
-    elif key == ord('n') or key == ord('N'):
-      self.set_line_number_visible(not self.show_line_num)
-    elif key == ord('s') or key == ord('S'):
-      self.set_comments_visible(self.strip_comments)
-    elif key == ord('r') or key == ord('R'):
-      self.reload_torrc()
-    else:
-      is_keystroke_consumed = False
+    with self.vals_lock:
+      if ui_tools.is_scroll_key(key):
+        page_height = self.get_preferred_size()[0] - 1
+        new_scroll = ui_tools.get_scroll_position(key, self.scroll, page_height, self._last_content_height)
+        if self.scroll != new_scroll:
+          self.scroll = new_scroll
+          self.redraw(True)
+      elif key in (ord('n'), ord('N')):
+        self.set_line_number_visible(not self.show_line_num)
+      elif key in (ord('s'), ord('S')):
+        self.set_comments_visible(self.strip_comments)
+      elif key in (ord('r'), ord('R')):
+        self.reload_torrc()
+      else:
+        return False
-    self.vals_lock.release()
-    return is_keystroke_consumed
+      return True
   def set_visible(self, is_visible):
     if not is_visible:
@@ -150,16 +148,16 @@ class TorrcPanel(panel.Panel):
     panel.Panel.set_visible(self, is_visible)
   def get_help(self):
-    options = []
-    options.append(("up arrow", "scroll up a line", None))
-    options.append(("down arrow", "scroll down a line", None))
-    options.append(("page up", "scroll up a page", None))
-    options.append(("page down", "scroll down a page", None))
-    options.append(("s", "comment stripping", "on" if self.strip_comments else "off"))
-    options.append(("n", "line numbering", "on" if self.show_line_num else "off"))
-    options.append(("r", "reload torrc", None))
-    options.append(("x", "reset tor (issue sighup)", None))
-    return options
+    return [
+      ('up arrow', 'scroll up a line', None),
+      ('down arrow', 'scroll down a line', None),
+      ('page up', 'scroll up a page', None),
+      ('page down', 'scroll down a page', None),
+      ('s', 'comment stripping', 'on' if self.strip_comments else 'off'),
+      ('n', 'line numbering', 'on' if self.show_line_num else 'off'),
+      ('r', 'reload torrc', None),
+      ('x', 'reset tor (issue sighup)', None),
+    ]
   def draw(self, width, height):

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