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[pygame] Pygame 1.8.1 pre-release Windows binaries available

The Windows binaries for Pygame 1.8.1pre (SVN 1217) are available at http://www3.telus.net/pygame/ . These are unofficial. It includes the fix for the infamous PNG bug. Documentation is also updated. For non-Windows users there is a gzipped tarball.

The md5 sums:
2119fd835da8ece25ff103d1f296ea9c *pygame-1.8.1a0.win32-py2.4.msi
c9218872933f8cec826c03cc929cce50 *pygame-1.8.1a0.win32-py2.5.msi
61d88cdd394b31ea90d13e3b42628223 *pygame-1.8-docs-setup.exe

Lenard Lindstrom