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Re: [tor-talk] Why so may exit node IP addresses in the TBB?

It started on the alpha development of 4.5[1]:

"This release features [...] isolation for circuit use. All content
elements for a website will use a single circuit, and different websites
should use different circuits, even when viewed at the same time."

[1]: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-45-alpha-1-released

On 2016-07-22 at 17:48, blobby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Sure, I get the logic. I'm just wondering when it started. I'm sure that
> even a few weeks ago there was one IP used irrespective of how many
> pages you had opened simultaneously in the TBB.
> On 2016-07-22 15:44, David Olofsson wrote:
>> I assume that it is so that data entered on an assumed http website
>> cannot
>> be used to identify your data to other sites. Simply, to decouple the
>> sifferent sessions you're having on different sites.
>> On 22 Jul 2016 16:21, <blobby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Has the TBB changed the way that IP addresses are allocated?
>>> It used to be that, if you opened five sites in TBB, all five would use
>>> the same exit node. Now it appears that each of the five sites has
>>> the IP
>>> address of a different exit node.
>>> Is this a new policy? What is the purpose?
>>> -- 
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Juan Miguel Navarro Martínez

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