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Re: [tor-relays] Tor project helping to attempt to cancel Richard Stallman

>So while I'd share your belief that Tor project should stay out of this, or better yet, support >RMS, shutting down nodes seems like taking out your punishment on the innocent ones.

This, we already have only a handful of nodes, and even fewer exit
nodes, please don't make the situation worse just because of some
personal feud.

Please reconsider your actions.

- William

On 25/03/2021, Roman Mamedov <rm@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 20:06:48 -0600
> Jeffrey Cliff <jeffrey.cliff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I've been running a relay/exit node for many years.  Tor user since
>> ~2004.
>> To the extent that my voice means anything at all here, I would like to
>> strongly condemn the Tor project joining the attempt to cancel Richard
>> Stallman.  Stallman represents software freedom to me generally and as of
>> today I will be shutting down my exit node in protest of this action by
>> the
>> Tor Project.
>> I hope the rest of you out there, who depend every day on GNU project
>> code
>> which would not exist without RMS's project, might consider joining me.
> Sign the supporting letter: https://rms-support-letter.github.io/
> As for Tor, I am not running my nodes "for the Tor project", I'm running
> them
> for the end users who need a free and open Internet. So while I'd share
> your
> belief that Tor project should stay out of this, or better yet, support
> RMS,
> shutting down nodes seems like taking out your punishment on the innocent
> ones.
> --
> With respect,
> Roman
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