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[tor-commits] [tech-reports/master] Add mostly unmodified version of Mike's HotPETs 2009 report.

commit 3f885fe071decd80da7e1538dbbfdd31ae3a76fa
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Aug 27 08:16:34 2012 +0200

    Add mostly unmodified version of Mike's HotPETs 2009 report.
 2009/torflow/.gitignore                        |    3 +
 2009/torflow/0-93-100000-buildtimes-res100.pdf |  Bin 0 -> 25847 bytes
 2009/torflow/BadNodes.pdf                      |  Bin 0 -> 17164 bytes
 2009/torflow/BadNodesWin.pdf                   |  Bin 0 -> 17397 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure-BwLimit2.pdf          |  Bin 0 -> 18145 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure-LimitWin.pdf          |  Bin 0 -> 18559 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure-Win2.pdf              |  Bin 0 -> 17851 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinLimit.pdf          |  Bin 0 -> 18360 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinMid.pdf            |  Bin 0 -> 17170 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure.pdf                   |  Bin 0 -> 19099 bytes
 2009/torflow/CircFailure2.pdf                  |  Bin 0 -> 22478 bytes
 2009/torflow/ControlPort2.pdf                  |  Bin 0 -> 18870 bytes
 2009/torflow/Extends-BwLimit2.pdf              |  Bin 0 -> 17849 bytes
 2009/torflow/ExtendsBar.pdf                    |  Bin 0 -> 17512 bytes
 2009/torflow/ExtendsBar2.pdf                   |  Bin 0 -> 19336 bytes
 2009/torflow/PathSupport.pdf                   |  Bin 0 -> 9994 bytes
 2009/torflow/StreamBwBar2.pdf                  |  Bin 0 -> 19436 bytes
 2009/torflow/llncs.cls                         | 1016 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2009/torflow/torflow.bib                       |  150 ++++
 2009/torflow/torflow.tex                       |  713 +++++++++++++++++
 2009/torflow/usenix.sty                        |   96 +++
 21 files changed, 1978 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2009/torflow/.gitignore b/2009/torflow/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afd7e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2009/torflow/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/2009/torflow/0-93-100000-buildtimes-res100.pdf b/2009/torflow/0-93-100000-buildtimes-res100.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae97316
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/0-93-100000-buildtimes-res100.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/BadNodes.pdf b/2009/torflow/BadNodes.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e6f56d
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/BadNodes.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/BadNodesWin.pdf b/2009/torflow/BadNodesWin.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7aa5d0
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/BadNodesWin.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure-BwLimit2.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-BwLimit2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c729e
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-BwLimit2.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure-LimitWin.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-LimitWin.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff25ab3
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-LimitWin.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure-Win2.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-Win2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7b0e4e
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-Win2.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinLimit.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinLimit.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f59ae32
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinLimit.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinMid.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinMid.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e320c17
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure-WinMid.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..992c04b
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/CircFailure2.pdf b/2009/torflow/CircFailure2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feb32b4
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/CircFailure2.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/ControlPort2.pdf b/2009/torflow/ControlPort2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2185ee5
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/ControlPort2.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/Extends-BwLimit2.pdf b/2009/torflow/Extends-BwLimit2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc7b0c7
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/Extends-BwLimit2.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/ExtendsBar.pdf b/2009/torflow/ExtendsBar.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184ab47
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/ExtendsBar.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/ExtendsBar2.pdf b/2009/torflow/ExtendsBar2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b44a1
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/ExtendsBar2.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/PathSupport.pdf b/2009/torflow/PathSupport.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b7f877
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/PathSupport.pdf differ
diff --git a/2009/torflow/StreamBwBar2.pdf b/2009/torflow/StreamBwBar2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2848786
Binary files /dev/null and b/2009/torflow/StreamBwBar2.pdf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..697dd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2009/torflow/llncs.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
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+% definition of the "\spnewtheorem" command.
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+% fontdefinition of the caption and the text itself.
+% "\spnewtheorem*" gives a theorem without number.
+% A defined spnewthoerem environment is used as described
+% by Lamport.
+% definition of \spnewtheorem with number
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+                              \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
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+   {\@definecounter{#1}%
+   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
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+   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
+                               \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+  \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@latexerr{No theorem environment `#2' defined}\@eha}%
+  {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+  {\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}}%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#3}%
+  \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#2}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
+  \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}}
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+\def\@spxthm#1#2#3#4{\@spbegintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}{#4}%
+                    \ignorespaces}
+       the#1\endcsname}{#5}{#3}{#4}\ignorespaces}
+                 \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1\ #2\@thmcounterend}]#4}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#4#1\ #2}]{#4(#3)\@thmcounterend\ }#5}
+% definition of \spnewtheorem* without number
+\def\@Ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+   {\global\@namedef{#1}{\@Thm{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
+    \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+    \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+\def\@Thm#1#2#3{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
+       {#4}{#2}{#3}\ignorespaces}
+                           \item[\hskip\labelsep{#2#1\@thmcounterend}]}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1}]{#3(#2)\@thmcounterend\ }}
+   \def\@thmcountersep{.}
+   \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+   \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+   \if@envcntreset
+      \@addtoreset{theorem}{section}
+   \else
+      \@addtoreset{theorem}{chapter}
+   \fi
+%definition of divers theorem environments
+\if@envcntsame % alle Umgebungen wie Theorem.
+   \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spothm{#1}[theorem]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+\else % alle Umgebungen mit eigenem Zaehler
+   \if@envcntsect % mit section numeriert
+      \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}[section]{#3}{#4}}
+   \else % nicht mit section numeriert
+      \if@envcntreset
+         \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+                                   \@addtoreset{#1}{section}}
+      \else
+         \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+                                   \@addtoreset{#1}{chapter}}%
+      \fi
+   \fi
+    \def\@tempa{#1}%
+    \let\@tempd\@elt
+    \def\@elt##1{%
+        \def\@tempb{##1}%
+        \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\else
+            \@addtoreset{##1}{#2}%
+        \fi}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempc\csname cl@#2\endcsname
+    \expandafter\def\csname cl@#2\endcsname{}%
+    \@tempc
+    \let\@elt\@tempd}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{##4##1\ ##2}]{##4##3\@thmcounterend\ }##5}
+                  \def\@Opargbegintheorem##1##2##3##4{##4\trivlist
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{##3##1}]{##3##2\@thmcounterend\ }}
+      }
+      \list{}{\advance\topsep by0.35cm\relax\small
+      \leftmargin=1cm
+      \labelwidth=\z@
+      \listparindent=\z@
+      \itemindent\listparindent
+      \rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[\hskip\labelsep
+                                    \bfseries\abstractname]}
+    {\endlist}
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+\newdimen\headlineindent             % dimension for space between
+\headlineindent=1.166cm              % number and text of headings.
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+   \def\@evenhead{\normalfont\small\rlap{\thepage}\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                  \leftmark\hfil}
+   \def\@oddhead{\normalfont\small\hfil\rightmark\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                 \llap{\thepage}}
+   \def\chaptermark##1{}%
+   \def\sectionmark##1{}%
+   \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+   \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty
+   \def\@evenhead{\normalfont\small\rlap{\thepage}\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                  \hfil}
+   \def\@oddhead{\normalfont\small\hfil\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                 \llap{\thepage}}
+   \def\chaptermark##1{}%
+   \def\sectionmark##1{}%
+   \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
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index 0000000..c8c667e
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+++ b/2009/torflow/torflow.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+  title = {{Tor}: The Second-Generation Onion Router}, 
+  author = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson and Paul Syverson}, 
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Security Symposium}, 
+  year = {2004}, 
+  month = {August}, 
+   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
+   title =       {{Tor Path Specifications}},
+   note = {\url{https://git.torproject.org/checkout/tor/master/doc/spec/path-spec.txt}},
+  key =          {nickm-iocp},
+  title =        {{Some Notes on Progress with IOCP and Libevent}},
+  author =       {Nick Mathewson},
+  note = {\url{https://blog.torproject.org/blog/some-notes-progress-iocp-and-libevent}}
+  key =          {murdoch-economics},
+  title =        {{Economics of Tor performance}},
+  author =       {Steven J. Murdoch},
+  note =         {\url{http://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2007/07/18/economics-of-tor-performance/}}
+  key =          {perry-bh07},
+  title =        {{Securing the Tor Network}},
+  author =       {Mike Perry},
+  note =         {\url{http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-07/Perry/Presentation/bh-usa-07-perry.pdf}}
+  key =          {perry-ssh-ortalk},
+  title =        {{SSH Key Spoofing}},
+  author =       {Mike Perry},
+  note =         {\url{http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Jan-2007/msg00030.html}}
+   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
+   title =       {Tor Control Protocol Specifications},
+   note = {\url{https://git.torproject.org/checkout/tor/master/doc/spec/control-spec.txt}},
+   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
+   title =       {Tor Control Protocol Specifications},
+   note = {\url{https://git.torproject.org/checkout/tor/master/doc/spec/dir-spec.txt}},
+  key =          {Elixir},
+  title =        {{Elixir}},
+  note =         {\url{http://elixir.ematia.de/trac/wiki}}
+  key =          {SQLALchemy},
+  title =        {{SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python}},
+  note =         {\url{http://www.sqlalchemy.org/}}
+  key =          {BeautifulSoup},
+  title =        {{Beautiful Soup: Elixir and Tonic}},
+  note =         {\url{http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/}}
+  key =          {Javascript.g},
+  title =        {{Antlr Javascript Grammar}},
+  note =         {\url{http://www.antlr.org/grammar/1206736738015/JavaScript.g}}
+  title = {{Performance-Improved Onion Routing}},
+  author = {Johannes Renner},
+  school = {Aachen Univiversity},
+  year = {2007},
+  month = {September},
+   author =      {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
+   title =       {{Tor Protocol Specifications}},
+   note = {\url{https://git.torproject.org/checkout/tor/master/doc/spec/tor-spec.txt}},
+   author = {Mike Perry},
+   title = {{Guard Nodes Not Weighted By Bandwidth}},
+   note = {\url{http://bugs.torproject.org/flyspray/index.php?do=details\&id=440}}
+   author = {Mike Perry},
+   title = {{Exit Balancing Patch}},
+   note = {\url{http://archives.seul.org/or/dev/Jul-2007/msg00021.html}}
+   author =      {Betsy Schiffman},
+   title =       {{Hackers Use Banner Ads on Major Sites}},
+   howpublished = {Wired Magazine},
+   month =       {Nov},
+   year =        {2007},
+   note = {\url{http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2007/11/doubleclick}},
+  key =          {fu-bh09},
+  title =        {{One Cell is Enough to Break Tor's Anonymity}},
+  author =       {Xinwen Fu and Zhen Ling},
+  note = {\url{http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-dc-09/Fu/BlackHat-DC-09-Fu-Break-Tors-Anonymity.pdf}}
+ author = {Borisov,, Nikita and Danezis,, George and Mittal,, Prateek and Tabriz,, Parisa},
+ title = {Denial of service or denial of security?},
+ booktitle = {CCS '07: Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on Computer and communications security},
+ year = {2007},
+ isbn = {978-1-59593-703-2},
+ pages = {92--102},
+ location = {Alexandria, Virginia, USA},
+ doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1315245.1315258},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+ author = {Bauer,, Kevin and McCoy,, Damon and Grunwald,, Dirk and Kohno,,
+Tadayoshi and Sicker,, Douglas},
+ title = {{Low-resource routing attacks against Tor}},
+ booktitle = {WPES '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Privacy in
+electronic society},
+ year = {2007},
+ isbn = {978-1-59593-883-1},
+ pages = {11--20},
+ location = {Alexandria, Virginia, USA},
+ doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1314333.1314336},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
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+% XXX: Change to llncs 11pt aka 
+%\documentclass{article} % llncs
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+    %  \setlength{\topsep}{0mm}
+    }}{\end{list}}
+\title{TorFlow: Tor Network Analysis}
+\author{Mike Perry \\ The Internet \\ mikeperry@xxxxxxxxxx}
+%\institute{The Internet}
+  The Tor Network is a low-latency anonymity, privacy, and censorship
+  resistance network whose servers are run by volunteers around the 
+  Internet. This distribution of trust creates resilience in the face 
+  of compromise and censorship; but it also creates performance, 
+  security, and usability issues. The TorFlow suite attempts to address
+  this by providing a library and associated tools for measuring Tor nodes
+  for reliability, capacity and integrity, with the ultimate goal of feeding
+  these measurements back into the Tor directory authorities. 
+The Tor~\cite{tor-design} Network is a TCP overlay network whose
+infrastructure is run entirely by volunteers. It is the largest public
+anonymity network in the world, consisting of approximately 1500 nodes with a
+total capacity of approximately 3Gbps, and almost 1Gbps of total exit
+throughput. In over 6 years of operation, it has never gone down, and has
+never had a ``flag day''.
+Clients that use the Tor network construct paths called circuits that consist
+of 3 nodes (guard, middle, and exit) upon which they route multiple TCP
+streams. The nodes in each circuit are chosen probabilistically according to
+the maximum bandwidth they claim to observe themselves transmit over a 24 hour
+period~\cite{dir-spec}. The Tor client software ensures that no two nodes run
+by the same (cooperating) operator nor any two nodes from the same /16 netmask
+are ever chosen in the same circuit~\cite{path-spec}.
+However, the same distributed and heterogeneous nature of the network that
+gives Tor its strength is also a source of security, performance, and
+usability issues. The largest barrier to widespread use of the network is
+performance~\cite{murdoch-economics}, and the biggest user-visible performance
+issue is not actually total capacity, but the high variance in circuit
+performance and non-uniform distribution of network load.~\cite{perry-bh07}
+Moreover, there are a non-trivial number of nodes that alter content due to
+misconfiguration, or much less often, due to malice. This most frequently
+comes in the form of truncating TCP streams or failing DNS, but occasionally
+presents itself as SSL spoofing or interception by the upstream ISP. On rare
+occasion, SSH hijacking and web content injection have also been
+% XXX: There's another ref for this involving web injection
+The TorFlow suite attempts to address these issues with 4 major components. At
+the core is the TorCtl control port and path selection library, which provides
+the ability to create paths subject to arbitrary restrictions, measure various
+aspects of node reliability and performance, and store results in-memory or
+in a SQL database of your choice. 
+In addition, three network scanners are built on top of this library:
+SpeedRacer, BuildTimes, and SoaT (Snakes on a Tor). SpeedRacer measures
+average stream capacity. BuildTimes measures circuit construction speeds and
+failure rates. SoaT is a multi-protocol Tor exit node scanner, for detecting
+misconfigured or malicious exit nodes.
+\section{Path Selection and Measurement Library}
+The Python-based TorCtl library was initially authored by Nick
+Mathewson to provide programmatic access to the Tor Control Port
+protocol~\cite{control-spec}. It has since been extended to provide the
+ability to use modular components to build up custom path selection algorithms
+and gather statistics on their characteristics.
+\subsection{Tor Control Port Protocol}
+The Tor Control Port protocol used by TorCtl is a plaintext TCP-based protocol
+that provides well-formed information on Tor client status and events and
+optionally enables control over circuit construction and association of SOCKS
+streams to individual circuits.
+\caption{Example Tor Control Port connection with representative Tor Traffic.}
+\subsection{TorCtl Organization}
+\caption{TorCtl Core Class Diagram}
+TorCtl provides access to the Tor Control Port at several different layers of
+abstraction. At the lowest layer is the TorCtl Connection object (not shown),
+which is used to send commands to the control port and get responses. TorCtl
+Connections are often associated with a TorCtl EventHandler instance, which is
+passed objects representing parsed Tor Events.
+The EventHandler interface can be implemented directly, but is also extended
+by the library to provide a ConsensusTracker, which maintains a Python-based
+representation of the current Tor directory consensus as seen by the Tor
+If a higher level of control over pathing is desired, programmers can choose
+to utilize the Path Support routines by using a PathBuilder instance. The
+PathBuilder is an EventHandler that tracks incoming stream events and builds
+circuits for them according to the direction of a SelectionManager, which is
+queried whenever a new path is needed. 
+The provided SelectionManager breaks this construction down into
+NodeGenerators managed by a PathSelector.  NodeGenerators govern the
+underlying probability distribution from which nodes are drawn. Uniform,
+ordered, and Tor-compatible bandwidth-weighted node generators are provided.
+One NodeGenerator instance exists for each hop in a path of length 2 up to
+arbitrary N. 
+Each NodeGenerator has a collection of zero to arbitrary N NodeRestrictions 
+that are used to restrict which nodes are eligible for generation.
+Restrictions based on node exit policy, directory flags, identity key, 
+country, bandwidth, operating system, Tor version, and percentile rank are
+provided. Meta-restrictions such as And, Or, Not, and N of M are also
+After a candidate path is generated using the NodeGenerators, the PathSelector
+checks this path for validity against any supplied PathRestrictions. These
+include Tor's Subnet16, NodeFamily, and UniqueNode restrictions. Additionally,
+single continent, single country, continent changing, country changing, unique
+country, and unique continent restrictions were contributed by Johannes Renner
+for his research into geolocational path selection~\cite{renner-thesis}. 
+\subsection{EventListener Statistics Support}
+The TorCtl library provides two main mechanisms for gathering statistics.
+These are both implemented as EventListeners which can be attached to
+arbitrary EventHandlers regardless of what is managing path construction 
+and stream servicing.
+The first is a hand-coded StatsHandler that computes a series of statistics on
+circuit creation time and failure reason, and stream capacity and failure
+The second is a SQL-based system that stores circuit and/or stream events in
+SQL tables. The SQL system uses Elixir~\cite{Elixir} and
+SQLAlchemy~\cite{SQLAlchemy}, so the backend database can be any that is
+supported by SQLAlchemy (which includes just about every modern database
+\section{Performance Measurements}
+TorFlow currently utilizes the TorCtl support library towards two main classes
+of performance measurement: circuit-based and stream-based. The circuit-based
+measurements are concerned with construction time and reliability. The
+stream-based measurements are concerned primarily with stream capacity.
+\subsection{Circuit Construction Speed and Reliability}
+As stated previously, one of the major issues with Tor is the high variance of
+performance of nodes and paths. One way to avoid overloaded paths is to simply
+give up on circuits that take too long to build. The problem is that how long
+to wait before giving up is heavily dependent on the local link, as it must be
+traversed three times for each circuit construction due to the telescope-style
+circuit construction Tor employs.~\cite{tor-spec}.
+With this in mind, we created a Google Summer of Code project to determine a
+probability distribution that could be used to model Tor circuit construction
+times and then to implement code in the Tor client itself to estimate a
+particular client's distribution parameters and determine a proper circuit
+timeout cutoff for that client that would cut out the slowest X\% of paths
+from usage.
+Fallon Chen took this project, and started out by creating a utility called
+BuildTimes using TorCtl. It builds up to N circuits in parallel, subject to
+configurable TorCtl NodeRestrictions. In addition to collecting TorCtl
+aggregate statistics, it also logs circuit extend times to plaintext files
+that can be easily post-processed.
+Based on her measurements, we were able to determine that the circuit build
+times can be loosely modeled as a Pareto distribution, as shown in Figure
+\ref{fig:buildtimes} below. They can also be more tightly modeled with a
+Fr\'{e}chet distribution, but the estimators for this distribution are not as
+straightforward as Pareto, and for our purposes the only significant portion
+of the distribution is the tail, which matches well enough.
+Moreover, the major irregularity occurring at 6000ms (and also to a lesser
+degree at every second) in the histogram has been identified by Karsten
+Loesing as being a result of our rate limiting algorithm emptying its token
+buckets in sync across the network at the top of each second as opposed to
+continuously. When this is addressed, the Pareto fit should improve.
+\caption{Network-wide bandwidth-weighted circuit build time distribution (ms).}
+Unfortunately, Fallon's research obligations over the summer prevented her
+from completing the second half of the project and we have not yet
+recalibrated Tor's circuit timeout in the client.
+\subsection{Guard Node Rebalancing}
+\caption{Circuit construction times before and after guard rebalancing.}
+In 2007, an early TorFlow implementation was used to measure circuit
+responsiveness and reliability of 5\% slices of the network (lower percentiles
+indicate higher advertised bandwidth). Repeated measurement showed that nodes
+became progressively less responsive and more failure prone as they got
+slower, up until the 50\% mark, at which point the pattern suddenly stopped.
+This pattern can be seen in the left side of Figures \ref{fig:Extends} and
+This 50\% mark was the same point where nodes ceased to be considered for
+'guard' status.
+We eventually discovered that client guard node selection, instead of being
+weighted based on bandwidth, was actually uniform. We developed a new algorithm
+to fix this, as well as to properly account for weighting both guards and
+exits according to their scarcity when being selected for other positions in
+the network~\cite{bug440,perry-balancing}.
+Without an autoupdater, it took over a year for enough clients to upgrade for
+the results to be visible in our scans, but it appears that at least among
+guards, the load is now considerably more uniform.
+\caption{Circuit Failure Rates before and after guard rebalancing}
+However, it is obvious that irregularities still remain. Interestingly, the
+points of very low failure rates in Figure \ref{fig:Failure} correspond to the
+periods between 01:00 and 03:00 PST, when most of the US is asleep, and
+consistently appeared at that time in numerous scans. This seems to suggest we
+should avoid capacity scans during those hours. It also suggests that circuit
+reliability may be dependent on load in a non-linear fashion. One potential
+source for this is CPU load: when Tor detects that is not able to complete
+crypto operations fast enough, it begins dropping circuit creation cells. This
+could explain the sharp difference in high load vs low load conditions for
+circuit failure, but not for stream capacity.
+Furthermore, it appears in the right side of Figure \ref{fig:Failure} as
+though the slower 50\% of the network is now exhibiting significantly higher
+failure percentages than the first 50\%. In order to explore this, we ran a
+number of additional circuit failure scans utilizing TorFlow's Node
+Restriction capabilities.
+\subsection{Drilling Down with Restrictions}
+Our first guess was that middle nodes were bearing more than their proportion
+of directory requests due to changes in client node selection in the guard
+rebalancing fixes mentioned above.
+However, circuit construction scans showed this not to be the case. In fact,
+it showed the exact opposite. Nodes with their directory port open did not
+exhibit consistent increase in either circuit failure or extend time over
+nodes without their directory port open, and middle nodes exhibited much less
+circuit failure than guard and exit nodes.
+After more investigation and many scans, two consistent failure classes
+emerged: Windows nodes, and non-bandwidth limited nodes, each of which seemed
+to perform a bit worse as Guard and Exit nodes than as the middle nodes.
+\caption{Circuit failure of Windows nodes}
+The Windows node result is not entirely surprising, as it is known that these
+nodes will have difficulty servicing large numbers of sockets using normal
+WinSock~\cite{nickm-iocp}. As can be seen in Figure \ref{fig:WinFail}, these
+nodes exhibit significantly higher circuit failure rates than non-Windows
+nodes, and also predictably fare worse in either the Guard or Exit position,
+where they have to maintain significantly more TCP sockets for clients and
+exit streams, respectively. 
+There are some aberrations. In particular, the high-end Windows nodes seem to
+be on par with their peers. This is likely due to the higher socket limits of
+server editions of Windows as compared to desktop.
+\caption{Circuit failure and extend times of bandwidth limited vs non-limited
+Interestingly, as can be seen in the left side of Figure \ref{fig:BwLimited},
+nodes that have configured a specific bandwidth rate limit are considerably
+more reliable than those that set no limit and just fill their upstream to the
+max. One potential reason for this could be that due to Tor's multiplexing of
+streams inside TCP, the backoff properties of TCP are really damaging to the
+ability of circuit creation cells to get through in time. Other possibilities
+include asymmetric bandwidth limits and OS and CPU limits being easier to hit,
+causing failure as opposed to smooth throttling.
+Also of interest from the right side of Figure \ref{fig:BwLimited} is the fact
+that despite only emptying their queues once per second, the circuit extend
+latencies of bandwidth-limited nodes are still typically less than their
+non-limited neighbors. This indicates that most of these rate limited nodes
+have more than one second worth of data queued up. It also again hints at the
+possibility that the normal fairness properties of TCP are not functioning
+properly for the non-limited nodes.
+Additional scans have also shown that unlike the Windows nodes, non-limited
+nodes exhibit the same failure characteristics in both middle and Guard/Exit
+positions. Furthermore, more failures are caused by timeout as opposed to
+closed connections for the non-limited nodes than for the Windows nodes. These
+two facts seem to indicate that the circuit failure is independent of the
+ability to make a TCP connection for non-limited nodes, and is possibly tied
+to the ability to transfer a create cell through the network and also
+implicate TCP flow control issues.
+\caption{Circuit failure of Windows versus Non-Limited nodes}
+It is also the case that many of the Windows nodes also do not set
+bandwidth limits for themselves. This led us to perform four scans to compare
+the effect of Windows, the results of which are shown in Figure \ref{fig:LimitFail}.
+On the left side of Figure \ref{fig:LimitFail}, it can be seen that while
+non-Win32 non-limited nodes do exhibit higher failure rates than the limited
+nodes in Figure \ref{fig:BwLimited}, the bulk of the failure is due to the
+Windows non-limited nodes. Furthermore, on the right of Figure
+\ref{fig:LimitFail}, it can be seen that Limited Windows nodes perform
+significantly better than non-limited, though again not quite on par with
+limited nodes from Figure \ref{fig:BwLimited}. This could be due to the
+limited nodes' operators ensuring that they set their bandwidth rate below the
+point at which Tor begins to experience performance problems or otherwise slow
+down their system.
+This seems to indicate that we need to encourage node operators to set
+bandwidth limits below their connection's capacity, and that we need to ensure
+that the Vidalia UI is clear enough for Windows users to be able to set 
+limits properly, and understand the importance of doing so.
+\caption{Density of non-limited and Windows nodes per percentile}
+To help understand the effects on the network as a whole, we broke down the
+proportion of non-limited and Windows nodes in each percentile slice in Figure
+\ref{fig:BadNodes}. On the left is the combination of non-limited and Windows
+nodes, and on the right is Windows nodes that are non-limited. It can be seen
+that the amount of Windows non-limited nodes roughly correspond to the level
+of failure rates from the right side of Figure \ref{fig:Failure}. Of course,
+correlation does not imply causation, but it does give us a starting point to
+work with.
+\subsection{Directory Feedback}
+Trying to determine the source of unbalancing by guesswork, measurement, and
+experiment is time consuming. Correcting for these discovered issues
+algorithmically is even harder, and is also fragile to other changes in the
+It would be much better if we could use a balancing metric or metrics, and use
+them directly to alter client load allocation to correct for arbitrary
+\caption{Stream bandwidth capacity as measured by recent feedback scan}
+In a well-balanced network, all streams should receive the same bandwidth. 
+It can clearly be seen from Figure \ref{fig:StreamBw} that this is not the
+case, and that some segments of the network are providing clients with 
+much better capacities than others.
+Based on this, a good metric to gauge the load of a node relative to its peers
+should be the ratio of its average stream capacity to that of the rest of the
+network. This ratio should represent the ratio of extra load the node is
+carrying over its peers.
+The TorCtl SpeedRacer utility produces these ratios. It divides the network
+into 50 node slices based on advertised bandwidth rankings and repeatedly
+fetches a large file through 2-hop Tor circuits created inside this range.
+It then uses the SQL support of TorCtl to produce a preliminary ratio for each
+node. To prevent potential sabotage and to preserve fairness, nodes with
+ratios significantly less than 1.0 are filtered from the results of other
+nodes, as are any other slow outlier streams, and the ratios are
+These ratios can then be used to form a feedback loop with the directory
+authorities: a set of scanning authorities will use the ratios to adjust node
+bandwidths in their consensus document while retaining the original values in
+the node descriptors. The authorities will then vote on the official values by
+taking the median of the scanning authority values.
+Newer Tor clients (v0.2.1 and above) have already been modified to accept
+these new values as part of work done by Peter Palfrader to reduce descriptor
+size and directory server overhead. The weighted values will cause these new
+clients to choose these nodes less often, due to the probabilistic weighting
+of Tor's node selection algorithm~\cite{path-spec}.
+Subsequent passes of the scanner will then use the published value when
+computing new ratios, and their computed ratios should eventually converge to
+Because we keep the original values on-hand, we can implement algorithmic
+balancing improvements in tandem with this system without jeopardizing the
+network. All we need to do is see if the new algorithmic changes alter the
+ratios that are being computed for better or for worse.
+It should be noted that it is also possible to similarly compute circuit
+failure ratios that can be multiplied with the stream capacity ratios to deal
+with nodes experiencing forms of load other than bandwidth constraint, such as
+those in the preceding section. Our current plan is to perform the stream
+adjustments first, and note what effect, if any, this has on circuit
+reliability, and then introduce those ratio adjustments if needed.
+\section{Exit Node Scanning}
+The Snakes on a Tor exit scanner performs a series of actions via various exit
+nodes. The current implementation was initially written by Google Summer of
+Code student Aleksei Gorny. It supports scanning exit nodes for modifications
+to SSL, HTML, JavaScript, HTTP Headers, and arbitrary HTTP content. 
+Target sites are obtained by querying Google and Yahoo for keywords from a
+keyword file and pulling a random selection from those results.
+All aspects of the scan are continually checkpointed and serialized as pickled
+Python objects, so that scans can be resumed at any time in the event of code
+modification or failure. A Snake Inspector script examines the pickled
+results and is able to display error classification and differences in a human
+readable format, as well as re-evaluate failures based on changing criteria.
+We face a similar problem scope to antivirus software. It is unreasonable to
+expect to be able to detect all malicious exit nodes on the network. Nodes can
+target specific sites in languages the scanners do not speak, or they can
+target only specific users. 
+Instead, our goals are essentially twofold: Firstly, we aim for the more
+modest goal of removing exit status of misconfigured or egregiously censored
+nodes. Second, we aim to prevent dragnet user exploitation and unmasking via
+Tor. We want to make it such that there is a high level of risk and effort
+associated with using exploits against large sections of the Tor userbase for
+purposes of creating botnets or mining account credentials. 
+\subsection{General Methodology}
+  TorResult = PerformFetch(Tor, URL, TorAuthSet)
+  NonTorResult1 = PerformFetch(NonTorIP1, URL, NonTorAuthSet)
+  if IsPrefix(TorResult, NonTorResult1):
+  TorResult = StripIrrelevant(TorResult)
+  NonTorResult1 = StripIrrelevant(NonTorResult1)
+  if TorResult == NonTorResult1:
+    return OK
+  NonTorResult2 = PerformFetch(NonTorIP2, URL, TorAuthSet)
+  NonTorResult2 = StripIrrelevant(NonTorResult2)
+  if DifferencePruner: # Difference Pruning Step (optional)
+    Diffs |= Diff(NonTorResult1, NonTorResult2)
+    NonTorResult2 = Prune(NonTorResult2, Diffs)
+    TorResult = Prune(TorResult, Diffs)
+  if NonTorResult2 == TorResult:
+    return OK
+In general, all scans follow the pattern in the above pseudocode:
+First they perform an operation without Tor. They then perform that same
+operation through Tor. If the relevant content matches, it is a success.
+Otherwise, they perform the operation again from a new Non-Tor IP but using
+the same credentials (such as cookies) that were used during Tor.  Optionally,
+they perform a "Difference Pruning" step that removes items that have changed
+between the two Non-Tor operations from consideration from the second Non-Tor
+fetch. Finally, they compare the Tor fetch to this new Non-Tor fetch. If there
+are no relevant differences, then it is a success. Otherwise, the node is
+marked as a failure.
+In reality, we have many more failure types than just truncation and
+modification. There are also DNS failures, various types of network errors,
+timeout errors, HTTP errors, SSL errors, Tor errors, and also
+subclassifications of these.
+\subsection{HTML and JavaScript Scanning}
+In the case of HTML scanning, we use Beautiful Soup~\cite{BeautifulSoup} to
+strip content down to only tags that can contain plugins, script, or CSS in
+order to eliminate localization and content changes from comparison and to
+obtain a set of page script, iframe, object, and link tags for recursion. 
+% XXX: This needs to be more precise
+The Difference Pruning step is done by first building sets of HTML tags and
+their attributes seen for a particular URL. If any new tags or attributes
+appear during successive Non-Tor fetches, they are added to the set of
+differences, elements of which then set-subtracted from the Tor fetches.
+The HTML Difference Pruner objects persist for the duration of the scan and
+are also serialized, so that differences can continue to be accumulated and
+filtered out, and that initial failures can be corrected by the Snake
+Inspector script post-scan.
+If the HTML Difference Pruner finds no new Tor differences after pruning, we
+rerun the unpruned fetches through a JavaScript Difference Pruner that uses a
+Javascript parser from the Antlr Project~\cite{Javascript.g} to prune
+differences from an AST. This is done to ensure we haven't pruned a tag or
+attribute that varies because of minor Javascript differences (such as unique
+identifiers embedded in script). If no Tor differences remain, the node has
+The Javascript parser and Javascript Difference Pruner are also used for pure
+Javascript files during page element recursion.
+\subsection{Filtering False Positives}
+Despite the above efforts, false positives inevitably arise. To deal with
+them, we have implemented URL-based filters such that if a particular URL
+causes more than a set percentage of exit nodes to fail a scan, it is
+automatically removed from consideration and the nodes are rescanned with
+fresh URLs.
+Additionally, SoaT provides the ability to rescan nodes that were marked as
+failed during any of its previous scans.
+By far the most common result are nodes that simply routinely timeout instead
+of completing streams. A close second to this are nodes that truncate streams
+part of the way through. Less common, but still prevalent, are nodes that
+cannot perform DNS resolution. There's also usually one or two nodes injecting
+Javascript that hooks window.open, presumably as part of their antivirus
+software's popup blocking mechanism. On occasion, we'll hit a node that has
+some sort of payment portal up, possibly due to people doing things like
+attempting to run Tor nodes out of fee-based Internet services in hotels,
+coffeshops, or airports.
+On the more malicious end of the spectrum, we've seen a couple of nodes that
+spoof SSL, typically with self-signed SSL certificates. Usually these are in
+China, but we have seen one in Europe, and another in Atlanta, Georgia. We've
+also seen one instance of a node spoofing SSH keys.
+\section{Future Work}
+There are several directions for immediate and long-term future work.
+\subsection{Exit Scanning}
+Despite our efforts, exit scanning still has a number of weaknesses against 
+diligent adversaries.
+Firstly, we currently have no ability to recursively fetch URLs constructed by
+Javascript, which means that if an adversary were able to detect any fetches
+generated through them, they would be able to modify the resulting content in
+only these URLs without fear of us noticing.  The best way to gain full
+visibility of these URLs is to actually have a real Firefox instance
+controlled by SoaT that gives us a list of URLs to recurse from a given source
+URL. We could also extend this to use Firefox to perform additional Tor
+fetches from an instrumented virtual machine that actually watches for signs
+of proxy bypass, unauthorized disk access, or new executable mappings in the
+Firefox process itself.
+Second, we have no visibility behind POST requests and forms. We need to
+figure out a way to either randomly post at forms, or use fixed logins for a
+set of non-SSL webapps.
+Third, we currently have very limited visibility into websites that are highly
+dynamic. In particular, websites that produce completely different layouts for
+different countries are often removed from consideration by our URL based
+filters. One thing we can do about this is have country-specific scanners that
+use GeoIP path restrictions to only scan exits in their own country. Another
+might be to delegate trusted exit nodes in each location that can be used to
+fetch content where we normally used the local IP.
+Another more serious issue along these lines are the ad networks. Some of them
+exhibit too many changes for our difference pruner to be left with much useful
+content, and thus may be potentially replaced with malicious content and still
+be undetected by our scans. Shipping something like Adblock in the default
+configuration of Tor would essentially eliminate this from our threat model
+(and make our users safer in general, as the ad networks themselves are often
+vectors for malware~\cite{ads-malware}). However, this may introduce political
+complications. Many sites are already trigger-happy to ban the entire Tor
+network from contributing content, and a loss of revenue stream may be all the
+reason they need to ban readers as well.
+Fourth, it would be interesting to set up some honeypot accounts that log in
+to POP3 and IMAP accounts only from specific exit IPs, to determine if these
+accounts are ever used outside of the scan.
+\subsection{Reliability and Node-Based Directory Feedback}
+As we've seen, stream capacity is not the whole story when it comes to node
+load. Nodes can become CPU or file descriptor constrained, both of which will
+cause them to fail circuits but still have reasonable capacity for those that
+get through. In fact, many of the faster nodes on the network max out CPU
+before network capacity, which will cause them to drop create cells and close
+circuits. However, the circuits and streams that do manage to get through will
+have good capacity through these nodes. Does this mean we should weight them
+higher, or should we possibly multiply their stream ratio by an additional
+circuit failure ratio?
+Along these lines, there is another class of adversary that we'd like to be
+able to detect as well: Those that fail circuits that don't involve their
+colluding peers~\cite{fu-bh09}. Such adversaries can lie about their bandwidth
+capacity by an amount that is proportional to the amount of circuits that they
+fail~\cite{mccoy-low,tabriz-denial}, and would able to ensure that every byte
+they devote to Tor is devoted to surveiling a compromised path. Worse, their
+inflated bandwidth statistics would not be noticed by our capacity scanners
+because they would be able to lie just enough to compensate for the circuits
+they fail that are not compromised.
+It is our intuition that our reliability statistics can help detect these
+attacks, but to have a truly resilient defense, we'd need node based monitoring
+of circuit reliability as opposed to client based, which is prone to
+fingerprinting and detection.
+\subsection{We Need More Data!}
+We've only just begun to leverage the new TorCtl framework, and for every
+question it answers, there are often two more uncovered as a result. More
+scans need to be done to test various hypotheses to attempt to answer these
+In particular, the circuit construction scans that shed insight into
+particular trouble-spots in the network should also be repeated as stream
+capacity scans. Because stream capacity scans are considerably slower and more
+taxing on the network, it was much easier to find the trouble spots with
+circuit scans first. However, certain characteristics may affect circuit
+failure and not stream capacity and vice-versa, so all of the pertinent
+results should ideally be repeated with stream bandwidth scans.
+We'd like to thank all of our Google Summer of Code students who have
+contributed various features to TorFlow: Johannes Renner for his GeoIP-based
+restrictions and his work in building latency maps of the Tor network, Fallon
+Chen for her work on the BuildTimes utility, and Aleksei Gorny for his work
+on an initial Python rewrite of SoaT. We'd also like to thank Google for
+sponsoring Tor and providing a generous allocation of students year after
+We'd also like to thank Karsten Loesing for his thorough analysis of our
+circuit BuildTimes data and for his Python rewrite of the URL fetching
+piece of SpeedRacer.
+Lastly, we'd like to thank Roger and Nick for having the foresight to design
+such a flexible control mechanism for Tor, for their thorough efforts at
+documenting it and the rest of Tor, and for Tor in general.
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