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Re: [tor-talk] Limiting number of outbound TCP connection from One Circuit

Hi Griffin,

my comments below.

On 11/20/12 3:11 PM, Griffin Boyce wrote:
> Hi Fabio,
>   To recap the discussion for everyone else, we were talking about
> blocking portscans on exit nodes.  While it's possible to block a
> targeted portscan by limiting what ports can be accessed in iptables,
> blocking a broad vulnerability scan with many targets is trickier.
>   I'm rather curious as to how a circuit would be effectively defined in
> this case.  While Tor circuits do rotate every 10mins, it wouldn't
> really be possible to map traffic to a single abusive user.  It would be
> more of a guess.  So instead any rules apply to everyone using the exit
> node.
> One solution could be something like either:
>     iptables -A inbound -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m limit \ --limit
> 5/s --limit-burst 3 -j ACCEPT
>     iptables -A outbound -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m limit \ --limit
> 5/s --limit-burst 3 -j ACCEPT

This would not scale for two reason:
1 - This is not specifically targeting "Exit Traffic" because currently
there is no way to distinguish between OR traffic and Exit Traffic.
2 - This would hurt "valid traffic too" because it's absolutely
reasonable for a 10Mbit Tor Exit Node to have big spike of new connections

So a "polite" approach to "block/mitigate" outgoing portscan should goes:
- only match Tor Exit Node traffic (and not Tor Relay or Directory traffic)
- be dynamic, in order to handle normal burst of traffic

On 1st point we would probably need some kind of Tor patch to have
"ExitAddress" configuration settings in a similar way to
"OutBoundAddress" (that also does OR/relay traffic).

On 2nd point, it's a quite complicated stuff, as we need some-how need
to link iptables actions to the originating Tor-client activity,
otherwise we will hurt real user traffic.

What do you think?
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