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Re: 64Bit ints

 > I experimented a bit with "long long" variables, and they apparently behave
 > just like a nice 64bit int should behave. Arithmetic operations work,
 > making arrays of them works, bit shifting/masking works and getting their
 > address works. Seems as if we can safely use them...

If you want to stay portable, you probably should make a suite of macros that
take advantage intrinsic 64-bit types/arithmetic if available, and calculate
them manually if not:

   typedef unsigned short    UInt16;
   typedef unsigned long     UInt32;

#ifdef INTRINSIC_64BIT /* or something */

   typedef unsigned longlong UInt64;
   #define Add64(r,x,y)  (void) ((r) = (x) + (y))


   typedef struct { UInt32 hi, lo; } UInt64;
   #define Add64(r,x,y) __MyAdd64(&(r), &(x), &(y))


Inlining the manual calculations will help their performance a bit.


/* Matt Slot, Bitwise Operator * One box, two box, yellow box, blue box. *
 *  <fprefect@ambrosiasw.com>  * <http://www.ambrosiasw.com/~fprefect/>  */