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Re: [tor-relays] IPV6 address keeps changing every 2-3 days

On Tuesday, January 18, 2022 10:36:21 PM CET Quentin Campbell wrote:

> Its IP addresses (IPV4 & IPV6) are allocated dynamically.
> The IPV4 address can remain the same for weeks. However the IPV6 address
> seems less stable and lasts no more than 2 or 3 days before changing.
> A consquence of this is that Tor Metrics (atlas) shows a lot of downtime
> for the node.
> When I see that the node is down I restart the (UBUNTU) NetworkManager
> although the host should pick up the new address eventually without
> doing that?
> I would like to run a stable node with as little downtime as possible.
> Any suggestions on how I might improve things; in particular can I
> automate the checking and restart of the network/TOR whenever the IPV6
> address changes? Do I really need to do this?

Try to use a DNS name in the torrc"Address  host.domain.tld"
and use a DynDNS service for IP & IPv6.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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