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[pygame] Test suite fails with Python 3.1 and 3.2

Test suite fails with Python 3.1 and 3.2.

$ PYTHONPATH="build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.2" python3.2 run_tests.py
skipping test._movie_test (tag 'subprocess_ignore')
skipping test.cdrom_test (tag 'interactive')
skipping test.freetype_font_test (tag 'subprocess_ignore')
skipping test.midi_test (tag 'interactive')
skipping test.threads_test (tag 'subprocess_ignore')
loading test._view_test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "run_tests.py", line 9, in <module>
    import test.__main__
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/__main__.py", line 131, in <module> 
    run(*args, **kwds)
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/test_utils/run_tests.py", line 271, in run 
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/test_utils/run_tests.py", line 257, in sub_test 
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/test_utils/async_sub.py", line 251, in proc_in_time_or_kill
    response += [proc.read_async(wait=0.1, e=0)]
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/test_utils/async_sub.py", line 107, in read_async
    r = pr()
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/test_utils/async_sub.py", line 89, in recv 
    return self._recv('stdout', maxsize)
  File "/home/Arfrever/pygame_trunk/test/test_utils/async_sub.py", line 225, in _recv
    r = conn.read(maxsize)
AttributeError: '_io.FileIO' object has no attribute 'read1'

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

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