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Re: [pygame] Network game programming with python

On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Bob Ippolito wrote:

>> But I also assume Twisted is/will be intergrated into the Python 
>> standard
>> library sooner or later, so that will make Twisted come "for free" 
>> without
>> an additional dependency for the players, but until it is, it's an 
>> extra
>> hassle for players.
>Well if you're distributing an application in a self-containedish 
>format, or as a debian package, or whatever.. it's not going to make so 
>much of a difference whether you use Twisted or not.

We distribute as deb and "other formats", but adding Twisted into the
package will just open up a can of worms. It should be provided with
Python or be a separate simple download. And as long as it's an extra 
download it's going to be a hassle for players. Pygame in itself requires
quite a lot of stuff (that fortunately nowadays is becoming more and more
installed by default), but adding a lot of extra downloads will
drastically reduce the amount of players that bother testing a game. 

And no, not all players run Debian. :(

>Besides, everyone should have Twisted anyways :)

This is just a silly argument, but you already know it. :)


             Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off.
                                              -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods