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Re: Querying TOR server info

On 2007-08-14 14:09 CST, ZiM wrote:
> Hi!
> Is it possible to get the list of current entry guards my TOR server (Linux) is using? Sending USR1 signal doesn't seem to print this particular information in logs. It shows current introduction points, but not guards. Is it possible to determine them by looking at TOR's data files? This quite easy in Vidalia/TOR client-only installations, but a server is completely different story.
> Regards, JB

If your Tor server has its control port (normally 9051) open, you may
telnet into it and use getinfo command to get the entry guards list:

  $ telnet localhost 9051
  > authenticate
  > getinfo entry-guards

If the control port is not open, you may view the status file in Tor's
data directory (e.g. /var/lib/tor).
