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[tor-talk] [IDEA] Google App Engine, Tor Hidden Service Viewer


I just had the greatest idea that came into my head. There is a Tor
implentation of Tor called JTor written in Java, and Google App Engine
offers Free to Low Cost Application Hosting. Why not use JTor and modify it
as Java Backend to connect to Tor Hidden Services and combine it with the
Mirrorrr <https://github.com/bslatkin/mirrorrr> (through a modified version
of Jython). It would allow people to view Tor Hidden Services from a
standard web browser with a limited amount of anonymity. What do you guys
think of this project? I'm going to learn Java and this is going to be my
project. "JTHSV" (Java Tor Hidden Service Viewer). I'm not a programmer yet
but is this project do-able?
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