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[tor-dev] [GSoC] pyptlib Status Update

Here is the proposed schedule for the project:

Week 1 - pyptlib.config API draft
Week 2 - pyptlib.config implementation
Week 3 - pyptlib.framework API draft
Week 4 - pyptlib.framework implementation
Week 5 - pyptlib.transports example implementations (dummy, rot13) and command line options
Week 6 - testing and debugging of whole system
Week 7 - Refactoring, cleaning, and documentation update
Midterm evaluations
Week 8 - Dust
Week 9 - obfs2
Week 10 - flashproxy
Week 11 - Transport refinements and enhancements
Week 12 - Testing, debugging, refactoring, cleaning, and documentation update
Pencils down

We are currently finishing up Week 4 and I have a rough draft of the framework in place. It will probably need a lot of refinement as I start implementing actual transports. I've also implement a pluggable transport manager in python which can stand in for tor when doing testing. So far everything seems to be working fine. Next week I look forward to getting some actual traffic obfuscated using the example plugins.

More posts about pyptlib are available on my project blog: http://stepthreeprivacy.org/post/25233028188/status-update-schedule-and-framework

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