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Re: [pygame] Character Movement

Kris Schnee wrote:
Charles Christie wrote:
Kris: I did the typing part. Now I want to have a character that the person playing the game can move across the screen.

Would this graphics engine be of any use? <http://kschnee.xepher.net/pics/070416island.jpg>

I've got an animated character that can walk and jump around on a scrolling tiled landscape loaded from a 1000x1000 image map. (The area shown in the minimap is the central island of this "zone": <http://kschnee.xepher.net/pics/zone_0_0.png>)

The efficiency, hence speed, is poor because it's currently drawing a whole screen's worth of tiles every frame. The graphics shown are ugly because I haven't thought of what way to handle transitions between terrain types, and because I drew them. (I'm proud of that tree though!)
That's a pretty sweet tree, dude. :D
Anyway, it's usable to display a large tiled landscape with an animated character; you could theoretically hook that up to the typing system.
It's a cool engine for sure, but I believe CC is making a Raiden-type japanese shooter (bullet-dodging type thing.) Hope you don't mind me answering for you, Charles.
