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[tor-commits] [tor-browser-build/master] Bug 40097: Update toolchain for Fenix 82

commit dbdff9c7f064678194377acc0543ee1c51ccbc17
Author: Georg Koppen <gk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Oct 8 06:57:24 2020 +0000

    Bug 40097: Update toolchain for Fenix 82
    application-services needs a newer Rust compiler as it now uses
    features (strip_suffix()) that got stablizied in 1.45.0 first. We don't
    want to risk GeckoView stability and thus bite the bullet and add a
    different project solely used by application-services for the time being.
    We omit the clean-up as this is supposed to be temporary until Rust for
    GeckoView gets bumped.
    It is noteworthy that we still need the patch for bug 43909 albeit in
    a slightly updated fashion. Originally, this landed on trunk for the
    10.0 release but it got backed out later on and did not reland in time
    for any 10.0 release. Thus, we need to keep that patch until Rust
    switches to LLVM 11.
 projects/fenix-as-rust/43909.patch  | 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 projects/fenix-as-rust/build        |  65 ++++++++++
 projects/fenix-as-rust/config       | 103 +++++++++++++++
 projects/fenix-as-rust/unwind.patch | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 582 insertions(+)

diff --git a/projects/fenix-as-rust/43909.patch b/projects/fenix-as-rust/43909.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e2ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/fenix-as-rust/43909.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+From 74ca2aebcd26adc7e3259d0802c07cc61b77a40c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nikita Popov <nikita.ppv@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 16:22:18 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Restructure caching
+Variant on D70103. The caching is switched to always use a BB to
+cache entry map, which then contains per-value caches. A separate
+set contains value handles with a deletion callback. This allows us
+to properly invalidate overdefined values.
+A possible alternative would be to always cache by value first and
+have per-BB maps/sets in the each cache entry. In that case we could
+use a ValueMap and would avoid the separate value handle set. I went
+with the BB indexing at the top level to make it easier to integrate
+D69914, but possibly that's not the right choice.
+Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D70376
+diff --git a/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp
+index 7ae7a1fd549..8c9e85e95b3 100644
+--- a/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp
++++ b/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp
+@@ -136,12 +136,9 @@ namespace {
+   /// A callback value handle updates the cache when values are erased.
+   class LazyValueInfoCache;
+   struct LVIValueHandle final : public CallbackVH {
+-    // Needs to access getValPtr(), which is protected.
+-    friend struct DenseMapInfo<LVIValueHandle>;
+     LazyValueInfoCache *Parent;
+-    LVIValueHandle(Value *V, LazyValueInfoCache *P)
++    LVIValueHandle(Value *V, LazyValueInfoCache *P = nullptr)
+       : CallbackVH(V), Parent(P) { }
+     void deleted() override;
+@@ -155,89 +152,63 @@ namespace {
+   /// This is the cache kept by LazyValueInfo which
+   /// maintains information about queries across the clients' queries.
+   class LazyValueInfoCache {
+-    /// This is all of the cached block information for exactly one Value*.
+-    /// The entries are sorted by the BasicBlock* of the
+-    /// entries, allowing us to do a lookup with a binary search.
+-    /// Over-defined lattice values are recorded in OverDefinedCache to reduce
+-    /// memory overhead.
+-    struct ValueCacheEntryTy {
+-      ValueCacheEntryTy(Value *V, LazyValueInfoCache *P) : Handle(V, P) {}
+-      LVIValueHandle Handle;
+-      SmallDenseMap<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock>, ValueLatticeElement, 4> BlockVals;
++    /// This is all of the cached information for one basic block. It contains
++    /// the per-value lattice elements, as well as a separate set for
++    /// overdefined values to reduce memory usage.
++    struct BlockCacheEntryTy {
++      SmallDenseMap<AssertingVH<Value>, ValueLatticeElement, 4> LatticeElements;
++      SmallDenseSet<AssertingVH<Value>, 4> OverDefined;
+     };
+-    /// This tracks, on a per-block basis, the set of values that are
+-    /// over-defined at the end of that block.
+-    typedef DenseMap<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock>, SmallPtrSet<Value *, 4>>
+-        OverDefinedCacheTy;
+-    /// Keep track of all blocks that we have ever seen, so we
+-    /// don't spend time removing unused blocks from our caches.
+-    DenseSet<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock> > SeenBlocks;
+-    /// This is all of the cached information for all values,
+-    /// mapped from Value* to key information.
+-    DenseMap<Value *, std::unique_ptr<ValueCacheEntryTy>> ValueCache;
+-    OverDefinedCacheTy OverDefinedCache;
++    /// Cached information per basic block.
++    DenseMap<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock>, BlockCacheEntryTy> BlockCache;
++    /// Set of value handles used to erase values from the cache on deletion.
++    DenseSet<LVIValueHandle, DenseMapInfo<Value *>> ValueHandles;
+   public:
+     void insertResult(Value *Val, BasicBlock *BB,
+                       const ValueLatticeElement &Result) {
+-      SeenBlocks.insert(BB);
++      auto &CacheEntry = BlockCache.try_emplace(BB).first->second;
+       // Insert over-defined values into their own cache to reduce memory
+       // overhead.
+       if (Result.isOverdefined())
+-        OverDefinedCache[BB].insert(Val);
+-      else {
+-        auto It = ValueCache.find_as(Val);
+-        if (It == ValueCache.end()) {
+-          ValueCache[Val] = std::make_unique<ValueCacheEntryTy>(Val, this);
+-          It = ValueCache.find_as(Val);
+-          assert(It != ValueCache.end() && "Val was just added to the map!");
+-        }
+-        It->second->BlockVals[BB] = Result;
+-      }
+-    }
+-    bool isOverdefined(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) const {
+-      auto ODI = OverDefinedCache.find(BB);
+-      if (ODI == OverDefinedCache.end())
+-        return false;
++        CacheEntry.OverDefined.insert(Val);
++      else
++        CacheEntry.LatticeElements.insert({ Val, Result });
+-      return ODI->second.count(V);
++      auto HandleIt = ValueHandles.find_as(Val);
++      if (HandleIt == ValueHandles.end())
++        ValueHandles.insert({ Val, this });
+     }
+     bool hasCachedValueInfo(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) const {
+-      if (isOverdefined(V, BB))
+-        return true;
+-      auto I = ValueCache.find_as(V);
+-      if (I == ValueCache.end())
++      auto It = BlockCache.find(BB);
++      if (It == BlockCache.end())
+         return false;
+-      return I->second->BlockVals.count(BB);
++      return It->second.OverDefined.count(V) ||
++             It->second.LatticeElements.count(V);
+     }
+     ValueLatticeElement getCachedValueInfo(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) const {
+-      if (isOverdefined(V, BB))
++      auto It = BlockCache.find(BB);
++      if (It == BlockCache.end())
++        return ValueLatticeElement();
++      if (It->second.OverDefined.count(V))
+         return ValueLatticeElement::getOverdefined();
+-      auto I = ValueCache.find_as(V);
+-      if (I == ValueCache.end())
+-        return ValueLatticeElement();
+-      auto BBI = I->second->BlockVals.find(BB);
+-      if (BBI == I->second->BlockVals.end())
++      auto LatticeIt = It->second.LatticeElements.find(V);
++      if (LatticeIt == It->second.LatticeElements.end())
+         return ValueLatticeElement();
+-      return BBI->second;
++      return LatticeIt->second;
+     }
+     /// clear - Empty the cache.
+     void clear() {
+-      SeenBlocks.clear();
+-      ValueCache.clear();
+-      OverDefinedCache.clear();
++      BlockCache.clear();
++      ValueHandles.clear();
+     }
+     /// Inform the cache that a given value has been deleted.
+@@ -251,23 +222,18 @@ namespace {
+     /// OldSucc might have (unless also overdefined in NewSucc).  This just
+     /// flushes elements from the cache and does not add any.
+     void threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,BasicBlock *NewSucc);
+-    friend struct LVIValueHandle;
+   };
+ }
+ void LazyValueInfoCache::eraseValue(Value *V) {
+-  for (auto I = OverDefinedCache.begin(), E = OverDefinedCache.end(); I != E;) {
+-    // Copy and increment the iterator immediately so we can erase behind
+-    // ourselves.
+-    auto Iter = I++;
+-    SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &ValueSet = Iter->second;
+-    ValueSet.erase(V);
+-    if (ValueSet.empty())
+-      OverDefinedCache.erase(Iter);
++  for (auto &Pair : BlockCache) {
++    Pair.second.LatticeElements.erase(V);
++    Pair.second.OverDefined.erase(V);
+   }
+-  ValueCache.erase(V);
++  auto HandleIt = ValueHandles.find_as(V);
++  if (HandleIt != ValueHandles.end())
++    ValueHandles.erase(HandleIt);
+ }
+ void LVIValueHandle::deleted() {
+@@ -277,18 +243,7 @@ void LVIValueHandle::deleted() {
+ }
+ void LazyValueInfoCache::eraseBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
+-  // Shortcut if we have never seen this block.
+-  DenseSet<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock> >::iterator I = SeenBlocks.find(BB);
+-  if (I == SeenBlocks.end())
+-    return;
+-  SeenBlocks.erase(I);
+-  auto ODI = OverDefinedCache.find(BB);
+-  if (ODI != OverDefinedCache.end())
+-    OverDefinedCache.erase(ODI);
+-  for (auto &I : ValueCache)
+-    I.second->BlockVals.erase(BB);
++  BlockCache.erase(BB);
+ }
+ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+@@ -306,10 +261,11 @@ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+   std::vector<BasicBlock*> worklist;
+   worklist.push_back(OldSucc);
+-  auto I = OverDefinedCache.find(OldSucc);
+-  if (I == OverDefinedCache.end())
++  auto I = BlockCache.find(OldSucc);
++  if (I == BlockCache.end() || I->second.OverDefined.empty())
+     return; // Nothing to process here.
+-  SmallVector<Value *, 4> ValsToClear(I->second.begin(), I->second.end());
++  SmallVector<Value *, 4> ValsToClear(I->second.OverDefined.begin(),
++                                      I->second.OverDefined.end());
+   // Use a worklist to perform a depth-first search of OldSucc's successors.
+   // NOTE: We do not need a visited list since any blocks we have already
+@@ -323,10 +279,10 @@ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+     if (ToUpdate == NewSucc) continue;
+     // If a value was marked overdefined in OldSucc, and is here too...
+-    auto OI = OverDefinedCache.find(ToUpdate);
+-    if (OI == OverDefinedCache.end())
++    auto OI = BlockCache.find(ToUpdate);
++    if (OI == BlockCache.end() || OI->second.OverDefined.empty())
+       continue;
+-    SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &ValueSet = OI->second;
++    auto &ValueSet = OI->second.OverDefined;
+     bool changed = false;
+     for (Value *V : ValsToClear) {
+@@ -336,11 +292,6 @@ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+       // If we removed anything, then we potentially need to update
+       // blocks successors too.
+       changed = true;
+-      if (ValueSet.empty()) {
+-        OverDefinedCache.erase(OI);
+-        break;
+-      }
+     }
+     if (!changed) continue;
diff --git a/projects/fenix-as-rust/build b/projects/fenix-as-rust/build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d3d5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/fenix-as-rust/build
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+[% c("var/set_default_env") -%]
+distdir=/var/tmp/dist/[% project %]
+mkdir -p $distdir
+tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/cmake') %]
+export PATH="/var/tmp/dist/cmake/bin:$PATH"
+tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/prev_rust') %]
+cd /var/tmp/dist/rust-[% c('var/prev_version') %]-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
+./install.sh --prefix=$distdir-rust-old
+export PATH="$distdir-rust-old/bin:$PATH"
+[% pc(c('var/compiler'), 'var/setup', { compiler_tarfile => c('input_files_by_name/' _ c('var/compiler')) }) %]
+[% IF c("var/osx") %]
+  # We need to clear `CC` and `LDFLAGS` as they are used for the host platform
+  # (i.e. Linux).
+  unset CC
+  unset LDFLAGS
+  mkdir $distdir/helper
+  # We need to adapt our CFLAGS and make sure our flags are passed down to all
+  # dependencies. Using `CFLAGS_x86_apple-darwin` did not do the trick, so resort
+  # to a wrapper script.
+  cat > $distdir/helper/x86_64-apple-darwin-clang << 'EOF'
+$BASEDIR/cctools/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin-clang -target x86_64-apple-darwin -B $BASEDIR/cctools/bin -isysroot $BASEDIR/MacOSX10.11.sdk/ -Wl,-syslibroot,$BASEDIR/MacOSX10.11.sdk/ -Wl,-dead_strip -Wl,-pie "$@"
+  chmod +x $distdir/helper/x86_64-apple-darwin-clang
+  export PATH=$distdir/helper:$PATH
+[% END %]
+cd $rootdir
+mkdir /var/tmp/build
+tar -C /var/tmp/build -xf  [% c('input_files_by_name/rust') %]
+cd /var/tmp/build/rustc-[% c('version') %]-src
+# LLVM has reproducibility issues when optimizing bitcode, which we need to
+# patch. See: #32053 for more details.
+cd src/llvm-project
+patch -p1 < $rootdir/43909.patch
+cd ../../
+[% IF c("var/windows-i686") %]
+  # Cross-compiling for Windows 32bit is currently not possible without any
+  # patches. The reason for that is libstd expecting DWARF unwinding while most
+  # toolchains on Linux, targeting Windows 32bit, use SjLj unwinding.
+  # See: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/12859 for discussion about
+  # that and https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/49633 for a newer attempt to
+  # fix this problem. We apply the patch from neersighted.
+  patch -p1 < $rootdir/unwind.patch
+[% END %]
+mkdir build
+cd build
+../configure --prefix=$distdir [% c("var/configure_opt") %]
+make -j[% c("buildconf/num_procs") %]
+make install
+cd /var/tmp/dist
+[% c('tar', {
+        tar_src => [ project ],
+        tar_args => '-czf ' _ dest_dir _ '/' _ c('filename'),
+        }) %]
diff --git a/projects/fenix-as-rust/config b/projects/fenix-as-rust/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a4ae3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/fenix-as-rust/config
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# vim: filetype=yaml sw=2
+filename: '[% project %]-[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/build_id") %].tar.gz'
+version: '[% c("input_file_var/rust_version") %]'
+# Those values can be changed from the input_files section of other
+# projects. See bug 32436.
+  rust_version: 1.45.2
+  prev_version: 1.44.1
+  prev_version: '[% c("input_file_var/prev_version") %]'
+  container:
+    use_container: 1
+  android:
+    var:
+      arch_deps:
+        - libssl-dev
+        - pkg-config
+        - zlib1g-dev
+      configure_opt: --enable-local-rust --enable-vendor --enable-extended --release-channel=stable --sysconfdir=etc --target=[% c("var/cross_prefix") %] --set=target.[% c("var/cross_prefix") %].cc=[% c("var/CC") %] --set=target.[% c("var/cross_prefix") %].ar=[% c("var/cross_prefix") %]-ar
+  android-armv7:
+    var:
+      configure_opt: --enable-local-rust --enable-vendor --enable-extended --release-channel=stable --sysconfdir=etc --target=[% IF pc(c("origin_project"), "var/application_services") %]armv7-linux-androideabi[% ELSE %]thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi[% END %] --set=target.[% IF pc(c("origin_project"), "var/application_services") %]armv7-linux-androideabi[% ELSE %]thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi[% END %].cc=[% c("var/CC") %] --set=target.[% IF pc(c("origin_project"), "var/application_services") %]armv7-linux-androideabi[% ELSE %]thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi[% END %].ar=[% c("var/cross_prefix") %]-ar
+  linux:
+    var:
+      deps:
+        - libc6-dev-i386
+        - lib32stdc++6
+        - build-essential
+        - python
+        - automake
+        - libssl-dev
+        - pkg-config
+        - hardening-wrapper
+      # We use
+      # `--enable-local-rust` to avoid downloading the required compiler during
+      # build time
+      #
+      # `--enable-vendor` to avoid downloading crates during build time and just
+      # use the ones which are shipped with the source
+      #
+      # `--enable-extended` to build not only rustc but cargo as well
+      #
+      # `--enable-llvm-static-stdccp` to take a libstdc++ on Jessie into account
+      # which is too old and if used gives undefined reference errors
+      #
+      # `--release-channel=stable` to just include stable features in the
+      # compiler
+      #
+      # `--sysconfdir=etc` to avoid install failures as |make install| wants to
+      # write to /etc otherwise
+      #
+      # the `target` triple to explicitly specify the architecture and platform
+      # for the compiler/std lib. Ideally, it should not be needed unless one is
+      # cross-compiling, but compiling `alloc_jemalloc` fails without that in a
+      # 32bit container. "--host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" is used in its
+      # configure script in this case.
+      # `--set=` to explicitly specify the C compiler. We need to compile the
+      # bundled LLVM and it wants to use `cc`. However, we don't have that in
+      # our compiled GCC resulting in weird errors due to C and C++ compiler
+      # version mismatch. We avoid that with this configure option.
+      configure_opt: --enable-local-rust --enable-vendor --enable-extended --enable-llvm-static-stdcpp --release-channel=stable --sysconfdir=etc --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,i686-unknown-linux-gnu --set=target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.cc=gcc --set=target.i686-unknown-linux-gnu.cc=gcc
+  osx-x86_64:
+    var:
+      arch_deps:
+        - libssl-dev
+        - pkg-config
+        - zlib1g-dev
+      configure_opt: --enable-local-rust --enable-vendor --enable-extended --release-channel=stable --sysconfdir=etc --target=x86_64-apple-darwin --set=target.x86_64-apple-darwin.cc=x86_64-apple-darwin-clang
+  windows:
+    var:
+      arch_deps:
+        - libssl-dev
+        - pkg-config
+        - zlib1g-dev
+      configure_opt: --enable-local-rust --enable-vendor --enable-extended --release-channel=stable --sysconfdir=etc --target=[% c("arch") %]-pc-windows-gnu
+  - project: container-image
+  - project: cmake
+    name: cmake
+  - project: '[% c("var/compiler") %]'
+    name: '[% c("var/compiler") %]'
+  - URL: 'https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rustc-[% c("version") %]-src.tar.gz'
+    name: rust
+    sig_ext: asc
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+    gpg_keyring: rust.gpg
+  - URL: 'https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-[% c("var/prev_version") %]-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz'
+    name: prev_rust
+    sig_ext: asc
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+    gpg_keyring: rust.gpg
+  - filename: unwind.patch
+    enable: '[% c("var/windows-i686") %]'
+  - filename: 43909.patch
diff --git a/projects/fenix-as-rust/unwind.patch b/projects/fenix-as-rust/unwind.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b22dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/fenix-as-rust/unwind.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+From b3bea7008ece7a5bdf9b5a5dcc95e82febad1854 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Bjorn Neergaard <bjorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 19:39:23 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix cross-compiling i686-pc-windows-gnu from Linux
+This is still very rough and serves as a proof-of-concept for fixing
+Linux -> 32-bit MinGW cross compilation workflow. Currently, clang and
+GCC's MinGW targets both only support DW2 (DWARF) or SJLJ (Set Jump Long
+Jump) unwinding on 32-bit Windows.
+The default for GCC (and the way it is shipped on every major distro) is
+to use SJLJ on Windows, as DWARF cannot traverse non-DWARF frames. This
+would work fine, except for the fact that libgcc (our C runtime on the
+MinGW platform) exports symbols under a different name when configured
+to use SJLJ-style unwinding, and uses a preprocessor macro internally to
+alias them.
+Because of this, we have to detect this scenario and link to the correct
+symbols ourselves. Linking has been tested with a full bootstrap on both
+x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu and i686-pc-windows-gnu, as well as
+cross-compilation of some of my own projects.
+Obviously, the detection is a bit unrefined. Right now we
+unconditionally use SJLJ when compiling Linux -> MinGW. I'd like to add
+feature detection using compiler build flags or autotools-style
+compilation and object analysis. Input on the best way to proceed here
+is welcome.
+Also, currently there is copy-pasted/duplicated code in libunwind.
+Ideally, this could be reduced, but this would likely require a
+rethinking of how iOS is special-cased above, to avoid further
+duplication. Input on how to best structure this file is requested.
+diff --git a/src/bootstrap/compile.rs b/src/bootstrap/compile.rs
+index 249a183189..df08d6eb0c 100644
+--- a/src/bootstrap/compile.rs
++++ b/src/bootstrap/compile.rs
+@@ -162,7 +162,12 @@ pub fn std_cargo(builder: &Builder<'_>,
+             .arg("--features")
+             .arg("compiler-builtins-mem");
+     } else {
+-        let features = builder.std_features();
++        let mut features = builder.std_features();
++        // FIXME: Temporary detection of SJLJ MinGW compilers.
++        if builder.config.build.contains("linux") && target == "i686-pc-windows-gnu" {
++            features.push_str(" sjlj_eh");
++        }
+         if compiler.stage != 0 && builder.config.sanitizers {
+             // This variable is used by the sanitizer runtime crates, e.g.
+diff --git a/src/libstd/Cargo.toml b/src/libstd/Cargo.toml
+index 7d60a17042..d876d0b89a 100644
+--- a/src/libstd/Cargo.toml
++++ b/src/libstd/Cargo.toml
+@@ -71,3 +71,4 @@ wasm-bindgen-threads = []
+ # https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/blob/master/crates/std_detect/Cargo.toml
+ std_detect_file_io = []
+ std_detect_dlsym_getauxval = []
++sjlj_eh = ["unwind/sjlj_eh"]
+diff --git a/src/libunwind/Cargo.toml b/src/libunwind/Cargo.toml
+index 2378b0a315..0b5979ed62 100644
+--- a/src/libunwind/Cargo.toml
++++ b/src/libunwind/Cargo.toml
+@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ doc = false
+ core = { path = "../libcore" }
+ libc = { version = "0.2.43", features = ['rustc-dep-of-std'], default-features = false }
+ compiler_builtins = "0.1.0"
++sjlj_eh = []
+diff --git a/src/libunwind/libunwind.rs b/src/libunwind/libunwind.rs
+index 339b554ed6..ec2f93ed60 100644
+--- a/src/libunwind/libunwind.rs
++++ b/src/libunwind/libunwind.rs
+@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
+ #![allow(nonstandard_style)]
+-macro_rules! cfg_if {
+-    ( $( if #[cfg( $meta:meta )] { $($it1:item)* } else { $($it2:item)* } )* ) =>
+-        ( $( $( #[cfg($meta)] $it1)* $( #[cfg(not($meta))] $it2)* )* )
+ use libc::{c_int, c_void, uintptr_t};
+ #[repr(C)]
+@@ -73,8 +68,8 @@ pub enum _Unwind_Context {}
+ pub type _Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn = extern "C" fn(unwind_code: _Unwind_Reason_Code,
+                                                       exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception);
+ extern "C" {
+-    #[unwind(allowed)]
+-    pub fn _Unwind_Resume(exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> !;
++    #[cfg_attr(stage0, unwind)]
++    #[cfg_attr(not(stage0), unwind(allowed))]
+     pub fn _Unwind_DeleteException(exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception);
+     pub fn _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context) -> *mut c_void;
+     pub fn _Unwind_GetRegionStart(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context) -> _Unwind_Ptr;
+@@ -206,26 +201,52 @@ if #[cfg(all(any(target_os = "ios", target_os = "netbsd", not(target_arch = "arm
+         pc
+     }
+ }
++} // cfg_if!
+-if #[cfg(not(all(target_os = "ios", target_arch = "arm")))] {
+-    // Not 32-bit iOS
++cfg_if! {
++if #[cfg(all(target_os = "ios", target_arch = "arm"))] {
++    // 32-bit iOS uses SjLj and does not provide _Unwind_Backtrace()
+     extern "C" {
+-        #[unwind(allowed)]
+-        pub fn _Unwind_RaiseException(exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
++        #[cfg_attr(stage0, unwind)]
++        #[cfg_attr(not(stage0), unwind(allowed))]
++        pub fn _Unwind_Resume(exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> !;
++        pub fn _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException(e: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
++    }
++    #[inline]
++    pub unsafe fn _Unwind_RaiseException(exc: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code {
++        _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException(exc)
++    }
++} else if #[cfg(feature = "sjlj_eh")] {
++    extern "C" {
++        #[cfg_attr(stage0, unwind)]
++        #[cfg_attr(not(stage0), unwind(allowed))]
++        pub fn _Unwind_SjLj_Resume(e: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> !;
++        pub fn _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException(e: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
+         pub fn _Unwind_Backtrace(trace: _Unwind_Trace_Fn,
+                                  trace_argument: *mut c_void)
+                                  -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
+     }
+-} else {
+-    // 32-bit iOS uses SjLj and does not provide _Unwind_Backtrace()
+-    extern "C" {
+-        #[unwind(allowed)]
+-        pub fn _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException(e: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
++    #[inline]
++    pub unsafe fn _Unwind_Resume(exc: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> ! {
++        _Unwind_SjLj_Resume(exc)
+     }
+     #[inline]
+     pub unsafe fn _Unwind_RaiseException(exc: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code {
+         _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException(exc)
+     }
++} else {
++    extern "C" {
++        #[cfg_attr(stage0, unwind)]
++        #[cfg_attr(not(stage0), unwind(allowed))]
++        pub fn _Unwind_Resume(exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> !;
++        pub fn _Unwind_RaiseException(exception: *mut _Unwind_Exception) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
++        pub fn _Unwind_Backtrace(trace: _Unwind_Trace_Fn,
++                                 trace_argument: *mut c_void)
++                                 -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;
++    }
+ }
+ } // cfg_if!

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